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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "bsdiff/common.h"
#include "bsdiff/constants.h"
#include "bsdiff/patch_writer_interface.h"

namespace bsdiff {

// Create a patch writer compatible with upstream's "BSDIFF40" patch format
// using bz2 as a compressor.
std::unique_ptr<PatchWriterInterface> CreateBsdiffPatchWriter(
    const std::string& patch_filename);

// Create a patch writer using the "BSDF2" patch format. It uses the compressor
// specified in |type|. And the brotli compressor will have the compression
// quality |brotli_quality|.
std::unique_ptr<PatchWriterInterface> CreateBSDF2PatchWriter(
    const std::string& patch_filename,
    CompressorType type,
    int brotli_quality);

// Create a patch writer using the "BSDF2" patch format. It also tries all the
// compressors in |types| to generate the smallest patch.
std::unique_ptr<PatchWriterInterface> CreateBSDF2PatchWriter(
    const std::string& patch_filename,
    const std::vector<CompressorType>& types,
    int brotli_quality);

// Create a patch writer compatible with Android Play Store bsdiff patches.
// The data will be written to the passed |patch| vector, which must be valid
// until Close() is called or this patch is destroyed. The data will be
// compressed using the compressor type |type|. To get an uncompressed patch,
// pass CompressortType::kNoCompression.
std::unique_ptr<PatchWriterInterface> CreateEndsleyPatchWriter(
    std::vector<uint8_t>* patch,
    CompressorType type,
    int brotli_quality);

// Helper function to create an Endsley patch writer with no compression.
std::unique_ptr<PatchWriterInterface> CreateEndsleyPatchWriter(
    std::vector<uint8_t>* patch);

}  // namespace bsdiff