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 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef GrCCDrawPathsOp_DEFINED
#define GrCCDrawPathsOp_DEFINED

#include "GrShape.h"
#include "SkTInternalLList.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCSTLList.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCPathCache.h"
#include "ops/GrDrawOp.h"

struct GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs;
struct GrCCPerOpListPaths;
class GrCCAtlas;
class GrOnFlushResourceProvider;
class GrCCPerFlushResources;

 * This is the Op that draws paths to the actual canvas, using atlases generated by CCPR.
class GrCCDrawPathsOp : public GrDrawOp {

    static std::unique_ptr<GrCCDrawPathsOp> Make(GrContext*, const SkIRect& clipIBounds,
                                                 const SkMatrix&, const GrShape&, GrPaint&&);
    ~GrCCDrawPathsOp() override;

    const char* name() const override { return "GrCCDrawPathsOp"; }
    FixedFunctionFlags fixedFunctionFlags() const override { return FixedFunctionFlags::kNone; }
    GrProcessorSet::Analysis finalize(const GrCaps&, const GrAppliedClip*) override;
    CombineResult onCombineIfPossible(GrOp*, const GrCaps&) override;
    void visitProxies(const VisitProxyFunc& fn, VisitorType) const override {
    void onPrepare(GrOpFlushState*) override {}

    void addToOwningPerOpListPaths(sk_sp<GrCCPerOpListPaths> owningPerOpListPaths);

    // Makes decisions about how to draw each path (cached, copied, rendered, etc.), and
    // increments/fills out the corresponding GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs.
    void accountForOwnPaths(GrCCPathCache*, GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs*);

    // Allows the caller to decide whether to actually do the suggested copies from cached 16-bit
    // coverage count atlases, and into 8-bit literal coverage atlases. Purely to save space.
    enum class DoCopiesToA8Coverage : bool {
        kNo = false,
        kYes = true

    // Allocates the GPU resources indicated by accountForOwnPaths(), in preparation for drawing. If
    // DoCopiesToA8Coverage is kNo, the paths slated for copy will instead be left in their 16-bit
    // coverage count atlases.
    // NOTE: If using DoCopiesToA8Coverage::kNo, it is the caller's responsibility to have called
    // cancelCopies() on the GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs, prior to making this call.
    void setupResources(GrCCPathCache*, GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, GrCCPerFlushResources*,

    void onExecute(GrOpFlushState*, const SkRect& chainBounds) override;

    friend class GrOpMemoryPool;

    static std::unique_ptr<GrCCDrawPathsOp> InternalMake(GrContext*, const SkIRect& clipIBounds,
                                                         const SkMatrix&, const GrShape&,
                                                         float strokeDevWidth,
                                                         const SkRect& conservativeDevBounds,

    GrCCDrawPathsOp(const SkMatrix&, const GrShape&, float strokeDevWidth,
                    const SkIRect& shapeConservativeIBounds, const SkIRect& maskDevIBounds,
                    const SkRect& conservativeDevBounds, GrPaint&&);

    void recordInstance(GrTextureProxy* atlasProxy, int instanceIdx);

    const SkMatrix fViewMatrixIfUsingLocalCoords;

    class SingleDraw {
        SingleDraw(const SkMatrix&, const GrShape&, float strokeDevWidth,
                   const SkIRect& shapeConservativeIBounds, const SkIRect& maskDevIBounds,
                   const SkPMColor4f&);

        // See the corresponding methods in GrCCDrawPathsOp.
        GrProcessorSet::Analysis finalize(const GrCaps&, const GrAppliedClip*, GrProcessorSet*);
        void accountForOwnPath(GrCCPathCache*, GrOnFlushResourceProvider*,
        void setupResources(GrCCPathCache*, GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, GrCCPerFlushResources*,
                            DoCopiesToA8Coverage, GrCCDrawPathsOp*);

        bool shouldCachePathMask(int maxRenderTargetSize) const;

        SkMatrix fMatrix;
        GrShape fShape;
        float fStrokeDevWidth;
        const SkIRect fShapeConservativeIBounds;
        SkIRect fMaskDevIBounds;
        SkPMColor4f fColor;

        GrCCPathCache::OnFlushEntryRef fCacheEntry;
        SkIVector fCachedMaskShift;
        bool fDoCopyToA8Coverage = false;
        bool fDoCachePathMask = false;

        SingleDraw* fNext = nullptr;

        friend class GrCCSTLList<SingleDraw>;  // To access fNext.

    // Declare fOwningPerOpListPaths first, before fDraws. The draws use memory allocated by
    // fOwningPerOpListPaths, so it must not be unreffed until after fDraws is destroyed.
    sk_sp<GrCCPerOpListPaths> fOwningPerOpListPaths;

    GrCCSTLList<SingleDraw> fDraws;
    SkDEBUGCODE(int fNumDraws = 1);

    GrProcessorSet fProcessors;

    struct InstanceRange {
        GrTextureProxy* fAtlasProxy;
        int fEndInstanceIdx;

    SkSTArray<2, InstanceRange, true> fInstanceRanges;
    int fBaseInstance SkDEBUGCODE(= -1);
