libmtp version: 0.2.2
Attempting to connect device(s)
Detect: Successfully connected 1 devices
USB low-level info:
Using kernel interface "usbfs"
bcdUSB: 512
bDeviceClass: 255
bDeviceSubClass: 0
bDeviceProtocol: 0
idVendor: 041e
idProduct: 4157
IN endpoint maxpacket: 512 bytes
OUT endpoint maxpacket: 512 bytes
Device flags: 0x00000080
Microsoft device descriptor 0xee:
0000: 1203 4d00 5300 4600 5400 3100 3000 3000 ..M.S.F.T.1.0.0.
0010: fe00 ..
Microsoft device response to control message 1, CMD 0xfe:
0000: 2800 0000 0001 0400 0100 0000 0000 0000 (...............
0010: 0001 4d54 5000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ..MTP...........
0020: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ........
Microsoft device response to control message 2, CMD 0xfe:
0000: 2800 0000 0001 0400 0100 0000 0000 0000 (...............
0010: 0001 4d54 5000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ..MTP...........
0020: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ........
Device info:
Manufacturer: Creative Technology Ltd
Model: Creative ZEN
Device version: 1.02.22_0.06.01
Serial number: 0100000039029E290002D298BD221E29
Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
Vendor extension description: 1.0; 10.0; 10.1; 1.0;
Detected object size: 64 bits
Supported operations:
1001: get device info
1002: Open session
1003: Close session
1004: Get storage IDs
1005: Get storage info
1007: Get object handles
100c: Send object info
100d: Send object
100f: Format storage
1014: Get device property description
1015: Get device property value
1006: Get number of objects
1008: Get object info
1009: Get object
100b: Delete object
1010: Reset device
1012: Set object protection
1016: Set device property value
1017: Reset device property value
1019: Move object
101b: Get partial object
9801: Get object properties supported
9802: Get object property description
9803: Get object property value
9804: Set object property value
9805: Get object property list
9806: Set object property list
9808: Send object property list
9807: Get interdependent property description
9810: Get object references
9811: Set object references
9201: Report Added/Deleted Items
9101: Get secure time challenge
9102: Get secure time response
9103: Set license response
9104: Get sync list
9105: Send meter challenge query
9106: Get meter challenge
9107: Get meter response
9108: Clean data store
9109: Get license state
910a: Send WMDRM-PD Command
910b: Send WMDRM-PD Request
Events supported:
Device Properties Supported:
0x5001: Battery Level
0xd401: Synchronization Partner
0xd402: Friendly Device Name
0xd101: Secure Time
0xd102: Device Certificate
0xd201: Unknown property
Playable File (Object) Types and Object Properties Supported:
3009: MP3
de99: AudioWAVECodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 85, READ ONLY
de9a: AudioBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 320000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc46: Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8b: Track UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc99: OriginalReleaseDate STRING data type GET/SET
dc9a: AlbumName STRING data type GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc91: UseCount UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8a: Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: BuyFlag UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
b901: WMA
de99: AudioWAVECodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: AudioBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 5000, MAX 505000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc46: Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8b: Track UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc99: OriginalReleaseDate STRING data type GET/SET
dc9a: AlbumName STRING data type GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc91: UseCount UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8a: Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: BuyFlag UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
3008: MS Wave
dc46: Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8b: Track UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc99: OriginalReleaseDate STRING data type GET/SET
dc9a: AlbumName STRING data type GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc91: UseCount UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8a: Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: BuyFlag UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
b904: Codec
da01: unknown(da01) UINT32 data type enumeration: 2, 3, 4, GET/SET
da02: unknown(da02) array of UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
da03: unknown(da03) UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc46: Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8b: Track UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc99: OriginalReleaseDate STRING data type GET/SET
dc9a: AlbumName STRING data type GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc91: UseCount UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8a: Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: BuyFlag UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
b982: MP4
de99: AudioWAVECodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 41222, READ ONLY
de9a: AudioBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 320000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc46: Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8b: Track UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc99: OriginalReleaseDate STRING data type GET/SET
dc9a: AlbumName STRING data type GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc91: UseCount UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8a: Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: BuyFlag UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
ba03: Abstract Audio Album
dc86: RepresentativeSampleData array of UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc81: RepresentativeSampleFormat UINT16 data type enumeration: 14337, READ ONLY
dc83: RepresentativeSampleHeight UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 160, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc82: RepresentativeSampleSize UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 24576, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc84: RepresentativeSampleWidth UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 160, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
ba05: Abstract Audio Video Playlist
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
ba01: Abstract Multimedia Album
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
3801: JPEG
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3328, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc86: RepresentativeSampleData array of UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc81: RepresentativeSampleFormat UINT16 data type enumeration: 14337, READ ONLY
dc83: RepresentativeSampleHeight UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc82: RepresentativeSampleSize UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 8192, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc84: RepresentativeSampleWidth UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4992, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
300a: MS AVI
de99: AudioWAVECodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 85, 17, 1, READ ONLY
de9a: AudioBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 1536000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9d: FramesPerThousandSeconds UINT32 data type range: MIN 20, MAX 30000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 240, STEP 1 GET/SET
de91: TotalBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4000000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: VideoFourCCCodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 844515635, 878070084, 1482049860, 808802372, 1196444237, 1145656920, READ ONLY
de9c: VideoBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3000000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 320, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc86: RepresentativeSampleData array of UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc81: RepresentativeSampleFormat UINT16 data type enumeration: 14337, READ ONLY
dc83: RepresentativeSampleHeight UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc82: RepresentativeSampleSize UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 8192, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc84: RepresentativeSampleWidth UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
300c: ASF
de99: AudioWAVECodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: AudioBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 5000, MAX 505000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9d: FramesPerThousandSeconds UINT32 data type range: MIN 20, MAX 30000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 240, STEP 1 GET/SET
de91: TotalBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 850000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: VideoFourCCCodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 861293911, READ ONLY
de9c: VideoBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 850000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 320, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc86: RepresentativeSampleData array of UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc81: RepresentativeSampleFormat UINT16 data type enumeration: 14337, READ ONLY
dc83: RepresentativeSampleHeight UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc82: RepresentativeSampleSize UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 8192, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc84: RepresentativeSampleWidth UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
b981: WMV
de99: AudioWAVECodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: AudioBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 5000, MAX 505000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9d: FramesPerThousandSeconds UINT32 data type range: MIN 20, MAX 30000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 240, STEP 1 GET/SET
de91: TotalBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 850000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: VideoFourCCCodec UINT32 data type enumeration: 861293911, READ ONLY
de9c: VideoBitRate UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 850000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 320, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc86: RepresentativeSampleData array of UINT8 data type ANY 8BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc81: RepresentativeSampleFormat UINT16 data type enumeration: 14337, READ ONLY
dc83: RepresentativeSampleHeight UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc82: RepresentativeSampleSize UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 8192, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc84: RepresentativeSampleWidth UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 96, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
de93: SampleRate UINT32 data type enumeration: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, READ ONLY
de94: NumberOfChannels UINT16 data type enumeration: 1, 2, READ ONLY
de95: AudioBitDepth UINT32 data type enumeration: 8, 16, READ ONLY
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
bb83: vCard3
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
be03: vCalendar2
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
b802: Firmware
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
3000: Undefined Type
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
3001: Association/Directory
dc01: StorageID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: ObjectFormat UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc04: ObjectSize UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc41: PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc0b: ParentObject UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc07: ObjectFileName STRING data type GET/SET
dc4f: NonConsumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc03: ProtectionStatus UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32771, READ ONLY
Storage Devices:
StorageID: 0x00010001
StorageType: 0x0003
FilesystemType: 0x0002
AccessCapability: 0x0000
MaxCapacity: 4068704256
FreeSpaceInBytes: 2133000192
FreeSpaceInObjects: 4294967295
StorageDescription: Storage Media
VolumeIdentifier: 0100000039029E290002D298BD221E29
Special directories:
Default music folder: 0x00000057
Default playlist folder: 0x0000005b
Default picture folder: 0x00000067
Default video folder: 0x0000006b
Default organizer folder: 0x00000063
Default zencast folder: 0x00000073
Default album folder: 0x00000000
Default text folder: 0x00000000
MTP-specific device properties:
Friendly name: George
Synchronization partner: (NULL)
Battery level 244 of 255 (95%)
libmtp supported (playable) filetypes:
ISO MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
Microsoft Windows Media Audio
RIFF WAVE file Audio Codec
MPEG-4 Part 14 Container Format (Audio+Video Empahsis)
JPEG file
Audio Video Interleave
Microsoft Advanced Systems Format
Microsoft Windows Media Video
VCard version 3
VCalendar version 2
Firmware file
Secure Time:
<DRMCLOCK type="status"><VALUE>#20070910 00:44:51Z#</VALUE><FLAG>DRM_CLK_NOT_SET</FLAG></DRMCLOCK>
Device Certificate:
WMPInfo.xml Does not exist on this device