/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "BootParameters.h" #define LOG_TAG "BootParameters" #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <android-base/file.h> #include <json/json.h> #include <utils/Log.h> using android::base::ReadFileToString; using android::base::RemoveFileIfExists; using android::base::WriteStringToFile; using Json::ArrayIndex; using Json::Reader; using Json::Value; namespace android { namespace { // Keys for deprecated parameters. Devices that OTA from N to O and that used // the hidden BootParameters API will store these in the JSON blob. To support // the transition from N to O, these keys are mapped to the new parameters. constexpr const char *kKeyLegacyVolume = "volume"; constexpr const char *kKeyLegacyAnimationsDisabled = "boot_animation_disabled"; constexpr const char *kKeyLegacyParamNames = "param_names"; constexpr const char *kKeyLegacyParamValues = "param_values"; constexpr const char *kNextBootFile = "/data/misc/bootanimation/next_boot.proto"; constexpr const char *kLastBootFile = "/data/misc/bootanimation/last_boot.proto"; constexpr const char *kLegacyNextBootFile = "/data/misc/bootanimation/next_boot.json"; constexpr const char *kLegacyLastBootFile = "/data/misc/bootanimation/last_boot.json"; void removeLegacyFiles() { std::string err; if (!RemoveFileIfExists(kLegacyLastBootFile, &err)) { ALOGW("Unable to delete %s: %s", kLegacyLastBootFile, err.c_str()); } err.clear(); if (!RemoveFileIfExists(kLegacyNextBootFile, &err)) { ALOGW("Unable to delete %s: %s", kLegacyNextBootFile, err.c_str()); } } void createNextBootFile() { errno = 0; int fd = open(kNextBootFile, O_CREAT, DEFFILEMODE); if (fd == -1) { ALOGE("Unable to create next boot file: %s", strerror(errno)); } else { // Make next_boot.json writable to everyone so DeviceManagementService // can save saved_parameters there. if (fchmod(fd, DEFFILEMODE)) ALOGE("Unable to set next boot file permissions: %s", strerror(errno)); close(fd); } } } // namespace // Renames the 'next' boot file to the 'last' file and reads its contents. bool BootParameters::swapAndLoadBootConfigContents(const char *lastBootFile, const char *nextBootFile, std::string *contents) { if (!ReadFileToString(nextBootFile, contents)) { RemoveFileIfExists(lastBootFile); return false; } errno = 0; if (rename(nextBootFile, lastBootFile) && errno != ENOENT) ALOGE("Unable to swap boot files: %s", strerror(errno)); return true; } BootParameters::BootParameters() { loadParameters(); } // Saves the boot parameters state to disk so the framework can read it. void BootParameters::storeParameters() { errno = 0; if (!WriteStringToFile(mProto.SerializeAsString(), kLastBootFile)) { ALOGE("Failed to write boot parameters to %s: %s", kLastBootFile, strerror(errno)); } // WriteStringToFile sets the file permissions to 0666, but these are not // honored by the system. errno = 0; if (chmod(kLastBootFile, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)) { ALOGE("Failed to set permissions for %s: %s", kLastBootFile, strerror(errno)); } } // Load the boot parameters from disk, try the old location and format if the // file does not exist. Note: // - Parse errors result in defaults being used (a normal boot). // - Legacy boot parameters default to a silent boot. void BootParameters::loadParameters() { // Precedence is given to the new file format (.proto). std::string contents; if (swapAndLoadBootConfigContents(kLastBootFile, kNextBootFile, &contents)) { parseBootParameters(contents); } else if (swapAndLoadBootConfigContents(kLegacyLastBootFile, kLegacyNextBootFile, &contents)) { parseLegacyBootParameters(contents); storeParameters(); removeLegacyFiles(); } createNextBootFile(); } void BootParameters::parseBootParameters(const std::string &contents) { if (!mProto.ParseFromString(contents)) { ALOGW("Failed to parse parameters from %s", kLastBootFile); return; } loadStateFromProto(); } // Parses the JSON in the proto. void BootParameters::parseLegacyBootParameters(const std::string &contents) { Value json; if (!Reader().parse(contents, json)) { ALOGW("Failed to parse parameters from %s", kLegacyLastBootFile); return; } int volume = 0; bool bootAnimationDisabled = true; Value &jsonValue = json[kKeyLegacyVolume]; if (jsonValue.isIntegral()) { volume = jsonValue.asInt(); } jsonValue = json[kKeyLegacyAnimationsDisabled]; if (jsonValue.isIntegral()) { bootAnimationDisabled = jsonValue.asInt() == 1; } // Assume a silent boot unless all of the following are true - // 1. The volume is neither 0 nor -1000 (the legacy default value). // 2. The boot animations are explicitly enabled. // Note: brightness was never used. mProto.set_silent_boot((volume == 0) || (volume == -1000) || bootAnimationDisabled); Value &keys = json[kKeyLegacyParamNames]; Value &values = json[kKeyLegacyParamValues]; if (keys.isArray() && values.isArray() && (keys.size() == values.size())) { for (ArrayIndex i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { auto &key = keys[i]; auto &value = values[i]; if (key.isString() && value.isString()) { auto userParameter = mProto.add_user_parameter(); userParameter->set_key(key.asString()); userParameter->set_value(value.asString()); } } } loadStateFromProto(); } void BootParameters::loadStateFromProto() { // A missing key returns a safe, default value. // Ignore invalid or missing parameters. mIsSilentBoot = mProto.silent_boot(); for (const auto ¶m : mProto.user_parameter()) { mParameters.push_back({.key = param.key().c_str(), .value = param.value().c_str()}); } } } // namespace android