// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "compat/test.h"
#include "file_reader.h"
#include "file_utils.h"
#include "scoped_temp_path.h"
#include "test_utils.h"
namespace quipper {
// Move the cursor around and make sure the offset is properly set each time.
TEST(FileReaderTest, MoveOffset) {
std::vector<uint8_t> input_data(1000);
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), input_data));
// Create a reader for reading.
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
EXPECT_EQ(input_data.size(), reader.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, reader.Tell());
// Move the read cursor around.
EXPECT_EQ(100, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ(900, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ(500, reader.Tell());
// The cursor can be set to past the end of the file, but can't perform any
// read operations there.
EXPECT_EQ(1200, reader.Tell());
int dummy;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.ReadData(sizeof(dummy), &dummy));
// Make sure that the reader can handle a read size of zero.
TEST(FileReaderTest, ReadZeroBytes) {
std::vector<uint8_t> input_data(10);
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), input_data));
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(0, NULL));
// Make sure the read pointer hasn't moved.
EXPECT_EQ(5, reader.Tell());
// Read in all data from the input file at once.
TEST(FileReaderTest, ReadSingleChunk) {
const string kInputData = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), kInputData));
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
// Read all the data from the file in one go.
std::vector<uint8_t> output(kInputData.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(output.size(), output.data()));
EXPECT_EQ(output.size(), reader.Tell());
// Compare input and output data, converting the latter to a string for
// clarity of error messages.
EXPECT_EQ(kInputData, string(output.begin(), output.end()));
// Test the ReadDataValue() function, which is a wrapper around ReadData().
TEST(FileReaderTest, ReadDataValue) {
const string kInputData = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), kInputData));
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
// Read all the data from the file in one go.
std::vector<uint8_t> output(kInputData.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadDataValue(output.size(), "data", output.data()));
EXPECT_EQ(output.size(), reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ(kInputData, string(output.begin(), output.end()));
// Read in all data from the input file in multiple chunks, in order.
TEST(FileReaderTest, ReadMultipleChunks) {
// This string is 26 characters long.
const string kInputData = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), kInputData));
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
// Read the data in multiple operations. Make sure the cursor is updated.
std::vector<uint8_t> output(kInputData.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(10, output.data() + reader.Tell()));
EXPECT_EQ(10, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(5, output.data() + reader.Tell()));
EXPECT_EQ(15, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(5, output.data() + reader.Tell()));
EXPECT_EQ(20, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(6, output.data() + reader.Tell()));
EXPECT_EQ(26, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ(kInputData, string(output.begin(), output.end()));
// Read in all data from the input file in multiple chunks, but not in order.
TEST(FileReaderTest, ReadWithJumps) {
// This string contains four parts, each 10 characters long.
const string kInputData =
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), kInputData));
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
// Read the data in multiple operations, but not in order. The destination
// offset must still match the source offset.
std::vector<uint8_t> output(10);
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(10, output.data()));
EXPECT_EQ(20, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ("1:hijklmn;", string(output.begin(), output.end()));
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(10, output.data()));
EXPECT_EQ(40, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ("3:vwxyzABC", string(output.begin(), output.end()));
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(10, output.data()));
EXPECT_EQ(10, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ("0:abcdefg;", string(output.begin(), output.end()));
// Test reading past the end of the file.
TEST(FileReaderTest, ReadPastEndOfData) {
// This string is 26 characters long.
const string kInputData = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), kInputData));
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
// Must not be able to read past the end of the file.
std::vector<uint8_t> output(kInputData.size());
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.ReadData(30, output.data()));
// The read pointer should not have moved.
EXPECT_EQ(0, reader.Tell());
// Should still be able to read within the bounds of the file, despite the
// out-of-bounds read earlier.
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(13, output.data()));
EXPECT_EQ(13, reader.Tell());
// Now attempt another read past the end of the file, but starting from the
// ending position of the previous read operation.
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.ReadData(20, output.data() + reader.Tell()));
// The read pointer should be unchanged.
EXPECT_EQ(13, reader.Tell());
// Read the rest of the data and make sure it matches the input.
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(13, output.data() + reader.Tell()));
EXPECT_EQ(26, reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ(kInputData, string(output.begin(), output.end()));
// Test string reads.
TEST(FileReaderTest, ReadString) {
// Construct an input string.
string input_string("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), input_string));
// Read the full string.
FileReader full_reader(input_file.path());
string full_reader_output;
EXPECT_TRUE(full_reader.ReadString(input_string.size(), &full_reader_output));
EXPECT_EQ(input_string.size(), full_reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ(input_string, full_reader_output);
// Read the first half of the string.
FileReader half_reader(input_file.path());
string half_reader_output;
half_reader.ReadString(input_string.size() / 2, &half_reader_output));
EXPECT_EQ(input_string.size() / 2, half_reader.Tell());
EXPECT_EQ(input_string.substr(0, input_string.size() / 2),
// Attempt to read past the end of the string.
FileReader past_end_reader(input_file.path());
string past_end_reader_output = "previous string value";
EXPECT_FALSE(past_end_reader.ReadString(input_string.size() + 1,
EXPECT_EQ("previous string value", past_end_reader_output);
// Create a string with some extra padding behind it. The padding should be
// all zeroes. Read from this string, with a size that encompasses the
// padding.
string input_string_with_padding(input_string.begin(), input_string.end());
input_string_with_padding.resize(input_string.size() + 10, '\0');
ScopedTempFile input_file_padded;
BufferToFile(input_file_padded.path(), input_string_with_padding));
// Read everything including the padding.
FileReader padding_reader(input_file_padded.path());
string padding_reader_output;
// The reader should have read past the padding too.
EXPECT_EQ(input_string_with_padding.size(), padding_reader.Tell());
// However, the output string itself should not have padding.
EXPECT_EQ(input_string, padding_reader_output);
// Reads data to a buffer and verifies that the buffer has not been modified
// beyond the writable boundaries.
TEST(FileReaderTest, NoWritingOutOfBounds) {
// The input data contains all zeroes.
std::vector<uint8_t> input_data(800, 0);
// Write it to file.
ScopedTempFile input_file;
ASSERT_TRUE(BufferToFile(input_file.path(), input_data));
FileReader reader(input_file.path());
// A sentinel value that fills memory to detect when that section of memory is
// overwritten. If the memory shows another value, it means it has been
// overwritten.
const char kUnwrittenValue = 0xaa;
// Create a destination buffer filled with the above sentinel value.
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(1000, kUnwrittenValue);
// Only write to the range [100, 900).
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadData(800, buffer.data() + 100));
// Check that the data was written to the writable part of the buffer.
std::vector<uint8_t>(buffer.begin() + 100, buffer.begin() + 900));
// Now make sure that the other parts of the buffer haven't been overwritten.
const std::vector<uint8_t> expected_unwritten_part(100, kUnwrittenValue);
std::vector<uint8_t>(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + 100));
std::vector<uint8_t>(buffer.begin() + 900, buffer.begin() + 1000));
} // namespace quipper