/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define DEBUG false #include "Log.h" #include "anomaly/AlarmMonitor.h" #include "guardrail/StatsdStats.h" namespace android { namespace os { namespace statsd { AlarmMonitor::AlarmMonitor( uint32_t minDiffToUpdateRegisteredAlarmTimeSec, const std::function<void(const sp<IStatsCompanionService>&, int64_t)>& updateAlarm, const std::function<void(const sp<IStatsCompanionService>&)>& cancelAlarm) : mRegisteredAlarmTimeSec(0), mMinUpdateTimeSec(minDiffToUpdateRegisteredAlarmTimeSec), mUpdateAlarm(updateAlarm), mCancelAlarm(cancelAlarm) {} AlarmMonitor::~AlarmMonitor() {} void AlarmMonitor::setStatsCompanionService(sp<IStatsCompanionService> statsCompanionService) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock); sp<IStatsCompanionService> tmpForLock = mStatsCompanionService; mStatsCompanionService = statsCompanionService; if (statsCompanionService == nullptr) { VLOG("Erasing link to statsCompanionService"); return; } VLOG("Creating link to statsCompanionService"); const sp<const InternalAlarm> top = mPq.top(); if (top != nullptr) { updateRegisteredAlarmTime_l(top->timestampSec); } } void AlarmMonitor::add(sp<const InternalAlarm> alarm) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock); if (alarm == nullptr) { ALOGW("Asked to add a null alarm."); return; } if (alarm->timestampSec < 1) { // forbidden since a timestamp 0 is used to indicate no alarm registered ALOGW("Asked to add a 0-time alarm."); return; } // TODO(b/110563466): Ensure that refractory period is respected. VLOG("Adding alarm with time %u", alarm->timestampSec); mPq.push(alarm); if (mRegisteredAlarmTimeSec < 1 || alarm->timestampSec + mMinUpdateTimeSec < mRegisteredAlarmTimeSec) { updateRegisteredAlarmTime_l(alarm->timestampSec); } } void AlarmMonitor::remove(sp<const InternalAlarm> alarm) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock); if (alarm == nullptr) { ALOGW("Asked to remove a null alarm."); return; } VLOG("Removing alarm with time %u", alarm->timestampSec); bool wasPresent = mPq.remove(alarm); if (!wasPresent) return; if (mPq.empty()) { VLOG("Queue is empty. Cancel any alarm."); cancelRegisteredAlarmTime_l(); return; } uint32_t soonestAlarmTimeSec = mPq.top()->timestampSec; VLOG("Soonest alarm is %u", soonestAlarmTimeSec); if (soonestAlarmTimeSec > mRegisteredAlarmTimeSec + mMinUpdateTimeSec) { updateRegisteredAlarmTime_l(soonestAlarmTimeSec); } } // More efficient than repeatedly calling remove(mPq.top()) since it batches the // updates to the registered alarm. unordered_set<sp<const InternalAlarm>, SpHash<InternalAlarm>> AlarmMonitor::popSoonerThan( uint32_t timestampSec) { VLOG("Removing alarms with time <= %u", timestampSec); unordered_set<sp<const InternalAlarm>, SpHash<InternalAlarm>> oldAlarms; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock); for (sp<const InternalAlarm> t = mPq.top(); t != nullptr && t->timestampSec <= timestampSec; t = mPq.top()) { oldAlarms.insert(t); mPq.pop(); // remove t } // Always update registered alarm time (if anything has changed). if (!oldAlarms.empty()) { if (mPq.empty()) { VLOG("Queue is empty. Cancel any alarm."); cancelRegisteredAlarmTime_l(); } else { // Always update the registered alarm in this case (unlike remove()). updateRegisteredAlarmTime_l(mPq.top()->timestampSec); } } return oldAlarms; } void AlarmMonitor::updateRegisteredAlarmTime_l(uint32_t timestampSec) { VLOG("Updating reg alarm time to %u", timestampSec); mRegisteredAlarmTimeSec = timestampSec; mUpdateAlarm(mStatsCompanionService, secToMs(mRegisteredAlarmTimeSec)); } void AlarmMonitor::cancelRegisteredAlarmTime_l() { VLOG("Cancelling reg alarm."); mRegisteredAlarmTimeSec = 0; mCancelAlarm(mStatsCompanionService); } int64_t AlarmMonitor::secToMs(uint32_t timeSec) { return ((int64_t)timeSec) * 1000; } } // namespace statsd } // namespace os } // namespace android