#include "rxcpp/rx.hpp"
// create alias' to simplify code
// these are owned by the user so that
// conflicts can be managed by the user.
namespace rx=rxcpp;
namespace rxsub=rxcpp::subjects;
namespace rxu=rxcpp::util;
#include <cctype>
#include <clocale>
// At this time, RxCpp will fail to compile if the contents
// of the std namespace are merged into the global namespace
// DO NOT USE: 'using namespace std;'
int main()
auto keys = rx::observable<>::create<int>(
[](rx::subscriber<int> dest){
for (;;) {
int key = std::cin.get();
auto a = keys.
filter([](int key){return std::tolower(key) == 'a';});
auto g = keys.
filter([](int key){return std::tolower(key) == 'g';});
subscribe([](int key){
std::cout << key << std::endl;
// run the loop in create
return 0;