{{Include "vulkan_common.tmpl"}}
{{if not (Global "AsciiDocPath")}}{{Global "AsciiDocPath" "../../doc/specs/vulkan/"}}{{end}}
{{$ | Macro "AsciiDoc.Main"}}

  AsciiDoc generation main entry point.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Main"}}
  {{$docPath := Global "AsciiDocPath"}}

  {{/* Generate AsciiDoc files for API enums and bitfields (flags). */}}
  {{range $e := $.Enums}}
    {{if not $e.IsBitfield}}
      {{$filename := print $docPath "enums/" (Macro "EnumName" $e) ".txt"}}
      {{Macro "AsciiDoc.Write" "Code" (Macro "AsciiDoc.Enum" $e) "File" $filename}}
      {{$filename := print $docPath "flags/" (Macro "EnumName" $e) ".txt"}}
      {{Macro "AsciiDoc.Write" "Code" (Macro "AsciiDoc.Flag" $e) "File" $filename}}

  {{/* Generate AsciiDoc files for API commands (protos). */}}
  {{range $f := (AllCommands $)}}
    {{if not (GetAnnotation $f "pfn")}}
      {{$filename := print $docPath "protos/" $f.Name ".txt"}}
      {{Macro "AsciiDoc.Write" "Code" (Macro "AsciiDoc.Proto" $f) "File" $filename}}

  {{/* Generate AsciiDoc files for API structs. */}}
  {{range $c := $.Classes}}
    {{if not (GetAnnotation $c "internal")}}
      {{$filename := print $docPath "structs/" $c.Name ".txt"}}
      {{Macro "AsciiDoc.Write" "Code" (Macro "AsciiDoc.Struct" $c) "File" $filename}}

  Emits the AsciiDoc contents for the specified API enum.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Enum"}}
  {{AssertType $ "Enum"}}

  {{Macro "Docs" $.Docs}}
  typedef enum {
    {{range $i, $e := $.Entries}}
      {{Macro "EnumEntry" $e}} = {{AsSigned $e.Value}}, {{Macro "Docs" $e.Docs}}
    {{$name := Macro "EnumName" $ | TrimRight "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ" | SplitPascalCase | Upper | JoinWith "_"}}
    {{$first := Macro "EnumFirstEntry" $}}
    {{$last  := Macro "EnumLastEntry" $}}
    {{$name}}_BEGIN_RANGE = {{$first}},
    {{$name}}_END_RANGE = {{$last}},
    {{$name}}_NUM = ({{$last}} - {{$first}} + 1),
    {{$name}}_MAX_ENUM = 0x7FFFFFFF
  } {{Macro "EnumName" $}};

  Emits the AsciiDoc contents for the specified API bitfield.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Flag"}}
  {{AssertType $ "Enum"}}

  {{Macro "Docs" $.Docs}}
  typedef VkFlags {{Macro "EnumName" $}};
  {{if $.Entries}}
  typedef enum {
  {{range $e := $.Entries}}
    {{Macro "BitfieldEntryName" $e}} = {{printf "%#.8x" $e.Value}}, {{Macro "Docs" $e.Docs}}
  } {{Macro "EnumName" $ | TrimRight "s"}}Bits;

  Emits the AsciiDoc contents for the specified API class.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Struct"}}
  {{AssertType $ "Class"}}

  {{Macro "Docs" $.Docs}}
  typedef {{if GetAnnotation $ "union"}}union{{else}}struct{{end}} {
    {{range $f := $.Fields}}
      {{Node "Type" $f}} {{$f.Name}}{{Macro "ArrayPostfix" (TypeOf $f)}}; {{Macro "Docs" $f.Docs}}
  } {{Macro "StructName" $}};

  Emits the AsciiDoc contents for the specified API function.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Proto"}}
  {{AssertType $ "Function"}}

  {{Macro "Docs" $.Docs}}
  {{Node "Type" $.Return}} VKAPI {{Macro "FunctionName" $}}({{Macro "Parameters" $}});

  Wraps the specified Code in AsciiDoc source tags then writes to the specified File.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Write"}}
  {{AssertType $.Code "string"}}
  {{AssertType $.File "string"}}

  {{$code := $.Code | Format (Global "clang-format")}}
  {{JoinWith "\n" (Macro "AsciiDoc.Header") $code (Macro "AsciiDoc.Footer") ""| Write $.File}}

  Emits an AsciiDoc source header.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Header"}}

  Emits an AsciiDoc source footer.
{{define "AsciiDoc.Footer"}}