/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef DURATION_TRACKER_H #define DURATION_TRACKER_H #include "anomaly/DurationAnomalyTracker.h" #include "condition/ConditionWizard.h" #include "config/ConfigKey.h" #include "stats_util.h" namespace android { namespace os { namespace statsd { enum DurationState { kStopped = 0, // The event is stopped. kStarted = 1, // The event is on going. kPaused = 2, // The event is started, but condition is false, clock is paused. When condition // turns to true, kPaused will become kStarted. }; // Hold duration information for one atom level duration in current on-going bucket. struct DurationInfo { DurationState state; // the number of starts seen. int32_t startCount; // most recent start time. int64_t lastStartTime; // existing duration in current bucket. int64_t lastDuration; // cache the HashableDimensionKeys we need to query the condition for this duration event. ConditionKey conditionKeys; DurationInfo() : state(kStopped), startCount(0), lastStartTime(0), lastDuration(0){}; }; struct DurationBucket { int64_t mBucketStartNs; int64_t mBucketEndNs; int64_t mDuration; }; class DurationTracker { public: DurationTracker(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t& id, const MetricDimensionKey& eventKey, sp<ConditionWizard> wizard, int conditionIndex, const std::vector<Matcher>& dimensionInCondition, bool nesting, int64_t currentBucketStartNs, int64_t currentBucketNum, int64_t startTimeNs, int64_t bucketSizeNs, bool conditionSliced, bool fullLink, const std::vector<sp<DurationAnomalyTracker>>& anomalyTrackers) : mConfigKey(key), mTrackerId(id), mEventKey(eventKey), mWizard(wizard), mConditionTrackerIndex(conditionIndex), mBucketSizeNs(bucketSizeNs), mDimensionInCondition(dimensionInCondition), mNested(nesting), mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs(currentBucketStartNs), mDuration(0), mDurationFullBucket(0), mCurrentBucketNum(currentBucketNum), mStartTimeNs(startTimeNs), mConditionSliced(conditionSliced), mHasLinksToAllConditionDimensionsInTracker(fullLink), mAnomalyTrackers(anomalyTrackers){}; virtual ~DurationTracker(){}; virtual unique_ptr<DurationTracker> clone(const int64_t eventTime) = 0; virtual void noteStart(const HashableDimensionKey& key, bool condition, const int64_t eventTime, const ConditionKey& conditionKey) = 0; virtual void noteStop(const HashableDimensionKey& key, const int64_t eventTime, const bool stopAll) = 0; virtual void noteStopAll(const int64_t eventTime) = 0; virtual void onSlicedConditionMayChange(bool overallCondition, const int64_t timestamp) = 0; virtual void onConditionChanged(bool condition, const int64_t timestamp) = 0; // Flush stale buckets if needed, and return true if the tracker has no on-going duration // events, so that the owner can safely remove the tracker. virtual bool flushIfNeeded( int64_t timestampNs, std::unordered_map<MetricDimensionKey, std::vector<DurationBucket>>* output) = 0; // Should only be called during an app upgrade or from this tracker's flushIfNeeded. If from // an app upgrade, we assume that we're trying to form a partial bucket. virtual bool flushCurrentBucket( const int64_t& eventTimeNs, std::unordered_map<MetricDimensionKey, std::vector<DurationBucket>>* output) = 0; // Predict the anomaly timestamp given the current status. virtual int64_t predictAnomalyTimestampNs(const DurationAnomalyTracker& anomalyTracker, const int64_t currentTimestamp) const = 0; // Dump internal states for debugging virtual void dumpStates(FILE* out, bool verbose) const = 0; void setEventKey(const MetricDimensionKey& eventKey) { mEventKey = eventKey; } protected: int64_t getCurrentBucketEndTimeNs() const { return mStartTimeNs + (mCurrentBucketNum + 1) * mBucketSizeNs; } // Starts the anomaly alarm. void startAnomalyAlarm(const int64_t eventTime) { for (auto& anomalyTracker : mAnomalyTrackers) { if (anomalyTracker != nullptr) { const int64_t alarmTimestampNs = predictAnomalyTimestampNs(*anomalyTracker, eventTime); if (alarmTimestampNs > 0) { anomalyTracker->startAlarm(mEventKey, alarmTimestampNs); } } } } // Stops the anomaly alarm. If it should have already fired, declare the anomaly now. void stopAnomalyAlarm(const int64_t timestamp) { for (auto& anomalyTracker : mAnomalyTrackers) { if (anomalyTracker != nullptr) { anomalyTracker->stopAlarm(mEventKey, timestamp); } } } void addPastBucketToAnomalyTrackers(const int64_t& bucketValue, const int64_t& bucketNum) { for (auto& anomalyTracker : mAnomalyTrackers) { if (anomalyTracker != nullptr) { anomalyTracker->addPastBucket(mEventKey, bucketValue, bucketNum); } } } void detectAndDeclareAnomaly(const int64_t& timestamp, const int64_t& currBucketNum, const int64_t& currentBucketValue) { for (auto& anomalyTracker : mAnomalyTrackers) { if (anomalyTracker != nullptr) { anomalyTracker->detectAndDeclareAnomaly(timestamp, currBucketNum, mTrackerId, mEventKey, currentBucketValue); } } } // Convenience to compute the current bucket's end time, which is always aligned with the // start time of the metric. int64_t getCurrentBucketEndTimeNs() { return mStartTimeNs + (mCurrentBucketNum + 1) * mBucketSizeNs; } // A reference to the DurationMetricProducer's config key. const ConfigKey& mConfigKey; const int64_t mTrackerId; MetricDimensionKey mEventKey; sp<ConditionWizard> mWizard; const int mConditionTrackerIndex; const int64_t mBucketSizeNs; const std::vector<Matcher>& mDimensionInCondition; const bool mNested; int64_t mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs; int64_t mDuration; // current recorded duration result (for partial bucket) int64_t mDurationFullBucket; // Sum of past partial buckets in current full bucket. int64_t mCurrentBucketNum; const int64_t mStartTimeNs; const bool mConditionSliced; bool mSameConditionDimensionsInTracker; bool mHasLinksToAllConditionDimensionsInTracker; std::vector<sp<DurationAnomalyTracker>> mAnomalyTrackers; FRIEND_TEST(OringDurationTrackerTest, TestPredictAnomalyTimestamp); FRIEND_TEST(OringDurationTrackerTest, TestAnomalyDetectionExpiredAlarm); FRIEND_TEST(OringDurationTrackerTest, TestAnomalyDetectionFiredAlarm); }; } // namespace statsd } // namespace os } // namespace android #endif // DURATION_TRACKER_H