import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper
description = 'Conscrypt: OpenJDK Integration Tests'
def preferredSourceSet = project(':conscrypt-openjdk').preferredSourceSet
def preferredNativeFileDir = project(':conscrypt-openjdk').preferredNativeFileDir
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
// This shouldn't be needed but seems to help IntelliJ locate the native artifact.
srcDirs += preferredNativeFileDir
dependencies {
implementation project(':conscrypt-openjdk')
// Add the preferred native openjdk configuration for this platform.
implementation project(':conscrypt-openjdk').sourceSets["$preferredSourceSet"].output
testImplementation project(':conscrypt-constants'),
// Check which version
def javaError = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
executable test.executable
args = ['-version']
ignoreExitValue true
errorOutput = javaError
def suiteClass = (javaError.toString() =~ /"1[.]7[.].*"/) ?
"org/conscrypt/ConscryptJava7Suite.class" : "org/conscrypt/ConscryptSuite.class";
test {
include suiteClass
task testEngineSocket(type: Test, dependsOn: test) {
jvmArgs "-Dorg.conscrypt.useEngineSocketByDefault=true"
include suiteClass
systemProperties = test.systemProperties
check.dependsOn testEngineSocket
// Don't include this artifact in the distribution.
tasks.install.enabled = false
tasks.uploadArchives.enabled = false;