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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
 * others. All Rights Reserved.
*     Madhu Katragadda              Creation
* Modification History:
*   Date        Name        Description
*   06/24/99    helena      Integrated Alan's NF enhancements and Java2 bug fixes
*   07/15/99    helena      Ported to HPUX 10/11 CC.


#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/uloc.h"
#include "unicode/umisc.h"
#include "unicode/unum.h"
#include "unicode/unumsys.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"

#include "cintltst.h"
#include "cnumtst.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "putilimp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static const char *tagAssert(const char *f, int32_t l, const char *msg) {
    static char _fileline[1000];
    sprintf(_fileline, "%s:%d: ASSERT_TRUE(%s)", f, l, msg);
    return _fileline;

#define ASSERT_TRUE(x)   assertTrue(tagAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #x), (x))

void addNumForTest(TestNode** root);
static void TestTextAttributeCrash(void);
static void TestNBSPInPattern(void);
static void TestInt64Parse(void);
static void TestParseCurrency(void);
static void TestMaxInt(void);
static void TestNoExponent(void);
static void TestUFormattable(void);
static void TestUNumberingSystem(void);
static void TestCurrencyIsoPluralFormat(void);
static void TestContext(void);
static void TestCurrencyUsage(void);
static void TestCurrFmtNegSameAsPositive(void);
static void TestVariousStylesAndAttributes(void);
static void TestParseCurrPatternWithDecStyle(void);
static void TestFormatForFields(void);
static void TestRBNFRounding(void);
static void Test12052_NullPointer(void);

#define TESTCASE(x) addTest(root, &x, "tsformat/cnumtst/" #x)

void addNumForTest(TestNode** root)

/* test Parse int 64 */

static void TestInt64Parse()

    UErrorCode st = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UErrorCode* status = &st;

    const char* st1 = "009223372036854775808";
    const int size = 21;
    UChar text[21];

    UNumberFormat* nf;

    int64_t a;

    u_charsToUChars(st1, text, size);
    nf = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, status);

        log_data_err("Error in unum_open() %s \n", myErrorName(*status));

    log_verbose("About to test unum_parseInt64() with out of range number\n");

    a = unum_parseInt64(nf, text, size, 0, status);
    (void)a;     /* Suppress set but not used warning. */

        log_err("Error in unum_parseInt64(): %s \n", myErrorName(*status));
        log_verbose("unum_parseInt64() successful\n");


/* test Number Format API */
static void TestNumberFormat()
    UChar *result=NULL;
    UChar temp1[512];
    UChar temp2[512];

    UChar temp[5];

    UChar prefix[5];
    UChar suffix[5];
    UChar symbol[20];
    int32_t resultlength;
    int32_t resultlengthneeded;
    int32_t parsepos;
    double d1 = -1.0;
    int32_t l1;
    double d = -10456.37;
    double a = 1234.56, a1 = 1235.0;
    int32_t l = 100000000;
    UFieldPosition pos1;
    UFieldPosition pos2;
    int32_t numlocales;
    int32_t i;

    UNumberFormatAttribute attr;
    UNumberFormatSymbol symType = UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL;
    int32_t newvalue;
    UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UNumberFormatStyle style= UNUM_DEFAULT;
    UNumberFormat *pattern;
    UNumberFormat *def, *fr, *cur_def, *cur_fr, *per_def, *per_fr,
                  *cur_frpattern, *myclone, *spellout_def;

    /* Testing unum_open() with various Numberformat styles and locales*/
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    log_verbose("Testing  unum_open() with default style and locale\n");
    def=unum_open(style, NULL,0,NULL, NULL,&status);

    /* Might as well pack it in now if we can't even get a default NumberFormat... */
        log_data_err("Error in creating default NumberFormat using unum_open(): %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status));

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_open() with french locale and default style(decimal)\n");
    fr=unum_open(style,NULL,0, "fr_FR",NULL, &status);
        log_err("Error: could not create NumberFormat (french): %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_open(currency,NULL,status)\n");
    /* Can't hardcode the result to assume the default locale is "en_US". */
    cur_def=unum_open(style, NULL,0,"en_US", NULL, &status);
        log_err("Error: could not create NumberFormat using \n unum_open(currency, NULL, &status) %s\n",
                        myErrorName(status) );

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_open(currency, frenchlocale, status)\n");
    cur_fr=unum_open(style,NULL,0, "fr_FR", NULL, &status);
        log_err("Error: could not create NumberFormat using unum_open(currency, french, &status): %s\n",

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_open(percent, NULL, status)\n");
    per_def=unum_open(style,NULL,0, NULL,NULL, &status);
        log_err("Error: could not create NumberFormat using unum_open(percent, NULL, &status): %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_open(percent,frenchlocale, status)\n");
    per_fr=unum_open(style, NULL,0,"fr_FR", NULL,&status);
        log_err("Error: could not create NumberFormat using unum_open(percent, french, &status): %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_open(spellout, NULL, status)");
    spellout_def=unum_open(style, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
        log_err("Error: could not create NumberFormat using unum_open(spellout, NULL, &status): %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    /* Testing unum_clone(..) */
    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_clone(fmt, status)");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    myclone = unum_clone(def,&status);
        log_err("Error: could not clone unum_clone(def, &status): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        log_verbose("unum_clone() successful\n");

    /*Testing unum_getAvailable() and unum_countAvailable()*/
    log_verbose("\nTesting getAvailableLocales and countAvailable()\n");
    if(numlocales < 0)
        log_err("error in countAvailable");
        log_verbose("unum_countAvialable() successful\n");
        log_verbose("The no: of locales where number formattting is applicable is %d\n", numlocales);
        log_verbose("%s\n", unum_getAvailable(i));
        if (unum_getAvailable(i) == 0)
            log_err("No locale for which number formatting patterns are applicable\n");
            log_verbose("A locale %s for which number formatting patterns are applicable\n",unum_getAvailable(i));

    /*Testing unum_format() and unum_formatdouble()*/
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "$100,000,000.00");

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_format() \n");
    pos1.field = UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD;
    resultlengthneeded=unum_format(cur_def, l, NULL, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
/*        for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) */
            unum_format(cur_def, l, result, resultlength, &pos1, &status);

        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status) );
    if(u_strcmp(result, temp1)==0)
        log_verbose("Pass: Number formatting using unum_format() successful\n");
        log_err("Fail: Error in number Formatting using unum_format()\n");
    if(pos1.beginIndex == 1 && pos1.endIndex == 12)
        log_verbose("Pass: Complete number formatting using unum_format() successful\n");
        log_err("Fail: Error in complete number Formatting using unum_format()\nGot: b=%d end=%d\nExpected: b=1 end=12\n",
                pos1.beginIndex, pos1.endIndex);

    result = 0;

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_formatDouble()\n");
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "-$10,456.37");
    pos2.field = UNUM_FRACTION_FIELD;
    resultlengthneeded=unum_formatDouble(cur_def, d, NULL, resultlength, &pos2, &status);
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
/*        for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) */
            unum_formatDouble(cur_def, d, result, resultlength, &pos2, &status);
        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_formatDouble(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    if(result && u_strcmp(result, temp1)==0)
        log_verbose("Pass: Number Formatting using unum_formatDouble() Successful\n");
    else {
      log_err("FAIL: Error in number formatting using unum_formatDouble() - got '%s' expected '%s'\n",
              aescstrdup(result, -1), aescstrdup(temp1, -1));
    if(pos2.beginIndex == 9 && pos2.endIndex == 11)
        log_verbose("Pass: Complete number formatting using unum_format() successful\n");
        log_err("Fail: Error in complete number Formatting using unum_formatDouble()\nGot: b=%d end=%d\nExpected: b=9 end=11",
                pos1.beginIndex, pos1.endIndex);

    /* Testing unum_parse() and unum_parseDouble() */
    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_parseDouble()\n");
/*    for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)*/
    if (result != NULL) {
      d1=unum_parseDouble(cur_def, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
    } else {
      log_err("result is NULL\n");
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      log_err("parse of '%s' failed. Parsepos=%d. The error is  : %s\n", aescstrdup(result,u_strlen(result)),parsepos, myErrorName(status));

        log_err("Fail: Error in parsing\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: parsing successful\n");
    if (result)
    result = 0;

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    /* Testing unum_formatDoubleCurrency / unum_parseDoubleCurrency */
    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_formatDoubleCurrency\n");
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "Y1,235");
    temp1[0] = 0xA5; /* Yen sign */
    u_uastrcpy(temp, "JPY");
    pos2.field = UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD;
    resultlengthneeded=unum_formatDoubleCurrency(cur_def, a, temp, NULL, resultlength, &pos2, &status);
    if (status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
        unum_formatDoubleCurrency(cur_def, a, temp, result, resultlength, &pos2, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_formatDoubleCurrency(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    if (result && u_strcmp(result, temp1)==0) {
        log_verbose("Pass: Number Formatting using unum_formatDoubleCurrency() Successful\n");
    } else {
        log_err("FAIL: Error in number formatting using unum_formatDoubleCurrency() - got '%s' expected '%s'\n",
                aescstrdup(result, -1), aescstrdup(temp1, -1));
    if (pos2.beginIndex == 1 && pos2.endIndex == 6) {
        log_verbose("Pass: Complete number formatting using unum_format() successful\n");
    } else {
        log_err("Fail: Error in complete number Formatting using unum_formatDouble()\nGot: b=%d end=%d\nExpected: b=1 end=6\n",
                pos1.beginIndex, pos1.endIndex);

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_parseDoubleCurrency\n");
    if (result == NULL) {
        log_err("result is NULL\n");
    else {
        d1=unum_parseDoubleCurrency(cur_def, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, temp2, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
          log_err("parseDoubleCurrency '%s' failed. The error is  : %s\n", aescstrdup(result, u_strlen(result)), myErrorName(status));
        /* Note: a==1234.56, but on parse expect a1=1235.0 */
        if (d1!=a1) {
            log_err("Fail: Error in parsing currency, got %f, expected %f\n", d1, a1);
        } else {
            log_verbose("Pass: parsed currency amount successfully\n");
        if (u_strcmp(temp2, temp)==0) {
            log_verbose("Pass: parsed correct currency\n");
        } else {
            log_err("Fail: parsed incorrect currency\n");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* reset */

    result = 0;

/* performance testing */
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "$462.12345");
/*    for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) */
        d1=unum_parseDouble(cur_def, temp1, resultlength, &parsepos, &status);
        log_err("parseDouble('%s') failed. The error is  : %s\n", aescstrdup(temp1, resultlength), myErrorName(status));

     * Note: "for strict standard conformance all operations and constants are now supposed to be
              evaluated in precision of long double".  So,  we assign a1 before comparing to a double. Bug #7932.
    a1 = 462.12345;

        log_err("Fail: Error in parsing\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: parsing successful\n");


    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "($10,456.3E1])");
    d1=unum_parseDouble(cur_def, temp1, u_strlen(temp1), &parsepos, &status);
        log_err("Error in unum_parseDouble(..., %s, ...): %s\n", temp1, myErrorName(status));

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_format()\n");
    resultlengthneeded=unum_format(per_fr, l, NULL, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
/*        for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)*/
            unum_format(per_fr, l, result, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_parse()\n");
/*    for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) */
        l1=unum_parse(per_fr, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
        log_err("parse failed. The error is  : %s\n", myErrorName(status));

        log_err("Fail: Error in parsing\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: parsing successful\n");


    /* create a number format using unum_openPattern(....)*/
    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_openPattern()\n");
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)");
    pattern=unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE,temp1, u_strlen(temp1), NULL, NULL,&status);
        log_err("error in unum_openPattern(): %s\n", myErrorName(status) );;
        log_verbose("Pass: unum_openPattern() works fine\n");

    /*test for unum_toPattern()*/
    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_toPattern()\n");
    resultlengthneeded=unum_toPattern(pattern, FALSE, NULL, resultlength, &status);
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
        unum_toPattern(pattern, FALSE, result, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("error in extracting the pattern from UNumberFormat: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        if(u_strcmp(result, temp1)!=0)
            log_err("FAIL: Error in extracting the pattern using unum_toPattern()\n");
            log_verbose("Pass: extracted the pattern correctly using unum_toPattern()\n");

    /*Testing unum_getSymbols() and unum_setSymbols()*/
    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_getSymbols and unum_setSymbols()\n");
    /*when we try to change the symbols of french to default we need to apply the pattern as well to fetch correct results */
    resultlengthneeded=unum_toPattern(cur_def, FALSE, NULL, resultlength, &status);
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
        unum_toPattern(cur_def, FALSE, result, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("error in extracting the pattern from UNumberFormat: %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    cur_frpattern=unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE,result, u_strlen(result), "fr_FR",NULL, &status);
        log_err("error in unum_openPattern(): %s\n", myErrorName(status));


    /*getting the symbols of cur_def */
    /*set the symbols of cur_frpattern to cur_def */
        unum_getSymbol(cur_def, symType, temp1, sizeof(temp1), &status);
        unum_setSymbol(cur_frpattern, symType, temp1, -1, &status);
            log_err("Error in get/set symbols: %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    /*format to check the result */
    resultlengthneeded=unum_format(cur_def, l, NULL, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
        unum_format(cur_def, l, result, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status));

        log_err("Fail: error in unum_setSymbols: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    unum_applyPattern(cur_frpattern, FALSE, result, u_strlen(result),NULL,NULL);

        unum_getSymbol(cur_def, symType, temp1, sizeof(temp1), &status);
        unum_getSymbol(cur_frpattern, symType, temp2, sizeof(temp2), &status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(temp1, temp2) != 0)
            log_err("Fail: error in getting symbols\n");
            log_verbose("Pass: get and set symbols successful\n");

    /*format and check with the previous result */

    resultlengthneeded=unum_format(cur_frpattern, l, NULL, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
        unum_format(cur_frpattern, l, temp1, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    /* TODO:
     * This test fails because we have not called unum_applyPattern().
     * Currently, such an applyPattern() does not exist on the C API, and
     * we have jitterbug 411 for it.
     * Since it is close to the 1.5 release, I (markus) am disabling this test just
     * for this release (I added the test itself only last week).
     * For the next release, we need to fix this.
     * Then, remove the uprv_strcmp("1.5", ...) and this comment, and the include "cstring.h" at the beginning of this file.
    if(u_strcmp(result, temp1) != 0) {
        log_err("Formatting failed after setting symbols. result=%s temp1=%s\n", result, temp1);

    /*----------- */


    /* Testing unum_get/setSymbol() */
    for(i = 0; i < UNUM_FORMAT_SYMBOL_COUNT; ++i) {
        symbol[0] = (UChar)(0x41 + i);
        symbol[1] = (UChar)(0x61 + i);
        unum_setSymbol(cur_frpattern, (UNumberFormatSymbol)i, symbol, 2, &status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("Error from unum_setSymbol(%d): %s\n", i, myErrorName(status));
    for(i = 0; i < UNUM_FORMAT_SYMBOL_COUNT; ++i) {
        resultlength = unum_getSymbol(cur_frpattern, (UNumberFormatSymbol)i, symbol, UPRV_LENGTHOF(symbol), &status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("Error from unum_getSymbol(%d): %s\n", i, myErrorName(status));
        if(resultlength != 2 || symbol[0] != 0x41 + i || symbol[1] != 0x61 + i) {
            log_err("Failure in unum_getSymbol(%d): got unexpected symbol\n", i);
    /*try getting from a bogus symbol*/
    unum_getSymbol(cur_frpattern, (UNumberFormatSymbol)i, symbol, UPRV_LENGTHOF(symbol), &status);
        log_err("Error : Expected U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bogus symbol");
        if(status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
            log_err("Error: Expected U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bogus symbol, Got %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    /* Testing unum_getTextAttribute() and unum_setTextAttribute()*/
    log_verbose("\nTesting getting and setting text attributes\n");
    unum_getTextAttribute(cur_fr, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, temp, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("Failure in gettting the Text attributes of number format: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    unum_setTextAttribute(cur_def, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, temp, u_strlen(temp), &status);
        log_err("Failure in gettting the Text attributes of number format: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    unum_getTextAttribute(cur_def, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, suffix, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("Failure in gettting the Text attributes of number format: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        log_err("Fail:Error in setTextAttribute or getTextAttribute in setting and getting suffix\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: setting and getting suffix works fine\n");
    /*set it back to normal */
    unum_setTextAttribute(cur_def, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, temp, u_strlen(temp), &status);

    /*checking some more text setter conditions */
    u_uastrcpy(prefix, "+");
    unum_setTextAttribute(def, UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, prefix, u_strlen(prefix) , &status);
        log_err("error in setting the text attributes : %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    unum_getTextAttribute(def, UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, temp, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("error in getting the text attributes : %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    if(u_strcmp(prefix, temp)!=0)
        log_err("ERROR: get and setTextAttributes with positive prefix failed\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: get and setTextAttributes with positive prefix works fine\n");

    u_uastrcpy(prefix, "+");
    unum_setTextAttribute(def, UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, prefix, u_strlen(prefix), &status);
        log_err("error in setting the text attributes : %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    unum_getTextAttribute(def, UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, temp, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("error in getting the text attributes : %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    if(u_strcmp(prefix, temp)!=0)
        log_err("ERROR: get and setTextAttributes with negative prefix failed\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: get and setTextAttributes with negative prefix works fine\n");

    u_uastrcpy(suffix, "+");
    unum_setTextAttribute(def, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, suffix, u_strlen(suffix) , &status);
        log_err("error in setting the text attributes: %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    unum_getTextAttribute(def, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, temp, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("error in getting the text attributes : %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    if(u_strcmp(suffix, temp)!=0)
        log_err("ERROR: get and setTextAttributes with negative suffix failed\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: get and settextAttributes with negative suffix works fine\n");

    u_uastrcpy(suffix, "++");
    unum_setTextAttribute(def, UNUM_POSITIVE_SUFFIX, suffix, u_strlen(suffix) , &status);
        log_err("error in setting the text attributes: %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    unum_getTextAttribute(def, UNUM_POSITIVE_SUFFIX, temp, resultlength, &status);
        log_err("error in getting the text attributes : %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    if(u_strcmp(suffix, temp)!=0)
        log_err("ERROR: get and setTextAttributes with negative suffix failed\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: get and settextAttributes with negative suffix works fine\n");

    /*Testing unum_getAttribute and  unum_setAttribute() */
    log_verbose("\nTesting get and set Attributes\n");
    newvalue=unum_getAttribute(def, attr);
    unum_setAttribute(def, attr, newvalue);
        log_err("Fail: error in setting and getting attributes for UNUM_GROUPING_SIZE\n");
        log_verbose("Pass: setting and getting attributes for UNUM_GROUPING_SIZE works fine\n");

    newvalue=unum_getAttribute(def, attr);
    unum_setAttribute(def, attr, newvalue);
    if(unum_getAttribute(def,attr) != 8)
        log_err("error in setting and getting attributes for UNUM_MULTIPLIER\n");
        log_verbose("Pass:setting and getting attributes for UNUM_MULTIPLIER works fine\n");

    newvalue=unum_getAttribute(def, attr);
    unum_setAttribute(def, attr, newvalue);
    if(unum_getAttribute(def,attr) != 2)
        log_err("error in setting and getting attributes for UNUM_SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE: got %d\n",
        log_verbose("Pass:setting and getting attributes for UNUM_SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE works fine\n");

    /*testing set and get Attributes extensively */
    log_verbose("\nTesting get and set attributes extensively\n");
    for(attr=UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY; attr<= UNUM_PADDING_POSITION; attr=(UNumberFormatAttribute)((int32_t)attr + 1) )
        newvalue=unum_getAttribute(fr, attr);
        unum_setAttribute(def, attr, newvalue);
        if(unum_getAttribute(def,attr)!=unum_getAttribute(fr, attr))
            log_err("error in setting and getting attributes\n");
            log_verbose("Pass: attributes set and retrieved successfully\n");

    /*testing spellout format to make sure we can use it successfully.*/
    log_verbose("\nTesting spellout format\n");
    if (spellout_def)
        static const int32_t values[] = { 0, -5, 105, 1005, 105050 };
        for (i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(values); ++i) {
            UChar buffer[128];
            int32_t len;
            int32_t value = values[i];
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            len = unum_format(spellout_def, value, buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), NULL, &status);
            if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(spellout_fmt, ...): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else {
                int32_t pp = 0;
                int32_t parseResult;
                /*ustrToAstr(buffer, len, logbuf, UPRV_LENGTHOF(logbuf));*/
                log_verbose("formatted %d as '%s', length: %d\n", value, aescstrdup(buffer, len), len);

                parseResult = unum_parse(spellout_def, buffer, len, &pp, &status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    log_err("Error in parsing using unum_format(spellout_fmt, ...): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
                } else if (parseResult != value) {
                    log_err("unum_format result %d != value %d\n", parseResult, value);
    else {
        log_err("Spellout format is unavailable\n");

    {    /* Test for ticket #7079 */
        UNumberFormat* dec_en;
        UChar groupingSep[] = { 0 };
        UChar numPercent[] = { 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0025, 0 }; /* "12%" */
        double parseResult = 0.0;

        dec_en = unum_open(UNUM_DECIMAL, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
        unum_setAttribute(dec_en, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, 0);
        unum_setSymbol(dec_en, UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, groupingSep, 0, &status);
        parseResult = unum_parseDouble(dec_en, numPercent, -1, NULL, &status);
        /* Without the fix in #7079, the above call will hang */
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) || parseResult != 12.0 ) {
            log_err("unum_parseDouble with empty groupingSep: status %s, parseResult %f not 12.0\n",
                    myErrorName(status), parseResult);
        } else {
            log_verbose("unum_parseDouble with empty groupingSep: no hang, OK\n");

    {   /* Test parse & format of big decimals.  Use a number with too many digits to fit in a double,
                                         to verify that it is taking the pure decimal path. */
        UNumberFormat *fmt;
        const char *bdpattern = "#,##0.#########";
        const char *numInitial     = "12345678900987654321.1234567896";
        const char *numFormatted  = "12,345,678,900,987,654,321.12345679";
        const char *parseExpected = "1.234567890098765432112345679E+19";
        const char *parseExpected2 = "3.4567890098765432112345679E+17";
        int32_t resultSize    = 0;
        int32_t parsePos      = 0;     /* Output parameter for Parse operations. */
        #define DESTCAPACITY 100
        UChar dest[DESTCAPACITY];
        char  desta[DESTCAPACITY];
        UFieldPosition fieldPos = {0};

        /* Format */

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        u_uastrcpy(dest, bdpattern);
        fmt = unum_open(UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL, dest, -1, "en", NULL /*parseError*/, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) log_err("File %s, Line %d, status = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));

        resultSize = unum_formatDecimal(fmt, numInitial, -1, dest, DESTCAPACITY, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, status = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
        u_austrncpy(desta, dest, DESTCAPACITY);
        if (strcmp(numFormatted, desta) != 0) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, acutal) =  (\"%s\", \"%s\")\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, numFormatted, desta);
        if (strlen(numFormatted) != resultSize) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, actual) = (%d, %d)\n",
                     __FILE__, __LINE__, strlen(numFormatted), resultSize);

        /* Format with a FieldPosition parameter */

        fieldPos.field = UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_FIELD;
        resultSize = unum_formatDecimal(fmt, numInitial, -1, dest, DESTCAPACITY, &fieldPos, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, status = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
        u_austrncpy(desta, dest, DESTCAPACITY);
        if (strcmp(numFormatted, desta) != 0) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, acutal) =  (\"%s\", \"%s\")\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, numFormatted, desta);
        if (fieldPos.beginIndex != 26) {  /* index of "." in formatted number */
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, acutal) =  (%d, %d)\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, fieldPos.beginIndex);
        if (fieldPos.endIndex != 27) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, acutal) =  (%d, %d)\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, fieldPos.endIndex);

        /* Parse */

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        u_uastrcpy(dest, numFormatted);   /* Parse the expected output of the formatting test */
        resultSize = unum_parseDecimal(fmt, dest, -1, NULL, desta, DESTCAPACITY, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, status = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
        if (uprv_strcmp(parseExpected, desta) != 0) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, actual) = (\"%s\", \"%s\")\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, parseExpected, desta);
        } else {
            log_verbose("File %s, Line %d, got expected = \"%s\"\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, desta);
        if (strlen(parseExpected) != resultSize) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, actual) = (%d, %d)\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, strlen(parseExpected), resultSize);

        /* Parse with a parsePos parameter */

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        u_uastrcpy(dest, numFormatted);   /* Parse the expected output of the formatting test */
        parsePos = 3;                 /*      12,345,678,900,987,654,321.12345679         */
                                      /* start parsing at the the third char              */
        resultSize = unum_parseDecimal(fmt, dest, -1, &parsePos, desta, DESTCAPACITY, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, status = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
        if (strcmp(parseExpected2, desta) != 0) {   /*  "3.4567890098765432112345679E+17" */
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, (expected, actual) = (\"%s\", \"%s\")\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, parseExpected2, desta);
        } else {
            log_verbose("File %s, Line %d, got expected = \"%s\"\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, desta);
        if (strlen(numFormatted) != parsePos) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, parsePos (expected, actual) = (\"%d\", \"%d\")\n",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, strlen(parseExpected), parsePos);


    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    /* Test invalid symbol argument */
        int32_t badsymbolLarge = UNUM_FORMAT_SYMBOL_COUNT + 1;
        int32_t badsymbolSmall = -1;
        UChar value[10];
        int32_t valueLength = 10;
        UNumberFormat *fmt = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("File %s, Line %d, status = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            unum_getSymbol(fmt, (UNumberFormatSymbol)badsymbolLarge, NULL, 0, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) log_err("unum_getSymbol()'s status should be ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT with invalid symbol (> UNUM_FORMAT_SYMBOL_COUNT) argument\n");

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            unum_getSymbol(fmt, (UNumberFormatSymbol)badsymbolSmall, NULL, 0, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) log_err("unum_getSymbol()'s status should be ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT with invalid symbol (less than 0) argument\n");

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            unum_setSymbol(fmt, (UNumberFormatSymbol)badsymbolLarge, value, valueLength, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) log_err("unum_setSymbol()'s status should be ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT with invalid symbol (> UNUM_FORMAT_SYMBOL_COUNT) argument\n");

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            unum_setSymbol(fmt, (UNumberFormatSymbol)badsymbolSmall, value, valueLength, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) log_err("unum_setSymbol()'s status should be ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT with invalid symbol (less than 0) argument\n");


    /*closing the NumberFormat() using unum_close(UNumberFormat*)")*/


static void TestParseZero(void)
    UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar input[] = {0x30, 0};   /*  Input text is decimal '0' */
    UChar pat[] = {0x0023,0x003b,0x0023,0}; /*  {'#', ';', '#', 0}; */
    double  dbl;

#if 0
    UNumberFormat* unum = unum_open( UNUM_DECIMAL /*or UNUM_DEFAULT*/, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, &errorCode);
    UNumberFormat* unum = unum_open( UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL /*needs pattern*/, pat, -1, NULL, NULL, &errorCode);

    dbl = unum_parseDouble( unum, input, -1 /*u_strlen(input)*/, 0 /* 0 = start */, &errorCode );
    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        log_data_err("Result - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
    } else {
        log_verbose("Double: %f\n", dbl);

static const UChar dollars2Sym[] = { 0x24,0x32,0x2E,0x30,0x30,0 }; /* $2.00 */
static const UChar dollars4Sym[] = { 0x24,0x34,0 }; /* $4 */
static const UChar dollarsUS4Sym[] = { 0x55,0x53,0x24,0x34,0 }; /* US$4 */
static const UChar dollars9Sym[] = { 0x39,0xA0,0x24,0 }; /* 9 $ */
static const UChar pounds3Sym[]  = { 0xA3,0x33,0x2E,0x30,0x30,0 }; /* [POUND]3.00 */
static const UChar pounds5Sym[]  = { 0xA3,0x35,0 }; /* [POUND]5 */
static const UChar pounds7Sym[]  = { 0x37,0xA0,0xA3,0 }; /* 7 [POUND] */
static const UChar euros4Sym[]   = { 0x34,0x2C,0x30,0x30,0xA0,0x20AC,0 }; /* 4,00 [EURO] */
static const UChar euros6Sym[]   = { 0x36,0xA0,0x20AC,0 }; /* 6 [EURO] */
static const UChar euros8Sym[]   = { 0x20AC,0x38,0 }; /* [EURO]8 */
static const UChar dollars4PluEn[] = { 0x34,0x20,0x55,0x53,0x20,0x64,0x6F,0x6C,0x6C,0x61,0x72,0x73,0 }; /* 4 US dollars*/
static const UChar pounds5PluEn[]  = { 0x35,0x20,0x42,0x72,0x69,0x74,0x69,0x73,0x68,0x20,0x70,0x6F,0x75,0x6E,0x64,0x73,0x20,0x73,0x74,0x65,0x72,0x6C,0x69,0x6E,0x67,0 }; /* 5 British pounds sterling */
static const UChar euros8PluEn[]   = { 0x38,0x20,0x65,0x75,0x72,0x6F,0x73,0 }; /* 8 euros*/
static const UChar euros6PluFr[]   = { 0x36,0x20,0x65,0x75,0x72,0x6F,0x73,0 }; /* 6 euros*/

typedef struct {
    const char *  locale;
    const char *  descrip;
    const UChar * currStr;
    const UChar * plurStr;
    UErrorCode    parsDoubExpectErr;
    int32_t       parsDoubExpectPos;
    double        parsDoubExpectVal;
    UErrorCode    parsCurrExpectErr;
    int32_t       parsCurrExpectPos;
    double        parsCurrExpectVal;
    const char *  parsCurrExpectCurr;
} ParseCurrencyItem;

static const ParseCurrencyItem parseCurrencyItems[] = {
    { "en_US", "dollars2", dollars2Sym, NULL,           U_ZERO_ERROR,  5, 2.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  5, 2.0, "USD" },
    { "en_US", "dollars4", dollars4Sym, dollars4PluEn,  U_ZERO_ERROR,  2, 4.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  2, 4.0, "USD" },
    { "en_US", "dollars9", dollars9Sym, NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, ""    },
    { "en_US", "pounds3",  pounds3Sym,  NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  5, 3.0, "GBP" },
    { "en_US", "pounds5",  pounds5Sym,  pounds5PluEn,   U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  2, 5.0, "GBP" },
    { "en_US", "pounds7",  pounds7Sym,  NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, ""    },
    { "en_US", "euros8",   euros8Sym,   euros8PluEn,    U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  2, 8.0, "EUR" },

    { "en_GB", "pounds3",  pounds3Sym,  NULL,           U_ZERO_ERROR,  5, 3.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  5, 3.0, "GBP" },
    { "en_GB", "pounds5",  pounds5Sym,  pounds5PluEn,   U_ZERO_ERROR,  2, 5.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  2, 5.0, "GBP" },
    { "en_GB", "pounds7",  pounds7Sym,  NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, ""    },
    { "en_GB", "euros4",   euros4Sym,   NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, ""    },
    { "en_GB", "euros6",   euros6Sym,   NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 1, 0.0, ""    },
    { "en_GB", "euros8",   euros8Sym,    euros8PluEn,   U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  2, 8.0, "EUR" },
    { "en_GB", "dollars4", dollarsUS4Sym,dollars4PluEn, U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  4, 4.0, "USD" },

    { "fr_FR", "euros4",   euros4Sym,   NULL,           U_ZERO_ERROR,  6, 4.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  6, 4.0, "EUR" },
    { "fr_FR", "euros6",   euros6Sym,   euros6PluFr,    U_ZERO_ERROR,  3, 6.0, U_ZERO_ERROR,  3, 6.0, "EUR" },
    { "fr_FR", "euros8",   euros8Sym,   NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 2, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 2, 0.0, ""    },
    { "fr_FR", "dollars2", dollars2Sym, NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, ""    },
    { "fr_FR", "dollars4", dollars4Sym, NULL,           U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, U_PARSE_ERROR, 0, 0.0, ""    },
    { NULL,    NULL,       NULL,        NULL,           0,             0, 0.0, 0,             0, 0.0, NULL  }

static void TestParseCurrency()
    const ParseCurrencyItem * itemPtr;
    for (itemPtr = parseCurrencyItems; itemPtr->locale != NULL; ++itemPtr) {
        UNumberFormat* unum;
        UErrorCode status;
        double parseVal;
        int32_t parsePos;
        UChar parseCurr[4];
        char parseCurrB[4];

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        unum = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, 0, itemPtr->locale, NULL, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            const UChar * currStr = itemPtr->currStr;
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsePos = 0;
            parseVal = unum_parseDouble(unum, currStr, -1, &parsePos, &status);
            if (status != itemPtr->parsDoubExpectErr || parsePos != itemPtr->parsDoubExpectPos || parseVal != itemPtr->parsDoubExpectVal) {
                log_err("UNUM_CURRENCY parseDouble %s/%s, expect %s pos %d val %.1f, get %s pos %d val %.1f\n",
                        itemPtr->locale, itemPtr->descrip,
                        u_errorName(itemPtr->parsDoubExpectErr), itemPtr->parsDoubExpectPos, itemPtr->parsDoubExpectVal,
                        u_errorName(status), parsePos, parseVal );
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsePos = 0;
            parseCurr[0] = 0;
            parseVal = unum_parseDoubleCurrency(unum, currStr, -1, &parsePos, parseCurr, &status);
            u_austrncpy(parseCurrB, parseCurr, 4);
            if (status != itemPtr->parsCurrExpectErr || parsePos != itemPtr->parsCurrExpectPos || parseVal != itemPtr->parsCurrExpectVal ||
                    strncmp(parseCurrB, itemPtr->parsCurrExpectCurr, 4) != 0) {
                log_err("UNUM_CURRENCY parseDoubleCurrency %s/%s, expect %s pos %d val %.1f cur %s, get %s pos %d val %.1f cur %s\n",
                        itemPtr->locale, itemPtr->descrip,
                        u_errorName(itemPtr->parsCurrExpectErr), itemPtr->parsCurrExpectPos, itemPtr->parsCurrExpectVal, itemPtr->parsCurrExpectCurr,
                        u_errorName(status), parsePos, parseVal, parseCurrB );
        } else {
            log_data_err("unexpected error in unum_open UNUM_CURRENCY for locale %s: '%s'\n", itemPtr->locale, u_errorName(status));

        if (itemPtr->plurStr != NULL) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            unum = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY_PLURAL, NULL, 0, itemPtr->locale, NULL, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                parsePos = 0;
                parseVal = unum_parseDouble(unum, itemPtr->plurStr, -1, &parsePos, &status);
                if (status != itemPtr->parsDoubExpectErr || parseVal != itemPtr->parsDoubExpectVal) {
                    log_err("UNUM_CURRENCY parseDouble Plural %s/%s, expect %s val %.1f, get %s val %.1f\n",
                            itemPtr->locale, itemPtr->descrip,
                            u_errorName(itemPtr->parsDoubExpectErr), itemPtr->parsDoubExpectVal,
                            u_errorName(status), parseVal );
                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                parsePos = 0;
                parseCurr[0] = 0;
                parseVal = unum_parseDoubleCurrency(unum, itemPtr->plurStr, -1, &parsePos, parseCurr, &status);
                u_austrncpy(parseCurrB, parseCurr, 4);
                if (status != itemPtr->parsCurrExpectErr || parseVal != itemPtr->parsCurrExpectVal ||
                        strncmp(parseCurrB, itemPtr->parsCurrExpectCurr, 4) != 0) {
                    log_err("UNUM_CURRENCY parseDoubleCurrency Plural %s/%s, expect %s val %.1f cur %s, get %s val %.1f cur %s\n",
                            itemPtr->locale, itemPtr->descrip,
                            u_errorName(itemPtr->parsCurrExpectErr), itemPtr->parsCurrExpectVal, itemPtr->parsCurrExpectCurr,
                            u_errorName(status), parseVal, parseCurrB );
            } else {
                log_data_err("unexpected error in unum_open UNUM_CURRENCY_PLURAL for locale %s: '%s'\n", itemPtr->locale, u_errorName(status));

typedef struct {
    const char *  testname;
    const char *  locale;
    const UChar * source;
    int32_t       startPos;
    int32_t       value;
    int32_t       endPos;
    UErrorCode    status;
} SpelloutParseTest;

static const UChar ustr_en0[]   = {0x7A, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6F, 0}; /* zero */
static const UChar ustr_123[]   = {0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0};       /* 123 */
static const UChar ustr_en123[] = {0x6f, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x20, 0x68, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x72, 0x65, 0x64,
                                   0x20, 0x74, 0x77, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x79,
                                   0x2d, 0x74, 0x68, 0x72, 0x65, 0x65, 0}; /* one hundred twenty-three */
static const UChar ustr_fr123[] = {0x63, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x20, 0x76, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x74, 0x2d,
                                   0x74, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x73, 0};       /* cent vingt-trois */
static const UChar ustr_ja123[] = {0x767e, 0x4e8c, 0x5341, 0x4e09, 0};     /* kanji 100(+)2(*)10(+)3 */

static const SpelloutParseTest spelloutParseTests[] = {
    /* name    loc   src       start val  end status */
    { "en0",   "en", ustr_en0,    0,   0,  4, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "en0",   "en", ustr_en0,    2,   0,  2, U_PARSE_ERROR },
    { "en0",   "ja", ustr_en0,    0,   0,  0, U_PARSE_ERROR },
    { "123",   "en", ustr_123,    0, 123,  3, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "en123", "en", ustr_en123,  0, 123, 24, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "en123", "en", ustr_en123, 12,  23, 24, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "en123", "fr", ustr_en123, 16,   0, 16, U_PARSE_ERROR },
    { "fr123", "fr", ustr_fr123,  0, 123, 16, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "fr123", "fr", ustr_fr123,  5,  23, 16, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "fr123", "en", ustr_fr123,  0,   0,  0, U_PARSE_ERROR },
    { "ja123", "ja", ustr_ja123,  0, 123,  4, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "ja123", "ja", ustr_ja123,  1,  23,  4, U_ZERO_ERROR },
    { "ja123", "fr", ustr_ja123,  0,   0,  0, U_PARSE_ERROR },
    { NULL,    NULL, NULL,        0,   0,  0, 0 } /* terminator */

static void TestSpelloutNumberParse()
    const SpelloutParseTest * testPtr;
    for (testPtr = spelloutParseTests; testPtr->testname != NULL; ++testPtr) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        int32_t value, position = testPtr->startPos;
        UNumberFormat *nf = unum_open(UNUM_SPELLOUT, NULL, 0, testPtr->locale, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err_status(status, "unum_open fails for UNUM_SPELLOUT with locale %s, status %s\n", testPtr->locale, myErrorName(status));
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        value = unum_parse(nf, testPtr->source, -1, &position, &status);
        if ( value != testPtr->value || position != testPtr->endPos || status != testPtr->status ) {
            log_err("unum_parse SPELLOUT, locale %s, testname %s, startPos %d: for value / endPos / status, expected %d / %d / %s, got %d / %d / %s\n",
                    testPtr->locale, testPtr->testname, testPtr->startPos,
                    testPtr->value, testPtr->endPos, myErrorName(testPtr->status),
                    value, position, myErrorName(status) );

static void TestSignificantDigits()
    UChar temp[128];
    int32_t resultlengthneeded;
    int32_t resultlength;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar *result = NULL;
    UNumberFormat* fmt;
    double d = 123456.789;

    u_uastrcpy(temp, "###0.0#");
    fmt=unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE, temp, -1, "en", NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("got unexpected error for unum_open: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));
    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED, TRUE);
    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, 6);

    u_uastrcpy(temp, "123457");
    resultlengthneeded=unum_formatDouble(fmt, d, NULL, resultlength, NULL, &status);
        result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
        unum_formatDouble(fmt, d, result, resultlength, NULL, &status);
        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_formatDouble(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    if(u_strcmp(result, temp)==0)
        log_verbose("Pass: Number Formatting using unum_formatDouble() Successful\n");
        log_err("FAIL: Error in number formatting using unum_formatDouble()\n");

static void TestSigDigRounding()
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar expected[128];
    UChar result[128];
    char  temp1[128];
    char  temp2[128];
    UNumberFormat* fmt;
    double d = 123.4;

    fmt=unum_open(UNUM_DECIMAL, NULL, 0, "en", NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("got unexpected error for unum_open: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));
    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, FALSE);
    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED, TRUE);
    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, 2);
    /* unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, 0); */

    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE, UNUM_ROUND_UP);
    unum_setDoubleAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT, 20.0);

    (void)unum_formatDouble(fmt, d, result, UPRV_LENGTHOF(result), NULL, &status);
        log_err("Error in formatting using unum_formatDouble(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status));

    u_uastrcpy(expected, "140");
    if(u_strcmp(result, expected)!=0)
        log_err("FAIL: Error in unum_formatDouble result %s instead of %s\n", u_austrcpy(temp1, result), u_austrcpy(temp2, expected) );


static void TestNumberFormatPadding()
    UChar *result=NULL;
    UChar temp1[512];
    UChar temp2[512];

    UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t resultlength;
    int32_t resultlengthneeded;
    UNumberFormat *pattern;
    double d1;
    double d = -10456.37;
    UFieldPosition pos1;
    int32_t parsepos;

    /* create a number format using unum_openPattern(....)*/
    log_verbose("\nTesting unum_openPattern() with padding\n");
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "*#,##0.0#*;(#,##0.0#)");
    pattern=unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE,temp1, u_strlen(temp1), NULL, NULL,&status);
        log_err("error in unum_openPattern(%s): %s\n", temp1, myErrorName(status) );

/*    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "*x#,###,###,##0.0#;(*x#,###,###,##0.0#)"); */
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "*x#,###,###,##0.0#;*x(###,###,##0.0#)"); // input pattern
    u_uastrcpy(temp2, "*x#########,##0.0#;(#########,##0.0#)"); // equivalent (?) output pattern
    pattern=unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE,temp1, u_strlen(temp1), "en_US",NULL, &status);
        log_err_status(status, "error in padding unum_openPattern(%s): %s\n", temp1, myErrorName(status) );;
    else {
        log_verbose("Pass: padding unum_openPattern() works fine\n");

        /*test for unum_toPattern()*/
        log_verbose("\nTesting padding unum_toPattern()\n");
        resultlengthneeded=unum_toPattern(pattern, FALSE, NULL, resultlength, &status);
            result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
            unum_toPattern(pattern, FALSE, result, resultlength, &status);
            log_err("error in extracting the padding pattern from UNumberFormat: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            if(u_strncmp(result, temp2, resultlengthneeded)!=0) {
                        "FAIL: Error in extracting the padding pattern using unum_toPattern(): %d: %s != %s\n",
            } else {
                log_verbose("Pass: extracted the padding pattern correctly using unum_toPattern()\n");
/*        u_uastrcpy(temp1, "(xxxxxxx10,456.37)"); */
        u_uastrcpy(temp1, "xxxxx(10,456.37)");
        pos1.field = UNUM_FRACTION_FIELD;
        resultlengthneeded=unum_formatDouble(pattern, d, NULL, resultlength, &pos1, &status);
            result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
            unum_formatDouble(pattern, d, result, resultlength, NULL, &status);
            log_err("Error in formatting using unum_formatDouble(.....) with padding : %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            if(u_strcmp(result, temp1)==0)
                log_verbose("Pass: Number Formatting using unum_formatDouble() padding Successful\n");
                log_data_err("FAIL: Error in number formatting using unum_formatDouble() with padding\n");
            if(pos1.beginIndex == 13 && pos1.endIndex == 15)
                log_verbose("Pass: Complete number formatting using unum_formatDouble() successful\n");
                log_err("Fail: Error in complete number Formatting using unum_formatDouble()\nGot: b=%d end=%d\nExpected: b=13 end=15\n",
                        pos1.beginIndex, pos1.endIndex);

            /* Testing unum_parse() and unum_parseDouble() */
            log_verbose("\nTesting padding unum_parseDouble()\n");
            d1=unum_parseDouble(pattern, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
                log_err("padding parse failed. The error is : %s\n", myErrorName(status));

                log_err("Fail: Error in padding parsing\n");
                log_verbose("Pass: padding parsing successful\n");


static UBool
withinErr(double a, double b, double err) {
    return uprv_fabs(a - b) < uprv_fabs(a * err);

static void TestInt64Format() {
    UChar temp1[512];
    UChar result[512];
    UNumberFormat *fmt;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const double doubleInt64Max = (double)U_INT64_MAX;
    const double doubleInt64Min = (double)U_INT64_MIN;
    const double doubleBig = 10.0 * (double)U_INT64_MAX;
    int32_t val32;
    int64_t val64;
    double  valDouble;
    int32_t parsepos;

    /* create a number format using unum_openPattern(....) */
    log_verbose("\nTesting Int64Format\n");
    u_uastrcpy(temp1, "#.#E0");
    fmt = unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE, temp1, u_strlen(temp1), "en_US", NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("error in unum_openPattern() - %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    } else {
        unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, 20);
        unum_formatInt64(fmt, U_INT64_MAX, result, 512, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("error in unum_format(): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        } else {
            log_verbose("format int64max: '%s'\n", result);
            parsepos = 0;
            val32 = unum_parse(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR) {
                log_err("parse didn't report error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (val32 != INT32_MAX) {
                log_err("parse didn't pin return value, got: %d\n", val32);

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsepos = 0;
            val64 = unum_parseInt64(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                log_err("parseInt64 returned error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (val64 != U_INT64_MAX) {
                log_err("parseInt64 returned incorrect value, got: %ld\n", val64);

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsepos = 0;
            valDouble = unum_parseDouble(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                log_err("parseDouble returned error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (valDouble != doubleInt64Max) {
                log_err("parseDouble returned incorrect value, got: %g\n", valDouble);

        unum_formatInt64(fmt, U_INT64_MIN, result, 512, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("error in unum_format(): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        } else {
            log_verbose("format int64min: '%s'\n", result);
            parsepos = 0;
            val32 = unum_parse(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR) {
                log_err("parse didn't report error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (val32 != INT32_MIN) {
                log_err("parse didn't pin return value, got: %d\n", val32);

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsepos = 0;
            val64 = unum_parseInt64(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                log_err("parseInt64 returned error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (val64 != U_INT64_MIN) {
                log_err("parseInt64 returned incorrect value, got: %ld\n", val64);

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsepos = 0;
            valDouble = unum_parseDouble(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                log_err("parseDouble returned error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (valDouble != doubleInt64Min) {
                log_err("parseDouble returned incorrect value, got: %g\n", valDouble);

        unum_formatDouble(fmt, doubleBig, result, 512, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("error in unum_format(): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        } else {
            log_verbose("format doubleBig: '%s'\n", result);
            parsepos = 0;
            val32 = unum_parse(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR) {
                log_err("parse didn't report error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (val32 != INT32_MAX) {
                log_err("parse didn't pin return value, got: %d\n", val32);

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsepos = 0;
            val64 = unum_parseInt64(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR) {
                log_err("parseInt64 didn't report error error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (val64 != U_INT64_MAX) {
                log_err("parseInt64 returned incorrect value, got: %ld\n", val64);

            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            parsepos = 0;
            valDouble = unum_parseDouble(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                log_err("parseDouble returned error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (!withinErr(valDouble, doubleBig, 1e-15)) {
                log_err("parseDouble returned incorrect value, got: %g\n", valDouble);

        u_uastrcpy(result, "5.06e-27");
        parsepos = 0;
        valDouble = unum_parseDouble(fmt, result, u_strlen(result), &parsepos, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("parseDouble() returned error: %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        } else if (!withinErr(valDouble, 5.06e-27, 1e-15)) {
            log_err("parseDouble() returned incorrect value, got: %g\n", valDouble);

static void test_fmt(UNumberFormat* fmt, UBool isDecimal) {
    char temp[512];
    UChar buffer[512];
    int32_t BUFSIZE = UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer);
    double vals[] = {
        -.2, 0, .2, 5.5, 15.2, 250, 123456789
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(vals); ++i) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        unum_formatDouble(fmt, vals[i], buffer, BUFSIZE, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("failed to format: %g, returned %s\n", vals[i], u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            u_austrcpy(temp, buffer);
            log_verbose("formatting %g returned '%s'\n", vals[i], temp);

    /* check APIs now */
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UParseError perr;
        u_uastrcpy(buffer, "#,##0.0#");
        unum_applyPattern(fmt, FALSE, buffer, -1, &perr, &status);
        if (isDecimal ? U_FAILURE(status) : (status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR)) {
            log_err("got unexpected error for applyPattern: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));

        int isLenient = unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE);
        log_verbose("lenient: 0x%x\n", isLenient);
        if (isLenient != FALSE) {
            log_err("didn't expect lenient value: %d\n", isLenient);

        unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, TRUE);
        isLenient = unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE);
        if (isLenient != TRUE) {
            log_err("didn't expect lenient value after set: %d\n", isLenient);

        double val2;
        double val = unum_getDoubleAttribute(fmt, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE);
        if (val != -1) {
            log_err("didn't expect double attribute\n");
        val = unum_getDoubleAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT);
        if ((val == -1) == isDecimal) {
            log_err("didn't expect -1 rounding increment\n");
        unum_setDoubleAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT, val+.5);
        val2 = unum_getDoubleAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT);
        if (isDecimal && (val2 - val != .5)) {
            log_err("set rounding increment had no effect on decimal format");

        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        int len = unum_getTextAttribute(fmt, UNUM_DEFAULT_RULESET, buffer, BUFSIZE, &status);
        if (isDecimal ? (status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) : U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("got unexpected error for get default ruleset: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            u_austrcpy(temp, buffer);
            log_verbose("default ruleset: '%s'\n", temp);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        len = unum_getTextAttribute(fmt, UNUM_PUBLIC_RULESETS, buffer, BUFSIZE, &status);
        if (isDecimal ? (status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) : U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("got unexpected error for get public rulesets: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            u_austrcpy(temp, buffer);
            log_verbose("public rulesets: '%s'\n", temp);

            /* set the default ruleset to the first one found, and retry */

            if (len > 0) {
                for (i = 0; i < len && temp[i] != ';'; ++i){};
                if (i < len) {
                    buffer[i] = 0;
                    unum_setTextAttribute(fmt, UNUM_DEFAULT_RULESET, buffer, -1, &status);
                    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                        log_err("unexpected error setting default ruleset: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));
                    } else {
                        int len2 = unum_getTextAttribute(fmt, UNUM_DEFAULT_RULESET, buffer, BUFSIZE, &status);
                        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                            log_err("could not fetch default ruleset: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));
                        } else if (len2 != i) {
                            u_austrcpy(temp, buffer);
                            log_err("unexpected ruleset len: %d ex: %d val: %s\n", len2, i, temp);
                        } else {
                            for (i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(vals); ++i) {
                                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                                unum_formatDouble(fmt, vals[i], buffer, BUFSIZE, NULL, &status);
                                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                                    log_err("failed to format: %g, returned %s\n", vals[i], u_errorName(status));
                                } else {
                                    u_austrcpy(temp, buffer);
                                    log_verbose("formatting %g returned '%s'\n", vals[i], temp);

        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        unum_toPattern(fmt, FALSE, buffer, BUFSIZE, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            u_austrcpy(temp, buffer);
            log_verbose("pattern: '%s'\n", temp);
        } else if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
            log_err("toPattern failed unexpectedly: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            log_verbose("pattern too long to display\n");

        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        int len = unum_getSymbol(fmt, UNUM_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, buffer, BUFSIZE, &status);
        if (isDecimal ? U_FAILURE(status) : (status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR)) {
            log_err("unexpected error getting symbol: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));

        unum_setSymbol(fmt, UNUM_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, buffer, len, &status);
        if (isDecimal ? U_FAILURE(status) : (status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR)) {
            log_err("unexpected error setting symbol: '%s'\n", u_errorName(status));

static void TestNonExistentCurrency() {
    UNumberFormat *format;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar currencySymbol[8];
    static const UChar QQQ[] = {0x51, 0x51, 0x51, 0};

    /* Get a non-existent currency and make sure it returns the correct currency code. */
    format = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, 0, "th_TH@currency=QQQ", NULL, &status);
    if (format == NULL || U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("unum_open did not return expected result for non-existent requested currency: '%s' (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));
    else {
        if (u_strcmp(currencySymbol, QQQ) != 0) {
            log_err("unum_open set the currency to QQQ\n");

static void TestRBNFFormat() {
    UErrorCode status;
    UParseError perr;
    UChar pat[1024];
    UChar tempUChars[512];
    UNumberFormat *formats[5];
    int COUNT = UPRV_LENGTHOF(formats);
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
        formats[i] = 0;

    /* instantiation */
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    u_uastrcpy(pat, "#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)");
    formats[0] = unum_open(UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL, pat, -1, "en_US", &perr, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unable to open decimal pattern -> %s\n", u_errorName(status));

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    formats[1] = unum_open(UNUM_SPELLOUT, NULL, 0, "en_US", &perr, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unable to open spellout -> %s\n", u_errorName(status));

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    formats[2] = unum_open(UNUM_ORDINAL, NULL, 0, "en_US", &perr, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unable to open ordinal -> %s\n", u_errorName(status));

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    formats[3] = unum_open(UNUM_DURATION, NULL, 0, "en_US", &perr, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unable to open duration %s\n", u_errorName(status));

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        "-x: minus >>;\n"
        "x.x: << point >>;\n"
        "zero; one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine;\n"
        "ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen;\n"
        "seventeen; eighteen; nineteen;\n"
        "20: twenty[->>];\n"
        "30: thirty[->>];\n"
        "40: forty[->>];\n"
        "50: fifty[->>];\n"
        "60: sixty[->>];\n"
        "70: seventy[->>];\n"
        "80: eighty[->>];\n"
        "90: ninety[->>];\n"
        "100: =#,##0=;\n");
        "20: twenty[ and change];\n"
        "30: thirty[ and change];\n"
        "40: forty[ and change];\n"
        "50: fifty[ and change];\n"
        "60: sixty[ and change];\n"
        "70: seventy[ and change];\n"
        "80: eighty[ and change];\n"
        "90: ninety[ and change];\n"
        "100: =#,##0=;\n"
        "0.x: tiny;\n"
        "x.x: << point something;\n"
        "20: some reasonable number;\n"
        "100: some substantial number;\n"
        "100,000,000: some huge number;\n");
    /* This is to get around some compiler warnings about char * string length. */
    u_strcat(pat, tempUChars);
    formats[4] = unum_open(UNUM_PATTERN_RULEBASED, pat, -1, "en_US", &perr, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unable to open rulebased pattern -> %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "Something failed with %s\n", u_errorName(status));

    for (i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
        log_verbose("\n\ntesting format %d\n", i);
        test_fmt(formats[i], (UBool)(i == 0));

    #define FORMAT_BUF_CAPACITY 64
        UChar fmtbuf[FORMAT_BUF_CAPACITY];
        int32_t len;
        double nanvalue = uprv_getNaN();
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        len = unum_formatDouble(formats[1], nanvalue, fmtbuf, FORMAT_BUF_CAPACITY, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err_status(status, "unum_formatDouble NAN failed with %s\n", u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            UChar nansym[] = { 0x4E, 0x61, 0x4E, 0 }; /* NaN */
            if ( len != 3 || u_strcmp(fmtbuf, nansym) != 0 ) {
                log_err("unum_formatDouble NAN produced wrong answer for en_US\n");

    for (i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {

static void TestRBNFRounding() {
    UChar fmtbuf[FORMAT_BUF_CAPACITY];
    UChar expectedBuf[FORMAT_BUF_CAPACITY];
    int32_t len;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UNumberFormat* fmt = unum_open(UNUM_SPELLOUT, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unable to open spellout -> %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    len = unum_formatDouble(fmt, 10.123456789, fmtbuf, FORMAT_BUF_CAPACITY, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unum_formatDouble 10.123456789 failed with %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    u_uastrcpy(expectedBuf, "ten point one two three four five six seven eight nine");
    if (u_strcmp(expectedBuf, fmtbuf) != 0) {
        log_err("Wrong result for unrounded value\n");
    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, 3);
    if (unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS) != 3) {
        log_err("UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS was incorrectly ignored -> %d\n", unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS));
    if (unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE) != UNUM_ROUND_UNNECESSARY) {
        log_err("UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE was set -> %d\n", unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE));
    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE, UNUM_ROUND_HALFUP);
    if (unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE) != UNUM_ROUND_HALFUP) {
        log_err("UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE was not set -> %d\n", unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE));
    len = unum_formatDouble(fmt, 10.123456789, fmtbuf, FORMAT_BUF_CAPACITY, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err_status(status, "unum_formatDouble 10.123456789 failed with %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    u_uastrcpy(expectedBuf, "ten point one two three");
    if (u_strcmp(expectedBuf, fmtbuf) != 0) {
        char temp[512];
        u_austrcpy(temp, fmtbuf);
        log_err("Wrong result for rounded value. Got: %s\n", temp);

static void TestCurrencyRegression(void) {
 I've found a case where unum_parseDoubleCurrency is not doing what I
expect.  The value I pass in is $1234567890q123460000.00 and this
returns with a status of zero error & a parse pos of 22 (I would
expect a parse error at position 11).

I stepped into DecimalFormat::subparse() and it looks like it parses
the first 10 digits and then stops parsing at the q but doesn't set an
error. Then later in DecimalFormat::parse() the value gets crammed
into a long (which greatly truncates the value).

This is very problematic for me 'cause I try to remove chars that are
invalid but this allows my users to enter bad chars and truncates
their data!

    UChar buf[1024];
    UChar currency[8];
    char acurrency[16];
    double d;
    UNumberFormat *cur;
    int32_t pos;
    UErrorCode status  = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const int32_t expected = 11;

    u_uastrcpy(buf, "$1234567890q643210000.00");
    cur = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL,0,"en_US", NULL, &status);

    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("unum_open failed: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* so we can test it later. */
    pos = 0;

    d = unum_parseDoubleCurrency(cur,
                         &pos, /* 0 = start */

    u_austrcpy(acurrency, currency);

    if(U_FAILURE(status) || (pos != expected)) {
        log_err("unum_parseDoubleCurrency should have failed with pos %d, but gave: value %.9f, err %s, pos=%d, currency [%s]\n",
            expected, d, u_errorName(status), pos, acurrency);
    } else {
        log_verbose("unum_parseDoubleCurrency failed, value %.9f err %s, pos %d, currency [%s]\n", d, u_errorName(status), pos, acurrency);


static void TestTextAttributeCrash(void) {
    UChar ubuffer[64] = {0x0049,0x004E,0x0052,0};
    static const UChar expectedNeg[] = {0x0049,0x004E,0x0052,0x0031,0x0032,0x0033,0x0034,0x002E,0x0035,0};
    static const UChar expectedPos[] = {0x0031,0x0032,0x0033,0x0034,0x002E,0x0035,0};
    int32_t used;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UNumberFormat *nf = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("FAILED 1 -> %s (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));
    unum_setTextAttribute(nf, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE, ubuffer, 3, &status);
     * the usual negative prefix and suffix seem to be '($' and ')' at this point
     * also crashes if UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX is substituted for UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX here
    used = unum_getTextAttribute(nf, UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, ubuffer, 64, &status);
    unum_setTextAttribute(nf, UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, ubuffer, used, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("FAILED 2\n"); exit(1);
    log_verbose("attempting to format...\n");
    used = unum_formatDouble(nf, -1234.5, ubuffer, 64, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status) || 64 < used) {
        log_err("Failed formatting %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    if (u_strcmp(expectedNeg, ubuffer) == 0) {
        log_err("Didn't get expected negative result\n");
    used = unum_formatDouble(nf, 1234.5, ubuffer, 64, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status) || 64 < used) {
        log_err("Failed formatting %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    if (u_strcmp(expectedPos, ubuffer) == 0) {
        log_err("Didn't get expected positive result\n");

static void TestNBSPPatternRtNum(const char *testcase, int line, UNumberFormat *nf, double myNumber) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar myString[20];
    char tmpbuf[200];
    double aNumber = -1.0;
    unum_formatDouble(nf, myNumber, myString, 20, NULL, &status);
    log_verbose("%s:%d: formatted %.2f into %s\n", testcase, line, myNumber, u_austrcpy(tmpbuf, myString));
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      log_err("%s:%d: failed format of %.2g with %s\n", testcase, line, myNumber, u_errorName(status));
    aNumber = unum_parse(nf, myString, -1, NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      log_err("%s:%d: failed parse with %s\n", testcase, line, u_errorName(status));
    if(uprv_fabs(aNumber-myNumber)>.001) {
      log_err("FAIL: %s:%d formatted %.2f, parsed into %.2f\n", testcase, line, myNumber, aNumber);
    } else {
      log_verbose("PASS: %s:%d formatted %.2f, parsed into %.2f\n", testcase, line, myNumber, aNumber);

static void TestNBSPPatternRT(const char *testcase, UNumberFormat *nf) {
  TestNBSPPatternRtNum(testcase, __LINE__, nf, 12345.);
  TestNBSPPatternRtNum(testcase, __LINE__, nf, -12345.);

static void TestNBSPInPattern(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UNumberFormat* nf = NULL;
    const char *testcase;

    testcase="ar_AE UNUM_CURRENCY";
    nf  = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, -1, "ar_AE", NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status) || nf == NULL) {
      log_data_err("%s:%d: %s: unum_open failed with %s (Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, testcase, u_errorName(status));
    TestNBSPPatternRT(testcase, nf);

    /* if we don't have CLDR 1.6 data, bring out the problem anyways */
#define SPECIAL_PATTERN "\\u00A4\\u00A4'\\u062f.\\u0625.\\u200f\\u00a0'###0.00"
        UChar pat[200];
        testcase = "ar_AE special pattern: " SPECIAL_PATTERN;
        u_unescape(SPECIAL_PATTERN, pat, UPRV_LENGTHOF(pat));
        unum_applyPattern(nf, FALSE, pat, -1, NULL, &status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("%s: unum_applyPattern failed with %s\n", testcase, u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            TestNBSPPatternRT(testcase, nf);
    unum_close(nf); status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    testcase="ar_AE UNUM_DECIMAL";
    nf  = unum_open(UNUM_DECIMAL, NULL, -1, "ar_AE", NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("%s: unum_open failed with %s\n", testcase, u_errorName(status));
    TestNBSPPatternRT(testcase, nf);
    unum_close(nf); status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    testcase="ar_AE UNUM_PERCENT";
    nf  = unum_open(UNUM_PERCENT, NULL, -1, "ar_AE", NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_err("%s: unum_open failed with %s\n", testcase, u_errorName(status));
    TestNBSPPatternRT(testcase, nf);
    unum_close(nf); status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

static void TestCloneWithRBNF(void) {   
    UChar pattern[1024];
    UChar pat2[512];
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar buffer[256];
    UChar buffer_cloned[256];
    char temp1[256];
    char temp2[256];
    UNumberFormat *pform_cloned;
    UNumberFormat *pform;

        "0.x: >%%millis-only>;\n"
        "x.0: <%%duration<;\n"
        "x.x: <%%durationwithmillis<>%%millis-added>;\n"
        "-x: ->>;%%millis-only:\n"
        "1000: 00:00.<%%millis<;\n"
        "1000: .<%%millis<;\n"
        "0: =000=;\n"
        "0: =%%seconds-only=;\n"
        "60: =%%min-sec=;\n"
        "3600: =%%hr-min-sec=;\n"
        "86400/86400: <%%ddaayyss<[, >>];\n"
        "0: =%%seconds-only=;\n"
        "60: =%%min-sec=;\n"
        "3600: =%%hr-min-sec=;\n"
        "86400/86400: <%%ddaayyss<, >>;\n");
        "0: 0:00:=00=;\n"
        "0: :=00=;\n"
        "0/60: 0:<00<>>;\n"
        "0: :=00=;\n"
        "60/60: <00<>>;\n"
        "3600/60: <0<:>>>;\n"
        "0 days;\n"
        "1 day;\n"
        "=0= days;");

    /* This is to get around some compiler warnings about char * string length. */
    u_strcat(pattern, pat2);

    pform = unum_open(UNUM_PATTERN_RULEBASED, pattern, -1, "en_US", NULL, &status);
    unum_formatDouble(pform, 3600, buffer, 256, NULL, &status);

    pform_cloned = unum_clone(pform,&status);
    unum_formatDouble(pform_cloned, 3600, buffer_cloned, 256, NULL, &status);


    if (u_strcmp(buffer,buffer_cloned)) {
        log_data_err("Result from cloned formatter not identical to the original. Original: %s Cloned: %s - (Are you missing data?)",u_austrcpy(temp1, buffer),u_austrcpy(temp2,buffer_cloned));

static void TestNoExponent(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar str[100];
    const char *cstr;
    UNumberFormat *fmt;
    int32_t pos;
    int32_t expect = 0;
    int32_t num;

    fmt = unum_open(UNUM_DECIMAL, NULL, -1, "en_US", NULL, &status);

    if(U_FAILURE(status) || fmt == NULL) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: unum_open failed with %s (Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));

    cstr = "10E6";
    u_uastrcpy(str, cstr);
    expect = 10000000;
    pos = 0;
    num = unum_parse(fmt, str, -1, &pos, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: unum_parse failed with %s for %s (Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), cstr);
    } else if(expect!=num) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: unum_parse failed, got %d expected %d for '%s'(Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, num, expect, cstr);
    } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: unum_parse returned %d for '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, num, cstr);

    ASSERT_TRUE(unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT)==0);

    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT, 1); /* no error code */
    log_verbose("set UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT\n");

    ASSERT_TRUE(unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT)==1);

    pos = 0;
    num = unum_parse(fmt, str, -1, &pos, &status);
    if(num==10000000) {
        log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: unum_parse should have returned 10, not 10000000 on %s after UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, cstr);
    } else if(num==expect) {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: unum_parse gave %d for %s - good.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, num, cstr);

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;


    /* ok, now try scientific */
    fmt = unum_open(UNUM_SCIENTIFIC, NULL, -1, "en_US", NULL, &status);
    assertSuccess("unum_open(UNUM_SCIENTIFIC, ...)", &status);

    ASSERT_TRUE(unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT)==0);

    cstr = "10E6";
    u_uastrcpy(str, cstr);
    expect = 10000000;
    pos = 0;
    num = unum_parse(fmt, str, -1, &pos, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: unum_parse failed with %s for %s (Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), cstr);
    } else if(expect!=num) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: unum_parse failed, got %d expected %d for '%s'(Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, num, expect, cstr);
    } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: unum_parse returned %d for '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, num, cstr);

    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT, 1); /* no error code */
    log_verbose("set UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT\n");

    ASSERT_TRUE(unum_getAttribute(fmt, UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT)==1);

    // A scientific formatter should parse the exponent even if UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT is set
    cstr = "10E6";
    u_uastrcpy(str, cstr);
    expect = 10000000;
    pos = 0;
    num = unum_parse(fmt, str, -1, &pos, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: unum_parse failed with %s for %s (Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), cstr);
    } else if(expect!=num) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: unum_parse failed, got %d expected %d for '%s'(Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, num, expect, cstr);
    } else {
        log_verbose("%s:%d: unum_parse returned %d for '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, num, cstr);


static void TestMaxInt(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar pattern_hash[] = { 0x23, 0x00 }; /* "#" */
    UChar result1[1024] = { 0 }, result2[1024] = { 0 };
    int32_t len1, len2;
    UChar expect[] = { 0x0039, 0x0037, 0 };
    UNumberFormat *fmt = unum_open(
                  UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL,      /* style         */
                  &pattern_hash[0],          /* pattern       */
                  u_strlen(pattern_hash),    /* patternLength */
                  0,                         /* parseErr      */
    if(U_FAILURE(status) || fmt == NULL) {
        log_data_err("%s:%d: %s: unum_open failed with %s (Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, "TestMaxInt", u_errorName(status));

    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS, 2);

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    /* #1 */
    len1 = unum_formatInt64(fmt, 1997, result1, 1024, NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(expect, result1)) {
        log_err("unum_formatInt64 Expected %s but got %s status %s\n", austrdup(expect), austrdup(result1), u_errorName(status));

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    /* #2 */
    len2 = unum_formatDouble(fmt, 1997.0, result2, 1024, NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(expect, result2)) {
        log_err("unum_formatDouble Expected %s but got %s status %s\n", austrdup(expect), austrdup(result2), u_errorName(status));


    unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_FORMAT_FAIL_IF_MORE_THAN_MAX_DIGITS, 1);

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    /* max int digits still '2' */
    len1 = unum_formatInt64(fmt, 1997, result1, 1024, NULL, &status);
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    /* But, formatting 97->'97' works fine. */

    /* #1 */
    len1 = unum_formatInt64(fmt, 97, result1, 1024, NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(expect, result1)) {
        log_err("unum_formatInt64 Expected %s but got %s status %s\n", austrdup(expect), austrdup(result1), u_errorName(status));

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    /* #2 */
    len2 = unum_formatDouble(fmt, 97.0, result2, 1024, NULL, &status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(expect, result2)) {
        log_err("unum_formatDouble Expected %s but got %s status %s\n", austrdup(expect), austrdup(result2), u_errorName(status));


static void TestUFormattable(void) {
  UChar out2k[2048];
  // simple test for API docs
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UNumberFormat *unum = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, "en_US_POSIX", NULL, &status);
    if(assertSuccessCheck("calling unum_open()", &status, TRUE)) {
      //! [unum_parseToUFormattable]
      const UChar str[] = { 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0000 }; /* 123 */
      int32_t result = 0;
      UFormattable *ufmt = ufmt_open(&status);
      unum_parseToUFormattable(unum, ufmt, str, -1, NULL, &status);
      if (ufmt_isNumeric(ufmt)) {
          result = ufmt_getLong(ufmt, &status); /* == 123 */
      } /* else { ... } */
      //! [unum_parseToUFormattable]
      assertTrue("result == 123", (result == 123));
  // test with explicitly created ufmt_open
    UChar buffer[2048];
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UFormattable *ufmt;
    UNumberFormat *unum;
    const char *pattern = "";

    ufmt = ufmt_open(&status);
    unum = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, "en_US_POSIX", NULL, &status);
    if(assertSuccessCheck("calling ufmt_open() || unum_open()", &status, TRUE)) {

      pattern = "31337";
      log_verbose("-- pattern: %s\n", pattern);
      u_uastrcpy(buffer, pattern);
      unum_parseToUFormattable(unum, ufmt, buffer, -1, NULL, &status);
      if(assertSuccess("unum_parseToUFormattable(31337)", &status)) {
        assertTrue("ufmt_getLong()=31337", ufmt_getLong(ufmt, &status) == 31337);
        assertTrue("ufmt_getType()=UFMT_LONG", ufmt_getType(ufmt, &status) == UFMT_LONG);
        log_verbose("long = %d\n", ufmt_getLong(ufmt, &status));
        assertSuccess("ufmt_getLong()", &status);
      unum_formatUFormattable(unum, ufmt, out2k, 2048, NULL, &status);
      if(assertSuccess("unum_formatUFormattable(31337)", &status)) {
        assertEquals("unum_formatUFormattable r/t", austrdup(buffer), austrdup(out2k));

      pattern = "3.14159";
      log_verbose("-- pattern: %s\n", pattern);
      u_uastrcpy(buffer, pattern);
      unum_parseToUFormattable(unum, ufmt, buffer, -1, NULL, &status);
      if(assertSuccess("unum_parseToUFormattable(3.14159)", &status)) {
        assertTrue("ufmt_getDouble()==3.14159", withinErr(ufmt_getDouble(ufmt, &status), 3.14159, 1e-15));
        assertSuccess("ufmt_getDouble()", &status);
        assertTrue("ufmt_getType()=UFMT_DOUBLE", ufmt_getType(ufmt, &status) == UFMT_DOUBLE);
        log_verbose("double = %g\n", ufmt_getDouble(ufmt, &status));
      unum_formatUFormattable(unum, ufmt, out2k, 2048, NULL, &status);
      if(assertSuccess("unum_formatUFormattable(3.14159)", &status)) {
        assertEquals("unum_formatUFormattable r/t", austrdup(buffer), austrdup(out2k));

  // test with auto-generated ufmt
    UChar buffer[2048];
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UFormattable *ufmt = NULL;
    UNumberFormat *unum;
    const char *pattern = "73476730924573500000000"; // weight of the moon, kg

    log_verbose("-- pattern: %s (testing auto-opened UFormattable)\n", pattern);
    u_uastrcpy(buffer, pattern);

    unum = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, "en_US_POSIX", NULL, &status);
    if(assertSuccessCheck("calling unum_open()", &status, TRUE)) {

      ufmt = unum_parseToUFormattable(unum, NULL, /* will be ufmt_open()'ed for us */
                                   buffer, -1, NULL, &status);
      if(assertSuccess("unum_parseToUFormattable(weight of the moon)", &status)) {
        log_verbose("new formattable allocated at %p\n", (void*)ufmt);
        assertTrue("ufmt_isNumeric() TRUE", ufmt_isNumeric(ufmt));
        unum_formatUFormattable(unum, ufmt, out2k, 2048, NULL, &status);
        if(assertSuccess("unum_formatUFormattable(3.14159)", &status)) {
          assertEquals("unum_formatUFormattable r/t", austrdup(buffer), austrdup(out2k));

        log_verbose("double: %g\n",  ufmt_getDouble(ufmt, &status));
        assertSuccess("ufmt_getDouble()", &status);

        log_verbose("long: %ld\n", ufmt_getLong(ufmt, &status));
        assertTrue("failure on ufmt_getLong() for huge number:", U_FAILURE(status));
        // status is now a failure due to ufmt_getLong() above.
        // the intltest does extensive r/t testing of Formattable vs. UFormattable.

    ufmt_close(ufmt); // was implicitly opened for us by the first unum_parseToUFormattable()

typedef struct {
    const char*  locale;
    const char*  numsys;
    int32_t      radix;
    UBool        isAlgorithmic;
    const UChar* description;
} NumSysTestItem;

static const UChar latnDesc[]    = {0x0030,0x0031,0x0032,0x0033,0x0034,0x0035,0x0036,0x0037,0x0038,0x0039,0}; // 0123456789
static const UChar romanDesc[]   = {0x25,0x72,0x6F,0x6D,0x61,0x6E,0x2D,0x75,0x70,0x70,0x65,0x72,0}; // %roman-upper
static const UChar arabDesc[]    = {0x0660,0x0661,0x0662,0x0663,0x0664,0x0665,0x0666,0x0667,0x0668,0x0669,0}; //
static const UChar arabextDesc[] = {0x06F0,0x06F1,0x06F2,0x06F3,0x06F4,0x06F5,0x06F6,0x06F7,0x06F8,0x06F9,0}; //
static const UChar hanidecDesc[] = {0x3007,0x4E00,0x4E8C,0x4E09,0x56DB,0x4E94,0x516D,0x4E03,0x516B,0x4E5D,0}; //
static const UChar hantDesc[]    = {0x7A,0x68,0x5F,0x48,0x61,0x6E,0x74,0x2F,0x53,0x70,0x65,0x6C,0x6C,0x6F,0x75,0x74,
                                    0x63,0x61,0x72,0x64,0x69,0x6E,0x61,0x6C,0}; // zh_Hant/SpelloutRules/%spellout-cardinal

static const NumSysTestItem numSysTestItems[] = {
    //locale                         numsys    radix isAlgo  description
    { "en",                          "latn",    10,  FALSE,  latnDesc },
    { "en@numbers=roman",            "roman",   10,  TRUE,   romanDesc },
    { "en@numbers=finance",          "latn",    10,  FALSE,  latnDesc },
    { "ar-EG",                       "arab",    10,  FALSE,  arabDesc },
    { "fa",                          "arabext", 10,  FALSE,  arabextDesc },
    { "zh_Hans@numbers=hanidec",     "hanidec", 10,  FALSE,  hanidecDesc },
    { "zh_Hant@numbers=traditional", "hant",    10,  TRUE,   hantDesc },
    { NULL,                          NULL,       0,  FALSE,  NULL },
enum { kNumSysDescripBufMax = 64 };

static void TestUNumberingSystem(void) {
    const NumSysTestItem * itemPtr;
    UNumberingSystem * unumsys;
    UEnumeration * uenum;
    const char * numsys;
    UErrorCode status;
    for (itemPtr = numSysTestItems; itemPtr->locale != NULL; itemPtr++) {
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        unumsys = unumsys_open(itemPtr->locale, &status);
        if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
            UChar ubuf[kNumSysDescripBufMax];
            int32_t ulen, radix = unumsys_getRadix(unumsys);
            UBool isAlgorithmic = unumsys_isAlgorithmic(unumsys);
            numsys = unumsys_getName(unumsys);
            if ( uprv_strcmp(numsys, itemPtr->numsys) != 0 || radix != itemPtr->radix || !isAlgorithmic != !itemPtr->isAlgorithmic ) {
                log_data_err("unumsys name/radix/isAlgorithmic for locale %s, expected %s/%d/%d, got %s/%d/%d\n",
                        itemPtr->locale, itemPtr->numsys, itemPtr->radix, itemPtr->isAlgorithmic, numsys, radix, isAlgorithmic);
            ulen = unumsys_getDescription(unumsys, ubuf, kNumSysDescripBufMax, &status);
            (void)ulen;   // Suppress variable not used warning.
            if ( U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(ubuf, itemPtr->description) != 0 ) {
                log_data_err("unumsys description for locale %s, description unexpected and/or status %\n", myErrorName(status));
        } else {
            log_data_err("unumsys_open for locale %s fails with status %s\n", itemPtr->locale, myErrorName(status));
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    uenum = unumsys_openAvailableNames(&status);
    if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
        int32_t numsysCount = 0;
        // sanity check for a couple of number systems that must be in the enumeration
        UBool foundLatn = FALSE;
        UBool foundArab = FALSE;
        while ( (numsys = uenum_next(uenum, NULL, &status)) != NULL && U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            unumsys = unumsys_openByName(numsys, &status);
            if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
                if ( uprv_strcmp(numsys, "latn") ) foundLatn = TRUE;
                if ( uprv_strcmp(numsys, "arab") ) foundArab = TRUE;
            } else {
                log_err("unumsys_openAvailableNames includes %s but unumsys_openByName on it fails with status %s\n",
                        numsys, myErrorName(status));
        if ( numsysCount < 40 || !foundLatn || !foundArab ) {
            log_err("unumsys_openAvailableNames results incomplete: numsysCount %d, foundLatn %d, foundArab %d\n",
                    numsysCount, foundLatn, foundArab);
    } else {
        log_data_err("unumsys_openAvailableNames fails with status %s\n", myErrorName(status));

/* plain-C version of test in numfmtst.cpp */
enum { kUBufMax = 64 };
static void TestCurrencyIsoPluralFormat(void) {
    static const char* DATA[][8] = {
        // the data are:
        // locale,
        // currency amount to be formatted,
        // currency ISO code to be formatted,
        // format result using CURRENCYSTYLE,
        // format result using CURRENCY_STANDARD,
        // format result using CURRENCY_ACCOUNTING,
        // format result using ISOCURRENCYSTYLE,
        // format result using PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE,

        {"en_US",             "1",        "USD", "$1.00",              "$1.00",              "$1.00",              "USD\\u00A01.00",        "1.00 US dollars"},
        {"en_US",             "1234.56",  "USD", "$1,234.56",          "$1,234.56",          "$1,234.56",          "USD\\u00A01,234.56",    "1,234.56 US dollars"},
        {"en_US@cf=account",  "1234.56",  "USD", "$1,234.56",          "$1,234.56",          "$1,234.56",          "USD\\u00A01,234.56",    "1,234.56 US dollars"},
        {"en_US",             "-1234.56", "USD", "-$1,234.56",         "-$1,234.56",         "($1,234.56)",        "-USD\\u00A01,234.56",   "-1,234.56 US dollars"},
        {"en_US@cf=account",  "-1234.56", "USD", "($1,234.56)",        "-$1,234.56",         "($1,234.56)",        "-USD\\u00A01,234.56",   "-1,234.56 US dollars"},
        {"en_US@cf=standard", "-1234.56", "USD", "-$1,234.56",         "-$1,234.56",         "($1,234.56)",        "-USD\\u00A01,234.56",   "-1,234.56 US dollars"},
        {"zh_CN",             "1",        "USD", "US$1.00",            "US$1.00",            "US$1.00",            "USD\\u00A01.00",        "1.00\\u00A0\\u7F8E\\u5143"},
        {"zh_CN",             "-1",       "USD", "-US$1.00",           "-US$1.00",           "(US$1.00)",          "-USD\\u00A01.00",       "-1.00\\u00A0\\u7F8E\\u5143"},
        {"zh_CN@cf=account",  "-1",       "USD", "(US$1.00)",          "-US$1.00",           "(US$1.00)",          "-USD\\u00A01.00",       "-1.00\\u00A0\\u7F8E\\u5143"},
        {"zh_CN@cf=standard", "-1",       "USD", "-US$1.00",           "-US$1.00",           "(US$1.00)",          "-USD\\u00A01.00",       "-1.00\\u00A0\\u7F8E\\u5143"},
        {"zh_CN",             "1234.56",  "USD", "US$1,234.56",        "US$1,234.56",        "US$1,234.56",        "USD\\u00A01,234.56",    "1,234.56\\u00A0\\u7F8E\\u5143"},
        // {"zh_CN",          "1",        "CHY", "CHY1.00",            "CHY1.00",            "CHY1.00",            "CHY1.00",        "1.00 CHY"}, // wrong ISO code
        // {"zh_CN",          "1234.56",  "CHY", "CHY1,234.56",        "CHY1,234.56",        "CHY1,234.56",        "CHY1,234.56",    "1,234.56 CHY"}, // wrong ISO code
        {"zh_CN",             "1",        "CNY", "\\uFFE51.00",        "\\uFFE51.00",        "\\uFFE51.00",        "CNY\\u00A01.00",        "1.00\\u00A0\\u4EBA\\u6C11\\u5E01"},
        {"zh_CN",             "1234.56",  "CNY", "\\uFFE51,234.56",    "\\uFFE51,234.56",    "\\uFFE51,234.56",    "CNY\\u00A01,234.56",    "1,234.56\\u00A0\\u4EBA\\u6C11\\u5E01"},
        {"ru_RU",             "1",        "RUB", "1,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "1,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "1,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "1,00\\u00A0RUB",        "1,00 \\u0440\\u043E\\u0441\\u0441\\u0438\\u0439\\u0441\\u043A\\u043E\\u0433\\u043E "
        {"ru_RU",             "2",        "RUB", "2,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "2,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "2,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "2,00\\u00A0RUB",        "2,00 \\u0440\\u043E\\u0441\\u0441\\u0438\\u0439\\u0441\\u043A\\u043E\\u0433\\u043E "
        {"ru_RU",             "5",        "RUB", "5,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "5,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "5,00\\u00A0\\u20BD", "5,00\\u00A0RUB",        "5,00 \\u0440\\u043E\\u0441\\u0441\\u0438\\u0439\\u0441\\u043A\\u043E\\u0433\\u043E "
        // test locale without currency information
        {"root",              "-1.23",    "USD", "-US$\\u00A01.23",    "-US$\\u00A01.23",    "-US$\\u00A01.23",    "-USD\\u00A01.23", "-1.23 USD"},
        {"root@cf=account",   "-1.23",    "USD", "-US$\\u00A01.23",    "-US$\\u00A01.23",    "-US$\\u00A01.23",    "-USD\\u00A01.23", "-1.23 USD"},
        // test choice format
        {"es_AR",             "1",        "INR", "INR\\u00A01,00",     "INR\\u00A01,00",     "INR\\u00A01,00",     "INR\\u00A01,00",  "1,00 rupia india"},
    static const UNumberFormatStyle currencyStyles[] = {

    int32_t i, sIndex;
    for (i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(DATA); ++i) {  
      const char* localeString = DATA[i][0];
      double numberToBeFormat = atof(DATA[i][1]);
      const char* currencyISOCode = DATA[i][2];
      for (sIndex = 0; sIndex < UPRV_LENGTHOF(currencyStyles); ++sIndex) {
        UNumberFormatStyle style = currencyStyles[sIndex];
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UChar currencyCode[4];
        UChar ubufResult[kUBufMax];
        UChar ubufExpected[kUBufMax];
        int32_t ulenRes;
        UNumberFormat* unumFmt = unum_open(style, NULL, 0, localeString, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_data_err("FAIL: unum_open, locale %s, style %d - %s\n", localeString, (int)style, myErrorName(status));
        u_charsToUChars(currencyISOCode, currencyCode, 4);
        unum_setTextAttribute(unumFmt, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE, currencyCode, 3, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("FAIL: unum_setTextAttribute, locale %s, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE %s\n", localeString, currencyISOCode);
        ulenRes = unum_formatDouble(unumFmt, numberToBeFormat, ubufResult, kUBufMax, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("FAIL: unum_formatDouble, locale %s, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE %s - %s\n", localeString, currencyISOCode, myErrorName(status));
        } else {
            int32_t ulenExp = u_unescape(DATA[i][3 + sIndex], ubufExpected, kUBufMax);
            if (ulenRes != ulenExp || u_strncmp(ubufResult, ubufExpected, ulenExp) != 0) {
                log_err("FAIL: unum_formatDouble, locale %s, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE %s, expected %s, got something else\n",
                        localeString, currencyISOCode, DATA[i][3 + sIndex]);

typedef struct {
    const char * locale;
    UNumberFormatStyle style;
    UDisplayContext context;
    const char * expectedResult;
} TestContextItem;

/* currently no locales have contextTransforms data for "symbol" type */
static const TestContextItem tcItems[] = { /* results for 123.45 */
    { "sv", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_MIDDLE_OF_SENTENCE,    "ett\\u00ADhundra\\u00ADtjugo\\u00ADtre komma fyra fem" },
    { "sv", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_BEGINNING_OF_SENTENCE, "Ett\\u00ADhundra\\u00ADtjugo\\u00ADtre komma fyra fem" },
    { "sv", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU,       "ett\\u00ADhundra\\u00ADtjugo\\u00ADtre komma fyra fem" },
    { "sv", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE,            "ett\\u00ADhundra\\u00ADtjugo\\u00ADtre komma fyra fem" },
    { "en", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_MIDDLE_OF_SENTENCE,    "one hundred twenty-three point four five" },
    { "en", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_BEGINNING_OF_SENTENCE, "One hundred twenty-three point four five" },
    { "en", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU,       "One hundred twenty-three point four five" },
    { "en", UNUM_SPELLOUT, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE,            "One hundred twenty-three point four five" },
    { NULL, (UNumberFormatStyle)0, (UDisplayContext)0, NULL }

static void TestContext(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const TestContextItem* itemPtr;
    UNumberFormat *unum = unum_open(UNUM_SPELLOUT, NULL, 0, "en", NULL, &status);
    if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
        UDisplayContext context = unum_getContext(unum, UDISPCTX_TYPE_CAPITALIZATION, &status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) || context != UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_NONE) {
            log_err("FAIL: Initial unum_getContext is not UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_NONE\n");
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        unum_setContext(unum, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE, &status);
        context = unum_getContext(unum, UDISPCTX_TYPE_CAPITALIZATION, &status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) || context != UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE) {
            log_err("FAIL: unum_getContext does not return the value set, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE\n");
    } else {
        log_data_err("unum_open UNUM_SPELLOUT for en fails with status %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    for (itemPtr = tcItems; itemPtr->locale != NULL; itemPtr++) {
        UChar ubufResult[kUBufMax];
        int32_t ulenRes;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        unum = unum_open(itemPtr->style, NULL, 0, itemPtr->locale, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_data_err("FAIL: unum_open, locale %s, style %d - %s\n",
                        itemPtr->locale, (int)itemPtr->style, myErrorName(status));
        unum_setContext(unum, itemPtr->context, &status);
        ulenRes = unum_formatDouble(unum, 123.45, ubufResult, kUBufMax, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err("FAIL: unum_formatDouble, locale %s, style %d, context %d - %s\n",
                    itemPtr->locale, (int)itemPtr->style, (int)itemPtr->context, myErrorName(status));
        } else {
            UChar ubufExpected[kUBufMax];
            int32_t ulenExp = u_unescape(itemPtr->expectedResult, ubufExpected, kUBufMax);
            if (ulenRes != ulenExp || u_strncmp(ubufResult, ubufExpected, ulenExp) != 0) {
                char bbuf[kUBufMax*2];
                u_austrncpy(bbuf, ubufResult, sizeof(bbuf)); 
                log_err("FAIL: unum_formatDouble, locale %s, style %d, context %d, expected %d:\"%s\", got %d:\"%s\"\n",
                        itemPtr->locale, (int)itemPtr->style, (int)itemPtr->context, ulenExp,
                        itemPtr->expectedResult, ulenRes, bbuf);

static void TestCurrencyUsage(void) {
    static const char* DATA[][2] = {
        /* the data are:
         * currency ISO code to be formatted,
         * format result using CURRENCYSTYLE with CASH purpose,-
         * Note that as of CLDR 26:-
         * - TWD switches from 0 decimals to 2; PKR still has 0, so change test to that
         * - CAD rounds to .05

        {"PKR", "PKR\\u00A0124"},
        {"CAD", "CA$123.55"},
        {"USD", "$123.57"}

    // 1st time for getter/setter, 2nd for factory method
    int32_t i;
    for(i=0; i<2; i++){
        const char* localeString = "en_US";
        double numberToBeFormat = 123.567;
        UNumberFormat* unumFmt;
        UNumberFormatStyle style = UNUM_CURRENCY;
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        int32_t j;

        if(i == 1){ // change for factory method
            style = UNUM_CASH_CURRENCY;

        unumFmt = unum_open(style, NULL, 0, localeString, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_data_err("FAIL: unum_open, locale %s, style %d - %s\n",
                        localeString, (int)style, myErrorName(status));

        if(i == 0){ // this is for the getter/setter
            if(unum_getAttribute(unumFmt, UNUM_CURRENCY_USAGE) != UCURR_USAGE_STANDARD) {
                log_err("FAIL: currency usage attribute is not UNUM_CURRENCY_STANDARD\n");

            unum_setAttribute(unumFmt, UNUM_CURRENCY_USAGE, UCURR_USAGE_CASH);

        if(unum_getAttribute(unumFmt, UNUM_CURRENCY_USAGE) != UCURR_USAGE_CASH) {
            log_err("FAIL: currency usage attribute is not UNUM_CURRENCY_CASH\n");

        for (j=0; j<UPRV_LENGTHOF(DATA); ++j) { 
            UChar expect[64];
            int32_t expectLen;
            UChar currencyCode[4];
            UChar result[64];
            int32_t resultLen;
            UFieldPosition pos = {0};

            u_charsToUChars(DATA[j][0], currencyCode, 3);
            expectLen = u_unescape(DATA[j][1], expect, UPRV_LENGTHOF(expect));

            unum_setTextAttribute(unumFmt, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE, currencyCode, 3, &status);
            assertSuccess("num_setTextAttribute()", &status);

            resultLen = unum_formatDouble(unumFmt, numberToBeFormat, result, UPRV_LENGTHOF(result),
                                        &pos, &status);
            assertSuccess("num_formatDouble()", &status);

            if(resultLen != expectLen || u_strcmp(result, expect) != 0) {
                log_err("Fail: Error in Number Format Currency Purpose using unum_setAttribute() expected: %s, got %s\n",
                aescstrdup(expect, expectLen), aescstrdup(result, resultLen));


static UChar currFmtNegSameAsPos[] = /* "\u00A4#,##0.00;\u00A4#,##0.00" */

// NOTE: As of ICU 62, identical positive and negative subpatterns means no minus sign!
// See CLDR ticket https://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/10703
//static UChar currFmtToPatExpected[] = /* "\u00A4#,##0.00" */
//    {0xA4,0x23,0x2C,0x23,0x23,0x30,0x2E,0x30,0x30,0};
static const UChar* currFmtToPatExpected = currFmtNegSameAsPos;

static UChar currFmtResultExpected[] = /* "$100.00" */

static UChar emptyString[] = {0};

enum { kUBufSize = 64, kBBufSize = 128 };

static void TestCurrFmtNegSameAsPositive(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UNumberFormat* unumfmt = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
    if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
        unum_applyPattern(unumfmt, FALSE, currFmtNegSameAsPos, -1, NULL, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            UChar ubuf[kUBufSize];
            int32_t ulen = unum_toPattern(unumfmt, FALSE, ubuf, kUBufSize, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                log_err("unum_toPattern fails with status %s\n", myErrorName(status));
            } else if (u_strcmp(ubuf, currFmtToPatExpected) != 0) {
                log_err("unum_toPattern result wrong, expected %s, got %s\n", aescstrdup(currFmtToPatExpected,-1), aescstrdup(ubuf,ulen));
            unum_setSymbol(unumfmt, UNUM_MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, emptyString, 0, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                ulen = unum_formatDouble(unumfmt, -100.0, ubuf, kUBufSize, NULL, &status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    log_err("unum_formatDouble fails with status %s\n", myErrorName(status));
                } else if (u_strcmp(ubuf, currFmtResultExpected) != 0) {
                    log_err("unum_formatDouble result wrong, expected %s, got %s\n", aescstrdup(currFmtResultExpected,-1), aescstrdup(ubuf,ulen));
            } else {
                log_err("unum_setSymbol fails with status %s\n", myErrorName(status));
        } else {
            log_err("unum_applyPattern fails with status %s\n", myErrorName(status));
    } else {
        log_data_err("unum_open UNUM_CURRENCY for en_US fails with status %s\n", myErrorName(status));

typedef struct {
  double value;
  const char *expected;
} ValueAndExpectedString;

static const ValueAndExpectedString enShort[] = {
  {0.0, "0"},
  {0.17, "0.17"},
  {1.0, "1"},
  {1234.0, "1.2K"},
  {12345.0, "12K"},
  {123456.0, "123K"},
  {1234567.0, "1.2M"},
  {12345678.0, "12M"},
  {123456789.0, "123M"},
  {1.23456789E9, "1.2B"},
  {1.23456789E10, "12B"},
  {1.23456789E11, "123B"},
  {1.23456789E12, "1.2T"},
  {1.23456789E13, "12T"},
  {1.23456789E14, "123T"},
  {1.23456789E15, "1235T"},
  {0.0, NULL}

static const ValueAndExpectedString enShortMax2[] = {
  {0.0, "0"},
  {0.17, "0.17"},
  {1.0, "1"},
  {1234.0, "1.2K"},
  {12345.0, "12K"},
  {123456.0, "120K"},
  {1234567.0, "1.2M"},
  {12345678.0, "12M"},
  {123456789.0, "120M"},
  {1.23456789E9, "1.2B"},
  {1.23456789E10, "12B"},
  {1.23456789E11, "120B"},
  {1.23456789E12, "1.2T"},
  {1.23456789E13, "12T"},
  {1.23456789E14, "120T"},
  {1.23456789E15, "1200T"},
  {0.0, NULL}

static const ValueAndExpectedString enShortMax5[] = {
  {0.0, "0"},
  {0.17, "0.17"},
  {1.0, "1"},
  {1234.0, "1.234K"},
  {12345.0, "12.345K"},
  {123456.0, "123.46K"},
  {1234567.0, "1.2346M"},
  {12345678.0, "12.346M"},
  {123456789.0, "123.46M"},
  {1.23456789E9, "1.2346B"},
  {1.23456789E10, "12.346B"},
  {1.23456789E11, "123.46B"},
  {1.23456789E12, "1.2346T"},
  {1.23456789E13, "12.346T"},
  {1.23456789E14, "123.46T"},
  {1.23456789E15, "1234.6T"},
  {0.0, NULL}

static const ValueAndExpectedString enShortMin3[] = {
  {0.0, "0.00"},
  {0.17, "0.170"},
  {1.0, "1.00"},
  {1234.0, "1.23K"},
  {12345.0, "12.3K"},
  {123456.0, "123K"},
  {1234567.0, "1.23M"},
  {12345678.0, "12.3M"},
  {123456789.0, "123M"},
  {1.23456789E9, "1.23B"},
  {1.23456789E10, "12.3B"},
  {1.23456789E11, "123B"},
  {1.23456789E12, "1.23T"},
  {1.23456789E13, "12.3T"},
  {1.23456789E14, "123T"},
  {1.23456789E15, "1230T"},
  {0.0, NULL}

static const ValueAndExpectedString jaShortMax2[] = {
  {1234.0, "1200"},
  {12345.0, "1.2\\u4E07"},
  {123456.0, "12\\u4E07"},
  {1234567.0, "120\\u4E07"},
  {12345678.0, "1200\\u4E07"},
  {123456789.0, "1.2\\u5104"},
  {1.23456789E9, "12\\u5104"},
  {1.23456789E10, "120\\u5104"},
  {1.23456789E11, "1200\\u5104"},
  {1.23456789E12, "1.2\\u5146"},
  {1.23456789E13, "12\\u5146"},
  {1.23456789E14, "120\\u5146"},
  {0.0, NULL}

static const ValueAndExpectedString srLongMax2[] = {
  {1234.0, "1,2 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0435"}, // 10^3 few
  {12345.0, "12 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0430"}, // 10^3 other
  {21789.0, "22 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0435"}, // 10^3 few
  {123456.0, "120 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0430"}, // 10^3 other
  {999999.0, "1 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D"}, // 10^6 one
  {1234567.0, "1,2 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D\\u0430"}, // 10^6 few
  {12345678.0, "12 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D\\u0430"}, // 10^6 other
  {123456789.0, "120 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D\\u0430"}, // 10^6 other
  {1.23456789E9, "1,2 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0435"}, // 10^9 few
  {1.23456789E10, "12 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0438"}, // 10^9 other
  {2.08901234E10, "21 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0430"}, // 10^9 one
  {2.18901234E10, "22 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0435"}, // 10^9 few
  {1.23456789E11, "120 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0438"}, // 10^9 other
  {-1234.0, "-1,2 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0435"},
  {-12345.0, "-12 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0430"},
  {-21789.0, "-22 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0435"},
  {-123456.0, "-120 \\u0445\\u0438\\u0459\\u0430\\u0434\\u0430"},
  {-999999.0, "-1 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D"},
  {-1234567.0, "-1,2 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D\\u0430"},
  {-12345678.0, "-12 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D\\u0430"},
  {-123456789.0, "-120 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u043E\\u043D\\u0430"},
  {-1.23456789E9, "-1,2 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0435"},
  {-1.23456789E10, "-12 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0438"},
  {-2.08901234E10, "-21 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0430"},
  {-2.18901234E10, "-22 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0435"},
  {-1.23456789E11, "-120 \\u043C\\u0438\\u043B\\u0438\\u0458\\u0430\\u0440\\u0434\\u0438"},
  {0.0, NULL}

typedef struct {
    const char *       locale;
    UNumberFormatStyle style;
    int32_t            attribute; // UNumberFormatAttribute, or -1 for none
    int32_t            attrValue; //
    const ValueAndExpectedString * veItems;
} LocStyleAttributeTest;

static const LocStyleAttributeTest lsaTests[] = {
  { "en",   UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_SHORT,     -1,                             0,  enShort },
  { NULL,   (UNumberFormatStyle)0,          -1,                             0,  NULL } 

static void TestVariousStylesAndAttributes(void) {
    const LocStyleAttributeTest * lsaTestPtr;
    for (lsaTestPtr = lsaTests; lsaTestPtr->locale != NULL; lsaTestPtr++) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UNumberFormat * unum = unum_open(lsaTestPtr->style, NULL, 0, lsaTestPtr->locale, NULL, &status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
            log_data_err("FAIL: unum_open style %d, locale %s: error %s\n", (int)lsaTestPtr->style, lsaTestPtr->locale, u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            const ValueAndExpectedString * veItemPtr;
            if (lsaTestPtr->attribute >= 0) {
                unum_setAttribute(unum, (UNumberFormatAttribute)lsaTestPtr->attribute, lsaTestPtr->attrValue);
            // ICU 62: should call minSignificantDigits in tandem with maxSignificantDigits.
            if (lsaTestPtr->attribute == UNUM_MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) {
                unum_setAttribute(unum, UNUM_MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, lsaTestPtr->attrValue);
            for (veItemPtr = lsaTestPtr->veItems; veItemPtr->expected != NULL; veItemPtr++) {
                UChar uexp[kUBufSize];
                UChar uget[kUBufSize];
                int32_t uexplen, ugetlen;
                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                uexplen = u_unescape(veItemPtr->expected, uexp, kUBufSize);
                ugetlen = unum_formatDouble(unum, veItemPtr->value, uget, kUBufSize, NULL, &status);
                if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
                    log_err("FAIL: unum_formatDouble style %d, locale %s, attr %d, value %.2f: error %s\n",
                            (int)lsaTestPtr->style, lsaTestPtr->locale, lsaTestPtr->attribute, veItemPtr->value, u_errorName(status));
                } else if (ugetlen != uexplen || u_strncmp(uget, uexp, uexplen) != 0) {
                    char bexp[kBBufSize];
                    char bget[kBBufSize];
                    u_strToUTF8(bexp, kBBufSize, NULL, uexp, uexplen, &status);
                    u_strToUTF8(bget, kBBufSize, NULL, uget, ugetlen, &status);
                    log_err("FAIL: unum_formatDouble style %d, locale %s, attr %d, value %.2f: expect \"%s\", get \"%s\"\n",
                            (int)lsaTestPtr->style, lsaTestPtr->locale, lsaTestPtr->attribute, veItemPtr->value, bexp, bget);

static const UChar currpat[]  = { 0xA4,0x23,0x2C,0x23,0x23,0x30,0x2E,0x30,0x30,0};
static const UChar parsetxt[] = { 0x78,0x30,0x79,0x24,0 }; /* x0y$ */

static void TestParseCurrPatternWithDecStyle() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UNumberFormat *unumfmt = unum_open(UNUM_DECIMAL, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("unum_open DECIMAL failed for en_US: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));
    } else {
        unum_applyPattern(unumfmt, FALSE, currpat, -1, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            log_err_status(status, "unum_applyPattern failed: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            int32_t pos = 0;
            double value = unum_parseDouble(unumfmt, parsetxt, -1, &pos, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                log_err_status(status, "unum_parseDouble expected to fail but got status %s, value %f\n", u_errorName(status), value);

 * Ticket #12684
 * Test unum_formatDoubleForFields (and UFieldPositionIterator)

typedef struct {
    int32_t field;
    int32_t beginPos;
    int32_t endPos;
} FieldsData;

typedef struct {
    const char *       locale;
    UNumberFormatStyle style;
    double             value;
    const FieldsData * expectedFields;
} FormatForFieldsItem;

static const UChar patNoFields[] = { 0x0027, 0x0078, 0x0027, 0 }; /* "'x'", for UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL */

/* "en_US", UNUM_CURRENCY, 123456.0 : "¤#,##0.00" => "$123,456.00" */
static const FieldsData fields_en_CURR[] = {
    { UNUM_CURRENCY_FIELD /*7*/,            0, 1 },
    { UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD /*0*/,             1, 8 },
    { UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_FIELD /*2*/,   8, 9 },
    { UNUM_FRACTION_FIELD /*1*/,            9, 11 },
    { -1, -1, -1 },
/* "en_US", UNUM_PERCENT, -34 : "#,##0%" => "-34%" */
static const FieldsData fields_en_PRCT[] = {
    { UNUM_SIGN_FIELD /*10*/,               0, 1 },
    { UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD /*0*/,             1, 3 },
    { UNUM_PERCENT_FIELD /*8*/,             3, 4 },
    { -1, -1, -1 },
/* "fr_FR", UNUM_CURRENCY, 123456.0 : "#,##0.00 ¤" => "123,456.00 €" */
static const FieldsData fields_fr_CURR[] = {
    { UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD /*0*/,             0, 7 },
    { UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_FIELD /*2*/,   7, 8 },
    { UNUM_FRACTION_FIELD /*1*/,            8, 10 },
    { UNUM_CURRENCY_FIELD /*7*/,           11, 12 },
    { -1, -1, -1 },
/* "en_US", UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL, 12.0 : "'x'" => "x12" */
static const FieldsData fields_en_PATN[] = {
    { UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD /*0*/,             1, 3 },
    { -1, -1, -1 },

static const FormatForFieldsItem fffItems[] = {
    { "en_US", UNUM_CURRENCY_STANDARD, 123456.0, fields_en_CURR },
    { "en_US", UNUM_PERCENT,              -0.34, fields_en_PRCT },
    { "fr_FR", UNUM_CURRENCY_STANDARD, 123456.0, fields_fr_CURR },
    { "en_US", UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL,       12.0, fields_en_PATN },
    { NULL, (UNumberFormatStyle)0, 0, NULL },

static void TestFormatForFields(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UFieldPositionIterator* fpositer = ufieldpositer_open(&status);
    if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
        log_err("ufieldpositer_open fails, status %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    } else {
        const FormatForFieldsItem * itemPtr;
        for (itemPtr = fffItems; itemPtr->locale != NULL; itemPtr++) {
            UNumberFormat* unum;
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            unum = (itemPtr->style == UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL)?
                unum_open(itemPtr->style, patNoFields, -1, itemPtr->locale, NULL, &status):
                unum_open(itemPtr->style, NULL, 0, itemPtr->locale, NULL, &status);
            if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
                log_data_err("unum_open fails for locale %s, style %d: status %s (Are you missing data?)\n", itemPtr->locale, itemPtr->style, u_errorName(status));
            } else {
                UChar ubuf[kUBufSize];
                int32_t ulen = unum_formatDoubleForFields(unum, itemPtr->value, ubuf, kUBufSize, fpositer, &status);
                if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
                    log_err("unum_formatDoubleForFields fails for locale %s, style %d: status %s\n", itemPtr->locale, itemPtr->style, u_errorName(status));
                } else {
                    const FieldsData * fptr;
                    int32_t field, beginPos, endPos;
                    for (fptr = itemPtr->expectedFields; TRUE; fptr++) {
                        field = ufieldpositer_next(fpositer, &beginPos, &endPos);
                        if (field != fptr->field || (field >= 0 && (beginPos != fptr->beginPos || endPos != fptr->endPos))) {
                            if (fptr->field >= 0) {
                                log_err("unum_formatDoubleForFields for locale %s as \"%s\"; expect field %d range %d-%d, get field %d range %d-%d\n",
                                    itemPtr->locale, aescstrdup(ubuf, ulen), fptr->field, fptr->beginPos, fptr->endPos, field, beginPos, endPos);
                            } else {
                                log_err("unum_formatDoubleForFields for locale %s as \"%s\"; expect field < 0, get field %d range %d-%d\n",
                                    itemPtr->locale, aescstrdup(ubuf, ulen), field, beginPos, endPos);
                        if (field < 0) {

static void Test12052_NullPointer() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    static const UChar input[] = u"199a";
    UChar currency[200] = {0};
    UNumberFormat *theFormatter = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
    if (!assertSuccessCheck("unum_open() failed", &status, TRUE)) { return; }
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    unum_setAttribute(theFormatter, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, 1);
    int32_t pos = 1;
    unum_parseDoubleCurrency(theFormatter, input, -1, &pos, currency, &status);
    assertEquals("should fail gracefully", "U_PARSE_ERROR", u_errorName(status));

#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */