/* * Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <keymaster/km_openssl/ecies_kem.h> #include <keymaster/km_openssl/nist_curve_key_exchange.h> #include <keymaster/km_openssl/openssl_err.h> namespace keymaster { EciesKem::EciesKem(const AuthorizationSet& kem_description, keymaster_error_t* error) { const AuthorizationSet& authorizations(kem_description); if (!authorizations.GetTagValue(TAG_EC_CURVE, &curve_)) { LOG_E("%s", "EciesKem: no curve specified"); *error = KM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; return; } switch (curve_) { case KM_EC_CURVE_P_224: case KM_EC_CURVE_P_256: case KM_EC_CURVE_P_384: case KM_EC_CURVE_P_521: break; default: LOG_E("EciesKem: curve %d is unsupported", curve_); *error = KM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_EC_CURVE; return; } keymaster_kdf_t kdf; if (!authorizations.GetTagValue(TAG_KDF, &kdf)) { LOG_E("EciesKem: No KDF specified", 0); *error = KM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_KDF; return; } switch (kdf) { case KM_KDF_RFC5869_SHA256: kdf_.reset(new(std::nothrow) Rfc5869Sha256Kdf()); break; default: LOG_E("Kdf %d is unsupported", kdf); *error = KM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_KDF; return; } if (!kdf_.get()) { *error = KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; return; } if (!authorizations.GetTagValue(TAG_KEY_SIZE, &key_bytes_to_generate_)) { LOG_E("%s", "EciesKem: no key length specified"); *error = KM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_SIZE; return; } single_hash_mode_ = authorizations.GetTagValue(TAG_ECIES_SINGLE_HASH_MODE); *error = KM_ERROR_OK; } bool EciesKem::Encrypt(const Buffer& peer_public_value, Buffer* output_clear_key, Buffer* output_encrypted_key) { return Encrypt(peer_public_value.peek_read(), peer_public_value.available_read(), output_clear_key, output_encrypted_key); } // http://www.shoup.net/iso/std6.pdf, section 10.2.3. bool EciesKem::Encrypt(const uint8_t* peer_public_value, size_t peer_public_value_len, Buffer* output_clear_key, Buffer* output_encrypted_key) { key_exchange_.reset(NistCurveKeyExchange::GenerateKeyExchange(curve_)); if (!key_exchange_.get()) { return false; } Buffer shared_secret; if (!key_exchange_->CalculateSharedKey(peer_public_value, peer_public_value_len, &shared_secret)) { LOG_E("EciesKem: ECDH failed, can't obtain shared secret", 0); return false; } if (!key_exchange_->public_value(output_encrypted_key)) { LOG_E("EciesKem: Can't obtain public value", 0); return false; } Buffer z; if (single_hash_mode_) { // z is empty. } else { // z = C0 z.Reinitialize(output_encrypted_key->peek_read(), output_encrypted_key->available_read()); } Buffer actual_secret(z.available_read() + shared_secret.available_read()); actual_secret.write(z.peek_read(), z.available_read()); actual_secret.write(shared_secret.peek_read(), shared_secret.available_read()); if (!kdf_->Init(actual_secret.peek_read(), actual_secret.available_read(), nullptr /* salt */, 0 /* salt_len */)) { LOG_E("EciesKem: KDF failed, can't derived keys", 0); return false; } output_clear_key->Reinitialize(key_bytes_to_generate_); if (!kdf_->GenerateKey(nullptr /* info */, 0 /* info length */, output_clear_key->peek_write(), key_bytes_to_generate_)) { LOG_E("EciesKem: KDF failed, can't derived keys", 0); return false; } output_clear_key->advance_write(key_bytes_to_generate_); return true; } bool EciesKem::Decrypt(EC_KEY* private_key, const Buffer& encrypted_key, Buffer* output_key) { return Decrypt(private_key, encrypted_key.peek_read(), encrypted_key.available_read(), output_key); } // http://www.shoup.net/iso/std6.pdf, section 10.2.4. bool EciesKem::Decrypt(EC_KEY* private_key, const uint8_t* encrypted_key, size_t encrypted_key_len, Buffer* output_key) { keymaster_error_t error; key_exchange_.reset(new(std::nothrow) NistCurveKeyExchange(private_key, &error)); if (!key_exchange_.get() || error != KM_ERROR_OK) { return false; } Buffer shared_secret; if (!key_exchange_->CalculateSharedKey(encrypted_key, encrypted_key_len, &shared_secret)) { LOG_E("EciesKem: ECDH failed, can't obtain shared secret", 0); return false; } Buffer public_value; if (!key_exchange_->public_value(&public_value)) { LOG_E("%s", "EciesKem: Can't obtain public value"); return false; } Buffer z; if (single_hash_mode_) { // z is empty. } else { // z = C0 z.Reinitialize(public_value.peek_read(), public_value.available_read()); } Buffer actual_secret(z.available_read() + shared_secret.available_read()); actual_secret.write(z.peek_read(), z.available_read()); actual_secret.write(shared_secret.peek_read(), shared_secret.available_read()); if (!kdf_->Init(actual_secret.peek_read(), actual_secret.available_read(), nullptr /* salt */, 0 /* salt_len */)) { LOG_E("%s", "EciesKem: KDF failed, can't derived keys"); return false; } output_key->Reinitialize(key_bytes_to_generate_); if (!kdf_->GenerateKey(nullptr /* info */, 0 /* info_len */, output_key->peek_write(), key_bytes_to_generate_)) { LOG_E("%s", "EciesKem: KDF failed, can't derived keys"); return false; } output_key->advance_write(key_bytes_to_generate_); return true; } } // namespace keymaster