/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_INCLUDE_BT_RC_H #define ANDROID_INCLUDE_BT_RC_H __BEGIN_DECLS /* Change this macro to use multiple RC */ #define BT_RC_NUM_APP 6 /* Macros */ #define BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN (1 << 16) #define BTRC_UID_SIZE 8 #define BTRC_MAX_APP_SETTINGS 8 #define BTRC_MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH 4 #define BTRC_MAX_APP_ATTR_SIZE 16 #define BTRC_MAX_ELEM_ATTR_SIZE 8 #define BTRC_FEATURE_BIT_MASK_SIZE 16 /* Macros for valid scopes in get_folder_items */ #define BTRC_SCOPE_PLAYER_LIST 0x00 /* Media Player List */ #define BTRC_SCOPE_FILE_SYSTEM 0x01 /* Virtual File System */ #define BTRC_SCOPE_SEARCH 0x02 /* Search */ #define BTRC_SCOPE_NOW_PLAYING 0x03 /* Now Playing */ /* Macros for supported character encoding */ #define BTRC_CHARSET_ID_UTF8 0x006A /* Macros for item types */ #define BTRC_ITEM_PLAYER 0x01 /* Media Player */ #define BTRC_ITEM_FOLDER 0x02 /* Folder */ #define BTRC_ITEM_MEDIA 0x03 /* Media File */ /* Macros for media attribute IDs */ #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_INVALID -1 #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_TITLE 0x00000001 #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_ARTIST 0x00000002 #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_ALBUM 0x00000003 #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_TRACK_NUM 0x00000004 #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_NUM_TRACKS 0x00000005 #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_GENRE 0x00000006 #define BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ID_PLAYING_TIME 0x00000007 /* in miliseconds */ /* Macros for folder types */ #define BTRC_FOLDER_TYPE_MIXED 0x00 #define BTRC_FOLDER_TYPE_TITLES 0x01 #define BTRC_FOLDER_TYPE_ALBUMS 0x02 #define BTRC_FOLDER_TYPE_ARTISTS 0x03 #define BTRC_FOLDER_TYPE_GENRES 0x04 #define BTRC_FOLDER_TYPE_PLAYLISTS 0x05 #define BTRC_FOLDER_TYPE_YEARS 0x06 /* Macros for media types */ #define BTRC_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO 0x00 /* audio */ #define BTRC_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO 0x01 /* video */ /* Macros for num attributes */ #define BTRC_NUM_ATTR_NONE 0xFF /* No attributes required */ #define BTRC_NUM_ATTR_ALL 0X00 /* All attributes required */ #define BTRC_HANDLE_NONE 0xFF typedef uint8_t btrc_uid_t[BTRC_UID_SIZE]; typedef enum { BTRC_CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0, BTRC_CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED } btrc_connection_state_t; typedef enum { BTRC_FEAT_NONE = 0x00, /* AVRCP 1.0 */ BTRC_FEAT_METADATA = 0x01, /* AVRCP 1.3 */ BTRC_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_VOLUME = 0x02, /* Supports TG role and volume sync */ BTRC_FEAT_BROWSE = 0x04, /* AVRCP 1.4 and up, with Browsing support */ } btrc_remote_features_t; typedef enum { BTRC_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED = 0x00, /* Stopped */ BTRC_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING = 0x01, /* Playing */ BTRC_PLAYSTATE_PAUSED = 0x02, /* Paused */ BTRC_PLAYSTATE_FWD_SEEK = 0x03, /* Fwd Seek*/ BTRC_PLAYSTATE_REV_SEEK = 0x04, /* Rev Seek*/ BTRC_PLAYSTATE_ERROR = 0xFF, /* Error */ } btrc_play_status_t; typedef enum { BTRC_EVT_PLAY_STATUS_CHANGED = 0x01, BTRC_EVT_TRACK_CHANGE = 0x02, BTRC_EVT_TRACK_REACHED_END = 0x03, BTRC_EVT_TRACK_REACHED_START = 0x04, BTRC_EVT_PLAY_POS_CHANGED = 0x05, BTRC_EVT_APP_SETTINGS_CHANGED = 0x08, BTRC_EVT_NOW_PLAYING_CONTENT_CHANGED = 0x09, BTRC_EVT_AVAL_PLAYER_CHANGE = 0x0a, BTRC_EVT_ADDR_PLAYER_CHANGE = 0x0b, BTRC_EVT_UIDS_CHANGED = 0x0c, BTRC_EVT_VOL_CHANGED = 0x0d, } btrc_event_id_t; typedef enum { BTRC_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_INTERIM = 0, BTRC_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHANGED = 1, } btrc_notification_type_t; typedef enum { BTRC_PLAYER_ATTR_EQUALIZER = 0x01, BTRC_PLAYER_ATTR_REPEAT = 0x02, BTRC_PLAYER_ATTR_SHUFFLE = 0x03, BTRC_PLAYER_ATTR_SCAN = 0x04, } btrc_player_attr_t; typedef enum { BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_TITLE = 0x01, BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ARTIST = 0x02, BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_ALBUM = 0x03, BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_TRACK_NUM = 0x04, BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_NUM_TRACKS = 0x05, BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_GENRE = 0x06, BTRC_MEDIA_ATTR_PLAYING_TIME = 0x07, } btrc_media_attr_t; typedef enum { BTRC_PLAYER_VAL_OFF_REPEAT = 0x01, BTRC_PLAYER_VAL_SINGLE_REPEAT = 0x02, BTRC_PLAYER_VAL_ALL_REPEAT = 0x03, BTRC_PLAYER_VAL_GROUP_REPEAT = 0x04 } btrc_player_repeat_val_t; typedef enum { BTRC_PLAYER_VAL_OFF_SHUFFLE = 0x01, BTRC_PLAYER_VAL_ALL_SHUFFLE = 0x02, BTRC_PLAYER_VAL_GROUP_SHUFFLE = 0x03 } btrc_player_shuffle_val_t; typedef enum { BTRC_STS_BAD_CMD = 0x00, /* Invalid command */ BTRC_STS_BAD_PARAM = 0x01, /* Invalid parameter */ BTRC_STS_NOT_FOUND = 0x02, /* Specified parameter is wrong or not found */ BTRC_STS_INTERNAL_ERR = 0x03, /* Internal Error */ BTRC_STS_NO_ERROR = 0x04, /* Operation Success */ BTRC_STS_UID_CHANGED = 0x05, /* UIDs changed */ BTRC_STS_RESERVED = 0x06, /* Reserved */ BTRC_STS_INV_DIRN = 0x07, /* Invalid direction */ BTRC_STS_INV_DIRECTORY = 0x08, /* Invalid directory */ BTRC_STS_INV_ITEM = 0x09, /* Invalid Item */ BTRC_STS_INV_SCOPE = 0x0a, /* Invalid scope */ BTRC_STS_INV_RANGE = 0x0b, /* Invalid range */ BTRC_STS_DIRECTORY = 0x0c, /* UID is a directory */ BTRC_STS_MEDIA_IN_USE = 0x0d, /* Media in use */ BTRC_STS_PLAY_LIST_FULL = 0x0e, /* Playing list full */ BTRC_STS_SRCH_NOT_SPRTD = 0x0f, /* Search not supported */ BTRC_STS_SRCH_IN_PROG = 0x10, /* Search in progress */ BTRC_STS_INV_PLAYER = 0x11, /* Invalid player */ BTRC_STS_PLAY_NOT_BROW = 0x12, /* Player not browsable */ BTRC_STS_PLAY_NOT_ADDR = 0x13, /* Player not addressed */ BTRC_STS_INV_RESULTS = 0x14, /* Invalid results */ BTRC_STS_NO_AVBL_PLAY = 0x15, /* No available players */ BTRC_STS_ADDR_PLAY_CHGD = 0x16, /* Addressed player changed */ } btrc_status_t; typedef struct { uint16_t player_id; uint16_t uid_counter; } btrc_addr_player_changed_t; typedef struct { uint8_t num_attr; uint8_t attr_ids[BTRC_MAX_APP_SETTINGS]; uint8_t attr_values[BTRC_MAX_APP_SETTINGS]; } btrc_player_settings_t; typedef struct { uint8_t val; uint16_t charset_id; uint16_t str_len; uint8_t* p_str; } btrc_player_app_ext_attr_val_t; typedef struct { uint8_t attr_id; uint16_t charset_id; uint16_t str_len; uint8_t* p_str; uint8_t num_val; btrc_player_app_ext_attr_val_t ext_attr_val[BTRC_MAX_APP_ATTR_SIZE]; } btrc_player_app_ext_attr_t; typedef struct { uint8_t attr_id; uint8_t num_val; uint8_t attr_val[BTRC_MAX_APP_ATTR_SIZE]; } btrc_player_app_attr_t; typedef struct { uint32_t start_item; uint32_t end_item; uint32_t size; uint32_t attrs[BTRC_MAX_ELEM_ATTR_SIZE]; uint8_t attr_count; } btrc_getfolderitem_t; typedef struct { uint16_t type; uint16_t uid_counter; } btrc_uids_changed_t; typedef struct { uint16_t type; } btrc_now_playing_changed_t; typedef union { btrc_play_status_t play_status; btrc_uid_t track; /* queue position in NowPlaying */ uint32_t song_pos; uint16_t uid_counter; btrc_player_settings_t player_setting; btrc_addr_player_changed_t addr_player_changed; btrc_uids_changed_t uids_changed; btrc_now_playing_changed_t now_playing_changed; } btrc_register_notification_t; typedef struct { uint8_t id; /* can be attr_id or value_id */ uint8_t text[BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN]; } btrc_player_setting_text_t; typedef struct { uint32_t attr_id; uint8_t text[BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN]; } btrc_element_attr_val_t; typedef struct { uint16_t player_id; uint8_t major_type; uint32_t sub_type; uint8_t play_status; uint8_t features[BTRC_FEATURE_BIT_MASK_SIZE]; uint16_t charset_id; uint8_t name[BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN]; } btrc_item_player_t; typedef struct { uint8_t uid[BTRC_UID_SIZE]; uint8_t type; uint8_t playable; uint16_t charset_id; uint8_t name[BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN]; } btrc_item_folder_t; typedef struct { uint8_t uid[BTRC_UID_SIZE]; uint8_t type; uint16_t charset_id; uint8_t name[BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN]; int num_attrs; btrc_element_attr_val_t* p_attrs; } btrc_item_media_t; typedef struct { uint8_t item_type; union { btrc_item_player_t player; btrc_item_folder_t folder; btrc_item_media_t media; }; } btrc_folder_items_t; typedef struct { uint16_t str_len; uint8_t p_str[BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN]; } btrc_br_folder_name_t; /** Callback for the controller's supported feautres */ typedef void (*btrc_remote_features_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_remote_features_t features); /** Callback for play status request */ typedef void (*btrc_get_play_status_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for list player application attributes (Shuffle, Repeat,...) */ typedef void (*btrc_list_player_app_attr_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for list player application attributes (Shuffle, Repeat,...) */ typedef void (*btrc_list_player_app_values_callback)(btrc_player_attr_t attr_id, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for getting the current player application settings value ** num_attr: specifies the number of attribute ids contained in p_attrs */ typedef void (*btrc_get_player_app_value_callback)(uint8_t num_attr, btrc_player_attr_t* p_attrs, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for getting the player application settings attributes' text ** num_attr: specifies the number of attribute ids contained in p_attrs */ typedef void (*btrc_get_player_app_attrs_text_callback)( uint8_t num_attr, btrc_player_attr_t* p_attrs, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for getting the player application settings values' text ** num_attr: specifies the number of value ids contained in p_vals */ typedef void (*btrc_get_player_app_values_text_callback)( uint8_t attr_id, uint8_t num_val, uint8_t* p_vals, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for setting the player application settings values */ typedef void (*btrc_set_player_app_value_callback)( btrc_player_settings_t* p_vals, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback to fetch the get element attributes of the current song ** num_attr: specifies the number of attributes requested in p_attrs */ typedef void (*btrc_get_element_attr_callback)(uint8_t num_attr, btrc_media_attr_t* p_attrs, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for register notification (Play state change/track change/...) ** param: Is only valid if event_id is BTRC_EVT_PLAY_POS_CHANGED */ typedef void (*btrc_register_notification_callback)(btrc_event_id_t event_id, uint32_t param, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /* AVRCP 1.4 Enhancements */ /** Callback for volume change on CT ** volume: Current volume setting on the CT (0-127) */ typedef void (*btrc_volume_change_callback)(uint8_t volume, uint8_t ctype, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for passthrough commands */ typedef void (*btrc_passthrough_cmd_callback)(int id, int key_state, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for set addressed player response on TG **/ typedef void (*btrc_set_addressed_player_callback)(uint16_t player_id, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for set browsed player response on TG **/ typedef void (*btrc_set_browsed_player_callback)(uint16_t player_id, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for get folder items on TG ** num_attr: specifies the number of attributes requested in p_attr_ids */ typedef void (*btrc_get_folder_items_callback)( uint8_t scope, uint32_t start_item, uint32_t end_item, uint8_t num_attr, uint32_t* p_attr_ids, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for changing browsed path on TG **/ typedef void (*btrc_change_path_callback)(uint8_t direction, uint8_t* folder_uid, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback to fetch the get item attributes of the media item ** num_attr: specifies the number of attributes requested in p_attrs */ typedef void (*btrc_get_item_attr_callback)(uint8_t scope, uint8_t* uid, uint16_t uid_counter, uint8_t num_attr, btrc_media_attr_t* p_attrs, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for play request for the media item indicated by an identifier */ typedef void (*btrc_play_item_callback)(uint8_t scope, uint16_t uid_counter, uint8_t* uid, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback to fetch total number of items from a folder **/ typedef void (*btrc_get_total_num_of_items_callback)(uint8_t scope, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback for conducting recursive search on a current browsed path for a * specified string */ typedef void (*btrc_search_callback)(uint16_t charset_id, uint16_t str_len, uint8_t* p_str, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Callback to add a specified media item indicated by an identifier to now * playing queue. */ typedef void (*btrc_add_to_now_playing_callback)(uint8_t scope, uint8_t* uid, uint16_t uid_counter, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** BT-RC Target callback structure. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(BtRcCallbacks) */ size_t size; btrc_remote_features_callback remote_features_cb; btrc_get_play_status_callback get_play_status_cb; btrc_list_player_app_attr_callback list_player_app_attr_cb; btrc_list_player_app_values_callback list_player_app_values_cb; btrc_get_player_app_value_callback get_player_app_value_cb; btrc_get_player_app_attrs_text_callback get_player_app_attrs_text_cb; btrc_get_player_app_values_text_callback get_player_app_values_text_cb; btrc_set_player_app_value_callback set_player_app_value_cb; btrc_get_element_attr_callback get_element_attr_cb; btrc_register_notification_callback register_notification_cb; btrc_volume_change_callback volume_change_cb; btrc_passthrough_cmd_callback passthrough_cmd_cb; btrc_set_addressed_player_callback set_addressed_player_cb; btrc_set_browsed_player_callback set_browsed_player_cb; btrc_get_folder_items_callback get_folder_items_cb; btrc_change_path_callback change_path_cb; btrc_get_item_attr_callback get_item_attr_cb; btrc_play_item_callback play_item_cb; btrc_get_total_num_of_items_callback get_total_num_of_items_cb; btrc_search_callback search_cb; btrc_add_to_now_playing_callback add_to_now_playing_cb; } btrc_callbacks_t; /** Represents the standard BT-RC AVRCP Target interface. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(BtRcInterface) */ size_t size; /** * Register the BtRc callbacks */ bt_status_t (*init)(btrc_callbacks_t* callbacks); /** Respose to GetPlayStatus request. Contains the current ** 1. Play status ** 2. Song duration/length ** 3. Song position */ bt_status_t (*get_play_status_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_play_status_t play_status, uint32_t song_len, uint32_t song_pos); /** Lists the support player application attributes (Shuffle/Repeat/...) ** num_attr: Specifies the number of attributes contained in the pointer *p_attrs */ bt_status_t (*list_player_app_attr_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, int num_attr, btrc_player_attr_t* p_attrs); /** Lists the support player application attributes (Shuffle Off/On/Group) ** num_val: Specifies the number of values contained in the pointer p_vals */ bt_status_t (*list_player_app_value_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, int num_val, uint8_t* p_vals); /** Returns the current application attribute values for each of the specified * attr_id */ bt_status_t (*get_player_app_value_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_player_settings_t* p_vals); /** Returns the application attributes text ("Shuffle"/"Repeat"/...) ** num_attr: Specifies the number of attributes' text contained in the *pointer p_attrs */ bt_status_t (*get_player_app_attr_text_rsp)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, int num_attr, btrc_player_setting_text_t* p_attrs); /** Returns the application attributes text ("Shuffle"/"Repeat"/...) ** num_attr: Specifies the number of attribute values' text contained in the *pointer p_vals */ bt_status_t (*get_player_app_value_text_rsp)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, int num_val, btrc_player_setting_text_t* p_vals); /** Returns the current songs' element attributes text *("Title"/"Album"/"Artist") ** num_attr: Specifies the number of attributes' text contained in the *pointer p_attrs */ bt_status_t (*get_element_attr_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t num_attr, btrc_element_attr_val_t* p_attrs); /** Response to set player attribute request ("Shuffle"/"Repeat") ** rsp_status: Status of setting the player attributes for the current media *player */ bt_status_t (*set_player_app_value_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status); /* Response to the register notification request (Play state change/track *change/...). ** event_id: Refers to the event_id this notification change corresponds too ** type: Response type - interim/changed ** p_params: Based on the event_id, this parameter should be populated */ bt_status_t (*register_notification_rsp)( btrc_event_id_t event_id, btrc_notification_type_t type, btrc_register_notification_t* p_param); /* AVRCP 1.4 enhancements */ /**Send current volume setting to remote side. Support limited to *SetAbsoluteVolume ** This can be enhanced to support Relative Volume (AVRCP 1.0). ** With RelateVolume, we will send VOLUME_UP/VOLUME_DOWN opposed to absolute *volume level ** volume: Should be in the range 0-127. bit7 is reseved and cannot be set */ bt_status_t (*set_volume)(uint8_t volume); /* Set addressed player response from TG to CT */ bt_status_t (*set_addressed_player_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status); /* Set browsed player response from TG to CT */ bt_status_t (*set_browsed_player_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status, uint32_t num_items, uint16_t charset_id, uint8_t folder_depth, btrc_br_folder_name_t* p_folders); /* Get folder item list response from TG to CT */ bt_status_t (*get_folder_items_list_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status, uint16_t uid_counter, uint8_t num_items, btrc_folder_items_t* p_items); /* Change path response from TG to CT */ bt_status_t (*change_path_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status, uint32_t num_items); /** Returns the element's attributes num_attr: Specifies the number of * attributes' text contained in the pointer p_attrs */ bt_status_t (*get_item_attr_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status, uint8_t num_attr, btrc_element_attr_val_t* p_attrs); /* play media item response from TG to CT */ bt_status_t (*play_item_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status); /* get total number of items response from TG to CT*/ bt_status_t (*get_total_num_of_items_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status, uint32_t uid_counter, uint32_t num_items); /* Search VFS response from TG to CT */ bt_status_t (*search_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status, uint32_t uid_counter, uint32_t num_items); /* add_to_now playing list response from TG to CT */ bt_status_t (*add_to_now_playing_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t rsp_status); /** Closes the interface. */ void (*cleanup)(void); } btrc_interface_t; typedef void (*btrc_passthrough_rsp_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, int id, int key_state); typedef void (*btrc_groupnavigation_rsp_callback)(int id, int key_state); typedef void (*btrc_connection_state_callback)(bool rc_connect, bool bt_connect, const RawAddress& bd_addr); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_getrcfeatures_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, int features); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_setabsvol_cmd_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t abs_vol, uint8_t label); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_registernotification_abs_vol_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t label); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_setplayerapplicationsetting_rsp_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t accepted); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_playerapplicationsetting_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t num_attr, btrc_player_app_attr_t* app_attrs, uint8_t num_ext_attr, btrc_player_app_ext_attr_t* ext_attrs); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_playerapplicationsetting_changed_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, const btrc_player_settings_t& vals); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_track_changed_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t num_attr, btrc_element_attr_val_t* p_attrs); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_play_position_changed_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint32_t song_len, uint32_t song_pos); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_play_status_changed_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_play_status_t play_status); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_get_folder_items_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_status_t status, const btrc_folder_items_t* folder_items, uint8_t count); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_change_path_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint32_t count); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_set_browsed_player_callback)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t num_items, uint8_t depth); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_set_addressed_player_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t status); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_addressed_player_changed_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint16_t id); typedef void (*btrc_ctrl_now_playing_contents_changed_callback)( const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** BT-RC Controller callback structure. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(BtRcCallbacks) */ size_t size; btrc_passthrough_rsp_callback passthrough_rsp_cb; btrc_groupnavigation_rsp_callback groupnavigation_rsp_cb; btrc_connection_state_callback connection_state_cb; btrc_ctrl_getrcfeatures_callback getrcfeatures_cb; btrc_ctrl_setplayerapplicationsetting_rsp_callback setplayerappsetting_rsp_cb; btrc_ctrl_playerapplicationsetting_callback playerapplicationsetting_cb; btrc_ctrl_playerapplicationsetting_changed_callback playerapplicationsetting_changed_cb; btrc_ctrl_setabsvol_cmd_callback setabsvol_cmd_cb; btrc_ctrl_registernotification_abs_vol_callback registernotification_absvol_cb; btrc_ctrl_track_changed_callback track_changed_cb; btrc_ctrl_play_position_changed_callback play_position_changed_cb; btrc_ctrl_play_status_changed_callback play_status_changed_cb; btrc_ctrl_get_folder_items_callback get_folder_items_cb; btrc_ctrl_change_path_callback change_folder_path_cb; btrc_ctrl_set_browsed_player_callback set_browsed_player_cb; btrc_ctrl_set_addressed_player_callback set_addressed_player_cb; btrc_ctrl_addressed_player_changed_callback addressed_player_changed_cb; btrc_ctrl_now_playing_contents_changed_callback now_playing_contents_changed_cb; } btrc_ctrl_callbacks_t; /** Represents the standard BT-RC AVRCP Controller interface. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(BtRcInterface) */ size_t size; /** * Register the BtRc callbacks */ bt_status_t (*init)(btrc_ctrl_callbacks_t* callbacks); /** send pass through command to target */ bt_status_t (*send_pass_through_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t key_code, uint8_t key_state); /** send group navigation command to target */ bt_status_t (*send_group_navigation_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t key_code, uint8_t key_state); /** send command to set player applicaiton setting attributes to target */ bt_status_t (*set_player_app_setting_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t num_attrib, uint8_t* attrib_ids, uint8_t* attrib_vals); /** send command to play a particular item */ bt_status_t (*play_item_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t scope, uint8_t* uid, uint16_t uid_counter); /** get the playback state */ bt_status_t (*get_playback_state_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** get the now playing list */ bt_status_t (*get_now_playing_list_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint32_t start, uint32_t end); /** get the folder list */ bt_status_t (*get_folder_list_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint32_t start, uint32_t end); /** get the player list */ bt_status_t (*get_player_list_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint32_t start, uint32_t end); /** change the folder path */ bt_status_t (*change_folder_path_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t direction, uint8_t* uid); /** set browsed player */ bt_status_t (*set_browsed_player_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint16_t player_id); /** set addressed player */ bt_status_t (*set_addressed_player_cmd)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint16_t player_id); /** send rsp to set_abs_vol received from target */ bt_status_t (*set_volume_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t abs_vol, uint8_t label); /** send notificaiton rsp for abs vol to target */ bt_status_t (*register_abs_vol_rsp)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_notification_type_t rsp_type, uint8_t abs_vol, uint8_t label); /** Closes the interface. */ void (*cleanup)(void); } btrc_ctrl_interface_t; __END_DECLS #endif /* ANDROID_INCLUDE_BT_RC_H */