/* Legal characters in GLSL are:
* Identifier characters:
* Letters a-z
* Letters A-Z
* Underscore
* Numbers 0-9
* Punctuation:
* Period, plus, dash, slash, asterisk, percent, angled brackets,
* square brackets, parentheses, braces, caret, vertical bar,
* ampersand, tilde, equals, exclamation point, colon, semicolon,
* comma, and question mark
* Special:
* Number sign (as used in preprocessor)
* Backslash just before newline as line continuation
* White space:
* Space, horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, carriage-return,
* and line-feed.
* [GLSL Language Specficiation 4.30.6, section 3.1]
* In this file, we test each of these in turn as follows:
* Identifier characters: All pass through unchanged
* Punctuation: All pass through unchanged
* Special: Empty directive replaced with blank line
* Line continuation merges two lines, then a blank line
* Whitespace: 4 horizontal space characters each replaced with space
* 2 newline characters each replaced with a newline
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