/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "storaged" #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sstream> #include <android-base/file.h> #include <android-base/logging.h> #include <log/log_event_list.h> #include "storaged.h" #include "storaged_diskstats.h" namespace { using android::sp; using android::hardware::health::V2_0::DiskStats; using android::hardware::health::V2_0::IHealth; using android::hardware::health::V2_0::Result; using android::hardware::health::V2_0::toString; #ifdef DEBUG void log_debug_disk_perf(struct disk_perf* perf, const char* type) { // skip if the input structure are all zeros if (perf == NULL || perf->is_zero()) return; LOG_TO(SYSTEM, INFO) << "disk_perf " << type << " rd: " << perf->read_perf << " kbps, " << perf->read_ios << " iops" << " wr: " << perf->write_perf << " kbps, " << perf->write_ios << " iops" << " q: " << perf->queue; } #else void log_debug_disk_perf(struct disk_perf* perf, const char* type) {} #endif void log_event_disk_stats(struct disk_stats* stats, const char* type) { // skip if the input structure are all zeros if (stats == NULL || stats->is_zero()) return; android_log_event_list(EVENTLOGTAG_DISKSTATS) << type << stats->start_time << stats->end_time << stats->read_ios << stats->read_merges << stats->read_sectors << stats->read_ticks << stats->write_ios << stats->write_merges << stats->write_sectors << stats->write_ticks << (uint64_t)stats->io_avg << stats->io_ticks << stats->io_in_queue << LOG_ID_EVENTS; } } // namespace bool get_time(struct timespec* ts) { // Use monotonic to exclude suspend time so that we measure IO bytes/sec // when system is running. int ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ts); if (ret < 0) { PLOG_TO(SYSTEM, ERROR) << "clock_gettime() failed"; return false; } return true; } void init_disk_stats_other(const struct timespec& ts, struct disk_stats* stats) { stats->start_time = 0; stats->end_time = (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec * SEC_TO_MSEC + ts.tv_nsec / (MSEC_TO_USEC * USEC_TO_NSEC); stats->counter = 1; stats->io_avg = (double)stats->io_in_flight; } bool parse_disk_stats(const char* disk_stats_path, struct disk_stats* stats) { // Get time struct timespec ts; if (!get_time(&ts)) { return false; } std::string buffer; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(disk_stats_path, &buffer)) { PLOG_TO(SYSTEM, ERROR) << disk_stats_path << ": ReadFileToString failed."; return false; } // Regular diskstats entries std::stringstream ss(buffer); for (uint i = 0; i < DISK_STATS_SIZE; ++i) { ss >> *((uint64_t*)stats + i); } // Other entries init_disk_stats_other(ts, stats); return true; } void convert_hal_disk_stats(struct disk_stats* dst, const DiskStats& src) { dst->read_ios = src.reads; dst->read_merges = src.readMerges; dst->read_sectors = src.readSectors; dst->read_ticks = src.readTicks; dst->write_ios = src.writes; dst->write_merges = src.writeMerges; dst->write_sectors = src.writeSectors; dst->write_ticks = src.writeTicks; dst->io_in_flight = src.ioInFlight; dst->io_ticks = src.ioTicks; dst->io_in_queue = src.ioInQueue; } bool get_disk_stats_from_health_hal(const sp<IHealth>& service, struct disk_stats* stats) { struct timespec ts; if (!get_time(&ts)) { return false; } bool success = false; auto ret = service->getDiskStats([&success, stats](auto result, const auto& halStats) { if (result == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) { LOG_TO(SYSTEM, DEBUG) << "getDiskStats is not supported on health HAL."; return; } if (result != Result::SUCCESS || halStats.size() == 0) { LOG_TO(SYSTEM, ERROR) << "getDiskStats failed with result " << toString(result) << " and size " << halStats.size(); return; } convert_hal_disk_stats(stats, halStats[0]); success = true; }); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG_TO(SYSTEM, ERROR) << "getDiskStats failed with " << ret.description(); return false; } if (!success) { return false; } init_disk_stats_other(ts, stats); return true; } struct disk_perf get_disk_perf(struct disk_stats* stats) { struct disk_perf perf = {}; if (stats->io_ticks) { if (stats->read_ticks) { unsigned long long divisor = stats->read_ticks * stats->io_ticks; perf.read_perf = ((unsigned long long)SECTOR_SIZE * stats->read_sectors * stats->io_in_queue + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; perf.read_ios = ((unsigned long long)SEC_TO_MSEC * stats->read_ios * stats->io_in_queue + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; } if (stats->write_ticks) { unsigned long long divisor = stats->write_ticks * stats->io_ticks; perf.write_perf = ((unsigned long long)SECTOR_SIZE * stats->write_sectors * stats->io_in_queue + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; perf.write_ios = ((unsigned long long)SEC_TO_MSEC * stats->write_ios * stats->io_in_queue + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; } perf.queue = (stats->io_in_queue + (stats->io_ticks >> 1)) / stats->io_ticks; } return perf; } void get_inc_disk_stats(const struct disk_stats* prev, const struct disk_stats* curr, struct disk_stats* inc) { *inc = *curr - *prev; inc->start_time = prev->end_time; inc->end_time = curr->end_time; inc->io_avg = curr->io_avg; inc->counter = 1; } // Add src to dst void add_disk_stats(struct disk_stats* src, struct disk_stats* dst) { if (dst->end_time != 0 && dst->end_time != src->start_time) { LOG_TO(SYSTEM, WARNING) << "Two dis-continuous periods of diskstats" << " are added. dst end with " << dst->end_time << ", src start with " << src->start_time; } *dst += *src; dst->io_in_flight = src->io_in_flight; if (dst->counter + src->counter) { dst->io_avg = ((dst->io_avg * dst->counter) + (src->io_avg * src->counter)) / (dst->counter + src->counter); } dst->counter += src->counter; dst->end_time = src->end_time; if (dst->start_time == 0) { dst->start_time = src->start_time; } } /* disk_stats_monitor */ void disk_stats_monitor::update_mean() { CHECK(mValid); mMean.read_perf = (uint32_t)mStats.read_perf.get_mean(); mMean.read_ios = (uint32_t)mStats.read_ios.get_mean(); mMean.write_perf = (uint32_t)mStats.write_perf.get_mean(); mMean.write_ios = (uint32_t)mStats.write_ios.get_mean(); mMean.queue = (uint32_t)mStats.queue.get_mean(); } void disk_stats_monitor::update_std() { CHECK(mValid); mStd.read_perf = (uint32_t)mStats.read_perf.get_std(); mStd.read_ios = (uint32_t)mStats.read_ios.get_std(); mStd.write_perf = (uint32_t)mStats.write_perf.get_std(); mStd.write_ios = (uint32_t)mStats.write_ios.get_std(); mStd.queue = (uint32_t)mStats.queue.get_std(); } void disk_stats_monitor::add(struct disk_perf* perf) { mStats.read_perf.add(perf->read_perf); mStats.read_ios.add(perf->read_ios); mStats.write_perf.add(perf->write_perf); mStats.write_ios.add(perf->write_ios); mStats.queue.add(perf->queue); } void disk_stats_monitor::evict(struct disk_perf* perf) { mStats.read_perf.evict(perf->read_perf); mStats.read_ios.evict(perf->read_ios); mStats.write_perf.evict(perf->write_perf); mStats.write_ios.evict(perf->write_ios); mStats.queue.evict(perf->queue); } bool disk_stats_monitor::detect(struct disk_perf* perf) { return ((double)perf->queue >= (double)mMean.queue + mSigma * (double)mStd.queue) && ((double)perf->read_perf < (double)mMean.read_perf - mSigma * (double)mStd.read_perf) && ((double)perf->write_perf < (double)mMean.write_perf - mSigma * (double)mStd.write_perf); } void disk_stats_monitor::update(struct disk_stats* curr) { disk_stats inc; get_inc_disk_stats(&mPrevious, curr, &inc); add_disk_stats(&inc, &mAccumulate_pub); struct disk_perf perf = get_disk_perf(&inc); log_debug_disk_perf(&perf, "regular"); add(&perf); mBuffer.push(perf); if (mBuffer.size() > mWindow) { evict(&mBuffer.front()); mBuffer.pop(); mValid = true; } // Update internal data structures if (LIKELY(mValid)) { CHECK_EQ(mBuffer.size(), mWindow); update_mean(); update_std(); if (UNLIKELY(detect(&perf))) { mStall = true; add_disk_stats(&inc, &mAccumulate); log_debug_disk_perf(&mMean, "stalled_mean"); log_debug_disk_perf(&mStd, "stalled_std"); } else { if (mStall) { struct disk_perf acc_perf = get_disk_perf(&mAccumulate); log_debug_disk_perf(&acc_perf, "stalled"); log_event_disk_stats(&mAccumulate, "stalled"); mStall = false; memset(&mAccumulate, 0, sizeof(mAccumulate)); } } } mPrevious = *curr; } void disk_stats_monitor::update() { disk_stats curr; if (mHealth != nullptr) { if (!get_disk_stats_from_health_hal(mHealth, &curr)) { return; } } else { if (!parse_disk_stats(DISK_STATS_PATH, &curr)) { return; } } update(&curr); } void disk_stats_monitor::publish(void) { struct disk_perf perf = get_disk_perf(&mAccumulate_pub); log_debug_disk_perf(&perf, "regular"); log_event_disk_stats(&mAccumulate, "regular"); // Reset global structures memset(&mAccumulate_pub, 0, sizeof(struct disk_stats)); }