Xml文件  |  43行  |  1.11 KB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd">
Copyright © 1991-2013 Unicode, Inc.
CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/)
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		<version number="$Revision: 11914 $"/>
		<language type="kok"/>
<collation type="standard">
[normalization on]
[reorder Deva Beng Guru Gujr Orya Taml Telu Knda Mlym Sinh]
# The following tailoring is an adjustment of the
# DUCET collation order for ANUSVARA, CANDRABINDU,
# and VISARGA. Instead of being sorted with secondary
# weights, they are collated on primary level before
# the independent vowels. CANDRABINDU is secondary
# different from ANUSVARA. This gives a sort order
# similar to Hindi.
# The following tailoring is an adjustment of the
# DUCET collation order for LLA. Instead of being
# sorted after LA, LLA is sorted after HA.
# KSSA is sorted after LLA.