subdirs = [

cc_defaults {
    name: "fluoride_service_defaults",
    defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"],
    include_dirs: [
    header_libs: [ "libbluetooth_headers" ],

// Source variables
// ========================================================
btserviceDaemonSrc = [

btserviceLinuxSrc = [

btserviceBinderDaemonSrc = [

// Main unit test sources. These get built for host and target.
// ========================================================
btserviceBaseTestSrc = [

// Native system service for target
// ========================================================
cc_binary {
    name: "bluetoothtbd",
    defaults: ["fluoride_service_defaults"],
    srcs: btserviceBinderDaemonSrc +
    btserviceLinuxSrc +
    btserviceDaemonSrc +
    static_libs: [

    shared_libs: [
    init_rc: ["bluetoothtbd.rc"],

// Native system service unit tests for target and host

// ========================================================
cc_test {
    name: "bluetoothtbd_test",
    test_suites: ["device-tests"],
    defaults: ["fluoride_service_defaults"],
    srcs: btserviceBaseTestSrc +
    btserviceDaemonSrc + [
    aidl: {
        include_dirs: [
    static_libs: [
    shared_libs: [

    host_supported: true,
    target: {
        // This includes Binder related tests that can only be run
        // on target.
        android: {
            srcs: btserviceBinderDaemonSrc + [
            static_libs: [
            shared_libs: [
        host: {
            srcs: [
        linux_glibc: {
            srcs: btserviceLinuxSrc + [
                // TODO(bcf): Fix this test.
    sanitize: {
        cfi: false,

// Native system service CLI for target
// ========================================================
cc_binary {
    name: "bluetooth-cli",
    defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"],
    srcs: ["client/"],
    static_libs: [
    shared_libs: [

// Heart Rate GATT service example for target
// ========================================================
cc_binary {
    name: "bt-example-hr-server",
    defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"],
    local_include_dirs: ["example/heart_rate"],
    srcs: [
    static_libs: [
    shared_libs: [

cc_library_static {
    name: "libbluetoothtbd_hal",
    defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"],
    include_dirs: ["system/bt"],
    header_libs: ["libbluetooth_headers"],
    srcs: [