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* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#define LOG_TAG "InputChannelTest"

#include "../includes/common.h"

#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <input/InputTransport.h>

using namespace android;
using android::base::StringPrintf;

static std::string memoryAsHexString(const void* const address, size_t numBytes) {
    std::string str;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
        str += StringPrintf("%02X ", static_cast<const uint8_t* const>(address)[i]);
    return str;

 * There could be non-zero bytes in-between InputMessage fields. Force-initialize the entire
 * memory to zero, then only copy the valid bytes on a per-field basis.
 * Input: message msg
 * Output: cleaned message outMsg
static void sanitizeMessage(const InputMessage& msg, InputMessage* outMsg) {
    memset(outMsg, 0, sizeof(*outMsg));

    // Write the header
    outMsg->header.type = msg.header.type;

    // Write the body
    switch(msg.header.type) {
        case InputMessage::TYPE_KEY: {
            // uint32_t seq
            outMsg->body.key.seq = msg.body.key.seq;
            // nsecs_t eventTime
            outMsg->body.key.eventTime = msg.body.key.eventTime;
            // int32_t deviceId
            outMsg->body.key.deviceId = msg.body.key.deviceId;
            // int32_t source
            outMsg->body.key.source = msg.body.key.source;
            // int32_t displayId
            outMsg->body.key.displayId = msg.body.key.displayId;
            // int32_t action
            outMsg->body.key.action = msg.body.key.action;
            // int32_t flags
            outMsg->body.key.flags = msg.body.key.flags;
            // int32_t keyCode
            outMsg->body.key.keyCode = msg.body.key.keyCode;
            // int32_t scanCode
            outMsg->body.key.scanCode = msg.body.key.scanCode;
            // int32_t metaState
            outMsg->body.key.metaState = msg.body.key.metaState;
            // int32_t repeatCount
            outMsg->body.key.repeatCount = msg.body.key.repeatCount;
            // nsecs_t downTime
            outMsg->body.key.downTime = msg.body.key.downTime;
        case InputMessage::TYPE_MOTION: {
            // uint32_t seq
            outMsg->body.motion.seq = msg.body.motion.seq;
            // nsecs_t eventTime
            outMsg->body.motion.eventTime = msg.body.motion.eventTime;
            // int32_t deviceId
            outMsg->body.motion.deviceId = msg.body.motion.deviceId;
            // int32_t source
            outMsg->body.motion.source = msg.body.motion.source;
            // int32_t displayId
            outMsg->body.motion.displayId = msg.body.motion.displayId;
            // int32_t action
            outMsg->body.motion.action = msg.body.motion.action;
            // int32_t actionButton
            outMsg->body.motion.actionButton = msg.body.motion.actionButton;
            // int32_t flags
            outMsg->body.motion.flags = msg.body.motion.flags;
            // int32_t metaState
            outMsg->body.motion.metaState = msg.body.motion.metaState;
            // int32_t buttonState
            outMsg->body.motion.buttonState = msg.body.motion.buttonState;
            // MotionClassification classification
            outMsg->body.motion.classification = msg.body.motion.classification;
            // int32_t edgeFlags
            outMsg->body.motion.edgeFlags = msg.body.motion.edgeFlags;
            // nsecs_t downTime
            outMsg->body.motion.downTime = msg.body.motion.downTime;
            // float xOffset
            outMsg->body.motion.xOffset = msg.body.motion.xOffset;
            // float yOffset
            outMsg->body.motion.yOffset = msg.body.motion.yOffset;
            // float xPrecision
            outMsg->body.motion.xPrecision = msg.body.motion.xPrecision;
            // float yPrecision
            outMsg->body.motion.yPrecision = msg.body.motion.yPrecision;
            // uint32_t pointerCount
            outMsg->body.motion.pointerCount = msg.body.motion.pointerCount;
            //struct Pointer pointers[MAX_POINTERS]
            for (size_t i = 0; i < msg.body.motion.pointerCount; i++) {
                // PointerProperties properties
                outMsg->body.motion.pointers[i].properties.id =
                outMsg->body.motion.pointers[i].properties.toolType =
                // PointerCoords coords
                outMsg->body.motion.pointers[i].coords.bits =
                const uint32_t count = BitSet64::count(msg.body.motion.pointers[i].coords.bits);
                        count * sizeof(msg.body.motion.pointers[i].coords.values[0]));
        case InputMessage::TYPE_FINISHED: {
            outMsg->body.finished.seq = msg.body.finished.seq;
            outMsg->body.finished.handled = msg.body.finished.handled;

 * Return false if vulnerability is found for a given message type
static bool checkMessage(sp<InputChannel> server, sp<InputChannel> client, int type) {
    InputMessage serverMsg;
    // Set all potentially uninitialized bytes to 1, for easier comparison

    memset(&serverMsg, 1, sizeof(serverMsg));
    serverMsg.header.type = type;
    if (type == InputMessage::TYPE_MOTION) {
        serverMsg.body.motion.pointerCount = MAX_POINTERS;
    status_t result = server->sendMessage(&serverMsg);
    if (result != OK) {
        ALOGE("Could not send message to the input channel");
        return false;

    InputMessage clientMsg;
    result = client->receiveMessage(&clientMsg);
    if (result != OK) {
        ALOGE("Could not receive message from the input channel");
        return false;
    if (serverMsg.header.type != clientMsg.header.type) {
        ALOGE("Types do not match");
        return false;

    if (clientMsg.header.padding != 0) {
        ALOGE("Found padding to be uninitialized");
        return false;

    InputMessage sanitizedClientMsg;
    sanitizeMessage(clientMsg, &sanitizedClientMsg);
    if (memcmp(&clientMsg, &sanitizedClientMsg, clientMsg.size()) != 0) {
        ALOGE("Client received un-sanitized message");
        ALOGE("Received message: %s", memoryAsHexString(&clientMsg, clientMsg.size()).c_str());
        ALOGE("Expected message: %s",
                memoryAsHexString(&sanitizedClientMsg, clientMsg.size()).c_str());
        return false;

    return true;

 * Create an unsanitized message
 * Send
 * Receive
 * Compare the received message to a sanitized expected message
 * Do this for all message types
int main() {
    sp<InputChannel> server, client;

    status_t result = InputChannel::openInputChannelPair("channel name", server, client);
    if (result != OK) {
        ALOGE("Could not open input channel pair");
        return 0;

    int types[] = {InputMessage::TYPE_KEY, InputMessage::TYPE_MOTION, InputMessage::TYPE_FINISHED};
    for (int type : types) {
        bool success = checkMessage(server, client, type);
        if (!success) {
            ALOGE("Check message failed for type %i", type);
            return EXIT_VULNERABLE;

    return 0;