/* * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "BTAudioClientIf" #include "client_interface.h" #include <android/hardware/bluetooth/audio/2.0/IBluetoothAudioPort.h> #include <android/hardware/bluetooth/audio/2.0/IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory.h> #include <android/hidl/manager/1.2/IServiceManager.h> #include <base/logging.h> #include <hidl/MQDescriptor.h> #include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h> #include <future> #include "osi/include/log.h" namespace bluetooth { namespace audio { using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec; using ::android::hardware::Return; using ::android::hardware::Void; using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V5_0::SourceMetadata; using ::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::V2_0::IBluetoothAudioPort; using ::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::V2_0:: IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory; using DataMQ = ::android::hardware::MessageQueue< uint8_t, ::android::hardware::kSynchronizedReadWrite>; static constexpr int kDefaultDataReadTimeoutMs = 10; // 10 ms static constexpr int kDefaultDataReadPollIntervalMs = 1; // non-blocking poll static constexpr char kFullyQualifiedInterfaceName[] = "android.hardware.bluetooth.audio@2.0::IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory"; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BluetoothAudioCtrlAck& ack) { switch (ack) { case BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::SUCCESS_FINISHED: return os << "SUCCESS_FINISHED"; case BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::PENDING: return os << "PENDING"; case BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::FAILURE_UNSUPPORTED: return os << "FAILURE_UNSUPPORTED"; case BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::FAILURE_BUSY: return os << "FAILURE_BUSY"; case BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::FAILURE_DISCONNECTING: return os << "FAILURE_DISCONNECTING"; case BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::FAILURE: return os << "FAILURE"; default: return os << "UNDEFINED " << static_cast<int8_t>(ack); } } // Internal class within BluetoothAudioClientInterfaceace to implement // IBluetoothAudioPort (control interface used by Bluetooth Audio HAL) class BluetoothAudioPortImpl : public IBluetoothAudioPort { public: BluetoothAudioPortImpl(IBluetoothTransportInstance* sink, const android::sp<IBluetoothAudioProvider>& provider) : sink_(sink), provider_(provider){}; Return<void> startStream() { BluetoothAudioCtrlAck ack = sink_->StartRequest(); if (ack != BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::PENDING) { auto hidl_retval = provider_->streamStarted(BluetoothAudioCtrlAckToHalStatus(ack)); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } } return Void(); } Return<void> suspendStream() { BluetoothAudioCtrlAck ack = sink_->SuspendRequest(); if (ack != BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::PENDING) { auto hidl_retval = provider_->streamSuspended(BluetoothAudioCtrlAckToHalStatus(ack)); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } } return Void(); } Return<void> stopStream() { sink_->StopRequest(); return Void(); } Return<void> getPresentationPosition(getPresentationPosition_cb _hidl_cb) { uint64_t remote_delay_report_ns; uint64_t total_bytes_read; timespec data_position; bool retval = sink_->GetPresentationPosition( &remote_delay_report_ns, &total_bytes_read, &data_position); TimeSpec transmittedOctetsTimeStamp; if (retval) { transmittedOctetsTimeStamp = timespec_convert_to_hal(data_position); } else { remote_delay_report_ns = 0; total_bytes_read = 0; transmittedOctetsTimeStamp = {}; } VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": result=" << retval << ", delay=" << remote_delay_report_ns << ", data=" << total_bytes_read << " byte(s), timestamp=" << toString(transmittedOctetsTimeStamp); _hidl_cb((retval ? BluetoothAudioStatus::SUCCESS : BluetoothAudioStatus::FAILURE), remote_delay_report_ns, total_bytes_read, transmittedOctetsTimeStamp); return Void(); } Return<void> updateMetadata(const SourceMetadata& sourceMetadata) { LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": " << sourceMetadata.tracks.size() << " track(s)"; // refer to StreamOut.impl.h within Audio HAL (AUDIO_HAL_VERSION_5_0) std::vector<playback_track_metadata> metadata_vec; metadata_vec.reserve(sourceMetadata.tracks.size()); for (const auto& metadata : sourceMetadata.tracks) { metadata_vec.push_back({ .usage = static_cast<audio_usage_t>(metadata.usage), .content_type = static_cast<audio_content_type_t>(metadata.contentType), .gain = metadata.gain, }); } const source_metadata_t source_metadata = { .track_count = metadata_vec.size(), .tracks = metadata_vec.data()}; sink_->MetadataChanged(source_metadata); return Void(); } private: IBluetoothTransportInstance* sink_; const android::sp<IBluetoothAudioProvider> provider_; TimeSpec timespec_convert_to_hal(const timespec& ts) { return {.tvSec = static_cast<uint64_t>(ts.tv_sec), .tvNSec = static_cast<uint64_t>(ts.tv_nsec)}; } }; class BluetoothAudioDeathRecipient : public ::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient { public: BluetoothAudioDeathRecipient( BluetoothAudioClientInterface* clientif, bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread* message_loop) : bluetooth_audio_clientif_(clientif), message_loop_(message_loop) {} void serviceDied( uint64_t /*cookie*/, const ::android::wp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>& /*who*/) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": restarting connection with new Audio Hal"; if (bluetooth_audio_clientif_ != nullptr && message_loop_ != nullptr) { // restart the session on the correct thread message_loop_->DoInThread( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce( &BluetoothAudioClientInterface::RenewAudioProviderAndSession, base::Unretained(bluetooth_audio_clientif_))); } else { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioClientInterface corrupted"; } } private: BluetoothAudioClientInterface* bluetooth_audio_clientif_; bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread* message_loop_; }; BluetoothAudioClientInterface::BluetoothAudioClientInterface(IBluetoothTransportInstance* sink, bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread* message_loop) : sink_(sink), provider_(nullptr), session_started_(false), mDataMQ(nullptr), death_recipient_(new BluetoothAudioDeathRecipient(this, message_loop)) { auto service_manager = android::hardware::defaultServiceManager1_2(); CHECK(service_manager != nullptr); size_t instance_count = 0; auto listManifestByInterface_cb = [&instance_count](const hidl_vec<android::hardware::hidl_string>& instanceNames) { instance_count = instanceNames.size(); LOG(INFO) << "listManifestByInterface_cb returns " << instance_count << " instance(s)"; }; auto hidl_retval = service_manager->listManifestByInterface(kFullyQualifiedInterfaceName, listManifestByInterface_cb); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(FATAL) << __func__ << ": IServiceManager::listByInterface failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } if (instance_count > 0) { fetch_audio_provider(); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory not declared"; } } BluetoothAudioClientInterface::~BluetoothAudioClientInterface() { if (provider_ != nullptr) { auto hidl_retval = provider_->unlinkToDeath(death_recipient_); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(FATAL) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioDeathRecipient failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } } } std::vector<AudioCapabilities> BluetoothAudioClientInterface::GetAudioCapabilities() const { return capabilities_; } void BluetoothAudioClientInterface::fetch_audio_provider() { if (provider_ != nullptr) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": reflash"; } android::sp<IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory> providersFactory = IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory::getService(); CHECK(providersFactory != nullptr) << "IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory::getService() failed"; LOG(INFO) << "IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory::getService() returned " << providersFactory.get() << (providersFactory->isRemote() ? " (remote)" : " (local)"); std::promise<void> getProviderCapabilities_promise; auto getProviderCapabilities_future = getProviderCapabilities_promise.get_future(); auto getProviderCapabilities_cb = [& capabilities = this->capabilities_, &getProviderCapabilities_promise]( const hidl_vec<AudioCapabilities>& audioCapabilities) { for (auto capability : audioCapabilities) { capabilities.push_back(capability); } getProviderCapabilities_promise.set_value(); }; auto hidl_retval = providersFactory->getProviderCapabilities( sink_->GetSessionType(), getProviderCapabilities_cb); getProviderCapabilities_future.get(); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(FATAL) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal::getProviderCapabilities failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); return; } if (capabilities_.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": SessionType=" << toString(sink_->GetSessionType()) << " Not supported by BluetoothAudioHal"; return; } LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal SessionType=" << toString(sink_->GetSessionType()) << " has " << capabilities_.size() << " AudioCapabilities"; std::promise<void> openProvider_promise; auto openProvider_future = openProvider_promise.get_future(); auto openProvider_cb = [& provider_ = this->provider_, &openProvider_promise]( BluetoothAudioStatus status, const android::sp<IBluetoothAudioProvider>& provider) { LOG(INFO) << "openProvider_cb(" << toString(status) << ")"; if (status == BluetoothAudioStatus::SUCCESS) { provider_ = provider; } ALOGE_IF(!provider_, "Failed to open BluetoothAudio provider"); openProvider_promise.set_value(); }; hidl_retval = providersFactory->openProvider(sink_->GetSessionType(), openProvider_cb); openProvider_future.get(); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(FATAL) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal::openProvider failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } CHECK(provider_ != nullptr); if (!provider_->linkToDeath(death_recipient_, 0).isOk()) { LOG(FATAL) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioDeathRecipient failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } LOG(INFO) << "IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory::openProvider() returned " << provider_.get() << (provider_->isRemote() ? " (remote)" : " (local)"); } bool BluetoothAudioClientInterface::UpdateAudioConfig( const AudioConfiguration& audio_config) { bool is_software_session = (sink_->GetSessionType() == SessionType::A2DP_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH || sink_->GetSessionType() == SessionType::HEARING_AID_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH); bool is_offload_session = (sink_->GetSessionType() == SessionType::A2DP_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD_DATAPATH); auto audio_config_discriminator = audio_config.getDiscriminator(); bool is_software_audio_config = (is_software_session && audio_config_discriminator == AudioConfiguration::hidl_discriminator::pcmConfig); bool is_offload_audio_config = (is_offload_session && audio_config_discriminator == AudioConfiguration::hidl_discriminator::codecConfig); if (!is_software_audio_config && !is_offload_audio_config) { return false; } sink_->UpdateAudioConfiguration(audio_config); return true; } int BluetoothAudioClientInterface::StartSession() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(internal_mutex_); if (provider_ == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal nullptr"; session_started_ = false; return -EINVAL; } if (session_started_) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": session started already"; return -EBUSY; } android::sp<IBluetoothAudioPort> stack_if = new BluetoothAudioPortImpl(sink_, provider_); std::unique_ptr<DataMQ> tempDataMQ; BluetoothAudioStatus session_status; std::promise<void> hidl_startSession_promise; auto hidl_startSession_future = hidl_startSession_promise.get_future(); auto hidl_cb = [&session_status, &tempDataMQ, &hidl_startSession_promise]( BluetoothAudioStatus status, const DataMQ::Descriptor& dataMQ) { LOG(INFO) << "startSession_cb(" << toString(status) << ")"; session_status = status; if (status == BluetoothAudioStatus::SUCCESS && dataMQ.isHandleValid()) { tempDataMQ.reset(new DataMQ(dataMQ)); } hidl_startSession_promise.set_value(); }; auto hidl_retval = provider_->startSession( stack_if, sink_->GetAudioConfiguration(), hidl_cb); hidl_startSession_future.get(); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(FATAL) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); return -EPROTO; } if (tempDataMQ && tempDataMQ->isValid()) { mDataMQ = std::move(tempDataMQ); } else if (sink_->GetSessionType() == SessionType::A2DP_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD_DATAPATH && session_status == BluetoothAudioStatus::SUCCESS) { sink_->ResetPresentationPosition(); session_started_ = true; return 0; } if (mDataMQ && mDataMQ->isValid()) { sink_->ResetPresentationPosition(); session_started_ = true; return 0; } else { ALOGE_IF(!mDataMQ, "Failed to obtain audio data path"); ALOGE_IF(mDataMQ && !mDataMQ->isValid(), "Audio data path is invalid"); session_started_ = false; return -EIO; } } void BluetoothAudioClientInterface::StreamStarted( const BluetoothAudioCtrlAck& ack) { if (provider_ == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal nullptr"; return; } if (ack == BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::PENDING) { LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": " << ack << " ignored"; return; } BluetoothAudioStatus status = BluetoothAudioCtrlAckToHalStatus(ack); auto hidl_retval = provider_->streamStarted(status); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } } void BluetoothAudioClientInterface::StreamSuspended( const BluetoothAudioCtrlAck& ack) { if (provider_ == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal nullptr"; return; } if (ack == BluetoothAudioCtrlAck::PENDING) { LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": " << ack << " ignored"; return; } BluetoothAudioStatus status = BluetoothAudioCtrlAckToHalStatus(ack); auto hidl_retval = provider_->streamSuspended(status); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); } } int BluetoothAudioClientInterface::EndSession() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(internal_mutex_); if (!session_started_) { LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": sessoin ended already"; return 0; } session_started_ = false; if (provider_ == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal nullptr"; return -EINVAL; } mDataMQ = nullptr; auto hidl_retval = provider_->endSession(); if (!hidl_retval.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal failure: " << hidl_retval.description(); return -EPROTO; } return 0; } size_t BluetoothAudioClientInterface::ReadAudioData(uint8_t* p_buf, uint32_t len) { if (provider_ == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioHal nullptr"; return 0; } if (p_buf == nullptr || len == 0) return 0; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(internal_mutex_); size_t total_read = 0; int timeout_ms = kDefaultDataReadTimeoutMs; do { if (mDataMQ == nullptr || !mDataMQ->isValid()) break; size_t avail_to_read = mDataMQ->availableToRead(); if (avail_to_read) { if (avail_to_read > len - total_read) { avail_to_read = len - total_read; } if (mDataMQ->read(p_buf + total_read, avail_to_read) == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": len=" << len << " total_read=" << total_read << " failed"; break; } total_read += avail_to_read; } else if (timeout_ms >= kDefaultDataReadPollIntervalMs) { std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(kDefaultDataReadPollIntervalMs)); timeout_ms -= kDefaultDataReadPollIntervalMs; continue; } else { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": " << (len - total_read) << "/" << len << " no data " << (kDefaultDataReadTimeoutMs - timeout_ms) << " ms"; break; } } while (total_read < len); if (timeout_ms < (kDefaultDataReadTimeoutMs - kDefaultDataReadPollIntervalMs) && timeout_ms >= kDefaultDataReadPollIntervalMs) { VLOG(1) << __func__ << ": underflow " << len << " -> " << total_read << " read " << (kDefaultDataReadTimeoutMs - timeout_ms) << " ms"; } else { VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": " << len << " -> " << total_read << " read"; } sink_->LogBytesRead(total_read); return total_read; } size_t BluetoothAudioClientInterface::WriteAudioData(uint8_t* p_buf, uint32_t len) { // Not implemented! return 0; } void BluetoothAudioClientInterface::RenewAudioProviderAndSession() { // NOTE: must be invoked on the same thread where this // BluetoothAudioClientInterface is running fetch_audio_provider(); session_started_ = false; StartSession(); } } // namespace audio } // namespace bluetooth