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 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef GrSurfaceProxy_DEFINED
#define GrSurfaceProxy_DEFINED

#include "../private/SkNoncopyable.h"
#include "GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "GrGpuResource.h"
#include "GrSurface.h"

#include "SkRect.h"

class GrCaps;
class GrOpList;
class GrProxyProvider;
class GrRenderTargetOpList;
class GrRenderTargetProxy;
class GrResourceProvider;
class GrSurfaceContext;
class GrSurfaceProxyPriv;
class GrTextureOpList;
class GrTextureProxy;

// This class replicates the functionality GrIORef<GrSurface> but tracks the
// utilitization for later resource allocation (for the deferred case) and
// forwards on the utilization in the wrapped case
class GrIORefProxy : public SkNoncopyable {
    void ref() const {

        if (fTarget) {

    void unref() const {

        if (fTarget) {


#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    bool isUnique_debugOnly() const { // For asserts.
        SkASSERT(fRefCnt >= 0 && fPendingWrites >= 0 && fPendingReads >= 0);
        return 1 == fRefCnt + fPendingWrites + fPendingReads;

    void release() {
        // The proxy itself may still have multiple refs. It can be owned by an SkImage and multiple
        // SkDeferredDisplayLists at the same time if we are using DDLs.
        SkASSERT(0 == fPendingReads);
        SkASSERT(0 == fPendingWrites);

        // In the current hybrid world, the proxy and backing surface are ref/unreffed in
        // synchrony. Each ref we've added or removed to the proxy was mirrored to the backing
        // surface. Though, that backing surface could be owned by other proxies as well. Remove
        // a ref from the backing surface for each ref the proxy has since we are about to remove
        // our pointer to the surface. If this proxy is reinstantiated then all the proxy's refs
        // get transferred to the (possibly new) backing surface.
        for (int refs = fRefCnt; refs; --refs) {
        fTarget = nullptr;

    void validate() const {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
        SkASSERT(fRefCnt >= 0);
        SkASSERT(fPendingReads >= 0);
        SkASSERT(fPendingWrites >= 0);
        SkASSERT(fRefCnt + fPendingReads + fPendingWrites >= 1);

        if (fTarget) {
            // The backing GrSurface can have more refs than the proxy if the proxy
            // started off wrapping an external resource (that came in with refs).
            // The GrSurface should never have fewer refs than the proxy however.
            SkASSERT(fTarget->fRefCnt >= fRefCnt);
            SkASSERT(fTarget->fPendingReads >= fPendingReads);
            SkASSERT(fTarget->fPendingWrites >= fPendingWrites);

    int32_t getBackingRefCnt_TestOnly() const;
    int32_t getPendingReadCnt_TestOnly() const;
    int32_t getPendingWriteCnt_TestOnly() const;

    void addPendingRead() const {

        if (fTarget) {

    void completedRead() const {

        if (fTarget) {


    void addPendingWrite() const {

        if (fTarget) {

    void completedWrite() const {

        if (fTarget) {


    GrIORefProxy() : fTarget(nullptr), fRefCnt(1), fPendingReads(0), fPendingWrites(0) {}
    GrIORefProxy(sk_sp<GrSurface> surface) : fRefCnt(1), fPendingReads(0), fPendingWrites(0) {
        // Since we're manually forwarding on refs & unrefs we don't want sk_sp doing
        // anything extra.
        fTarget = surface.release();
    virtual ~GrIORefProxy() {
        // We don't unref 'fTarget' here since the 'unref' method will already
        // have forwarded on the unref call that got us here.

    // This GrIORefProxy was deferred before but has just been instantiated. To
    // make all the reffing & unreffing work out we now need to transfer any deferred
    // refs & unrefs to the new GrSurface
    void transferRefs() {

        SkASSERT(fTarget->fRefCnt > 0);
        fTarget->fRefCnt += (fRefCnt-1); // don't xfer the proxy's creation ref
        fTarget->fPendingReads += fPendingReads;
        fTarget->fPendingWrites += fPendingWrites;

    int32_t internalGetProxyRefCnt() const {
        return fRefCnt;

    bool internalHasPendingIO() const {
        if (fTarget) {
            return fTarget->internalHasPendingIO();

        return SkToBool(fPendingWrites | fPendingReads);

    bool internalHasPendingWrite() const {
        if (fTarget) {
            return fTarget->internalHasPendingWrite();

        return SkToBool(fPendingWrites);

    // For deferred proxies this will be null. For wrapped proxies it will point to the
    // wrapped resource.
    GrSurface* fTarget;

    // This class is used to manage conversion of refs to pending reads/writes.
    template <typename> friend class GrProxyRef;

    void didRemoveRefOrPendingIO() const {
        if (0 == fPendingReads && 0 == fPendingWrites && 0 == fRefCnt) {
            delete this;

    mutable int32_t fRefCnt;
    mutable int32_t fPendingReads;
    mutable int32_t fPendingWrites;

class GrSurfaceProxy : public GrIORefProxy {
    enum class LazyInstantiationType {
        kSingleUse,      // Instantiation callback is allowed to be called only once.
        kMultipleUse,    // Instantiation callback can be called multiple times.
        kDeinstantiate,  // Instantiation callback can be called multiple times,
                         // but we will deinstantiate the proxy after every flush.

    enum class LazyState {
        kNot,       // The proxy is instantiated or does not have a lazy callback
        kPartially, // The proxy has a lazy callback but knows basic information about itself.
        kFully,     // The proxy has a lazy callback and also doesn't know its width, height, etc.

    LazyState lazyInstantiationState() const {
        if (fTarget || !SkToBool(fLazyInstantiateCallback)) {
            return LazyState::kNot;
        } else {
            if (fWidth <= 0) {
                SkASSERT(fHeight <= 0);
                return LazyState::kFully;
            } else {
                SkASSERT(fHeight > 0);
                return LazyState::kPartially;

    GrPixelConfig config() const { return fConfig; }
    int width() const {
        SkASSERT(LazyState::kFully != this->lazyInstantiationState());
        return fWidth;
    int height() const {
        SkASSERT(LazyState::kFully != this->lazyInstantiationState());
        return fHeight;

    SkISize isize() const { return {fWidth, fHeight}; }

    int worstCaseWidth() const;
    int worstCaseHeight() const;
     * Helper that gets the width and height of the surface as a bounding rectangle.
    SkRect getBoundsRect() const {
        SkASSERT(LazyState::kFully != this->lazyInstantiationState());
        return SkRect::MakeIWH(this->width(), this->height());
     * Helper that gets the worst case width and height of the surface as a bounding rectangle.
    SkRect getWorstCaseBoundsRect() const {
        SkASSERT(LazyState::kFully != this->lazyInstantiationState());
        return SkRect::MakeIWH(this->worstCaseWidth(), this->worstCaseHeight());

    GrSurfaceOrigin origin() const {
        SkASSERT(kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == fOrigin || kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == fOrigin);
        return fOrigin;

    const GrBackendFormat& backendFormat() const { return fFormat; }

    class UniqueID {
        static UniqueID InvalidID() {
            return UniqueID(uint32_t(SK_InvalidUniqueID));

        // wrapped
        explicit UniqueID(const GrGpuResource::UniqueID& id) : fID(id.asUInt()) { }
        // deferred and lazy-callback
        UniqueID() : fID(GrGpuResource::CreateUniqueID()) { }

        uint32_t asUInt() const { return fID; }

        bool operator==(const UniqueID& other) const {
            return fID == other.fID;
        bool operator!=(const UniqueID& other) const {
            return !(*this == other);

        void makeInvalid() { fID = SK_InvalidUniqueID; }
        bool isInvalid() const { return SK_InvalidUniqueID == fID; }

        explicit UniqueID(uint32_t id) : fID(id) {}

        uint32_t fID;

     * The contract for the uniqueID is:
     *   for wrapped resources:
     *      the uniqueID will match that of the wrapped resource
     *   for deferred resources:
     *      the uniqueID will be different from the real resource, when it is allocated
     *      the proxy's uniqueID will not change across the instantiate call
     *    the uniqueIDs of the proxies and the resources draw from the same pool
     * What this boils down to is that the uniqueID of a proxy can be used to consistently
     * track/identify a proxy but should never be used to distinguish between
     * resources and proxies - beware!
    UniqueID uniqueID() const { return fUniqueID; }

    UniqueID underlyingUniqueID() const {
        if (fTarget) {
            return UniqueID(fTarget->uniqueID());

        return fUniqueID;

    virtual bool instantiate(GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider) = 0;

    void deinstantiate();

     * Proxies that are already instantiated and whose backing surface cannot be recycled to
     * instantiate other proxies do not need to be considered by GrResourceAllocator.
    bool canSkipResourceAllocator() const;

     * @return the texture proxy associated with the surface proxy, may be NULL.
    virtual GrTextureProxy* asTextureProxy() { return nullptr; }
    virtual const GrTextureProxy* asTextureProxy() const { return nullptr; }

     * @return the render target proxy associated with the surface proxy, may be NULL.
    virtual GrRenderTargetProxy* asRenderTargetProxy() { return nullptr; }
    virtual const GrRenderTargetProxy* asRenderTargetProxy() const { return nullptr; }

    bool isInstantiated() const { return SkToBool(fTarget); }

    // If the proxy is already instantiated, return its backing GrTexture; if not, return null.
    GrSurface* peekSurface() const { return fTarget; }

    // If this is a texture proxy and the proxy is already instantiated, return its backing
    // GrTexture; if not, return null.
    GrTexture* peekTexture() const { return fTarget ? fTarget->asTexture() : nullptr; }

    // If this is a render target proxy and the proxy is already instantiated, return its backing
    // GrRenderTarget; if not, return null.
    GrRenderTarget* peekRenderTarget() const {
        return fTarget ? fTarget->asRenderTarget() : nullptr;

     * Does the resource count against the resource budget?
    SkBudgeted isBudgeted() const { return fBudgeted; }

     * The pixel values of this proxy's surface cannot be modified (e.g. doesn't support write
     * pixels or MIP map level regen). Read-only proxies also bypass interval tracking and
     * assignment in GrResourceAllocator.
    bool readOnly() const { return fSurfaceFlags & GrInternalSurfaceFlags::kReadOnly; }

    void setLastOpList(GrOpList* opList);
    GrOpList* getLastOpList() { return fLastOpList; }

    GrRenderTargetOpList* getLastRenderTargetOpList();
    GrTextureOpList* getLastTextureOpList();

     * Retrieves the amount of GPU memory that will be or currently is used by this resource
     * in bytes. It is approximate since we aren't aware of additional padding or copies made
     * by the driver.
     * @return the amount of GPU memory used in bytes
    size_t gpuMemorySize() const {
        SkASSERT(LazyState::kFully != this->lazyInstantiationState());
        if (fTarget) {
            return fTarget->gpuMemorySize();
        if (kInvalidGpuMemorySize == fGpuMemorySize) {
            fGpuMemorySize = this->onUninstantiatedGpuMemorySize();
            SkASSERT(kInvalidGpuMemorySize != fGpuMemorySize);
        return fGpuMemorySize;

    // Helper function that creates a temporary SurfaceContext to perform the copy
    // The copy is is not a render target and not multisampled.
    static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> Copy(GrContext*, GrSurfaceProxy* src, GrMipMapped, SkIRect srcRect,
                                      SkBackingFit, SkBudgeted);

    // Copy the entire 'src'
    static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> Copy(GrContext*, GrSurfaceProxy* src, GrMipMapped, SkBackingFit,
                                      SkBudgeted budgeted);

    // Test-only entry point - should decrease in use as proxies propagate
    static sk_sp<GrSurfaceContext> TestCopy(GrContext* context, const GrSurfaceDesc& dstDesc,
                                            GrSurfaceOrigin, GrSurfaceProxy* srcProxy);

    bool isWrapped_ForTesting() const;

    SkDEBUGCODE(void validate(GrContext*) const;)

    // Provides access to functions that aren't part of the public API.
    inline GrSurfaceProxyPriv priv();
    inline const GrSurfaceProxyPriv priv() const;

    GrInternalSurfaceFlags testingOnly_getFlags() const;

    // Deferred version
    GrSurfaceProxy(const GrBackendFormat& format, const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
                   GrSurfaceOrigin origin, SkBackingFit fit,
                   SkBudgeted budgeted, GrInternalSurfaceFlags surfaceFlags)
            : GrSurfaceProxy(nullptr, LazyInstantiationType::kSingleUse, format, desc, origin, fit,
                             budgeted, surfaceFlags) {
        // Note: this ctor pulls a new uniqueID from the same pool at the GrGpuResources

    using LazyInstantiateCallback = std::function<sk_sp<GrSurface>(GrResourceProvider*)>;

    // Lazy-callback version
    GrSurfaceProxy(LazyInstantiateCallback&&, LazyInstantiationType,
                   const GrBackendFormat& format, const GrSurfaceDesc&, GrSurfaceOrigin,
                   SkBackingFit, SkBudgeted, GrInternalSurfaceFlags);

    // Wrapped version.
    GrSurfaceProxy(sk_sp<GrSurface>, GrSurfaceOrigin, SkBackingFit);

    virtual ~GrSurfaceProxy();

    friend class GrSurfaceProxyPriv;

    // Methods made available via GrSurfaceProxyPriv
    int32_t getProxyRefCnt() const {
        return this->internalGetProxyRefCnt();

    bool hasPendingIO() const {
        return this->internalHasPendingIO();

    bool hasPendingWrite() const {
        return this->internalHasPendingWrite();

    void computeScratchKey(GrScratchKey*) const;

    virtual sk_sp<GrSurface> createSurface(GrResourceProvider*) const = 0;
    void assign(sk_sp<GrSurface> surface);

    sk_sp<GrSurface> createSurfaceImpl(GrResourceProvider*, int sampleCnt, bool needsStencil,
                                       GrSurfaceDescFlags, GrMipMapped) const;

    bool instantiateImpl(GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider, int sampleCnt, bool needsStencil,
                         GrSurfaceDescFlags descFlags, GrMipMapped, const GrUniqueKey*);

    // In many cases these flags aren't actually known until the proxy has been instantiated.
    // However, Ganesh frequently needs to change its behavior based on these settings. For
    // internally create proxies we will know these properties ahead of time. For wrapped
    // proxies we will copy the properties off of the GrSurface. For lazy proxies we force the
    // call sites to provide the required information ahead of time. At instantiation time
    // we verify that the assumed properties match the actual properties.
    GrInternalSurfaceFlags fSurfaceFlags;

    // For wrapped resources, 'fFormat', 'fConfig', 'fWidth', 'fHeight', and 'fOrigin; will always
    // be filled in from the wrapped resource.
    GrBackendFormat        fFormat;
    GrPixelConfig          fConfig;
    int                    fWidth;
    int                    fHeight;
    GrSurfaceOrigin        fOrigin;
    SkBackingFit           fFit;      // always kApprox for lazy-callback resources
                                      // always kExact for wrapped resources
    mutable SkBudgeted     fBudgeted; // always kYes for lazy-callback resources
                                      // set from the backing resource for wrapped resources
                                      // mutable bc of SkSurface/SkImage wishy-washiness

    const UniqueID         fUniqueID; // set from the backing resource for wrapped resources

    LazyInstantiateCallback fLazyInstantiateCallback;
    // If this is set to kSingleuse, then after one call to fLazyInstantiateCallback we will cleanup
    // the lazy callback and then delete it. This will allow for any refs and resources being held
    // by the standard function to be released. This is specifically useful in non-dll cases where
    // we make lazy proxies and instantiate them immediately.
    // Note: This is ignored if fLazyInstantiateCallback is null.
    LazyInstantiationType  fLazyInstantiationType;

    SkDEBUGCODE(void validateSurface(const GrSurface*);)
    SkDEBUGCODE(virtual void onValidateSurface(const GrSurface*) = 0;)

    static const size_t kInvalidGpuMemorySize = ~static_cast<size_t>(0);
    SkDEBUGCODE(size_t getRawGpuMemorySize_debugOnly() const { return fGpuMemorySize; })

    virtual size_t onUninstantiatedGpuMemorySize() const = 0;

    bool                   fNeedsClear;

    // This entry is lazily evaluated so, when the proxy wraps a resource, the resource
    // will be called but, when the proxy is deferred, it will compute the answer itself.
    // If the proxy computes its own answer that answer is checked (in debug mode) in
    // the instantiation method.
    mutable size_t         fGpuMemorySize;

    // The last opList that wrote to or is currently going to write to this surface
    // The opList can be closed (e.g., no surface context is currently bound
    // to this proxy).
    // This back-pointer is required so that we can add a dependancy between
    // the opList used to create the current contents of this surface
    // and the opList of a destination surface to which this one is being drawn or copied.
    // This pointer is unreffed. OpLists own a ref on their surface proxies.
    GrOpList*              fLastOpList;

    typedef GrIORefProxy INHERITED;
