* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
* \file ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_pass.h
* \brief
* This file contains declarations related to frame decomposition done during
* pre intra processing
* \date
* 18/09/2012
* \author
* Ittiam
/* Typedefs */
/* Globals */
extern WORD32 g_i4_ip_funcs[MAX_NUM_IP_MODES];
/* Constant Macros */
#define POW_2_TO_1_BY_4 (1.1892)
#define POW_2_TO_3_BY_4 (1.6818)
/* Extern Function Declarations */
void ihevce_ed_4x4_find_best_modes(
UWORD8 *pu1_src,
WORD32 src_stride,
UWORD8 *pu1_nbr,
UWORD16 *pu2_mode_bits_cost,
UWORD8 *pu1_best_modes,
WORD32 *pu1_best_sad_costs,
WORD32 u1_low_resol,
FT_SAD_COMPUTER *pf_4x4_sad_computer);
WORD32 ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_get_num_mem_recs(void);
WORD32 ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_get_mem_recs(
iv_mem_rec_t *ps_mem_tab, WORD32 i4_num_proc_thrds, WORD32 i4_mem_space);
void *ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_init(
iv_mem_rec_t *ps_mem_tab,
ihevce_static_cfg_params_t *ps_init_prms,
WORD32 i4_num_proc_thrds,
func_selector_t *ps_func_selector,
WORD32 i4_resolution_id,
UWORD8 u1_is_popcnt_available);
void ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_process(
void *pv_ctxt,
ihevce_lap_output_params_t *ps_lap_out_prms,
frm_ctb_ctxt_t *ps_frm_ctb_prms,
void *pv_multi_thrd_ctxt,
WORD32 thrd_id,
WORD32 i4_ping_pong,
ihevce_8x8_L0_satd_t *ps_layer0_cur_satd,
ihevce_8x8_L0_mean_t *ps_layer0_cur_mean);
void ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_frame_init(
void *pv_ctxt,
UWORD8 **ppu1_decomp_lyr_bufs,
WORD32 *pi4_lyr_buf_stride,
ihevce_ed_blk_t *ps_layer1_buf,
ihevce_ed_blk_t *ps_layer2_buf,
ihevce_ed_ctb_l1_t *ps_ed_ctb_l1,
WORD32 i4_ol_sad_lambda_qf,
WORD32 i4_slice_type,
ctb_analyse_t *ps_ctb_analyse);
/* Calculate the average activitiies at 16*16 (8*8 in L1)
and 32*32 (8*8 in L2) block sizes */
void ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_curr_frame_pre_intra_deinit(
void *pv_pre_intra_ctxt,
pre_enc_me_ctxt_t *ps_curr_out,
WORD32 i4_is_last_thread,
frm_ctb_ctxt_t *ps_frm_ctb_prms,
WORD32 i4_temporal_lyr_id,
WORD32 i4_enable_noise_detection);
void ihevce_scale_by_2(
UWORD8 *pu1_src,
WORD32 src_stride,
UWORD8 *pu1_dst,
WORD32 dst_stride,
WORD32 wd,
WORD32 ht,
UWORD8 *pu1_wkg_mem,
WORD32 ht_offset,
WORD32 block_ht,
WORD32 wd_offset,
WORD32 block_wd,
FT_COPY_2D *pf_copy_2d,
FT_SCALING_FILTER_BY_2 *pf_scaling_filter_mxn);
void ihevce_ed_frame_init(void *pv_ed_ctxt, WORD32 i4_layer_no);
void ihevce_intra_populate_mode_bits_cost(
WORD32 top_intra_mode,
WORD32 left_intra_mode,
WORD32 available_top,
WORD32 available_left,
WORD32 cu_pos_y,
UWORD16 *mode_bits_cost,
WORD32 lambda);
WORD32 ihevce_cu_level_qp_mod(
WORD32 i4_qscale,
WORD32 i4_satd,
long double ld_curr_frame_log_avg,
float f_mod_strength,
WORD32 *pi4_8x8_act_factor,
WORD32 *pi4_qscale_mod,
rc_quant_t *ps_rc_quant_ctxt);
/*return intra SATD of entire frame*/
LWORD64 ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_get_frame_satd(void *pv_ctxt, WORD32 *i4_width, WORD32 *i4_hieght);
LWORD64 ihevce_decomp_pre_intra_get_frame_satd_squared(
void *pv_ctxt, WORD32 *i4_width, WORD32 *i4_hieght);