# Live TV

__Live TV__ is the Open Source reference application for watching TV on Android TVs.

## Source

The source of truth is an internal google repository (aka google3) at

Changes are made in the google3 repository and automatically pushed here.

The following files are only in the android repository and must be changed there.

* *.mk
* \*\*/lib/\*.\*

## AOSP instructions

To install LiveTv

echo "Compiling"
m -j LiveTv
echo  "Installing"
adb install -r ${OUT}/system/priv-app/LiveTv/LiveTv.apk


If it is your first time installing LiveTv you will need to do

adb root
adb remount
adb push ${OUT}/system/priv-app/LiveTv/LiveTv.apk /system/priv-app/LiveTv/LiveTv.apk
adb reboot