 * Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Binder IPC interface for receiving callbacks related to Bluetooth GATT
 * client-role operations.
 * TODO(armansito): Not yet supported.
oneway interface IBluetoothGattClientCallback {
   * Called as a result of IBluetoothGattClient.registerClient.
   * |status| will contain BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the client was successfully
   * registered. |client_id| is the owning application's unique GATT client
   * handle and can be used to perform further operations on the
   * IBluetoothGattClient interface.
  void onClientRegistered(in int status, in int client_id);

   * Called for each GATT service that was discovered on the remote device. The
   * device that this service belongs to can be obtained from the |service_id|
   * structure. |is_primary| is true if this refers to a primary service,
   * otherwise this refers to a secondary service.
  void onGetService(in boolean is_primary, in GattIdentifier service_id);

   * Called for each include definition that was discovered on the remote
   * device.
  void onGetIncludedService(in GattIdentifier included_service_id);

   * Called for each characteristic that was discovered on the remote device.
   * The service that this characteristic belongs to can be obtained from the
   * |characteristic_id| structure. |properties| contains the bitmask of GATT
   * characteristic properties as defined in the Bluetooth Core Specification.
  void onGetCharacteristic(in GattIdentifier characteristic_id,
                           in int properties);

   * Called for each descriptor that was discovered on the remote device. The
   * service and characteristic that this descriptor belongs to can be obtained
   * from the |descriptor_id| structure.
  void onGetDescriptor(in GattIdentifier descriptor_id);

   * Called to mark the end of GATT service discovery on the remote device with
   * address |device_address|. |status| will contain BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if
   * the operation was successful.
  void onSearchComplete(in String device_address, in int status);

   * Called as a result of IBluetoothGattClient.readCharacteristic. |status|
   * will contain BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on success and an ATT protocol error
   * code in case of an error. |characteristic_id| refers to the characteristic
   * this operation was performed on. On success, |value| will contain the
   * characteristic value that was read from the remote device. This argument
   * can be ignored in case of failure.
  void onCharacteristicRead(in int status, in GattIdentifier characteristic_id,
                            in byte[] value);

   * Called as a result of IBluetoothGattClient.writeCharacteristic. |status|
   * will contain BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on success and an ATT protocol error
   * code in case of an error. |characteristic_id| refers to the characteristic
   * this operation was performed on.
  void onCharacteristicWrite(in int status,
                             in GattIdentifier characteristic_id);

   * Called as a result of IBluetoothGattClient.endReliableWrite.
   * |device_address| refers to the remote device that the endReliableWrite
   * method was called on. |status| will contain BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on
   * success and an ATT error code in case of an error.
  void onExecuteWrite(in String device_address, in int status);

   * Called as a result of IBluetoothGattClient.readDescriptor. |status|
   * will contain BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on success and an ATT protocol error
   * code in case of an error. |descriptor_id| refers to the descriptor this
   * operation was performed on. On success, |value| will contain the
   * descriptor value that was read from the remote device. This argument
   * can be ignored in case of failure.
  void onDescriptorRead(in int status, in GattIdentifier descriptor_id,
                        in byte[] value);

   * Called as a result of IBluetoothGattClient.writeDescriptor. |status|
   * will contain BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on success and an ATT protocol error
   * code in case of an error. |descriptor_id| refers to the descriptor this
   * operation was performed on.
  void onDescriptorWrite(in int status, in GattIdentifier descriptor_id);

   * Called when there is an incoming ATT Handle-Value notification or
   * indication for the characteristic with identifier |characteristic_id|.
  void onNotify(in GattIdentifier characteristic_id, in byte[] value);