#!/usr/bin/env bash RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] && { realpath(){ echo "$(cd $(dirname $1);pwd -P)/$(basename $1)"; }; } AIDEGEN_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath $0)) ASUITE_DIR="$(dirname $AIDEGEN_DIR)" CORE_DIR="$(dirname $ASUITE_DIR)/tradefederation/core" ATEST_DIR="$CORE_DIR/atest" rc_file=${AIDEGEN_DIR}/.coveragerc function get_python_path() { echo "$PYTHONPATH:$CORE_DIR:$ATEST_DIR:$ASUITE_DIR" } function print_summary() { local test_results=$1 local tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d) PYTHONPATH=$(get_python_path) python3 -m coverage report PYTHONPATH=$(get_python_path) python3 -m coverage html -d $tmp_dir --rcfile=$rc_file echo "coverage report available at file://${tmp_dir}/index.html" if [[ $test_results -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}All unittests pass${NC}!" else echo -e "${RED}Unittest failure found${NC}!" fi } function run_unittests() { local specified_tests=$@ local rc=0 # Get all unit tests under tools/acloud. local all_tests=$(find $AIDEGEN_DIR -type f -name "*_unittest.py"); local tests_to_run=$all_tests PYTHONPATH=$(get_python_path) python3 -m coverage erase for t in $tests_to_run; do if ! PYTHONPATH=$(get_python_path) python3 -m coverage run --append --rcfile=$rc_file $t; then rc=1 echo -e "${RED}$t failed${NC}" fi done print_summary $rc cleanup } function check_env() { if [ -z "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" ]; then echo "Missing ANDROID_BUILD_TOP env variable. Run 'lunch' first." exit 1 fi } function cleanup() { # Search for *.pyc and delete them. find $AIDEGEN_DIR -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -f {} \; # Delete the generated .coverage files too. find $ASUITE_DIR -name "*.coverage" -exec rm -f {} \; } check_env cleanup run_unittests "$@"