// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

filegroup {
    name: "iorap-aidl",
    srcs: [
        // note: using **/* doesn't work, so list each file one by one:
        // see also b/70046217

        // note: list only 'interface' aidl files, otherwise
        // aidl generates an error "Refusing to generate code with unstructured parcelables."

cc_defaults {
    name: "iorap-default-flags",

    cflags: [

    local_include_dirs: [
    // TODO: shouldn't need this but there's a soong/cmake generator bug.
    export_include_dirs: [

    TODO: Header refactoring cleanup:

    Option 1): Move src/$component/file_name.h to src/$component/include/$component/file_name.h
    Option 2): Symlink src/$component/include/$component to src/$component

    Set export_include_dirs to '$component/include' for that component.

    Also delete the 'include' directory unless we have code other non-iorap
    targets are allowed to reference.

    clang: true,
    shared_libs: ["libbase"],

cc_defaults {
    name: "iorap-default-dependencies",

    static_libs: [
        "libplatformprotos",  // android framework C++ protos.
    shared_libs: [
        "libcutils", // tracing.

        "libfruit",  // dependency injection.
        // TODO: remove these annoying dependencies by hiding them in the main library code.

        // dependency for libplatformprotos
        // "libprotobuf-cpp-lite",

        // libplatformprotos has an indirect dependency on full, causing compilation/linking
        // errors if we use lite

    // srcs: [":libprotobuf-internal-protos"],
    // commented out because it causes compilation errors
    // TODO: can we use the lite library somehow?

    header_libs: ["librxcpp"],

cc_library_static {
    name: "libiorap-binder",
    defaults: ["iorap-default-flags"],

    srcs: [
    shared_libs: [
        "libcutils", // tracing.
    aidl: {
        local_include_dirs: ["binder"],
        include_dirs: ["frameworks/native/aidl/binder"],
        export_aidl_headers: true,
    static_libs: [
       "libplatformprotos",  // android framework C++ protos.

cc_defaults {
    name: "libiorap-manager-default-dependencies",
    static_libs: [
    defaults: [
    // Users of 'libiorap-manager' also need to include these defaults to avoid
    // linking errors.

cc_library_static {
    name: "libiorap-manager",
    defaults: [

    srcs: [

cc_binary {
    name: "iorapd",
    defaults: [
    srcs: [
    static_libs: [
    init_rc: [

cc_library_static {
    name: "libiorap-inode2filename",
    defaults: [

    srcs: [

cc_binary {
  name: "iorap.inode2filename",
  defaults: [
  srcs: [
  // Easier debugging. TODO: make a separate debug config.
  // XX: Using -O0 seems to completely hide some errors.
  cflags: ["-O2", "-UNDEBUG", "-DIORAP_INODE2FILENAME_MAIN=1"],
  sanitize: {
    undefined: true,
    all_undefined: true,
    // Pretty print when ubsan detects a problem.
    // Otherwise it just calls abort().

    diag: {
      undefined: true,
    */ // don't use the diag when you want it to crash.

cc_test {
    name: "iorapd-tests",
    test_suites: ["device-tests"],
    gtest: false,  // we use gtest *and* gmock.
    defaults: [
    srcs: [
    cflags: ["-O2", "-UNDEBUG"],

    // TODO:  we should probably have per-component tests.
    static_libs: ["libgmock_main", "libgmock", "libgtest", "libiorap-inode2filename"],

filegroup {
  name: "libiorap-perfetto-protos",
  srcs: [

// Static libraries cannot export their dependencies,
// the current convention is to use an extra 'defaults' rule for statics
// to bring in all the dependencies.
cc_defaults {
    name: "libiorap-perfetto-default-dependencies",

    // Some of the libperfetto header typedefs leak out into iorap.
    // Avoids compilation #include errors.
    // TODO: clean this up, the headers should not leak out (maybe all we need is a PerfettoConsumer
    // forward declaration?).
    include_dirs: ["external/perfetto/include"],
    // Various perfetto protos are used directly by iorap.
    // Furthermore, we need this regardless to avoid linking errors when linking
    // libiorap-perfetto.a into the main cc_binary rule.
    static_libs: [

    shared_libs: [
        // Not part of true dependencies: Users of 'libiorap-perfetto' do not link against
        // libperfetto.
        // We only put this to avoid linking errors when building iorapd.
        // TODO: can we split iorapd into libiorapd-main that doesn't link against libperfetto?
        // only the last cc_binary should need the full transitive closure of the dependency graph.

cc_library_static {
    name: "libiorap-perfetto",
    defaults: [

    srcs: [

cc_binary {
  name: "iorap.cmd.perfetto",
  defaults: [
  shared_libs: ["libperfetto"],
  include_dirs: ["external/perfetto/include"],
  srcs: [
  // Easier debugging. TODO: make a separate debug config.
  // XX: Using -O0 seems to completely hide some errors.
  cflags: ["-O2", "-UNDEBUG", "-DIORAP_PERFETTO_MAIN=1"],
  sanitize: {
    undefined: true,
    all_undefined: true,
    // Pretty print when ubsan detects a problem.
    // Otherwise it just calls abort().

    diag: {
      undefined: true,
    */ // don't use the diag when you want it to crash.

  static_libs: [