/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "sysprop_cpp_gen" #include "CppGen.h" #include <android-base/file.h> #include <android-base/logging.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <android-base/strings.h> #include <cerrno> #include <regex> #include <string> #include "CodeWriter.h" #include "Common.h" #include "sysprop.pb.h" namespace { constexpr const char* kIndent = " "; constexpr const char* kCppHeaderIncludes = R"(#include <cstdint> #include <optional> #include <string> #include <vector> )"; constexpr const char* kCppSourceIncludes = R"(#include <cctype> #include <cerrno> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include <utility> #include <strings.h> #include <sys/system_properties.h> #include <android-base/parseint.h> #include <log/log.h> )"; constexpr const char* kCppParsersAndFormatters = R"(template <typename T> constexpr bool is_vector = false; template <typename T> constexpr bool is_vector<std::vector<T>> = true; template <> [[maybe_unused]] std::optional<bool> DoParse(const char* str) { static constexpr const char* kYes[] = {"1", "true"}; static constexpr const char* kNo[] = {"0", "false"}; for (const char* yes : kYes) { if (strcasecmp(yes, str) == 0) return std::make_optional(true); } for (const char* no : kNo) { if (strcasecmp(no, str) == 0) return std::make_optional(false); } return std::nullopt; } template <> [[maybe_unused]] std::optional<std::int32_t> DoParse(const char* str) { std::int32_t ret; return android::base::ParseInt(str, &ret) ? std::make_optional(ret) : std::nullopt; } template <> [[maybe_unused]] std::optional<std::int64_t> DoParse(const char* str) { std::int64_t ret; return android::base::ParseInt(str, &ret) ? std::make_optional(ret) : std::nullopt; } template <> [[maybe_unused]] std::optional<double> DoParse(const char* str) { int old_errno = errno; errno = 0; char* end; double ret = std::strtod(str, &end); if (errno != 0) { return std::nullopt; } if (str == end || *end != '\0') { errno = EINVAL; return std::nullopt; } errno = old_errno; return std::make_optional(ret); } template <> [[maybe_unused]] std::optional<std::string> DoParse(const char* str) { return *str == '\0' ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(str); } template <typename Vec> [[maybe_unused]] Vec DoParseList(const char* str) { Vec ret; const char* p = str; for (;;) { const char* found = p; while (*found != '\0' && *found != ',') { ++found; } std::string value(p, found); ret.emplace_back(DoParse<typename Vec::value_type>(value.c_str())); if (*found == '\0') break; p = found + 1; } return ret; } template <typename T> inline T TryParse(const char* str) { if constexpr(is_vector<T>) { return DoParseList<T>(str); } else { return DoParse<T>(str); } } [[maybe_unused]] std::string FormatValue(const std::optional<std::int32_t>& value) { return value ? std::to_string(*value) : ""; } [[maybe_unused]] std::string FormatValue(const std::optional<std::int64_t>& value) { return value ? std::to_string(*value) : ""; } [[maybe_unused]] std::string FormatValue(const std::optional<double>& value) { if (!value) return ""; char buf[1024]; std::sprintf(buf, "%.*g", std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10, *value); return buf; } [[maybe_unused]] std::string FormatValue(const std::optional<bool>& value) { return value ? (*value ? "true" : "false") : ""; } template <typename T> [[maybe_unused]] std::string FormatValue(const std::vector<T>& value) { if (value.empty()) return ""; std::string ret; bool first = true; for (auto&& element : value) { if (!first) ret += ","; else first = false; if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, std::optional<std::string>>) { if (element) ret += *element; } else { ret += FormatValue(element); } } return ret; } template <typename T> T GetProp(const char* key) { T ret; auto pi = __system_property_find(key); if (pi != nullptr) { __system_property_read_callback(pi, [](void* cookie, const char*, const char* value, std::uint32_t) { *static_cast<T*>(cookie) = TryParse<T>(value); }, &ret); } return ret; } )"; const std::regex kRegexDot{"\\."}; const std::regex kRegexUnderscore{"_"}; std::string GetCppEnumName(const sysprop::Property& prop); std::string GetCppPropTypeName(const sysprop::Property& prop); std::string GetCppNamespace(const sysprop::Properties& props); std::string GenerateHeader(const sysprop::Properties& props, sysprop::Scope scope); std::string GenerateSource(const sysprop::Properties& props, const std::string& include_name); std::string GetCppEnumName(const sysprop::Property& prop) { return ApiNameToIdentifier(prop.api_name()) + "_values"; } std::string GetCppPropTypeName(const sysprop::Property& prop) { switch (prop.type()) { case sysprop::Boolean: return "std::optional<bool>"; case sysprop::Integer: return "std::optional<std::int32_t>"; case sysprop::Long: return "std::optional<std::int64_t>"; case sysprop::Double: return "std::optional<double>"; case sysprop::String: return "std::optional<std::string>"; case sysprop::Enum: return "std::optional<" + GetCppEnumName(prop) + ">"; case sysprop::BooleanList: return "std::vector<std::optional<bool>>"; case sysprop::IntegerList: return "std::vector<std::optional<std::int32_t>>"; case sysprop::LongList: return "std::vector<std::optional<std::int64_t>>"; case sysprop::DoubleList: return "std::vector<std::optional<double>>"; case sysprop::StringList: return "std::vector<std::optional<std::string>>"; case sysprop::EnumList: return "std::vector<std::optional<" + GetCppEnumName(prop) + ">>"; default: __builtin_unreachable(); } } std::string GetCppNamespace(const sysprop::Properties& props) { return std::regex_replace(props.module(), kRegexDot, "::"); } std::string GenerateHeader(const sysprop::Properties& props, sysprop::Scope scope) { CodeWriter writer(kIndent); writer.Write("%s", kGeneratedFileFooterComments); writer.Write("#pragma once\n\n"); writer.Write("%s", kCppHeaderIncludes); std::string cpp_namespace = GetCppNamespace(props); writer.Write("namespace %s {\n\n", cpp_namespace.c_str()); bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < props.prop_size(); ++i) { const sysprop::Property& prop = props.prop(i); // Scope: Internal > System > Public if (prop.scope() > scope) continue; if (!first) { writer.Write("\n"); } else { first = false; } std::string prop_id = ApiNameToIdentifier(prop.api_name()); std::string prop_type = GetCppPropTypeName(prop); if (prop.type() == sysprop::Enum || prop.type() == sysprop::EnumList) { writer.Write("enum class %s {\n", GetCppEnumName(prop).c_str()); writer.Indent(); for (const std::string& name : android::base::Split(prop.enum_values(), "|")) { writer.Write("%s,\n", ToUpper(name).c_str()); } writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("};\n\n"); } writer.Write("%s %s();\n", prop_type.c_str(), prop_id.c_str()); if (prop.access() != sysprop::Readonly && scope == sysprop::Internal) { writer.Write("bool %s(const %s& value);\n", prop_id.c_str(), prop_type.c_str()); } } writer.Write("\n} // namespace %s\n", cpp_namespace.c_str()); return writer.Code(); } std::string GenerateSource(const sysprop::Properties& props, const std::string& include_name) { CodeWriter writer(kIndent); writer.Write("%s", kGeneratedFileFooterComments); writer.Write("#include <%s>\n\n", include_name.c_str()); writer.Write("%s", kCppSourceIncludes); std::string cpp_namespace = GetCppNamespace(props); writer.Write("namespace {\n\n"); writer.Write("using namespace %s;\n\n", cpp_namespace.c_str()); writer.Write("template <typename T> T DoParse(const char* str);\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < props.prop_size(); ++i) { const sysprop::Property& prop = props.prop(i); if (prop.type() != sysprop::Enum && prop.type() != sysprop::EnumList) { continue; } std::string prop_id = ApiNameToIdentifier(prop.api_name()); std::string enum_name = GetCppEnumName(prop); writer.Write("constexpr const std::pair<const char*, %s> %s_list[] = {\n", enum_name.c_str(), prop_id.c_str()); writer.Indent(); for (const std::string& name : android::base::Split(prop.enum_values(), "|")) { writer.Write("{\"%s\", %s::%s},\n", name.c_str(), enum_name.c_str(), ToUpper(name).c_str()); } writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("};\n\n"); writer.Write("template <>\n"); writer.Write("std::optional<%s> DoParse(const char* str) {\n", enum_name.c_str()); writer.Indent(); writer.Write("for (auto [name, val] : %s_list) {\n", prop_id.c_str()); writer.Indent(); writer.Write("if (strcmp(str, name) == 0) {\n"); writer.Indent(); writer.Write("return val;\n"); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n"); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n"); writer.Write("return std::nullopt;\n"); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n\n"); if (prop.access() != sysprop::Readonly) { writer.Write("std::string FormatValue(std::optional<%s> value) {\n", enum_name.c_str()); writer.Indent(); writer.Write("if (!value) return \"\";\n"); writer.Write("for (auto [name, val] : %s_list) {\n", prop_id.c_str()); writer.Indent(); writer.Write("if (val == *value) {\n"); writer.Indent(); writer.Write("return name;\n"); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n"); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n"); writer.Write( "LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL(\"Invalid value %%d for property %s\", " "static_cast<std::int32_t>(*value));\n", prop.prop_name().c_str()); writer.Write("__builtin_unreachable();\n"); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n\n"); } } writer.Write("%s", kCppParsersAndFormatters); writer.Write("} // namespace\n\n"); writer.Write("namespace %s {\n\n", cpp_namespace.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < props.prop_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) writer.Write("\n"); const sysprop::Property& prop = props.prop(i); std::string prop_id = ApiNameToIdentifier(prop.api_name()); std::string prop_type = GetCppPropTypeName(prop); writer.Write("%s %s() {\n", prop_type.c_str(), prop_id.c_str()); writer.Indent(); writer.Write("return GetProp<%s>(\"%s\");\n", prop_type.c_str(), prop.prop_name().c_str()); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n"); if (prop.access() != sysprop::Readonly) { writer.Write("\nbool %s(const %s& value) {\n", prop_id.c_str(), prop_type.c_str()); writer.Indent(); const char* format_expr = "FormatValue(value).c_str()"; // Specialized formatters here if (prop.type() == sysprop::String) { format_expr = "value ? value->c_str() : \"\""; } else if (prop.integer_as_bool()) { if (prop.type() == sysprop::Boolean) { // optional<bool> -> optional<int> format_expr = "FormatValue(std::optional<int>(value)).c_str()"; } else if (prop.type() == sysprop::BooleanList) { // vector<optional<bool>> -> vector<optional<int>> format_expr = "FormatValue(std::vector<std::optional<int>>(" "value.begin(), value.end())).c_str()"; } } writer.Write("return __system_property_set(\"%s\", %s) == 0;\n", prop.prop_name().c_str(), format_expr); writer.Dedent(); writer.Write("}\n"); } } writer.Write("\n} // namespace %s\n", cpp_namespace.c_str()); return writer.Code(); } } // namespace bool GenerateCppFiles(const std::string& input_file_path, const std::string& header_dir, const std::string& system_header_dir, const std::string& source_output_dir, const std::string& include_name, std::string* err) { sysprop::Properties props; if (!ParseProps(input_file_path, &props, err)) { return false; } std::string output_basename = android::base::Basename(input_file_path); for (auto&& [scope, dir] : { std::pair(sysprop::Internal, header_dir), std::pair(sysprop::System, system_header_dir), }) { if (!IsDirectory(dir) && !CreateDirectories(dir)) { *err = "Creating directory to " + dir + " failed: " + strerror(errno); return false; } std::string path = dir + "/" + output_basename + ".h"; std::string result = GenerateHeader(props, scope); if (!android::base::WriteStringToFile(result, path)) { *err = "Writing generated header to " + path + " failed: " + strerror(errno); return false; } } std::string source_path = source_output_dir + "/" + output_basename + ".cpp"; std::string source_result = GenerateSource(props, include_name); if (!android::base::WriteStringToFile(source_result, source_path)) { *err = "Writing generated source to " + source_path + " failed: " + strerror(errno); return false; } return true; }