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 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static java.util.Collections.disjoint;
import static java.util.logging.Level.FINER;


import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Creates, based on your criteria, a JUnit test suite that exhaustively tests
 * the object generated by a G, selecting appropriate tests by matching them
 * against specified features.
 * @param <B> The concrete type of this builder (the 'self-type'). All the
 * Builder methods of this class (such as {@link #named}) return this type, so
 * that Builder methods of more derived classes can be chained onto them without
 * casting.
 * @param <G> The type of the generator to be passed to testers in the
 * generated test suite. An instance of G should somehow provide an
 * instance of the class under test, plus any other information required
 * to parameterize the test.
 * @author George van den Driessche
public abstract class FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder<
    B extends FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder<B, G>, G> {
  protected B self() {
    return (B) this;

  // Test Data

  private G subjectGenerator;
  // Gets run before every test.
  private Runnable setUp;
  // Gets run at the conclusion of every test.
  private Runnable tearDown;

  protected B usingGenerator(G subjectGenerator) {
    this.subjectGenerator = subjectGenerator;
    return self();

  public G getSubjectGenerator() {
    return subjectGenerator;

  public B withSetUp(Runnable setUp) {
    this.setUp = setUp;
    return self();

  protected Runnable getSetUp() {
    return setUp;

  public B withTearDown(Runnable tearDown) {
    this.tearDown = tearDown;
    return self();

  protected Runnable getTearDown() {
    return tearDown;

  // Features

  private Set<Feature<?>> features = new LinkedHashSet<Feature<?>>();

   * Configures this builder to produce tests appropriate for the given
   * features.  This method may be called more than once to add features
   * in multiple groups.
  public B withFeatures(Feature<?>... features) {
    return withFeatures(Arrays.asList(features));

  public B withFeatures(Iterable<? extends Feature<?>> features) {
    for (Feature<?> feature : features) {
    return self();

  public Set<Feature<?>> getFeatures() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableSet(features);

  // Name

  private String name;

  /** Configures this builder produce a TestSuite with the given name. */
  public B named(String name) {
    if (name.contains("(")) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Eclipse hides all characters after "
          + "'('; please use '[]' or other characters instead of parentheses");
    } = name;
    return self();

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  // Test suppression

  private Set<Method> suppressedTests = new HashSet<Method>();

   * Prevents the given methods from being run as part of the test suite.
   * <em>Note:</em> in principle this should never need to be used, but it
   * might be useful if the semantics of an implementation disagree in
   * unforeseen ways with the semantics expected by a test, or to keep dependent
   * builds clean in spite of an erroneous test.
  public B suppressing(Method... methods) {
    return suppressing(Arrays.asList(methods));

  public B suppressing(Collection<Method> methods) {
    return self();

  public Set<Method> getSuppressedTests() {
    return suppressedTests;

  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(

   * Creates a runnable JUnit test suite based on the criteria already given.
   * Class parameters must be raw. This annotation should go on testerClass in
   * the for loop, but the 1.5 javac crashes on annotations in for loops:
   * <>
  public TestSuite createTestSuite() {

    logger.fine(" Testing: " + name);
    logger.fine("Features: " + formatFeatureSet(features));


    logger.fine("Expanded: " + formatFeatureSet(features));

    // Class parameters must be raw.
    List<Class<? extends AbstractTester>> testers = getTesters();

    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(name);
    for (Class<? extends AbstractTester> testerClass : testers) {
      final TestSuite testerSuite = makeSuiteForTesterClass(
          (Class<? extends AbstractTester<?>>) testerClass);
      if (testerSuite.countTestCases() > 0) {
    return suite;

   * Throw {@link IllegalStateException} if {@link #createTestSuite()} can't
   * be called yet.
  protected void checkCanCreate() {
    if (subjectGenerator == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Call using() before createTestSuite().");
    if (name == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Call named() before createTestSuite().");
    if (features == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Call withFeatures() before createTestSuite().");

  // Class parameters must be raw.
  protected abstract List<Class<? extends AbstractTester>>

  private boolean matches(Test test) {
    final Method method;
    try {
      method = extractMethod(test);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          "%s: including by default: %s", test, e.getMessage()));
      return true;
    if (suppressedTests.contains(method)) {
          "%s: excluding because it was explicitly suppressed.", test));
      return false;
    final TesterRequirements requirements;
    try {
      requirements = FeatureUtil.getTesterRequirements(method);
    } catch (ConflictingRequirementsException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (!features.containsAll(requirements.getPresentFeatures())) {
      if (logger.isLoggable(FINER)) {
        Set<Feature<?>> missingFeatures =
            "%s: skipping because these features are absent: %s",
           method, missingFeatures));
      return false;
    if (intersect(features, requirements.getAbsentFeatures())) {
      if (logger.isLoggable(FINER)) {
        Set<Feature<?>> unwantedFeatures =
            "%s: skipping because these features are present: %s",
            method, unwantedFeatures));
      return false;
    return true;

  private static boolean intersect(Set<?> a, Set<?> b) {
    return !disjoint(a, b);

  private static Method extractMethod(Test test) {
    if (test instanceof AbstractTester) {
      AbstractTester<?> tester = (AbstractTester<?>) test;
      return Helpers.getMethod(tester.getClass(), tester.getTestMethodName());
    } else if (test instanceof TestCase) {
      TestCase testCase = (TestCase) test;
      return Helpers.getMethod(testCase.getClass(), testCase.getName());
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "unable to extract method from test: not a TestCase.");

  protected TestSuite makeSuiteForTesterClass(
      Class<? extends AbstractTester<?>> testerClass) {
    final TestSuite candidateTests = new TestSuite(testerClass);
    final TestSuite suite = filterSuite(candidateTests);

    Enumeration<?> allTests = suite.tests();
    while (allTests.hasMoreElements()) {
      Object test = allTests.nextElement();
      if (test instanceof AbstractTester) {
        AbstractTester<? super G> tester = (AbstractTester<? super G>) test;
        tester.init(subjectGenerator, name, setUp, tearDown);

    return suite;

  private TestSuite filterSuite(TestSuite suite) {
    TestSuite filtered = new TestSuite(suite.getName());
    final Enumeration<?> tests = suite.tests();
    while (tests.hasMoreElements()) {
      Test test = (Test) tests.nextElement();
      if (matches(test)) {
    return filtered;

  protected static String formatFeatureSet(Set<? extends Feature<?>> features) {
    List<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Feature<?> feature : features) {
      Object featureAsObject = feature; // to work around bogus JDK warning
      if (featureAsObject instanceof Enum) {
        Enum<?> f = (Enum<?>) featureAsObject;
        temp.add(f.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + feature);
      } else {
    return temp.toString();