## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
## You may obtain a copy of the License at
##      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.
## This section of enum integer definitions is inserted into
## android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata.
     * The enum values below this point are generated from metadata
     * definitions in /system/media/camera/docs. Do not modify by hand or
     * modify the comment blocks at the start or end.
## Generate an enum's integers
<%def name="generate_enum(entry, target_class)">\
    // Enumeration values for ${target_class}#${entry.name | jkey_identifier}

  % for value in entry.enum.values:
    % if value.notes:
${value.notes | javadoc(metadata)}\
    % endif
    % if value.sdk_notes:
${value.sdk_notes | javadoc(metadata)}\
    % endif
     * @see ${target_class}#${entry.name | jkey_identifier}
    % if entry.applied_visibility in ('hidden', 'ndk_public') or value.hidden:
     * @hide
    % if value.deprecated:
     * @deprecated Please refer to this API documentation to find the alternatives
    % endif
    % if value.deprecated:
    % endif
    public static final int ${jenum_value(entry, value)} = ${enum_calculate_value_string(value)};

  % endfor
## Generate a list of only Static, Controls, or Dynamic properties.
<%def name="single_kind_keys(xml_name, target_class)">\
% for outer_namespace in metadata.outer_namespaces: ## assumes single 'android' namespace
  % for section in outer_namespace.sections:
    % if section.find_first(lambda x: isinstance(x, metadata_model.Entry) and x.kind == xml_name) and \
         any_visible(section, xml_name, ('public','hidden', 'ndk_public', 'java_public') ):
      % for inner_namespace in get_children_by_filtering_kind(section, xml_name, 'namespaces'):
## We only support 1 level of inner namespace, i.e. android.a.b and android.a.b.c works, but not android.a.b.c.d
## If we need to support more, we should use a recursive function here instead.. but the indentation gets trickier.
        % for entry in filter_visibility(inner_namespace.entries, ('hidden','public', 'ndk_public', 'java_public')):
          % if entry.enum \
              and not (entry.typedef and entry.typedef.languages.get('java')) \
              and not entry.is_clone():
${generate_enum(entry, target_class)}\
          % endif
        % endfor
      % endfor
      % for entry in filter_visibility( \
          get_children_by_filtering_kind(section, xml_name, 'entries'), \
                                         ('hidden', 'public', 'ndk_public', 'java_public')):
        % if entry.enum \
             and not (entry.typedef and entry.typedef.languages.get('java')) \
             and not entry.is_clone():
${generate_enum(entry, target_class)}\
        % endif
      % endfor
    % endif
  % endfor
% endfor

## Static properties only
## Controls properties only
## Dynamic properties only
     * End generated code