// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_imagestretcher.h"
#include <climits>
#include <tuple>
#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_dibitmap.h"
#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_dibsource.h"
#include "core/fxge/dib/cstretchengine.h"
#include "core/fxge/fx_dib.h"
#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
namespace {
const int kMaxProgressiveStretchPixels = 1000000;
bool SourceSizeWithinLimit(int width, int height) {
return !height || width < kMaxProgressiveStretchPixels / height;
FXDIB_Format GetStretchedFormat(const CFX_DIBSource& src) {
FXDIB_Format format = src.GetFormat();
if (format == FXDIB_1bppMask)
return FXDIB_8bppMask;
if (format == FXDIB_1bppRgb)
return FXDIB_8bppRgb;
if (format == FXDIB_8bppRgb && src.GetPalette())
return FXDIB_Rgb;
return format;
// Returns tuple c, m, y, k
std::tuple<int, int, int, int> CmykDecode(const uint32_t cmyk) {
return std::make_tuple(FXSYS_GetCValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetMValue(cmyk),
FXSYS_GetYValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetKValue(cmyk));
} // namespace
CFX_ImageStretcher::CFX_ImageStretcher(IFX_ScanlineComposer* pDest,
const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pSource,
int dest_width,
int dest_height,
const FX_RECT& bitmap_rect,
uint32_t flags)
: m_pDest(pDest),
m_DestBPP(m_DestFormat & 0xff),
m_LineIndex(0) {}
CFX_ImageStretcher::~CFX_ImageStretcher() {}
bool CFX_ImageStretcher::Start() {
if (m_DestWidth == 0 || m_DestHeight == 0)
return false;
if (m_pSource->GetFormat() == FXDIB_1bppRgb && m_pSource->GetPalette()) {
FX_ARGB pal[256];
int a0;
int r0;
int g0;
int b0;
std::tie(a0, r0, g0, b0) = ArgbDecode(m_pSource->GetPaletteArgb(0));
int a1;
int r1;
int g1;
int b1;
std::tie(a1, r1, g1, b1) = ArgbDecode(m_pSource->GetPaletteArgb(1));
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
int a = a0 + (a1 - a0) * i / 255;
int r = r0 + (r1 - r0) * i / 255;
int g = g0 + (g1 - g0) * i / 255;
int b = b0 + (b1 - b0) * i / 255;
pal[i] = ArgbEncode(a, r, g, b);
if (!m_pDest->SetInfo(m_ClipRect.Width(), m_ClipRect.Height(), m_DestFormat,
pal)) {
return false;
} else if (m_pSource->GetFormat() == FXDIB_1bppCmyk &&
m_pSource->GetPalette()) {
FX_CMYK pal[256];
int c0;
int m0;
int y0;
int k0;
std::tie(c0, m0, y0, k0) = CmykDecode(m_pSource->GetPaletteArgb(0));
int c1;
int m1;
int y1;
int k1;
std::tie(c1, m1, y1, k1) = CmykDecode(m_pSource->GetPaletteArgb(1));
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
int c = c0 + (c1 - c0) * i / 255;
int m = m0 + (m1 - m0) * i / 255;
int y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * i / 255;
int k = k0 + (k1 - k0) * i / 255;
pal[i] = CmykEncode(c, m, y, k);
if (!m_pDest->SetInfo(m_ClipRect.Width(), m_ClipRect.Height(), m_DestFormat,
pal)) {
return false;
} else if (!m_pDest->SetInfo(m_ClipRect.Width(), m_ClipRect.Height(),
m_DestFormat, nullptr)) {
return false;
return StartQuickStretch();
return StartStretch();
bool CFX_ImageStretcher::Continue(IFX_PauseIndicator* pPause) {
return ContinueQuickStretch(pPause);
return ContinueStretch(pPause);
bool CFX_ImageStretcher::StartStretch() {
m_pStretchEngine = pdfium::MakeUnique<CStretchEngine>(
m_pDest.Get(), m_DestFormat, m_DestWidth, m_DestHeight, m_ClipRect,
m_pSource, m_Flags);
if (SourceSizeWithinLimit(m_pSource->GetWidth(), m_pSource->GetHeight())) {
return false;
return true;
bool CFX_ImageStretcher::ContinueStretch(IFX_PauseIndicator* pPause) {
return m_pStretchEngine && m_pStretchEngine->Continue(pPause);
bool CFX_ImageStretcher::StartQuickStretch() {
if (m_DestWidth < 0) {
m_bFlipX = true;
m_DestWidth = -m_DestWidth;
if (m_DestHeight < 0) {
m_bFlipY = true;
m_DestHeight = -m_DestHeight;
uint32_t size = m_ClipRect.Width();
if (size && m_DestBPP > static_cast<int>(INT_MAX / size))
return false;
size *= m_DestBPP;
m_pScanline.reset(FX_Alloc(uint8_t, (size / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4));
if (m_pSource->m_pAlphaMask)
m_pMaskScanline.reset(FX_Alloc(uint8_t, (m_ClipRect.Width() + 3) / 4 * 4));
if (SourceSizeWithinLimit(m_pSource->GetWidth(), m_pSource->GetHeight())) {
return false;
return true;
bool CFX_ImageStretcher::ContinueQuickStretch(IFX_PauseIndicator* pPause) {
if (!m_pScanline)
return false;
int result_width = m_ClipRect.Width();
int result_height = m_ClipRect.Height();
int src_height = m_pSource->GetHeight();
for (; m_LineIndex < result_height; ++m_LineIndex) {
int dest_y;
int src_y;
if (m_bFlipY) {
dest_y = result_height - m_LineIndex - 1;
src_y = (m_DestHeight - (dest_y + m_ClipRect.top) - 1) * src_height /
} else {
dest_y = m_LineIndex;
src_y = (dest_y + m_ClipRect.top) * src_height / m_DestHeight;
src_y = pdfium::clamp(src_y, 0, src_height - 1);
if (m_pSource->SkipToScanline(src_y, pPause))
return true;
m_pSource->DownSampleScanline(src_y, m_pScanline.get(), m_DestBPP,
m_DestWidth, m_bFlipX, m_ClipRect.left,
if (m_pMaskScanline) {
src_y, m_pMaskScanline.get(), 1, m_DestWidth, m_bFlipX,
m_ClipRect.left, result_width);
m_pDest->ComposeScanline(dest_y, m_pScanline.get(), m_pMaskScanline.get());
return false;