/* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef GPS_EXTENDED_C_H #define GPS_EXTENDED_C_H #include <ctype.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <loc_gps.h> #include <LocationAPI.h> #include <time.h> /** * @file * @brief C++ declarations for GPS types */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /** Location has valid source information. */ #define LOCATION_HAS_SOURCE_INFO 0x0020 /** LocGpsLocation has valid "is indoor?" flag */ #define LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_IS_INDOOR 0x0040 /** LocGpsLocation has valid floor number */ #define LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_FLOOR_NUMBER 0x0080 /** LocGpsLocation has valid map URL*/ #define LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_MAP_URL 0x0100 /** LocGpsLocation has valid map index */ #define LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_MAP_INDEX 0x0200 /** Sizes for indoor fields */ #define GPS_LOCATION_MAP_URL_SIZE 400 #define GPS_LOCATION_MAP_INDEX_SIZE 16 /** Position source is ULP */ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_HYBRID 0x0001 /** Position source is GNSS only */ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_GNSS 0x0002 /** Position source is ZPP only */ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_ZPP 0x0004 /** Position is from a Geofence Breach Event */ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_GEOFENCE 0X0008 /** Position is from Hardware FLP */ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_HW_FLP 0x0010 /** Position is from NLP */ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_NLP 0x0020 /** Position is from PIP */ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_PIP 0x0040 /** Position is from external DR solution*/ #define ULP_LOCATION_IS_FROM_EXT_DR 0X0080 #define ULP_MIN_INTERVAL_INVALID 0xffffffff #define ULP_MAX_NMEA_STRING_SIZE 201 /*Emergency SUPL*/ #define LOC_GPS_NI_TYPE_EMERGENCY_SUPL 4 #define LOC_AGPS_CERTIFICATE_MAX_LENGTH 2000 #define LOC_AGPS_CERTIFICATE_MAX_SLOTS 10 typedef uint32_t LocPosTechMask; #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_DEFAULT ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000000) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SATELLITE ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000001) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_CELLID ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000002) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_WIFI ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000004) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SENSORS ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000008) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_REFERENCE_LOCATION ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000010) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_INJECTED_COARSE_POSITION ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000020) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_AFLT ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000040) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_HYBRID ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000080) enum loc_registration_mask_status { LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_ENABLED, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_DISABLED, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_SET }; typedef enum { LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_ODCPI_2_V02 = 0, /**< Support ODCPI version 2 feature */ LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_WIFI_AP_DATA_INJECT_2_V02 /**< Support Wifi AP data inject version 2 feature */ } loc_supported_feature_enum; typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(UlpLocation) */ size_t size; LocGpsLocation gpsLocation; /* Provider indicator for HYBRID or GPS */ uint16_t position_source; LocPosTechMask tech_mask; /*allows HAL to pass additional information related to the location */ int rawDataSize; /* in # of bytes */ void * rawData; bool is_indoor; float floor_number; char map_url[GPS_LOCATION_MAP_URL_SIZE]; unsigned char map_index[GPS_LOCATION_MAP_INDEX_SIZE]; } UlpLocation; typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(UlpNmea) */ size_t size; char nmea_str[ULP_MAX_NMEA_STRING_SIZE]; unsigned int len; } UlpNmea; /** AGPS type */ typedef int16_t AGpsExtType; #define LOC_AGPS_TYPE_INVALID -1 #define LOC_AGPS_TYPE_ANY 0 #define LOC_AGPS_TYPE_SUPL 1 #define LOC_AGPS_TYPE_C2K 2 #define LOC_AGPS_TYPE_WWAN_ANY 3 #define LOC_AGPS_TYPE_WIFI 4 #define LOC_AGPS_TYPE_SUPL_ES 5 /** SSID length */ #define SSID_BUF_SIZE (32+1) typedef int16_t AGpsBearerType; #define AGPS_APN_BEARER_INVALID -1 #define AGPS_APN_BEARER_IPV4 0 #define AGPS_APN_BEARER_IPV6 1 #define AGPS_APN_BEARER_IPV4V6 2 /** GPS extended callback structure. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(LocGpsCallbacks) */ size_t size; loc_gps_set_capabilities set_capabilities_cb; loc_gps_acquire_wakelock acquire_wakelock_cb; loc_gps_release_wakelock release_wakelock_cb; loc_gps_create_thread create_thread_cb; loc_gps_request_utc_time request_utc_time_cb; } GpsExtCallbacks; /** Callback to report the xtra server url to the client. * The client should use this url when downloading xtra unless overwritten * in the gps.conf file */ typedef void (* report_xtra_server)(const char*, const char*, const char*); /** Callback structure for the XTRA interface. */ typedef struct { loc_gps_xtra_download_request download_request_cb; loc_gps_create_thread create_thread_cb; report_xtra_server report_xtra_server_cb; } GpsXtraExtCallbacks; /** Represents the status of AGPS. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(AGpsExtStatus) */ size_t size; AGpsExtType type; LocAGpsStatusValue status; uint32_t ipv4_addr; struct sockaddr_storage addr; char ssid[SSID_BUF_SIZE]; char password[SSID_BUF_SIZE]; } AGpsExtStatus; /** Callback with AGPS status information. * Can only be called from a thread created by create_thread_cb. */ typedef void (* agps_status_extended)(AGpsExtStatus* status); /** Callback structure for the AGPS interface. */ typedef struct { agps_status_extended status_cb; loc_gps_create_thread create_thread_cb; } AGpsExtCallbacks; typedef void (*loc_ni_notify_callback)(LocGpsNiNotification *notification, bool esEnalbed); /** GPS NI callback structure. */ typedef struct { /** * Sends the notification request from HAL to GPSLocationProvider. */ loc_ni_notify_callback notify_cb; } GpsNiExtCallbacks; typedef enum loc_server_type { LOC_AGPS_CDMA_PDE_SERVER, LOC_AGPS_CUSTOM_PDE_SERVER, LOC_AGPS_MPC_SERVER, LOC_AGPS_SUPL_SERVER } LocServerType; typedef enum loc_position_mode_type { LOC_POSITION_MODE_INVALID = -1, LOC_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE = 0, LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_BASED, LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_ASSISTED, LOC_POSITION_MODE_RESERVED_1, LOC_POSITION_MODE_RESERVED_2, LOC_POSITION_MODE_RESERVED_3, LOC_POSITION_MODE_RESERVED_4, LOC_POSITION_MODE_RESERVED_5 } LocPositionMode; /** * @brief Minimum allowed value for fix interval. * * This value is a sanity limit in GPS framework. The hardware has own internal * limits that may not match this value * * @sa GPS_DEFAULT_FIX_INTERVAL_MS */ #define GPS_MIN_POSSIBLE_FIX_INTERVAL_MS 100 /** * @brief Default value for fix interval. * * This value is used by default whenever appropriate. * * @sa GPS_MIN_POSSIBLE_FIX_INTERVAL_MS */ #define GPS_DEFAULT_FIX_INTERVAL_MS 1000 /** Flags to indicate which values are valid in a GpsLocationExtended. */ typedef uint16_t GpsLocationExtendedFlags; /** GpsLocationExtended has valid pdop, hdop, vdop. */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_DOP 0x0001 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid altitude mean sea level. */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_ALTITUDE_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL 0x0002 /** UlpLocation has valid magnetic deviation. */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_MAG_DEV 0x0004 /** UlpLocation has valid mode indicator. */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_MODE_IND 0x0008 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid vertical uncertainty */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_VERT_UNC 0x0010 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid speed uncertainty */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_SPEED_UNC 0x0020 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid heading uncertainty */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_BEARING_UNC 0x0040 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid horizontal reliability */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_RELIABILITY 0x0080 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid vertical reliability */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_VERT_RELIABILITY 0x0100 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid Horizontal Elliptical Uncertainty (Semi-Major Axis) */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_ELIP_UNC_MAJOR 0x0200 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid Horizontal Elliptical Uncertainty (Semi-Minor Axis) */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_ELIP_UNC_MINOR 0x0400 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid Elliptical Horizontal Uncertainty Azimuth */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_ELIP_UNC_AZIMUTH 0x0800 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid gnss sv used in position data */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_GNSS_SV_USED_DATA 0x1000 /** GpsLocationExtended has valid navSolutionMask */ #define GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_NAV_SOLUTION_MASK 0x2000 typedef uint32_t LocNavSolutionMask; /* Bitmask to specify whether SBAS ionospheric correction is used */ #define LOC_NAV_MASK_SBAS_CORRECTION_IONO ((LocNavSolutionMask)0x0001) /* Bitmask to specify whether SBAS fast correction is used */ #define LOC_NAV_MASK_SBAS_CORRECTION_FAST ((LocNavSolutionMask)0x0002) /**< Bitmask to specify whether SBAS long-tem correction is used */ #define LOC_NAV_MASK_SBAS_CORRECTION_LONG ((LocNavSolutionMask)0x0004) /**< Bitmask to specify whether SBAS integrity information is used */ #define LOC_NAV_MASK_SBAS_INTEGRITY ((LocNavSolutionMask)0x0008) /** GPS PRN Range */ #define GPS_SV_PRN_MIN 1 #define GPS_SV_PRN_MAX 32 #define GLO_SV_PRN_MIN 65 #define GLO_SV_PRN_MAX 96 #define QZSS_SV_PRN_MIN 193 #define QZSS_SV_PRN_MAX 197 #define BDS_SV_PRN_MIN 201 #define BDS_SV_PRN_MAX 235 #define GAL_SV_PRN_MIN 301 #define GAL_SV_PRN_MAX 336 typedef uint32_t LocPosTechMask; #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_DEFAULT ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000000) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SATELLITE ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000001) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_CELLID ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000002) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_WIFI ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000004) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SENSORS ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000008) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_REFERENCE_LOCATION ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000010) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_INJECTED_COARSE_POSITION ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000020) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_AFLT ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000040) #define LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_HYBRID ((LocPosTechMask)0x00000080) typedef enum { LOC_RELIABILITY_NOT_SET = 0, LOC_RELIABILITY_VERY_LOW = 1, LOC_RELIABILITY_LOW = 2, LOC_RELIABILITY_MEDIUM = 3, LOC_RELIABILITY_HIGH = 4 }LocReliability; typedef struct { struct timespec apTimeStamp; /*boottime received from pps-ktimer*/ float apTimeStampUncertaintyMs; /* timestamp uncertainty in milli seconds */ }Gnss_ApTimeStampStructType; typedef struct { uint64_t gps_sv_used_ids_mask; uint64_t glo_sv_used_ids_mask; uint64_t gal_sv_used_ids_mask; uint64_t bds_sv_used_ids_mask; uint64_t qzss_sv_used_ids_mask; } GnssSvUsedInPosition; /** Represents gps location extended. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(GpsLocationExtended) */ size_t size; /** Contains GpsLocationExtendedFlags bits. */ uint16_t flags; /** Contains the Altitude wrt mean sea level */ float altitudeMeanSeaLevel; /** Contains Position Dilusion of Precision. */ float pdop; /** Contains Horizontal Dilusion of Precision. */ float hdop; /** Contains Vertical Dilusion of Precision. */ float vdop; /** Contains Magnetic Deviation. */ float magneticDeviation; /** vertical uncertainty in meters */ float vert_unc; /** speed uncertainty in m/s */ float speed_unc; /** heading uncertainty in degrees (0 to 359.999) */ float bearing_unc; /** horizontal reliability. */ LocReliability horizontal_reliability; /** vertical reliability. */ LocReliability vertical_reliability; /* Horizontal Elliptical Uncertainty (Semi-Major Axis) */ float horUncEllipseSemiMajor; /* Horizontal Elliptical Uncertainty (Semi-Minor Axis) */ float horUncEllipseSemiMinor; /* Elliptical Horizontal Uncertainty Azimuth */ float horUncEllipseOrientAzimuth; Gnss_ApTimeStampStructType timeStamp; /** Gnss sv used in position data */ GnssSvUsedInPosition gnss_sv_used_ids; /** Nav solution mask to indicate sbas corrections */ LocNavSolutionMask navSolutionMask; /** Position technology used in computing this fix */ LocPosTechMask tech_mask; } GpsLocationExtended; enum loc_sess_status { LOC_SESS_SUCCESS, LOC_SESS_INTERMEDIATE, LOC_SESS_FAILURE }; // Nmea sentence types mask typedef uint32_t NmeaSentenceTypesMask; #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GGA_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000001) /**< Enable GGA type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_RMC_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000002) /**< Enable RMC type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GSV_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000004) /**< Enable GSV type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GSA_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000008) /**< Enable GSA type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_VTG_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000010) /**< Enable VTG type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000020) /**< Enable PQXFI type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_PSTIS_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000040) /**< Enable PSTIS type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GLGSV_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000080) /**< Enable GLGSV type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GNGSA_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000100) /**< Enable GNGSA type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GNGNS_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000200) /**< Enable GNGNS type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GARMC_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000400) /**< Enable GARMC type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAGSV_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00000800) /**< Enable GAGSV type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAGSA_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00001000) /**< Enable GAGSA type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAVTG_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00002000) /**< Enable GAVTG type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAGGA_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00004000) /**< Enable GAGGA type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_PQGSA_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00008000) /**< Enable PQGSA type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_PQGSV_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00010000) /**< Enable PQGSV type */ #define LOC_NMEA_MASK_DEBUG_V02 ((NmeaSentenceTypesMask)0x00020000) /**< Enable DEBUG type */ #define LOC_NMEA_ALL_SUPPORTED_MASK (LOC_NMEA_MASK_GGA_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_RMC_V02 | \ LOC_NMEA_MASK_GSV_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_GSA_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_VTG_V02 | \ LOC_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_PSTIS_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_GLGSV_V02 | \ LOC_NMEA_MASK_GNGSA_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_GNGNS_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_GARMC_V02 | \ LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAGSV_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAGSA_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAVTG_V02 | \ LOC_NMEA_MASK_GAGGA_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_PQGSA_V02 | LOC_NMEA_MASK_PQGSV_V02 | \ LOC_NMEA_MASK_DEBUG_V02 ) typedef enum { LOC_ENG_IF_REQUEST_SENDER_ID_QUIPC = 0, LOC_ENG_IF_REQUEST_SENDER_ID_MSAPM, LOC_ENG_IF_REQUEST_SENDER_ID_MSAPU, LOC_ENG_IF_REQUEST_SENDER_ID_GPSONE_DAEMON, LOC_ENG_IF_REQUEST_SENDER_ID_MODEM, LOC_ENG_IF_REQUEST_SENDER_ID_UNKNOWN } loc_if_req_sender_id_e_type; #define smaller_of(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a)) #define MAX_APN_LEN 100 // This will be overridden by the individual adapters // if necessary. #define DEFAULT_IMPL(rtv) \ { \ LOC_LOGD("%s: default implementation invoked", __func__); \ return rtv; \ } enum loc_api_adapter_err { LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_SUCCESS = 0, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE = 1, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_UNSUPPORTED = 2, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE = 4, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 5, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_ENGINE_BUSY = 6, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_PHONE_OFFLINE = 7, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_TIMEOUT = 8, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_SERVICE_NOT_PRESENT = 9, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_INTERNAL = 10, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 11, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_OCCUPIED = 12, /* equating engine down to phone offline, as they are the same errror */ LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_ENGINE_DOWN = LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_PHONE_OFFLINE, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_FAILURE = 101, LOC_API_ADAPTER_ERR_UNKNOWN }; enum loc_api_adapter_event_index { LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_POSITION = 0, // Position report comes in loc_parsed_position_s_type LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_SATELLITE, // Satellite in view report LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_NMEA_1HZ, // NMEA report at 1HZ rate LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_NMEA_POSITION, // NMEA report at position report rate LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_NI_NOTIFY_VERIFY, // NI notification/verification request LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_ASSISTANCE_DATA, // Assistance data, eg: time, predicted orbits request LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_LOCATION_SERVER, // Request for location server LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_IOCTL, // Callback report for loc_ioctl LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_STATUS, // Misc status report: eg, engine state LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_WIFI, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_SENSOR_STATUS, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_TIME_SYNC, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_SPI, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_NI_GEOFENCE, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_GEOFENCE_GEN_ALERT, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_GENFENCE_BREACH, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_PEDOMETER_CTRL, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_MOTION_CTRL, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_WIFI_AP_DATA, // Wifi ap data LOC_API_ADAPTER_BATCH_FULL, // Batching on full LOC_API_ADAPTER_BATCHED_POSITION_REPORT, // Batching on fix LOC_API_ADAPTER_BATCHED_GENFENCE_BREACH_REPORT, // LOC_API_ADAPTER_GNSS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT, //GNSS Measurement Report LOC_API_ADAPTER_GNSS_SV_POLYNOMIAL_REPORT, //GNSS SV Polynomial Report LOC_API_ADAPTER_GDT_UPLOAD_BEGIN_REQ, // GDT upload start request LOC_API_ADAPTER_GDT_UPLOAD_END_REQ, // GDT upload end request LOC_API_ADAPTER_GNSS_MEASUREMENT, // GNSS Measurement report LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_TIMEZONE, // Timezone injection request LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_GENFENCE_DWELL_REPORT, // Geofence dwell report LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_SRN_DATA, // request srn data from AP LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MAX }; #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_POSITION) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_SATELLITE_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_SATELLITE) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_NMEA_1HZ) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_NMEA_POSITION_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_NMEA_POSITION) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_NI_NOTIFY_VERIFY_REQUEST (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_NI_NOTIFY_VERIFY) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_ASSISTANCE_DATA_REQUEST (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_ASSISTANCE_DATA) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_LOCATION_SERVER_REQUEST (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_LOCATION_SERVER) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_IOCTL_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_IOCTL) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_STATUS_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_STATUS) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REQUEST_WIFI (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_WIFI) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_SENSOR_STATUS (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_SENSOR_STATUS) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REQUEST_TIME_SYNC (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_TIME_SYNC) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REPORT_SPI (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_SPI) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REPORT_NI_GEOFENCE (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_NI_GEOFENCE) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GEOFENCE_GEN_ALERT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_GEOFENCE_GEN_ALERT) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REPORT_GENFENCE_BREACH (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_GENFENCE_BREACH) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCHED_GENFENCE_BREACH_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_BATCHED_GENFENCE_BREACH_REPORT) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_PEDOMETER_CTRL (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_PEDOMETER_CTRL) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_MOTION_CTRL (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_MOTION_CTRL) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REQUEST_WIFI_AP_DATA (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_WIFI_AP_DATA) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_BATCH_FULL) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCHED_POSITION_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_BATCHED_POSITION_REPORT) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GNSS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_GNSS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GNSS_SV_POLYNOMIAL_REPORT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_GNSS_SV_POLYNOMIAL_REPORT) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GDT_UPLOAD_BEGIN_REQ (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_GDT_UPLOAD_BEGIN_REQ) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GDT_UPLOAD_END_REQ (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_GDT_UPLOAD_END_REQ) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GNSS_MEASUREMENT (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_GNSS_MEASUREMENT) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REQUEST_TIMEZONE (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_TIMEZONE) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REPORT_GENFENCE_DWELL (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REPORT_GENFENCE_DWELL_REPORT) #define LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REQUEST_SRN_DATA (1<<LOC_API_ADAPTER_REQUEST_SRN_DATA) typedef unsigned int LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T; typedef enum loc_api_adapter_msg_to_check_supported { LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_LOCATION_BATCHING, // Batching 1.0 LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_BATCHED_GENFENCE_BREACH, // Geofence Batched Breach LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_DISTANCE_BASE_TRACKING, // DBT 2.0 LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_ADAPTIVE_LOCATION_BATCHING, // Batching 1.5 LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_DISTANCE_BASE_LOCATION_BATCHING, // Batching 2.0 LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_UPDATE_TBF_ON_THE_FLY, // Updating Tracking TBF On The Fly LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_MAX } LocCheckingMessagesID; typedef int IzatDevId_t; typedef uint32_t LOC_GPS_LOCK_MASK; #define isGpsLockNone(lock) ((lock) == 0) #define isGpsLockMO(lock) ((lock) & ((LOC_GPS_LOCK_MASK)1)) #define isGpsLockMT(lock) ((lock) & ((LOC_GPS_LOCK_MASK)2)) #define isGpsLockAll(lock) (((lock) & ((LOC_GPS_LOCK_MASK)3)) == 3) /*++ *********************************************** ** Satellite Measurement and Satellite Polynomial ** Structure definitions ** *********************************************** --*/ #define GNSS_SV_POLY_VELOCITY_COEF_MAX_SIZE 12 #define GNSS_SV_POLY_XYZ_0_TH_ORDER_COEFF_MAX_SIZE 3 #define GNSS_SV_POLY_XYZ_N_TH_ORDER_COEFF_MAX_SIZE 9 #define GNSS_SV_POLY_SV_CLKBIAS_COEFF_MAX_SIZE 4 #define GNSS_LOC_SV_MEAS_LIST_MAX_SIZE 16 enum ulp_gnss_sv_measurement_valid_flags{ ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_GPS_TIME = 0, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_PSUEDO_RANGE, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_MS_IN_WEEK, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_SUB_MSEC, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_CARRIER_PHASE, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_CNO, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_LOSS_OF_LOCK, ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_MAX_VALID_FLAGS }; #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_GPS_TIME (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_GPS_TIME) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_PSUEDO_RANGE (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_PSUEDO_RANGE) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_MS_IN_WEEK (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_MS_IN_WEEK) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_SUB_MSEC (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_SUB_MSEC) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_CARRIER_PHASE (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_CARRIER_PHASE) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_DOPPLER_SHIFT (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_CNO (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_CNO) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_BIT_LOSS_OF_LOCK (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_MEAS_LOSS_OF_LOCK) enum ulp_gnss_sv_poly_valid_flags{ ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_GLO_FREQ = 0, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_T0, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_IODE, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_FLAG, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_POLYCOEFF_XYZ0, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_POLYCOEFF_XYZN, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_POLYCOEFF_OTHER, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_SV_POSUNC, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_IONODELAY, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_IONODOT, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_SBAS_IONODELAY, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_SBAS_IONODOT, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_TROPODELAY, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ELEVATION, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ELEVATIONDOT, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ELEVATIONUNC, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_VELO_COEFF, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ENHANCED_IOD, ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_VALID_FLAGS }; #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_GLO_FREQ (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_GLO_FREQ) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_T0 (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_T0) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_IODE (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_IODE) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_FLAG (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_FLAG) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_POLYCOEFF_XYZ0 (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_POLYCOEFF_XYZ0) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_POLYCOEFF_XYZN (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_POLYCOEFF_XYZN) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_POLYCOEFF_OTHER (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_POLYCOEFF_OTHER) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_SV_POSUNC (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_SV_POSUNC) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_IONODELAY (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_IONODELAY) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_IONODOT (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_IONODOT) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_SBAS_IONODELAY (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_SBAS_IONODELAY) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_SBAS_IONODOT (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_SBAS_IONODOT) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_TROPODELAY (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_TROPODELAY) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_ELEVATION (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ELEVATION) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_ELEVATIONDOT (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ELEVATIONDOT) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_ELEVATIONUNC (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ELEVATIONUNC) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_VELO_COEFF (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_VELO_COEFF) #define ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_BIT_ENHANCED_IOD (1<<ULP_GNSS_SV_POLY_ENHANCED_IOD) typedef enum { GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_GPS = 1, /**< GPS satellite. */ GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_GALILEO = 2, /**< GALILEO satellite. */ GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_SBAS = 3, /**< SBAS satellite. */ GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_COMPASS = 4, /**< COMPASS satellite. */ GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_GLONASS = 5, /**< GLONASS satellite. */ GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_BDS = 6 /**< BDS satellite. */ } Gnss_LocSvSystemEnumType; typedef enum { GNSS_LOC_FREQ_SOURCE_INVALID = 0, /**< Source of the frequency is invalid */ GNSS_LOC_FREQ_SOURCE_EXTERNAL = 1, /**< Source of the frequency is from external injection */ GNSS_LOC_FREQ_SOURCE_PE_CLK_REPORT = 2, /**< Source of the frequency is from Navigation engine */ GNSS_LOC_FREQ_SOURCE_UNKNOWN = 3 /**< Source of the frequency is unknown */ } Gnss_LocSourceofFreqEnumType; typedef struct { size_t size; float clockDrift; /**< Receiver clock Drift \n - Units: meter per sec \n */ float clockDriftUnc; /**< Receiver clock Drift uncertainty \n - Units: meter per sec \n */ Gnss_LocSourceofFreqEnumType sourceOfFreq; }Gnss_LocRcvrClockFrequencyInfoStructType; typedef struct { size_t size; uint8_t leapSec; /**< GPS time leap second delta to UTC time \n - Units: sec \n */ uint8_t leapSecUnc; /**< Uncertainty for GPS leap second \n - Units: sec \n */ }Gnss_LeapSecondInfoStructType; typedef enum { GNSS_LOC_SYS_TIME_BIAS_VALID = 0x01, /**< System time bias valid */ GNSS_LOC_SYS_TIME_BIAS_UNC_VALID = 0x02, /**< System time bias uncertainty valid */ }Gnss_LocInterSystemBiasValidMaskType; typedef struct { size_t size; uint32_t validMask; /* Validity mask as per Gnss_LocInterSystemBiasValidMaskType */ float timeBias; /**< System-1 to System-2 Time Bias \n - Units: msec \n */ float timeBiasUnc; /**< System-1 to System-2 Time Bias uncertainty \n - Units: msec \n */ }Gnss_InterSystemBiasStructType; typedef struct { size_t size; uint16_t systemWeek; /**< System week number for GPS, BDS and GAL satellite systems. \n Set to 65535 when invalid or not available. \n Not valid for GLONASS system. \n */ uint32_t systemMsec; /**< System time msec. Time of Week for GPS, BDS, GAL and Time of Day for GLONASS. - Units: msec \n */ float systemClkTimeBias; /**< System clock time bias \n - Units: msec \n System time = systemMsec - systemClkTimeBias \n */ float systemClkTimeUncMs; /**< Single sided maximum time bias uncertainty \n - Units: msec \n */ }Gnss_LocSystemTimeStructType; typedef struct { size_t size; uint8_t gloFourYear; /**< GLONASS four year number from 1996. Refer to GLONASS ICD.\n Applicable only for GLONASS and shall be ignored for other constellations. \n If unknown shall be set to 255 */ uint16_t gloDays; /**< GLONASS day number in four years. Refer to GLONASS ICD. Applicable only for GLONASS and shall be ignored for other constellations. \n If unknown shall be set to 65535 */ uint32_t gloMsec; /**< GLONASS time of day in msec. Refer to GLONASS ICD. - Units: msec \n */ float gloClkTimeBias; /**< System clock time bias (sub-millisecond) \n - Units: msec \n System time = systemMsec - systemClkTimeBias \n */ float gloClkTimeUncMs; /**< Single sided maximum time bias uncertainty \n - Units: msec \n */ }Gnss_LocGloTimeStructType; /* Type */ typedef struct { size_t size; uint32_t refFCount; /**< Receiver frame counter value at reference tick */ uint8_t systemRtc_valid; /**< Validity indicator for System RTC */ uint64_t systemRtcMs; /**< Platform system RTC value \n - Units: msec \n */ uint32_t sourceOfTime; /**< Source of time information */ }Gnss_LocGnssTimeExtStructType; typedef enum { GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_NULL = 0x00000000, /**< No information state */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_SM_VALID = 0x00000001, /**< Code phase is known */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_SB_VALID = 0x00000002, /**< Sub-bit time is known */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_MS_VALID = 0x00000004, /**< Satellite time is known */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_BE_CONFIRM = 0x00000008, /**< Bit edge is confirmed from signal */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_VELOCITY_VALID = 0x00000010, /**< Satellite Doppler measured */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_VELOCITY_FINE = 0x00000020, /**< TRUE: Fine Doppler measured, FALSE: Coarse Doppler measured */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_FROM_RNG_DIFF = 0x00000200, /**< Range update from Satellite differences */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_FROM_VE_DIFF = 0x00000400, /**< Doppler update from Satellite differences */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_DONT_USE_X = 0x00000800, /**< Don't use measurement if bit is set */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_DONT_USE_M = 0x000001000, /**< Don't use measurement if bit is set */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_DONT_USE_D = 0x000002000, /**< Don't use measurement if bit is set */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_DONT_USE_S = 0x000004000, /**< Don't use measurement if bit is set */ GNSS_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_DONT_USE_P = 0x000008000 /**< Don't use measurement if bit is set */ }Gnss_LocSvMeasStatusMaskType; typedef struct { size_t size; uint32_t svMs; /**< Satellite time milisecond.\n For GPS, BDS, GAL range of 0 thru (604800000-1) \n For GLONASS range of 0 thru (86400000-1) \n Valid when PD_LOC_MEAS_STATUS_MS_VALID bit is set in measurement status \n Note: All SV times in the current measurement block are alredy propagated to common reference time epoch. \n - Units: msec \n */ float svSubMs; /**<Satellite time sub-millisecond. \n Total SV Time = svMs + svSubMs \n - Units: msec \n */ float svTimeUncMs; /**< Satellite Time uncertainty \n - Units: msec \n */ float dopplerShift; /**< Satellite Doppler \n - Units: meter per sec \n */ float dopplerShiftUnc; /**< Satellite Doppler uncertainty\n - Units: meter per sec \n */ }Gnss_LocSVTimeSpeedStructType; typedef enum { GNSS_SV_STATE_IDLE = 0, GNSS_SV_STATE_SEARCH = 1, GNSS_SV_STATE_SEARCH_VERIFY = 2, GNSS_SV_STATE_BIT_EDGE = 3, GNSS_SV_STATE_VERIFY_TRACK = 4, GNSS_SV_STATE_TRACK = 5, GNSS_SV_STATE_RESTART = 6, GNSS_SV_STATE_DPO_TRACK = 7 } Gnss_LocSVStateEnumType; typedef enum { GNSS_LOC_SVINFO_MASK_HAS_EPHEMERIS = 0x01, /**< Ephemeris is available for this SV */ GNSS_LOC_SVINFO_MASK_HAS_ALMANAC = 0x02 /**< Almanac is available for this SV */ }Gnss_LocSvInfoMaskT; typedef enum { GNSS_LOC_SV_SRCH_STATUS_IDLE = 1, /**< SV is not being actively processed */ GNSS_LOC_SV_SRCH_STATUS_SEARCH = 2, /**< The system is searching for this SV */ GNSS_LOC_SV_SRCH_STATUS_TRACK = 3 /**< SV is being tracked */ }Gnss_LocSvSearchStatusEnumT; typedef struct { size_t size; uint16_t gnssSvId; /**< GNSS SV ID. \begin{itemize1} \item Range: \begin{itemize1} \item For GPS: 1 to 32 \item For GLONASS: 1 to 32 \item For SBAS: 120 to 151 \item For BDS: 201 to 237 \end{itemize1} \end{itemize1} The GPS and GLONASS SVs can be disambiguated using the system field. */ uint8_t gloFrequency; /**< GLONASS frequency number + 7 \n Valid only for GLONASS System \n Shall be ignored for all other systems \n - Range: 1 to 14 \n */ Gnss_LocSvSearchStatusEnumT svStatus; /**< Satellite search state \n @ENUM() */ bool healthStatus_valid; /**< SV Health Status validity flag\n - 0: Not valid \n - 1: Valid \n */ uint8_t healthStatus; /**< Health status. \begin{itemize1} \item Range: 0 to 1; 0 = unhealthy, \n 1 = healthy, 2 = unknown \vspace{-0.18in} \end{itemize1} */ Gnss_LocSvInfoMaskT svInfoMask; /**< Indicates whether almanac and ephemeris information is available. \n @MASK() */ uint64_t measurementStatus; /**< Bitmask indicating SV measurement status. Valid bitmasks: \n @MASK() */ uint16_t CNo; /**< Carrier to Noise ratio \n - Units: 0.1 dBHz \n */ uint16_t gloRfLoss; /**< GLONASS Rf loss reference to Antenna. \n - Units: dB, Scale: 0.1 \n */ bool lossOfLock; /**< Loss of signal lock indicator \n - 0: Signal in continuous track \n - 1: Signal not in track \n */ int16_t measLatency; /**< Age of the measurement. Positive value means measurement precedes ref time. \n - Units: msec \n */ Gnss_LocSVTimeSpeedStructType svTimeSpeed; /**< Unfiltered SV Time and Speed information */ float dopplerAccel; /**< Satellite Doppler Accelertion\n - Units: Hz/s \n */ bool multipathEstValid; /**< Multipath estimate validity flag\n - 0: Multipath estimate not valid \n - 1: Multipath estimate valid \n */ float multipathEstimate; /**< Estimate of multipath in measurement\n - Units: Meters \n */ bool fineSpeedValid; /**< Fine speed validity flag\n - 0: Fine speed not valid \n - 1: Fine speed valid \n */ float fineSpeed; /**< Carrier phase derived speed \n - Units: m/s \n */ bool fineSpeedUncValid; /**< Fine speed uncertainty validity flag\n - 0: Fine speed uncertainty not valid \n - 1: Fine speed uncertainty valid \n */ float fineSpeedUnc; /**< Carrier phase derived speed \n - Units: m/s \n */ bool carrierPhaseValid; /**< Carrier Phase measurement validity flag\n - 0: Carrier Phase not valid \n - 1: Carrier Phase valid \n */ double carrierPhase; /**< Carrier phase measurement [L1 cycles] \n */ bool cycleSlipCountValid; /**< Cycle slup count validity flag\n - 0: Not valid \n - 1: Valid \n */ uint8_t cycleSlipCount; /**< Increments when a CSlip is detected */ bool svDirectionValid; /**< Validity flag for SV direction */ float svAzimuth; /**< Satellite Azimuth - Units: radians \n */ float svElevation; /**< Satellite Elevation - Units: radians \n */ } Gnss_SVMeasurementStructType; /**< Maximum number of satellites in measurement block for given system. */ typedef struct { size_t size; Gnss_LocSvSystemEnumType system; /**< Specifies the Satellite System Type */ bool isSystemTimeValid; /**< Indicates whether System Time is Valid:\n - 0x01 (TRUE) -- System Time is valid \n - 0x00 (FALSE) -- System Time is not valid */ Gnss_LocSystemTimeStructType systemTime; /**< System Time Information \n */ bool isGloTime_valid; Gnss_LocGloTimeStructType gloTime; bool isSystemTimeExt_valid; Gnss_LocGnssTimeExtStructType systemTimeExt; uint8_t numSvs; /* Number of SVs in this report block */ Gnss_SVMeasurementStructType svMeasurement[GNSS_LOC_SV_MEAS_LIST_MAX_SIZE]; /**< Satellite measurement Information \n */ } Gnss_ClockMeasurementStructType; typedef struct { size_t size; uint8_t seqNum; /**< Current message Number */ uint8_t maxMessageNum; /**< Maximum number of message that will be sent for present time epoch. */ bool leapSecValid; Gnss_LeapSecondInfoStructType leapSec; Gnss_InterSystemBiasStructType gpsGloInterSystemBias; Gnss_InterSystemBiasStructType gpsBdsInterSystemBias; Gnss_InterSystemBiasStructType gpsGalInterSystemBias; Gnss_InterSystemBiasStructType bdsGloInterSystemBias; Gnss_InterSystemBiasStructType galGloInterSystemBias; Gnss_InterSystemBiasStructType galBdsInterSystemBias; bool clockFreqValid; Gnss_LocRcvrClockFrequencyInfoStructType clockFreq; /* Freq */ bool gnssMeasValid; Gnss_ClockMeasurementStructType gnssMeas; Gnss_ApTimeStampStructType timeStamp; } GnssSvMeasurementSet; typedef enum { GNSS_SV_POLY_COEFF_VALID = 0x01, /**< SV position in orbit coefficients are valid */ GNSS_SV_POLY_IONO_VALID = 0x02, /**< Iono estimates are valid */ GNSS_SV_POLY_TROPO_VALID = 0x04, /**< Tropo estimates are valid */ GNSS_SV_POLY_ELEV_VALID = 0x08, /**< Elevation, rate, uncertainty are valid */ GNSS_SV_POLY_SRC_ALM_CORR = 0x10, /**< Polynomials based on XTRA */ GNSS_SV_POLY_SBAS_IONO_VALID = 0x20, /**< SBAS IONO and rate are valid */ GNSS_SV_POLY_GLO_STR4 = 0x40 /**< GLONASS String 4 has been received */ }Gnss_SvPolyStatusMaskType; typedef struct { size_t size; uint16_t gnssSvId; /* GPS: 1-32, GLO: 65-96, 0: Invalid, SBAS: 120-151, BDS:201-237,GAL:301 to 336 All others are reserved */ int8_t freqNum; /* Freq index, only valid if u_SysInd is GLO */ uint8_t svPolyFlags; /* Indicate the validity of the elements as per Gnss_SvPolyStatusMaskType */ uint32_t is_valid; uint16_t iode; /* Ephemeris reference time GPS:Issue of Data Ephemeris used [unitless]. GLO: Tb 7-bit, refer to ICD02 */ double T0; /* Reference time for polynominal calculations GPS: Secs in week. GLO: Full secs since Jan/01/96 */ double polyCoeffXYZ0[GNSS_SV_POLY_XYZ_0_TH_ORDER_COEFF_MAX_SIZE]; /* C0X, C0Y, C0Z */ double polyCoefXYZN[GNSS_SV_POLY_XYZ_N_TH_ORDER_COEFF_MAX_SIZE]; /* C1X, C2X ... C2Z, C3Z */ float polyCoefOther[GNSS_SV_POLY_SV_CLKBIAS_COEFF_MAX_SIZE]; /* C0T, C1T, C2T, C3T */ float svPosUnc; /* SV position uncertainty [m]. */ float ionoDelay; /* Ionospheric delay at d_T0 [m]. */ float ionoDot; /* Iono delay rate [m/s]. */ float sbasIonoDelay;/* SBAS Ionospheric delay at d_T0 [m]. */ float sbasIonoDot; /* SBAS Iono delay rate [m/s]. */ float tropoDelay; /* Tropospheric delay [m]. */ float elevation; /* Elevation [rad] at d_T0 */ float elevationDot; /* Elevation rate [rad/s] */ float elevationUnc; /* SV elevation [rad] uncertainty */ double velCoef[GNSS_SV_POLY_VELOCITY_COEF_MAX_SIZE]; /* Coefficients of velocity poly */ uint32_t enhancedIOD; /* Enhanced Reference Time */ } GnssSvPolynomial; /* Various Short Range Node Technology type*/ typedef enum { SRN_AP_DATA_TECH_TYPE_NONE, SRN_AP_DATA_TECH_TYPE_BT, SRN_AP_DATA_TECH_TYPE_BTLE, SRN_AP_DATA_TECH_TYPE_NFC, SRN_AP_DATA_TECH_TYPE_MOBILE_CODE, SRN_AP_DATA_TECH_TYPE_OTHER } Gnss_SrnTech; /* Mac Address type requested by modem */ typedef enum { SRN_AP_DATA_PUBLIC_MAC_ADDR_TYPE_INVALID, /* No valid mac address type send */ SRN_AP_DATA_PUBLIC_MAC_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC, /* SRN AP MAC Address type PUBLIC */ SRN_AP_DATA_PUBLIC_MAC_ADDR_TYPE_PRIVATE, /* SRN AP MAC Address type PRIVATE */ SRN_AP_DATA_PUBLIC_MAC_ADDR_TYPE_OTHER, /* SRN AP MAC Address type OTHER */ }Gnss_Srn_MacAddr_Type; typedef struct { size_t size; Gnss_SrnTech srnTechType; /* SRN Technology type in request */ bool srnRequest; /* scan - start(true) or stop(false) */ bool e911Mode; /* If in E911 emergency */ Gnss_Srn_MacAddr_Type macAddrType; /* SRN AP MAC Address type */ } GnssSrnDataReq; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* GPS_EXTENDED_C_H */