/* * Copyright (C) Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <algorithm> #include <cstdint> #include <log/log.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include "display.h" #include "format.h" #include "hwc_dev.h" HWCDisplay::HWCDisplay(enum disp_role role) : active_config(0), role(role), cb_procs(NULL), is_dummy(false), vsync_on(false), blanked(true), is_flip_pending(false) { } void HWCDisplay::setup_composition_pipes() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex); KMSDisplay* kdisp = &this->disp_link; int count = 0; for (auto plane : kdisp->card->get_planes()) { auto possible_crtcs = plane->get_possible_crtcs(); if (std::find(possible_crtcs.begin(), possible_crtcs.end(), kdisp->crtc) != possible_crtcs.end()) { planeProps[count].plane = plane; ALOGI("Overlay %d: plane_id: %d", count, planeProps[count].plane->id()); count++; } } } /* Page flip handler callback */ void HWCDisplay::page_flip_handler(int fd, unsigned int frame, unsigned int sec, unsigned int usec, void* data) { HWCDisplay* display = static_cast<HWCDisplay*>(data); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(display->mutex); if (display->is_flip_pending == false) { ALOGW("Spurious page flip?"); return; } /* release the old buffers */ for (auto current_fb_info : display->current_fb_infos) delete current_fb_info; display->current_fb_infos.clear(); /* pending are now current */ for (auto pending_fb_info : display->pending_fb_infos) display->current_fb_infos.push_back(pending_fb_info); display->pending_fb_infos.clear(); display->is_flip_pending = false; lock.unlock(); display->cond_flip.notify_one(); } static int vblank_kick(HWCDisplay* display) { drmVBlank vblank; memset(&vblank, 0, sizeof(vblank)); vblank.request.type = (drmVBlankSeqType)(DRM_VBLANK_RELATIVE | DRM_VBLANK_EVENT | display->role == DISP_ROLE_SECONDARY ? DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY : 0); vblank.request.sequence = 1; vblank.request.signal = (unsigned long)display; int err = drmWaitVBlank(display->disp_link.card->fd(), &vblank); if (err < 0) { /* FIXME: error in drmWaitVBlank() use SW vsync instead? */ ALOGE("drmWaitVBlank error %d (%s)", err, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } /* Callback function that gets triggered on vsync */ void HWCDisplay::vblank_handler(int fd, unsigned int frame, unsigned int sec, unsigned int usec, void* data) { HWCDisplay* display = static_cast<HWCDisplay*>(data); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(display->mutex); if (display->vsync_on) { int64_t ts = sec * (int64_t)1000000000 + usec * (int64_t)1000; // ALOGD("Sending VBLANK at %lld for display %d", ts, display->role); display->cb_procs->vsync(display->cb_procs, display->role, ts); vblank_kick(display); } } int HWCDisplay::set_vsync_state(bool state) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex); if (this->is_dummy) return 0; this->vsync_on = state; if (this->vsync_on) return vblank_kick(this); return 0; } static void set_plane_properties(kms::AtomicReq& req, drm_plane_props_t* plane_props) { kms::Plane* plane = plane_props->plane; req.add(plane, "FB_ID", plane_props->fb_info->fb_id); req.add(plane, "IN_FENCE_FD", plane_props->layer->acquireFenceFd); req.add(plane, { { "CRTC_ID", plane_props->crtc_id }, { "SRC_X", (plane_props->src_x) << 16 }, { "SRC_Y", (plane_props->src_y) << 16 }, { "SRC_W", (plane_props->src_w) << 16 }, { "SRC_H", (plane_props->src_h) << 16 }, { "CRTC_X", plane_props->crtc_x }, { "CRTC_Y", plane_props->crtc_y }, { "CRTC_W", plane_props->crtc_w }, { "CRTC_H", plane_props->crtc_h }, }); /* optional props */ req.add(plane, { { "zorder", plane_props->zorder }, { "pre_mult_alpha", plane_props->pre_mult_alpha }, }); } int HWCDisplay::update_display(drm_plane_props_t* planeProp) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex); this->cond_flip.wait(lock, [this]{return !this->is_flip_pending;}); buffer_handle_t handle = planeProp->layer->handle; if (!handle) { ALOGW("Got empty handle, nothing to display"); return 0; } KMSDisplay* kdisp = &this->disp_link; planeProp->fb_info = new DRMFramebuffer(kdisp->card->fd(), handle, false); this->pending_fb_infos.push_back(planeProp->fb_info); planeProp->crtc_id = kdisp->crtc->id(); // Atomic display update kms::AtomicReq req(*kdisp->card); set_plane_properties(req, planeProp); int ret = req.commit(this, true); if (ret) { ALOGE("cannot do atomic commit/page flip: %d (%s)", ret, strerror(errno)); for (auto pending_fb_info : this->pending_fb_infos) delete pending_fb_info; this->pending_fb_infos.clear(); return ret; } // ALOGD("Scheduled page flip on display %d", this->role); this->is_flip_pending = true; return 0; } void HWCDisplay::blank(int blank) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex); if (this->is_dummy) return; KMSDisplay* kdisp = &this->disp_link; ALOGI("Linking connector %d to crtc %d", kdisp->con->id(), kdisp->crtc->id()); int ret = kdisp->crtc->set_mode(kdisp->con, kdisp->mode); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to set crtc mode (%s)", strerror(-ret)); return; } // FIXME: This should actually blank the screen this->blanked = blank; } int HWCDisplay::get_display_configs(uint32_t* configs, size_t* numConfigs) { if (!configs || !numConfigs) return -EINVAL; if (*numConfigs == 0) return 0; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex); size_t num = this->configs.size(); if (num > *numConfigs) num = *numConfigs; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) configs[i] = i; *numConfigs = num; return 0; } int HWCDisplay::get_display_attributes(uint32_t cfg, const uint32_t* attributes, int32_t* values) { if (!attributes || !values) return 0; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex); if (cfg >= this->configs.size()) return -EINVAL; display_config_t* config = &this->configs[cfg]; for (size_t i = 0; attributes[i] != HWC_DISPLAY_NO_ATTRIBUTE; i++) { switch (attributes[i]) { case HWC_DISPLAY_VSYNC_PERIOD: values[i] = 1000000000 / config->fps; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_WIDTH: values[i] = config->xres; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_HEIGHT: values[i] = config->yres; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_X: values[i] = 1000 * config->xdpi; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_Y: values[i] = 1000 * config->ydpi; break; } } return 0; }