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// ExtractingFilePath.h


#include "../../../Common/MyString.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
void Correct_AltStream_Name(UString &s);

// replaces unsuported characters, and replaces "." , ".." and "" to "[]"
UString Get_Correct_FsFile_Name(const UString &name);

  Correct_FsPath() corrects path parts to prepare it for File System operations.
  It also corrects empty path parts like "\\\\":
    - frontal empty path parts : it removes them or changes them to "_"
    - another empty path parts : it removes them
  if (absIsAllowed && path is absolute)  : it removes empty path parts after start absolute path prefix marker
    if (!keepAndReplaceEmptyPrefixes) : it removes empty path parts
    if ( keepAndReplaceEmptyPrefixes) : it changes each empty frontal path part to "_"
void Correct_FsPath(bool absIsAllowed, bool keepAndReplaceEmptyPrefixes, UStringVector &parts, bool isDir);

UString MakePathFromParts(const UStringVector &parts);
