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 @file         PVRTPrint3D.cpp
 @copyright    Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
 @brief        Displays a text string using 3D polygons. Can be done in two ways:
               using a window defined by the user or writing straight on the


** Includes
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>

#include "PVRTGlobal.h"
#include "PVRTFixedPoint.h"
#include "PVRTMatrix.h"
#include "PVRTTexture.h"
#include "PVRTPrint3D.h"
#include "PVRTUnicode.h"
#include "PVRTContext.h"
#include "PVRTMap.h"

/* Print3D texture data */
#include "PVRTPrint3DIMGLogo.h"
#include "PVRTPrint3DHelveticaBold.h"

static inline float PVRTMakeWhole(float f)
	return floorf(f + 0.5f);

** Defines
#define MAX_LETTERS				(5120)
#define MIN_CACHED_VTX			(0x1000)
#define MAX_CACHED_VTX			(0x00100000)
#define LINES_SPACING			(29.0f)

#if defined(_WIN32)
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf

const PVRTuint32 PVRFONT_HEADER			= 0xFCFC0050;
const PVRTuint32 PVRFONT_CHARLIST		= 0xFCFC0051;
const PVRTuint32 PVRFONT_RECTS			= 0xFCFC0052;
const PVRTuint32 PVRFONT_METRICS		= 0xFCFC0053;
const PVRTuint32 PVRFONT_YOFFSET		= 0xFCFC0054;
const PVRTuint32 PVRFONT_KERNING		= 0xFCFC0055;

** Constants
static const unsigned int PVRTPRINT3D_INVALID_CHAR = 0xFDFDFDFD;

** Auxiliary functions
@fn       		CharacterCompareFunc
@param[in]		pA
@param[in]		pB
@return			PVRTint32	
@brief      	Compares two characters for binary search.
PVRTint32 CPVRTPrint3D::CharacterCompareFunc(const void* pA, const void* pB)
	return (*(PVRTint32*)pA - *(PVRTint32*)pB);

@fn       		KerningCompareFunc
@param[in]		pA
@param[in]		pB
@return			PVRTint32	
@brief      	Compares two kerning pairs for binary search.
PVRTint32 CPVRTPrint3D::KerningCompareFunc(const void* pA, const void* pB)
	KerningPair* pPairA = (KerningPair*)pA;
	KerningPair* pPairB = (KerningPair*)pB;

	if(pPairA->uiPair > pPairB->uiPair)		return 1;
	if(pPairA->uiPair < pPairB->uiPair)		return -1;

	return 0;

** Class: CPVRTPrint3D
 @fn       		CPVRTPrint3D
 @brief      	Init some values.
CPVRTPrint3D::CPVRTPrint3D() :	m_pAPI(NULL), m_uLogoToDisplay(ePVRTPrint3DLogoNone), m_pwFacesFont(NULL), m_pPrint3dVtx(NULL), m_bTexturesSet(false), m_pVtxCache(NULL), m_nVtxCache(0),
								m_nVtxCacheMax(0), m_bRotate(false), m_nCachedNumVerts(0), m_pwzPreviousString(NULL), m_pszPreviousString(NULL), m_fPrevScale(0.0f), m_fPrevX(0.0f),
								m_fPrevY(0.0f), m_uiPrevCol(0), m_pUVs(NULL), m_pKerningPairs(NULL), m_pCharMatrics(NULL), m_fTexW(0.0f), m_fTexH(0.0f), m_pRects(NULL), m_pYOffsets(NULL), 
								m_uiNextLineH(0), m_uiSpaceWidth(0), m_uiNumCharacters(0), m_uiNumKerningPairs(0), m_uiAscent(0), m_pszCharacterList(NULL), m_bHasMipmaps(false), 
	memset(m_fScreenScale, 0, sizeof(m_fScreenScale));
	memset(m_ui32ScreenDim, 0, sizeof(m_ui32ScreenDim));


	m_pwzPreviousString = new wchar_t[MAX_LETTERS + 1];
	m_pszPreviousString = new char[MAX_LETTERS + 1];
	m_pwzPreviousString[0] = 0;
	m_pszPreviousString[0] = 0;

	m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Min] = eFilter_Default;
	m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mag] = eFilter_Default;
	m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mip] = eFilter_MipDefault;

 @fn       		~CPVRTPrint3D
 @brief      	De-allocate the working memory
	delete [] m_pwzPreviousString;
	delete [] m_pszPreviousString;

	delete [] m_pszCharacterList;
	delete [] m_pYOffsets;
	delete [] m_pCharMatrics;
	delete [] m_pKerningPairs;
	delete [] m_pRects;
	delete [] m_pUVs;

@fn       		ReadMetaBlock
@param[in]		pDataCursor
@return			bool	true if successful.
@brief      	Reads a single meta data block from the data file.
bool CPVRTPrint3D::ReadMetaBlock(const PVRTuint8** pDataCursor)
	SPVRTPrint3DHeader* header;

	unsigned int uiDataSize;

	MetaDataBlock block;
		return false;		// Must have been an error.

		header = (SPVRTPrint3DHeader*)block.Data;
		if(header->uVersion != PVRTPRINT3D_VERSION)
			return false;
		// Copy options
		m_uiAscent			= header->wAscent;
		m_uiNextLineH		= header->wLineSpace;
		m_uiSpaceWidth		= header->uSpaceWidth;
		m_uiNumCharacters	= header->wNumCharacters & 0xFFFF;
		m_uiNumKerningPairs = header->wNumKerningPairs & 0xFFFF;	
		uiDataSize = sizeof(PVRTuint32) * m_uiNumCharacters;
		_ASSERT(block.u32DataSize == uiDataSize);
		m_pszCharacterList = new PVRTuint32[m_uiNumCharacters];
		memcpy(m_pszCharacterList, block.Data, uiDataSize);
		uiDataSize = sizeof(PVRTint32) * m_uiNumCharacters;
		_ASSERT(block.u32DataSize == uiDataSize);
		m_pYOffsets	= new PVRTint32[m_uiNumCharacters];
		memcpy(m_pYOffsets, block.Data, uiDataSize);
		uiDataSize = sizeof(CharMetrics) * m_uiNumCharacters;
		_ASSERT(block.u32DataSize == uiDataSize);
		m_pCharMatrics = new CharMetrics[m_uiNumCharacters];
		memcpy(m_pCharMatrics, block.Data, uiDataSize);
		uiDataSize = sizeof(KerningPair) * m_uiNumKerningPairs;
		_ASSERT(block.u32DataSize == uiDataSize);
		m_pKerningPairs = new KerningPair[m_uiNumKerningPairs];
		memcpy(m_pKerningPairs, block.Data, uiDataSize);
		uiDataSize = sizeof(Rectanglei) * m_uiNumCharacters;
		_ASSERT(block.u32DataSize == uiDataSize);

		m_pRects = new Rectanglei[m_uiNumCharacters];
		memcpy(m_pRects, block.Data, uiDataSize);
		_ASSERT(!"Unhandled key!");

	return true;

@fn       		LoadFontData
@param[in]		texHeader
@param[in]		MetaDataMap
@return			bool	true if successful.
@brief      	Loads font data bundled with the texture file.
bool CPVRTPrint3D::LoadFontData( const PVRTextureHeaderV3* texHeader, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, MetaDataBlock> >& MetaDataMap )
	m_fTexW = (float)texHeader->u32Width;
	m_fTexH = (float)texHeader->u32Height;

	// Mipmap data is stored in the texture header data.
	m_bHasMipmaps = (texHeader->u32MIPMapCount > 1 ? true : false);
		m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Min] = eFilter_Linear;
		m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mag] = eFilter_Linear;
		m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mip] = eFilter_Linear;
		m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Min] = eFilter_Linear;
		m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mag] = eFilter_Linear;
		m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mip] = eFilter_None;

	// Header
	SPVRTPrint3DHeader* header = (SPVRTPrint3DHeader*)MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_HEADER].Data;
	if(header->uVersion != PVRTPRINT3D_VERSION)
		return false;
	// Copy options
	m_uiAscent			= header->wAscent;
	m_uiNextLineH		= header->wLineSpace;
	m_uiSpaceWidth		= header->uSpaceWidth;
	m_uiNumCharacters	= header->wNumCharacters & 0xFFFF;
	m_uiNumKerningPairs = header->wNumKerningPairs & 0xFFFF;	

	// Char list
	m_pszCharacterList = new PVRTuint32[m_uiNumCharacters];
	memcpy(m_pszCharacterList, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_CHARLIST].Data, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_CHARLIST].u32DataSize);
	m_pYOffsets	= new PVRTint32[m_uiNumCharacters];
	memcpy(m_pYOffsets, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_YOFFSET].Data, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_YOFFSET].u32DataSize);

	m_pCharMatrics = new CharMetrics[m_uiNumCharacters];
	memcpy(m_pCharMatrics, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_METRICS].Data, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_METRICS].u32DataSize);
	m_pKerningPairs = new KerningPair[m_uiNumKerningPairs];
	memcpy(m_pKerningPairs, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_KERNING].Data, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_KERNING].u32DataSize);

	m_pRects = new Rectanglei[m_uiNumCharacters];
	memcpy(m_pRects, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_RECTS].Data, MetaDataMap[PVRTEX3_IDENT][PVRFONT_RECTS].u32DataSize);

	// Build UVs
	m_pUVs = new CharacterUV[m_uiNumCharacters];
	for(unsigned int uiChar = 0; uiChar < m_uiNumCharacters; uiChar++)
		m_pUVs[uiChar].fUL = m_pRects[uiChar].nX / m_fTexW;
		m_pUVs[uiChar].fUR = m_pUVs[uiChar].fUL + m_pRects[uiChar].nW / m_fTexW;
		m_pUVs[uiChar].fVT = m_pRects[uiChar].nY / m_fTexH;
		m_pUVs[uiChar].fVB = m_pUVs[uiChar].fVT + m_pRects[uiChar].nH / m_fTexH;

	return true;

@fn       		FindCharacter
@param[in]		character
@return			The character index, or PVRPRINT3D_INVALID_CHAR if not found.
@brief      	Finds a given character in the binary data and returns it's
PVRTuint32 CPVRTPrint3D::FindCharacter(PVRTuint32 character) const
	PVRTuint32* pItem = (PVRTuint32*)bsearch(&character, m_pszCharacterList, m_uiNumCharacters, sizeof(PVRTuint32), CharacterCompareFunc);

	PVRTuint32 uiIdx = (PVRTuint32) (pItem - m_pszCharacterList);
	return uiIdx;

@fn       		ApplyKerning
@param[in]		cA
@param[in]		cB
@param[out]		fOffset
@brief      	Calculates kerning offset.
void CPVRTPrint3D::ApplyKerning(const PVRTuint32 cA, const PVRTuint32 cB, float& fOffset) const
	PVRTuint64 uiPairToSearch = ((PVRTuint64)cA << 32) | (PVRTuint64)cB;
	KerningPair* pItem = (KerningPair*)bsearch(&uiPairToSearch, m_pKerningPairs, m_uiNumKerningPairs, sizeof(KerningPair), KerningCompareFunc);
		fOffset += (float)pItem->iOffset;

 @fn       			SetTextures
 @param[in]			pContext		Context
 @param[in]			dwScreenX		Screen resolution along X
 @param[in]			dwScreenY		Screen resolution along Y
 @param[in]			bRotate			Rotate print3D by 90 degrees
 @param[in]			bMakeCopy		This instance of Print3D creates a copy
									of it's data instead of sharing with previous
									contexts. Set this parameter if you require
									thread safety.	
 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
 @brief      		Initialization and texture upload. Should be called only once
					for a given context.
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(
	const SPVRTContext	* const pContext,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenX,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenY,
	const bool bRotate,
	const bool bMakeCopy)
	// Determine which set of textures to use depending on the screen resolution.
	const unsigned int uiShortestEdge = PVRT_MIN(dwScreenX, dwScreenY);
	const void* pData = NULL;

	if(uiShortestEdge >= 720)
		pData = (void*)_helvbd_56_pvr;
	else if(uiShortestEdge >= 640)
		pData = (void*)_helvbd_46_pvr;
		pData = (void*)_helvbd_36_pvr;

	return SetTextures(pContext, pData, dwScreenX, dwScreenY, bRotate, bMakeCopy);

	@fn       		SetTextures
	@param[in]		pContext		Context
	@param[in]		pTexData		User-provided font texture
	@param[in]		uiDataSize		Size of the data provided
	@param[in]		dwScreenX		Screen resolution along X
	@param[in]		dwScreenY		Screen resolution along Y
	@param[in]		bRotate			Rotate print3D by 90 degrees
	@param[in]		bMakeCopy		This instance of Print3D creates a copy
									of it's data instead of sharing with previous
									contexts. Set this parameter if you require
									thread safety.	
	@return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
	@brief      	Initialization and texture upload of user-provided font 
					data. Should be called only once for a Print3D object.
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(
	const SPVRTContext	* const pContext,
	const void * const pTexData,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenX,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenY,
	const bool bRotate,
	const bool bMakeCopy)
#if !defined (DISABLE_PRINT3D)

	unsigned short	i;
	bool			bStatus;

	// Set the aspect ratio, so we can change it without updating textures or anything else
	float fX, fY;

	m_bRotate = bRotate;
	m_ui32ScreenDim[0] = bRotate ? dwScreenY : dwScreenX;
	m_ui32ScreenDim[1] = bRotate ? dwScreenX : dwScreenY;

	// Alter the X, Y resolutions if the screen isn't portrait.
	if(dwScreenX > dwScreenY)
		fX = (float) dwScreenX;
		fY = (float) dwScreenY;
		fX = (float) dwScreenY;
		fY = (float) dwScreenX;

	m_fScreenScale[0] = (bRotate ? fY : fX) /640.0f;
	m_fScreenScale[1] = (bRotate ? fX : fY) /480.0f;

	// Check whether textures are already set up just in case
	if (m_bTexturesSet)
		return PVR_SUCCESS;

	m_pwFacesFont = (unsigned short*)malloc(PVRTPRINT3D_MAX_RENDERABLE_LETTERS*2*3*sizeof(unsigned short));

		return PVR_FAIL;

	// Vertex indices for letters
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+0] = 0+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+1] = 3+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+2] = 1+i*4;

		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+3] = 3+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+4] = 0+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+5] = 2+i*4;

	if(!APIInit(pContext, bMakeCopy))
		return PVR_FAIL;
		This is the texture with the fonts.
	PVRTextureHeaderV3 header;
	CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, MetaDataBlock> > MetaDataMap;
	bStatus = APIUpLoadTexture((unsigned char *)pTexData, &header, MetaDataMap);

	if (!bStatus)
		return PVR_FAIL;
		This is the associated font data with the default font
	bStatus = LoadFontData(&header, MetaDataMap);
	bStatus = APIUpLoadIcons(reinterpret_cast<const PVRTuint8* const>(PVRTPrint3DIMGLogo), reinterpret_cast<const PVRTuint8* const>(PVRTPrint3DPowerVRLogo));

	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	m_nVtxCacheMax = MIN_CACHED_VTX;
	m_pVtxCache = (SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex*)malloc(m_nVtxCacheMax * sizeof(*m_pVtxCache));
	m_nVtxCache = 0;

		return PVR_FAIL;

	// Everything is OK
	m_bTexturesSet = true;

	// Return Success
	return PVR_SUCCESS;

	return PVR_SUCCESS;

@fn       		Print3D
@param[in]		fPosX		X Position
@param[in]		fPosY		Y Position
@param[in]		fScale		Text scale
@param[in]		Colour		ARGB colour
@param[in]		UTF32		Array of UTF32 characters
@param[in]		bUpdate		Whether to update the vertices
@return			EPVRTError	Success of failure
@brief      	Takes an array of UTF32 characters and generates the required mesh.
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::Print3D(float fPosX, float fPosY, const float fScale, unsigned int Colour, const CPVRTArray<PVRTuint32>& UTF32, bool bUpdate)
	// No textures! so... no window
	if (!m_bTexturesSet)
		PVRTErrorOutputDebug("DisplayWindow : You must call CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(...) before using this function.\n");
		return PVR_FAIL;

	// nothing to be drawn
	if(UTF32.GetSize() == 0)
		return PVR_FAIL;

	// Adjust input parameters
		fPosX =  (float)((int)(fPosX * (640.0f/100.0f)));
		fPosY = -(float)((int)(fPosY * (480.0f/100.0f)));

	// Create Vertex Buffer (only if it doesn't exist)
	if(m_pPrint3dVtx == 0)
		m_pPrint3dVtx = (SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex*)malloc(MAX_LETTERS*4*sizeof(SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex));

			return PVR_FAIL;

	// Fill up our buffer
		m_nCachedNumVerts = UpdateLine(0.0f, fPosX, fPosY, fScale, Colour, UTF32, m_pPrint3dVtx);

	// Draw the text
	if(!DrawLine(m_pPrint3dVtx, m_nCachedNumVerts))
		return PVR_FAIL;

	return PVR_SUCCESS;

 @fn       			Print3D
 @param[in]			fPosX		Position of the text along X
 @param[in]			fPosY		Position of the text along Y
 @param[in]			fScale		Scale of the text
 @param[in]			Colour		Colour of the text
 @param[in]			pszFormat	Format string for the text
 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
 @brief      		Display wide-char 3D text on screen.
					CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(...) must have been called
					This function accepts formatting in the printf way.
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::Print3D(float fPosX, float fPosY, const float fScale, unsigned int Colour, const wchar_t * const pszFormat, ...)
	return PVR_SUCCESS;

	static wchar_t s_Text[MAX_LETTERS+1] = {0};

		Unfortunately only Windows seems to properly support non-ASCII characters formatted in
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
	va_list		args;
	// Reading the arguments to create our Text string
	va_start(args, pszFormat);
	vswprintf(s_Text, MAX_LETTERS+1, pszFormat, args);
	wcscpy(s_Text, pszFormat);

	bool bUpdate = false;

	// Optimisation to check that the strings are actually different.
	if(wcscmp(s_Text, m_pwzPreviousString) != 0 || m_fPrevX != fPosX || m_fPrevY != fPosY || m_fPrevScale != fScale || m_uiPrevCol != Colour)
		// Copy strings
		wcscpy(m_pwzPreviousString, s_Text);
		m_fPrevX = fPosX;
		m_fPrevY = fPosY;
		m_fPrevScale = fScale;
		m_uiPrevCol  = Colour;
#if PVRTSIZEOFWCHAR == 2			// 2 byte wchar.
		PVRTUnicodeUTF16ToUTF32((PVRTuint16*)s_Text, m_CachedUTF32);
#elif PVRTSIZEOFWCHAR == 4			// 4 byte wchar (POSIX)
		unsigned int uiC = 0;
		PVRTuint32* pUTF32 = (PVRTuint32*)s_Text;
		while(*pUTF32 && uiC < MAX_LETTERS)
		return PVR_FAIL;

		bUpdate = true;

	// Print
	return Print3D(fPosX, fPosY, fScale, Colour, m_CachedUTF32, bUpdate);

 @fn       			PVRTPrint3D
 @param[in]			fPosX		Position of the text along X
 @param[in]			fPosY		Position of the text along Y
 @param[in]			fScale		Scale of the text
 @param[in]			Colour		Colour of the text
 @param[in]			pszFormat	Format string for the text
 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
 @brief      		Display 3D text on screen.
					No window needs to be allocated to use this function.
					However, CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(...) must have been called
					This function accepts formatting in the printf way.
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::Print3D(float fPosX, float fPosY, const float fScale, unsigned int Colour, const char * const pszFormat, ...)
	return PVR_SUCCESS;

	va_list		args;
	static char	s_Text[MAX_LETTERS+1] = {0};
	// Reading the arguments to create our Text string
	va_start(args, pszFormat);
	vsnprintf(s_Text, MAX_LETTERS+1, pszFormat, args);

	bool bUpdate = false;

	// Optimisation to check that the strings are actually different.
	if(strcmp(s_Text, m_pszPreviousString) != 0 || m_fPrevX != fPosX || m_fPrevY != fPosY || m_fPrevScale != fScale || m_uiPrevCol != Colour)
		// Copy strings
		strcpy (m_pszPreviousString, s_Text);
		m_fPrevX = fPosX;
		m_fPrevY = fPosY;
		m_fPrevScale = fScale;
		m_uiPrevCol  = Colour;

		// Convert from UTF8 to UTF32
		PVRTUnicodeUTF8ToUTF32((const PVRTuint8*)s_Text, m_CachedUTF32);

		bUpdate = true;

	// Print
	return Print3D(fPosX, fPosY, fScale, Colour, m_CachedUTF32, bUpdate);

 @fn       			DisplayDefaultTitle
 @param[in]			sTitle				Title to display
 @param[in]			sDescription		Description to display
 @param[in]			uDisplayLogo		1 = Display the logo
 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
 @brief      		Creates a default title with predefined position and colours.
					It displays as well company logos when requested:
					0 = No logo
					1 = PowerVR logo
					2 = Img Tech logo
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::DisplayDefaultTitle(const char * const pszTitle, const char * const pszDescription, const unsigned int uDisplayLogo)

#if !defined (DISABLE_PRINT3D)

	// Display Title
		if(Print3D(0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,  PVRTRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), pszTitle) != PVR_SUCCESS)
			eRet = PVR_FAIL;
	float fYVal;
		fYVal = m_fScreenScale[0] * 480.0f;
		fYVal = m_fScreenScale[1] * 480.0f;

	// Display Description
        float fY;
		float a = 320.0f/fYVal;
		fY = m_uiNextLineH / (480.0f/100.0f) * a;
		if(Print3D(0.0f, fY, 0.8f,  PVRTRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), pszDescription) != PVR_SUCCESS)
			eRet = PVR_FAIL;

	m_uLogoToDisplay = uDisplayLogo;


	return eRet;

 @fn       			MeasureText
 @param[out]		pfWidth				Width of the string in pixels
 @param[out]		pfHeight			Height of the string in pixels
 @param[in]			fFontSize			Font size
 @param[in]			sString				String to take the size of
 @brief      		Returns the size of a string in pixels.
void CPVRTPrint3D::MeasureText(
	float		* const pfWidth,
	float		* const pfHeight,
	float				fScale,
	const CPVRTArray<PVRTuint32>& utf32)
#if !defined (DISABLE_PRINT3D)
	if(utf32.GetSize() == 0) {
			*pfWidth = 0;
			*pfHeight = 0;

	float fLength			= 0;
	float fMaxLength		= -1.0f;
	float fMaxHeight		= (float)m_uiNextLineH;
	PVRTuint32 txNextChar	= 0;
	PVRTuint32 uiIdx;
	for(PVRTuint32 uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < utf32.GetSize(); uiIndex++)
		if(utf32[uiIndex] == 0x0D || utf32[uiIndex] == 0x0A)
			if(fLength > fMaxLength)
				fMaxLength = fLength;

			fLength = 0;
			fMaxHeight += (float)m_uiNextLineH;
		uiIdx = FindCharacter(utf32[uiIndex]);
		if(uiIdx == PVRTPRINT3D_INVALID_CHAR)		// No character found. Add a space.
			fLength += m_uiSpaceWidth;

		txNextChar = utf32[uiIndex + 1];
		float fKernOffset = 0;
		ApplyKerning(utf32[uiIndex], txNextChar, fKernOffset);

		fLength += m_pCharMatrics[uiIdx].nAdv + fKernOffset;		// Add on this characters width

	if(fMaxLength < 0.0f)		// Obviously no new line.
		fMaxLength = fLength;

		*pfWidth = fMaxLength * fScale;
		*pfHeight = fMaxHeight * fScale;

 @fn       			GetSize
 @param[out]		pfWidth				Width of the string in pixels
 @param[out]		pfHeight			Height of the string in pixels
 @param[in]			pszUTF8				UTF8 string to take the size of
 @brief      		Returns the size of a string in pixels.
void CPVRTPrint3D::MeasureText(
	float		* const pfWidth,
	float		* const pfHeight,
	float				fScale,
	const char	* const pszUTF8)
	PVRTUnicodeUTF8ToUTF32((PVRTuint8*)pszUTF8, m_CachedUTF32);

 @fn       			MeasureText
 @param[out]		pfWidth		Width of the string in pixels
 @param[out]		pfHeight	Height of the string in pixels
 @param[in]			pszUnicode	Wide character string to take the length of.
 @brief      		Returns the size of a string in pixels.
void CPVRTPrint3D::MeasureText(
	float		* const pfWidth,
	float		* const pfHeight,
	float				fScale,
	const wchar_t* const pszUnicode)

#if PVRTSIZEOFWCHAR == 2			// 2 byte wchar.
	PVRTUnicodeUTF16ToUTF32((PVRTuint16*)pszUnicode, m_CachedUTF32);
#else								// 4 byte wchar (POSIX)
	unsigned int uiC = 0;
	PVRTuint32* pUTF32 = (PVRTuint32*)pszUnicode;
	while(*pUTF32 && uiC < MAX_LETTERS)

 @fn       			GetAspectRatio
 @param[out]		dwScreenX		Screen resolution X
 @param[out]		dwScreenY		Screen resolution Y
 @brief      		Returns the current resolution used by Print3D
void CPVRTPrint3D::GetAspectRatio(unsigned int *dwScreenX, unsigned int *dwScreenY)
#if !defined (DISABLE_PRINT3D)

	*dwScreenX = (int)(640.0f * m_fScreenScale[0]);
	*dwScreenY = (int)(480.0f * m_fScreenScale[1]);

*					 PRIVATE FUNCTIONS						 *

 @brief             Update a single line
 @param[in]			fZPos
 @param[in]			XPos
 @param[in]			YPos
 @param[in]			fScale
 @param[in]			Colour
 @param[in]			Text
 @param[in]			pVertices
 @return            Number of vertices affected
unsigned int CPVRTPrint3D::UpdateLine(const float fZPos, float XPos, float YPos, const float fScale, const unsigned int Colour, const CPVRTArray<PVRTuint32>& Text, SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex * const pVertices)
	/* Nothing to update */
	if (Text.GetSize() == 0) 
		return 0;

		XPos *= ((float)m_ui32ScreenDim[0] / 640.0f);
		YPos *= ((float)m_ui32ScreenDim[1] / 480.0f);

	YPos -= m_uiAscent * fScale;
	YPos = PVRTMakeWhole(YPos);

	float fPreXPos	= XPos;		// The original offset (after screen scale modification) of the X coordinate.

	float		fKernOffset;
	float		fAOff;
	float		fYOffset;
	unsigned int VertexCount = 0;
	PVRTint32 NextChar;

	unsigned int uiNumCharsInString = Text.GetSize();
	for(unsigned int uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < uiNumCharsInString; uiIndex++)
		if(uiIndex > MAX_LETTERS) 

		// Newline
		if(Text[uiIndex] == 0x0A)
			XPos = fPreXPos;
			YPos -= PVRTMakeWhole(m_uiNextLineH * fScale);

		// Get the character
		PVRTuint32 uiIdx = FindCharacter(Text[uiIndex]);

		// Not found. Add a space.
		if(uiIdx == PVRTPRINT3D_INVALID_CHAR)		// No character found. Add a space.
			XPos += PVRTMakeWhole(m_uiSpaceWidth * fScale);

		fKernOffset = 0;
		fYOffset	= m_pYOffsets[uiIdx] * fScale;
		fAOff		= PVRTMakeWhole(m_pCharMatrics[uiIdx].nXOff * fScale);					// The A offset. Could include overhang or underhang.
		if(uiIndex < uiNumCharsInString - 1)
			NextChar = Text[uiIndex + 1];
			ApplyKerning(Text[uiIndex], NextChar, fKernOffset);

		/* Filling vertex data */
		pVertices[VertexCount+0].sx		= f2vt(XPos + fAOff);
		pVertices[VertexCount+0].sy		= f2vt(YPos + fYOffset);
		pVertices[VertexCount+0].sz		= f2vt(fZPos);
		pVertices[VertexCount+0].rhw	= f2vt(1.0f);
		pVertices[VertexCount+0].tu		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fUL);
		pVertices[VertexCount+0].tv		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fVT);

		pVertices[VertexCount+1].sx		= f2vt(XPos + fAOff + PVRTMakeWhole(m_pRects[uiIdx].nW * fScale));
		pVertices[VertexCount+1].sy		= f2vt(YPos + fYOffset);
		pVertices[VertexCount+1].sz		= f2vt(fZPos);
		pVertices[VertexCount+1].rhw	= f2vt(1.0f);
		pVertices[VertexCount+1].tu		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fUR);
		pVertices[VertexCount+1].tv		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fVT);

		pVertices[VertexCount+2].sx		= f2vt(XPos + fAOff);
		pVertices[VertexCount+2].sy		= f2vt(YPos + fYOffset - PVRTMakeWhole(m_pRects[uiIdx].nH * fScale));
		pVertices[VertexCount+2].sz		= f2vt(fZPos);
		pVertices[VertexCount+2].rhw	= f2vt(1.0f);
		pVertices[VertexCount+2].tu		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fUL);
		pVertices[VertexCount+2].tv		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fVB);

		pVertices[VertexCount+3].sx		= f2vt(XPos + fAOff + PVRTMakeWhole(m_pRects[uiIdx].nW * fScale));
		pVertices[VertexCount+3].sy		= f2vt(YPos + fYOffset - PVRTMakeWhole(m_pRects[uiIdx].nH * fScale));
		pVertices[VertexCount+3].sz		= f2vt(fZPos);
		pVertices[VertexCount+3].rhw	= f2vt(1.0f);
		pVertices[VertexCount+3].tu		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fUR);
		pVertices[VertexCount+3].tv		= f2vt(m_pUVs[uiIdx].fVB);

		pVertices[VertexCount+0].color	= Colour;
		pVertices[VertexCount+1].color	= Colour;
		pVertices[VertexCount+2].color	= Colour;
		pVertices[VertexCount+3].color	= Colour;

		XPos = XPos + PVRTMakeWhole((m_pCharMatrics[uiIdx].nAdv + fKernOffset) * fScale);		// Add on this characters width
		VertexCount += 4;

	return VertexCount;

 @fn       			DrawLineUP
 @return			true or false
 @brief      		Draw a single line of text.
bool CPVRTPrint3D::DrawLine(SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex *pVtx, unsigned int nVertices)
		return true;

	_ASSERT((nVertices % 4) == 0);
	_ASSERT((nVertices/4) < MAX_LETTERS);

	while(m_nVtxCache + (int)nVertices > m_nVtxCacheMax) {
		if(m_nVtxCache + nVertices > MAX_CACHED_VTX) {
			_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "Print3D: Out of space to cache text! (More than %d vertices!)\n", MAX_CACHED_VTX);
			return false;

		m_nVtxCacheMax	= PVRT_MIN(m_nVtxCacheMax * 2, MAX_CACHED_VTX);
		SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex* pTmp = (SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex*)realloc(m_pVtxCache, m_nVtxCacheMax * sizeof(*m_pVtxCache));

			m_pVtxCache = 0;
			return false; // Failed to re-allocate data

		m_pVtxCache = pTmp;
		_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "Print3D: TextCache increased to %d vertices.\n", m_nVtxCacheMax);

	memcpy(&m_pVtxCache[m_nVtxCache], pVtx, nVertices * sizeof(*pVtx));
	m_nVtxCache += nVertices;
	return true;

 @fn       			SetProjection
 @brief      		Sets projection matrix.
void CPVRTPrint3D::SetProjection(const PVRTMat4& mProj)
	m_mProj				= mProj;
	m_bUsingProjection	= true;

 @fn       			SetModelView
 @brief      		Sets model view matrix.
void CPVRTPrint3D::SetModelView(const PVRTMat4& mModelView)
	m_mModelView = mModelView;

 @fn       		SetFiltering
 @param[in]		eFilter				The method of texture filtering
 @brief      	Sets the method of texture filtering for the font texture.
					Print3D will attempt to pick the best method by default
					but this method allows the user to override this.
void CPVRTPrint3D::SetFiltering(ETextureFilter eMin, ETextureFilter eMag, ETextureFilter eMip)
	if(eMin == eFilter_None) eMin = eFilter_Default;		// Illegal value
	if(eMag == eFilter_None) eMag = eFilter_Default;		// Illegal value

	m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Min] = eMin;
	m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mag] = eMag;
	m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Mip] = eMip;

 @fn       		GetFontAscent
 @return		unsigned int	The ascent.
 @brief      	Returns the 'ascent' of the font. This is typically the 
				height from the baseline of the larget glyph in the set.
unsigned int CPVRTPrint3D::GetFontAscent()
	return m_uiAscent;

 @fn       		GetFontLineSpacing
 @return		unsigned int	The line spacing.
 @brief      	Returns the default line spacing (i.e baseline to baseline) 
				for the font.
unsigned int CPVRTPrint3D::GetFontLineSpacing()
	return m_uiNextLineH;

** Local code

 End of file (PVRTPrint3D.cpp)