// ProgressDialog2.h
#include "../../../Common/MyCom.h"
#include "../../../Windows/ErrorMsg.h"
#include "../../../Windows/Synchronization.h"
#include "../../../Windows/Thread.h"
#include "../../../Windows/Control/Dialog.h"
#include "../../../Windows/Control/ListView.h"
#include "../../../Windows/Control/ProgressBar.h"
#include "MyWindowsNew.h"
struct CProgressMessageBoxPair
UString Title;
UString Message;
struct CProgressFinalMessage
CProgressMessageBoxPair ErrorMessage;
CProgressMessageBoxPair OkMessage;
bool ThereIsMessage() const { return !ErrorMessage.Message.IsEmpty() || !OkMessage.Message.IsEmpty(); }
class CProgressSync
bool _stopped;
bool _paused;
bool _bytesProgressMode;
UInt64 _totalBytes;
UInt64 _completedBytes;
UInt64 _totalFiles;
UInt64 _curFiles;
UInt64 _inSize;
UInt64 _outSize;
UString _titleFileName;
UString _status;
UString _filePath;
bool _isDir;
UStringVector Messages;
CProgressFinalMessage FinalMessage;
NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSection _cs;
bool Get_Stopped()
NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(_cs);
return _stopped;
void Set_Stopped(bool val)
NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(_cs);
_stopped = val;
bool Get_Paused();
void Set_Paused(bool val)
NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(_cs);
_paused = val;
void Set_BytesProgressMode(bool bytesProgressMode)
NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(_cs);
_bytesProgressMode = bytesProgressMode;
HRESULT CheckStop();
HRESULT ScanProgress(UInt64 numFiles, UInt64 totalSize, const FString &fileName, bool isDir = false);
HRESULT Set_NumFilesTotal(UInt64 val);
void Set_NumBytesTotal(UInt64 val);
void Set_NumFilesCur(UInt64 val);
HRESULT Set_NumBytesCur(const UInt64 *val);
HRESULT Set_NumBytesCur(UInt64 val);
void Set_Ratio(const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize);
void Set_TitleFileName(const UString &fileName);
void Set_Status(const UString &s);
HRESULT Set_Status2(const UString &s, const wchar_t *path, bool isDir = false);
void Set_FilePath(const wchar_t *path, bool isDir = false);
void AddError_Message(const wchar_t *message);
void AddError_Message_Name(const wchar_t *message, const wchar_t *name);
void AddError_Code_Name(DWORD systemError, const wchar_t *name);
bool ThereIsMessage() const { return !Messages.IsEmpty() || FinalMessage.ThereIsMessage(); }
class CProgressDialog: public NWindows::NControl::CModalDialog
UString _titleFileName;
UString _filePath;
UString _status;
bool _isDir;
UString _background_String;
UString _backgrounded_String;
UString _foreground_String;
UString _pause_String;
UString _continue_String;
UString _paused_String;
int _buttonSizeX;
int _buttonSizeY;
UINT_PTR _timer;
UString _title;
class CU64ToI32Converter
unsigned _numShiftBits;
UInt64 _range;
CU64ToI32Converter(): _numShiftBits(0), _range(1) {}
void Init(UInt64 range)
_range = range;
// Windows CE doesn't like big number for ProgressBar.
for (_numShiftBits = 0; range >= ((UInt32)1 << 15); _numShiftBits++)
range >>= 1;
int Count(UInt64 val)
int res = (int)(val >> _numShiftBits);
if (val == _range)
return res;
CU64ToI32Converter _progressConv;
UInt64 _progressBar_Pos;
UInt64 _progressBar_Range;
NWindows::NControl::CProgressBar m_ProgressBar;
NWindows::NControl::CListView _messageList;
int _numMessages;
#ifdef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
CMyComPtr<ITaskbarList3> _taskbarList;
HWND _hwndForTaskbar;
UInt32 _prevTime;
UInt64 _elapsedTime;
UInt64 _prevPercentValue;
UInt64 _prevElapsedSec;
UInt64 _prevRemainingSec;
UInt64 _totalBytes_Prev;
UInt64 _processed_Prev;
UInt64 _packed_Prev;
UInt64 _ratio_Prev;
UString _filesStr_Prev;
unsigned _prevSpeed_MoveBits;
UInt64 _prevSpeed;
bool _foreground;
unsigned _numReduceSymbols;
bool _wasCreated;
bool _needClose;
unsigned _numPostedMessages;
UInt32 _numAutoSizeMessages;
bool _errorsWereDisplayed;
bool _waitCloseByCancelButton;
bool _cancelWasPressed;
bool _inCancelMessageBox;
bool _externalCloseMessageWasReceived;
#ifdef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
void SetTaskbarProgressState(TBPFLAG tbpFlags)
if (_taskbarList && _hwndForTaskbar)
_taskbarList->SetProgressState(_hwndForTaskbar, tbpFlags);
void SetTaskbarProgressState();
void UpdateStatInfo(bool showAll);
bool OnTimer(WPARAM timerID, LPARAM callback);
void SetProgressRange(UInt64 range);
void SetProgressPos(UInt64 pos);
virtual bool OnInit();
virtual bool OnSize(WPARAM wParam, int xSize, int ySize);
virtual void OnCancel();
virtual void OnOK();
NWindows::NSynchronization::CManualResetEvent _createDialogEvent;
NWindows::NSynchronization::CManualResetEvent _dialogCreatedEvent;
#ifndef _SFX
void AddToTitle(LPCWSTR string);
void SetPauseText();
void SetPriorityText();
void OnPauseButton();
void OnPriorityButton();
bool OnButtonClicked(int buttonID, HWND buttonHWND);
bool OnMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void SetTitleText();
void ShowSize(int id, UInt64 val, UInt64 &prev);
void UpdateMessagesDialog();
void AddMessageDirect(LPCWSTR message, bool needNumber);
void AddMessage(LPCWSTR message);
bool OnExternalCloseMessage();
void EnableErrorsControls(bool enable);
void ShowAfterMessages(HWND wndParent);
void CheckNeedClose();
CProgressSync Sync;
bool CompressingMode;
bool WaitMode;
bool ShowCompressionInfo;
bool MessagesDisplayed; // = true if user pressed OK on all messages or there are no messages.
int IconID;
HWND MainWindow;
#ifndef _SFX
UString MainTitle;
UString MainAddTitle;
void WaitCreating()
INT_PTR Create(const UString &title, NWindows::CThread &thread, HWND wndParent = 0);
/* how it works:
1) the working thread calls ProcessWasFinished()
that sends kCloseMessage message to CProgressDialog (GUI) thread
2) CProgressDialog (GUI) thread receives kCloseMessage message and
calls ProcessWasFinished_GuiVirt();
So we can implement ProcessWasFinished_GuiVirt() and show special
results window in GUI thread with CProgressDialog as parent window
void ProcessWasFinished();
virtual void ProcessWasFinished_GuiVirt() {}
class CProgressCloser
CProgressDialog *_p;
CProgressCloser(CProgressDialog &p) : _p(&p) {}
~CProgressCloser() { _p->ProcessWasFinished(); }
class CProgressThreadVirt: public CProgressDialog
FStringVector ErrorPaths;
CProgressFinalMessage FinalMessage;
// error if any of HRESULT, ErrorMessage, ErrorPath
virtual HRESULT ProcessVirt() = 0;
bool ThreadFinishedOK; // if there is no fatal exception
void Process();
void AddErrorPath(const FString &path) { ErrorPaths.Add(path); }
HRESULT Create(const UString &title, HWND parentWindow = 0);
CProgressThreadVirt(): Result(E_FAIL), ThreadFinishedOK(false) {}
CProgressMessageBoxPair &GetMessagePair(bool isError) { return isError ? FinalMessage.ErrorMessage : FinalMessage.OkMessage; }
UString HResultToMessage(HRESULT errorCode);
how it works:
client code inherits CProgressThreadVirt and calls
it creates new thread that calls CProgressThreadVirt::Process();
it creates modal progress dialog window with ProgressDialog.Create()
ProcessVirt(); // virtual function that must implement real work
if (exceptions) or FinalMessage.ErrorMessage.Message
set message to ProgressDialog.Sync.FinalMessage.ErrorMessage.Message
else if (FinalMessage.OkMessage.Message)
set message to ProgressDialog.Sync.FinalMessage.OkMessage
if (ProgressDialog.Sync.FinalMessage)
Show (ProgressDialog.Sync.FinalMessage)
MessagesDisplayed = true;