// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/instruction-scheduler.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
bool InstructionScheduler::SchedulerSupported() { return true; }
int InstructionScheduler::GetTargetInstructionFlags(
const Instruction* instr) const {
switch (instr->arch_opcode()) {
case kMips64AbsD:
case kMips64AbsS:
case kMips64Add:
case kMips64AddD:
case kMips64AddS:
case kMips64And:
case kMips64And32:
case kMips64AssertEqual:
case kMips64BitcastDL:
case kMips64BitcastLD:
case kMips64ByteSwap32:
case kMips64ByteSwap64:
case kMips64CeilWD:
case kMips64CeilWS:
case kMips64Clz:
case kMips64Cmp:
case kMips64CmpD:
case kMips64CmpS:
case kMips64Ctz:
case kMips64CvtDL:
case kMips64CvtDS:
case kMips64CvtDUl:
case kMips64CvtDUw:
case kMips64CvtDW:
case kMips64CvtSD:
case kMips64CvtSL:
case kMips64CvtSUl:
case kMips64CvtSUw:
case kMips64CvtSW:
case kMips64DMulHigh:
case kMips64MulHighU:
case kMips64Dadd:
case kMips64DaddOvf:
case kMips64Dclz:
case kMips64Dctz:
case kMips64Ddiv:
case kMips64DdivU:
case kMips64Dext:
case kMips64Dins:
case kMips64Div:
case kMips64DivD:
case kMips64DivS:
case kMips64DivU:
case kMips64Dlsa:
case kMips64Dmod:
case kMips64DmodU:
case kMips64Dmul:
case kMips64Dpopcnt:
case kMips64Dror:
case kMips64Dsar:
case kMips64Dshl:
case kMips64Dshr:
case kMips64Dsub:
case kMips64DsubOvf:
case kMips64Ext:
case kMips64F32x4Abs:
case kMips64F32x4Add:
case kMips64F32x4AddHoriz:
case kMips64F32x4Eq:
case kMips64F32x4ExtractLane:
case kMips64F32x4Lt:
case kMips64F32x4Le:
case kMips64F32x4Max:
case kMips64F32x4Min:
case kMips64F32x4Mul:
case kMips64F32x4Ne:
case kMips64F32x4Neg:
case kMips64F32x4RecipApprox:
case kMips64F32x4RecipSqrtApprox:
case kMips64F32x4ReplaceLane:
case kMips64F32x4SConvertI32x4:
case kMips64F32x4Splat:
case kMips64F32x4Sub:
case kMips64F32x4UConvertI32x4:
case kMips64Float32Max:
case kMips64Float32Min:
case kMips64Float32RoundDown:
case kMips64Float32RoundTiesEven:
case kMips64Float32RoundTruncate:
case kMips64Float32RoundUp:
case kMips64Float64ExtractLowWord32:
case kMips64Float64ExtractHighWord32:
case kMips64Float64InsertLowWord32:
case kMips64Float64InsertHighWord32:
case kMips64Float64Max:
case kMips64Float64Min:
case kMips64Float64RoundDown:
case kMips64Float64RoundTiesEven:
case kMips64Float64RoundTruncate:
case kMips64Float64RoundUp:
case kMips64Float64SilenceNaN:
case kMips64FloorWD:
case kMips64FloorWS:
case kMips64I16x8Add:
case kMips64I16x8AddHoriz:
case kMips64I16x8AddSaturateS:
case kMips64I16x8AddSaturateU:
case kMips64I16x8Eq:
case kMips64I16x8ExtractLane:
case kMips64I16x8GeS:
case kMips64I16x8GeU:
case kMips64I16x8GtS:
case kMips64I16x8GtU:
case kMips64I16x8MaxS:
case kMips64I16x8MaxU:
case kMips64I16x8MinS:
case kMips64I16x8MinU:
case kMips64I16x8Mul:
case kMips64I16x8Ne:
case kMips64I16x8Neg:
case kMips64I16x8ReplaceLane:
case kMips64I8x16SConvertI16x8:
case kMips64I16x8SConvertI32x4:
case kMips64I16x8SConvertI8x16High:
case kMips64I16x8SConvertI8x16Low:
case kMips64I16x8Shl:
case kMips64I16x8ShrS:
case kMips64I16x8ShrU:
case kMips64I16x8Splat:
case kMips64I16x8Sub:
case kMips64I16x8SubSaturateS:
case kMips64I16x8SubSaturateU:
case kMips64I8x16UConvertI16x8:
case kMips64I16x8UConvertI32x4:
case kMips64I16x8UConvertI8x16High:
case kMips64I16x8UConvertI8x16Low:
case kMips64I32x4Add:
case kMips64I32x4AddHoriz:
case kMips64I32x4Eq:
case kMips64I32x4ExtractLane:
case kMips64I32x4GeS:
case kMips64I32x4GeU:
case kMips64I32x4GtS:
case kMips64I32x4GtU:
case kMips64I32x4MaxS:
case kMips64I32x4MaxU:
case kMips64I32x4MinS:
case kMips64I32x4MinU:
case kMips64I32x4Mul:
case kMips64I32x4Ne:
case kMips64I32x4Neg:
case kMips64I32x4ReplaceLane:
case kMips64I32x4SConvertF32x4:
case kMips64I32x4SConvertI16x8High:
case kMips64I32x4SConvertI16x8Low:
case kMips64I32x4Shl:
case kMips64I32x4ShrS:
case kMips64I32x4ShrU:
case kMips64I32x4Splat:
case kMips64I32x4Sub:
case kMips64I32x4UConvertF32x4:
case kMips64I32x4UConvertI16x8High:
case kMips64I32x4UConvertI16x8Low:
case kMips64I8x16Add:
case kMips64I8x16AddSaturateS:
case kMips64I8x16AddSaturateU:
case kMips64I8x16Eq:
case kMips64I8x16ExtractLane:
case kMips64I8x16GeS:
case kMips64I8x16GeU:
case kMips64I8x16GtS:
case kMips64I8x16GtU:
case kMips64I8x16MaxS:
case kMips64I8x16MaxU:
case kMips64I8x16MinS:
case kMips64I8x16MinU:
case kMips64I8x16Mul:
case kMips64I8x16Ne:
case kMips64I8x16Neg:
case kMips64I8x16ReplaceLane:
case kMips64I8x16Shl:
case kMips64I8x16ShrS:
case kMips64I8x16ShrU:
case kMips64I8x16Splat:
case kMips64I8x16Sub:
case kMips64I8x16SubSaturateS:
case kMips64I8x16SubSaturateU:
case kMips64Ins:
case kMips64Lsa:
case kMips64MaxD:
case kMips64MaxS:
case kMips64MinD:
case kMips64MinS:
case kMips64Mod:
case kMips64ModU:
case kMips64Mov:
case kMips64Mul:
case kMips64MulD:
case kMips64MulHigh:
case kMips64MulOvf:
case kMips64MulS:
case kMips64NegD:
case kMips64NegS:
case kMips64Nor:
case kMips64Nor32:
case kMips64Or:
case kMips64Or32:
case kMips64Popcnt:
case kMips64Ror:
case kMips64RoundWD:
case kMips64RoundWS:
case kMips64S128And:
case kMips64S128Or:
case kMips64S128Not:
case kMips64S128Select:
case kMips64S128Xor:
case kMips64S128Zero:
case kMips64S16x8InterleaveEven:
case kMips64S16x8InterleaveOdd:
case kMips64S16x8InterleaveLeft:
case kMips64S16x8InterleaveRight:
case kMips64S16x8PackEven:
case kMips64S16x8PackOdd:
case kMips64S16x2Reverse:
case kMips64S16x4Reverse:
case kMips64S1x16AllTrue:
case kMips64S1x16AnyTrue:
case kMips64S1x4AllTrue:
case kMips64S1x4AnyTrue:
case kMips64S1x8AllTrue:
case kMips64S1x8AnyTrue:
case kMips64S32x4InterleaveEven:
case kMips64S32x4InterleaveOdd:
case kMips64S32x4InterleaveLeft:
case kMips64S32x4InterleaveRight:
case kMips64S32x4PackEven:
case kMips64S32x4PackOdd:
case kMips64S32x4Shuffle:
case kMips64S8x16Concat:
case kMips64S8x16InterleaveEven:
case kMips64S8x16InterleaveOdd:
case kMips64S8x16InterleaveLeft:
case kMips64S8x16InterleaveRight:
case kMips64S8x16PackEven:
case kMips64S8x16PackOdd:
case kMips64S8x2Reverse:
case kMips64S8x4Reverse:
case kMips64S8x8Reverse:
case kMips64S8x16Shuffle:
case kMips64Sar:
case kMips64Seb:
case kMips64Seh:
case kMips64Shl:
case kMips64Shr:
case kMips64SqrtD:
case kMips64SqrtS:
case kMips64Sub:
case kMips64SubD:
case kMips64SubS:
case kMips64TruncLD:
case kMips64TruncLS:
case kMips64TruncUlD:
case kMips64TruncUlS:
case kMips64TruncUwD:
case kMips64TruncUwS:
case kMips64TruncWD:
case kMips64TruncWS:
case kMips64Tst:
case kMips64Xor:
case kMips64Xor32:
return kNoOpcodeFlags;
case kMips64Lb:
case kMips64Lbu:
case kMips64Ld:
case kMips64Ldc1:
case kMips64Lh:
case kMips64Lhu:
case kMips64Lw:
case kMips64Lwc1:
case kMips64Lwu:
case kMips64MsaLd:
case kMips64Peek:
case kMips64Uld:
case kMips64Uldc1:
case kMips64Ulh:
case kMips64Ulhu:
case kMips64Ulw:
case kMips64Ulwu:
case kMips64Ulwc1:
return kIsLoadOperation;
case kMips64ModD:
case kMips64ModS:
case kMips64MsaSt:
case kMips64Push:
case kMips64Sb:
case kMips64Sd:
case kMips64Sdc1:
case kMips64Sh:
case kMips64StackClaim:
case kMips64StoreToStackSlot:
case kMips64Sw:
case kMips64Swc1:
case kMips64Usd:
case kMips64Usdc1:
case kMips64Ush:
case kMips64Usw:
case kMips64Uswc1:
return kHasSideEffect;
#define CASE(Name) case k##Name:
#undef CASE
// Already covered in architecture independent code.
enum Latency {
BRANCH = 4, // Estimated max.
RINT_S = 4, // Estimated.
RINT_D = 4, // Estimated.
MULT = 4,
MULTU = 4,
DMULT = 4,
MUL = 7,
DMUL = 7,
MUH = 7,
MUHU = 7,
DMUH = 7,
DMUHU = 7,
DIV = 50, // Min:11 Max:50
DDIV = 50,
DIVU = 50,
DDIVU = 50,
ABS_S = 4,
ABS_D = 4,
NEG_S = 4,
NEG_D = 4,
ADD_S = 4,
ADD_D = 4,
SUB_S = 4,
SUB_D = 4,
MAX_S = 4, // Estimated.
MIN_S = 4,
MAX_D = 4, // Estimated.
MIN_D = 4,
C_cond_S = 4,
C_cond_D = 4,
MUL_S = 4,
MADD_S = 4,
MSUB_S = 4,
NMADD_S = 4,
NMSUB_S = 4,
CABS_cond_S = 4,
CABS_cond_D = 4,
CVT_D_S = 4,
CVT_PS_PW = 4,
CVT_S_W = 4,
CVT_S_L = 4,
CVT_D_W = 4,
CVT_D_L = 4,
CVT_S_D = 4,
CVT_W_S = 4,
CVT_W_D = 4,
CVT_L_S = 4,
CVT_L_D = 4,
CEIL_W_S = 4,
CEIL_W_D = 4,
CEIL_L_S = 4,
CEIL_L_D = 4,
FLOOR_W_S = 4,
FLOOR_W_D = 4,
FLOOR_L_S = 4,
FLOOR_L_D = 4,
ROUND_W_S = 4,
ROUND_W_D = 4,
ROUND_L_S = 4,
ROUND_L_D = 4,
TRUNC_W_S = 4,
TRUNC_W_D = 4,
TRUNC_L_S = 4,
TRUNC_L_D = 4,
MOV_S = 4,
MOV_D = 4,
MOVF_S = 4,
MOVF_D = 4,
MOVN_S = 4,
MOVN_D = 4,
MOVT_S = 4,
MOVT_D = 4,
MOVZ_S = 4,
MOVZ_D = 4,
MUL_D = 5,
MADD_D = 5,
MSUB_D = 5,
NMADD_D = 5,
NMSUB_D = 5,
RECIP_S = 13,
RECIP_D = 26,
RSQRT_S = 17,
RSQRT_D = 36,
DIV_S = 17,
SQRT_S = 17,
DIV_D = 32,
SQRT_D = 32,
MTC1 = 4,
MTHC1 = 4,
DMTC1 = 4,
LWC1 = 4,
LDC1 = 4,
MFC1 = 1,
MFHC1 = 1,
DMFC1 = 1,
MFHI = 1,
MFLO = 1,
SWC1 = 1,
SDC1 = 1,
int DadduLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
if (is_operand_register) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2; // Estimated max.
int DsubuLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
return DadduLatency(is_operand_register);
int AndLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
return DadduLatency(is_operand_register);
int OrLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
return DadduLatency(is_operand_register);
int NorLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
if (is_operand_register) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2; // Estimated max.
int XorLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
return DadduLatency(is_operand_register);
int MulLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
if (is_operand_register) {
return Latency::MUL;
} else {
return Latency::MUL + 1;
int DmulLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = Latency::DMUL;
} else {
latency = Latency::DMULT + Latency::MFLO;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int MulhLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = Latency::MUH;
} else {
latency = Latency::MULT + Latency::MFHI;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int MulhuLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = Latency::MUH;
} else {
latency = Latency::MULTU + Latency::MFHI;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int DMulhLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = Latency::DMUH;
} else {
latency = Latency::DMULT + Latency::MFHI;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int DivLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
if (is_operand_register) {
return Latency::DIV;
} else {
return Latency::DIV + 1;
int DivuLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
if (is_operand_register) {
return Latency::DIVU;
} else {
return Latency::DIVU + 1;
int DdivLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = Latency::DDIV;
} else {
latency = Latency::DDIV + Latency::MFLO;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int DdivuLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = Latency::DDIVU;
} else {
latency = Latency::DDIVU + Latency::MFLO;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int ModLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = 1;
} else {
latency = Latency::DIV + Latency::MFHI;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int ModuLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = 1;
} else {
latency = Latency::DIVU + Latency::MFHI;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int DmodLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = 1;
} else {
latency = Latency::DDIV + Latency::MFHI;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int DmoduLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = 1;
} else {
latency = Latency::DDIV + Latency::MFHI;
if (!is_operand_register) {
latency += 1;
return latency;
int MovzLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return Latency::BRANCH + 1;
} else {
return 1;
int MovnLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return Latency::BRANCH + 1;
} else {
return 1;
int DlsaLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return DadduLatency() + 1;
int CallLatency() {
// Estimated.
return DadduLatency(false) + Latency::BRANCH + 5;
int JumpLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return 1 + DadduLatency() + Latency::BRANCH + 2;
int SmiUntagLatency() { return 1; }
int PrepareForTailCallLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return 2 * (DlsaLatency() + DadduLatency(false)) + 2 + Latency::BRANCH +
Latency::BRANCH + 2 * DsubuLatency(false) + 2 + Latency::BRANCH + 1;
int AssemblePopArgumentsAdoptFrameLatency() {
return 1 + Latency::BRANCH + 1 + SmiUntagLatency() +
int AssertLatency() { return 1; }
int PrepareCallCFunctionLatency() {
int frame_alignment = TurboAssembler::ActivationFrameAlignment();
if (frame_alignment > kPointerSize) {
return 1 + DsubuLatency(false) + AndLatency(false) + 1;
} else {
return DsubuLatency(false);
int AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() {
return 3; // Estimated max.
int AlignedMemoryLatency() { return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + 1; }
int UlhuLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + 2 * AlignedMemoryLatency() + 2;
int UlwLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
// Estimated max.
return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + 3;
int UlwuLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return UlwLatency() + 1;
int UldLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
// Estimated max.
return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + 3;
int Ulwc1Latency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return UlwLatency() + Latency::MTC1;
int Uldc1Latency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return UldLatency() + Latency::DMTC1;
int UshLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
// Estimated max.
return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + 2 + 2 * AlignedMemoryLatency();
int UswLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + 2;
int UsdLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + 2;
int Uswc1Latency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return Latency::MFC1 + UswLatency();
int Usdc1Latency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
} else {
return Latency::DMFC1 + UsdLatency();
int Lwc1Latency() { return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + Latency::LWC1; }
int Swc1Latency() { return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + Latency::SWC1; }
int Sdc1Latency() { return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + Latency::SDC1; }
int Ldc1Latency() { return AdjustBaseAndOffsetLatency() + Latency::LDC1; }
int MultiPushLatency() {
int latency = DsubuLatency(false);
for (int16_t i = kNumRegisters - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return latency;
int MultiPushFPULatency() {
int latency = DsubuLatency(false);
for (int16_t i = kNumRegisters - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
latency += Sdc1Latency();
return latency;
int PushCallerSavedLatency(SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode) {
int latency = MultiPushLatency();
if (fp_mode == kSaveFPRegs) {
latency += MultiPushFPULatency();
return latency;
int MultiPopLatency() {
int latency = DadduLatency(false);
for (int16_t i = 0; i < kNumRegisters; i++) {
return latency;
int MultiPopFPULatency() {
int latency = DadduLatency(false);
for (int16_t i = 0; i < kNumRegisters; i++) {
latency += Ldc1Latency();
return latency;
int PopCallerSavedLatency(SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode) {
int latency = MultiPopLatency();
if (fp_mode == kSaveFPRegs) {
latency += MultiPopFPULatency();
return latency;
int CallCFunctionHelperLatency() {
// Estimated.
int latency = AndLatency(false) + Latency::BRANCH + 2 + CallLatency();
if (base::OS::ActivationFrameAlignment() > kPointerSize) {
} else {
latency += DadduLatency(false);
return latency;
int CallCFunctionLatency() { return 1 + CallCFunctionHelperLatency(); }
int AssembleArchJumpLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return Latency::BRANCH;
int AssembleArchLookupSwitchLatency(const Instruction* instr) {
int latency = 0;
for (size_t index = 2; index < instr->InputCount(); index += 2) {
latency += 1 + Latency::BRANCH;
return latency + AssembleArchJumpLatency();
int GenerateSwitchTableLatency() {
int latency = 0;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
latency = DlsaLatency() + 2;
} else {
latency = 6;
latency += 2;
return latency;
int AssembleArchTableSwitchLatency() {
return Latency::BRANCH + GenerateSwitchTableLatency();
int DropAndRetLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return DadduLatency(false) + JumpLatency();
int AssemblerReturnLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return DadduLatency(false) + MultiPopLatency() + MultiPopFPULatency() +
Latency::BRANCH + DadduLatency() + 1 + DropAndRetLatency();
int TryInlineTruncateDoubleToILatency() {
return 2 + Latency::TRUNC_W_D + Latency::MFC1 + 2 + AndLatency(false) +
int CallStubDelayedLatency() { return 1 + CallLatency(); }
int TruncateDoubleToIDelayedLatency() {
return TryInlineTruncateDoubleToILatency() + 1 + DsubuLatency(false) +
Sdc1Latency() + CallStubDelayedLatency() + DadduLatency(false) + 1;
int CheckPageFlagLatency() {
return AndLatency(false) + AlignedMemoryLatency() + AndLatency(false) +
int SltuLatency(bool is_operand_register = true) {
if (is_operand_register) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2; // Estimated max.
int BranchShortHelperR6Latency() {
return 2; // Estimated max.
int BranchShortHelperLatency() {
return SltuLatency() + 2; // Estimated max.
int BranchShortLatency(BranchDelaySlot bdslot = PROTECT) {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6 && bdslot == PROTECT) {
return BranchShortHelperR6Latency();
} else {
return BranchShortHelperLatency();
int MoveLatency() { return 1; }
int MovToFloatParametersLatency() { return 2 * MoveLatency(); }
int MovFromFloatResultLatency() { return MoveLatency(); }
int DaddOverflowLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return 6;
int DsubOverflowLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return 6;
int MulOverflowLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return MulLatency() + MulhLatency() + 2;
int DclzLatency() { return 1; }
int CtzLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return 3 + DclzLatency();
} else {
return DadduLatency(false) + XorLatency() + AndLatency() + DclzLatency() +
1 + DsubuLatency();
int DctzLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return 4;
} else {
return DadduLatency(false) + XorLatency() + AndLatency() + 1 +
int PopcntLatency() {
return 2 + AndLatency() + DsubuLatency() + 1 + AndLatency() + 1 +
AndLatency() + DadduLatency() + 1 + DadduLatency() + 1 + AndLatency() +
1 + MulLatency() + 1;
int DpopcntLatency() {
return 2 + AndLatency() + DsubuLatency() + 1 + AndLatency() + 1 +
AndLatency() + DadduLatency() + 1 + DadduLatency() + 1 + AndLatency() +
1 + DmulLatency() + 1;
int CompareFLatency() { return Latency::C_cond_S; }
int CompareF32Latency() { return CompareFLatency(); }
int CompareF64Latency() { return CompareFLatency(); }
int CompareIsNanFLatency() { return CompareFLatency(); }
int CompareIsNanF32Latency() { return CompareIsNanFLatency(); }
int CompareIsNanF64Latency() { return CompareIsNanFLatency(); }
int NegsLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return Latency::NEG_S;
} else {
// Estimated.
return CompareIsNanF32Latency() + 2 * Latency::BRANCH + Latency::NEG_S +
Latency::MFC1 + 1 + XorLatency() + Latency::MTC1;
int NegdLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return Latency::NEG_D;
} else {
// Estimated.
return CompareIsNanF64Latency() + 2 * Latency::BRANCH + Latency::NEG_D +
Latency::DMFC1 + 1 + XorLatency() + Latency::DMTC1;
int Float64RoundLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return Latency::RINT_D + 4;
} else {
// For ceil_l_d, floor_l_d, round_l_d, trunc_l_d latency is 4.
return Latency::DMFC1 + 1 + Latency::BRANCH + Latency::MOV_D + 4 +
Latency::DMFC1 + Latency::BRANCH + Latency::CVT_D_L + 2 +
int Float32RoundLatency() {
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return Latency::RINT_S + 4;
} else {
// For ceil_w_s, floor_w_s, round_w_s, trunc_w_s latency is 4.
return Latency::MFC1 + 1 + Latency::BRANCH + Latency::MOV_S + 4 +
Latency::MFC1 + Latency::BRANCH + Latency::CVT_S_W + 2 +
int Float32MaxLatency() {
// Estimated max.
int latency = CompareIsNanF32Latency() + Latency::BRANCH;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency + Latency::MAX_S;
} else {
return latency + 5 * Latency::BRANCH + 2 * CompareF32Latency() +
Latency::MFC1 + 1 + Latency::MOV_S;
int Float64MaxLatency() {
// Estimated max.
int latency = CompareIsNanF64Latency() + Latency::BRANCH;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency + Latency::MAX_D;
} else {
return latency + 5 * Latency::BRANCH + 2 * CompareF64Latency() +
Latency::DMFC1 + Latency::MOV_D;
int Float32MinLatency() {
// Estimated max.
int latency = CompareIsNanF32Latency() + Latency::BRANCH;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency + Latency::MIN_S;
} else {
return latency + 5 * Latency::BRANCH + 2 * CompareF32Latency() +
Latency::MFC1 + 1 + Latency::MOV_S;
int Float64MinLatency() {
// Estimated max.
int latency = CompareIsNanF64Latency() + Latency::BRANCH;
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency + Latency::MIN_D;
} else {
return latency + 5 * Latency::BRANCH + 2 * CompareF32Latency() +
Latency::DMFC1 + Latency::MOV_D;
int TruncLSLatency(bool load_status) {
int latency = Latency::TRUNC_L_S + Latency::DMFC1;
if (load_status) {
latency += SltuLatency() + 7;
return latency;
int TruncLDLatency(bool load_status) {
int latency = Latency::TRUNC_L_D + Latency::DMFC1;
if (load_status) {
latency += SltuLatency() + 7;
return latency;
int TruncUlSLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return 2 * CompareF32Latency() + CompareIsNanF32Latency() +
4 * Latency::BRANCH + Latency::SUB_S + 2 * Latency::TRUNC_L_S +
3 * Latency::DMFC1 + OrLatency() + Latency::MTC1 + Latency::MOV_S +
SltuLatency() + 4;
int TruncUlDLatency() {
// Estimated max.
return 2 * CompareF64Latency() + CompareIsNanF64Latency() +
4 * Latency::BRANCH + Latency::SUB_D + 2 * Latency::TRUNC_L_D +
3 * Latency::DMFC1 + OrLatency() + Latency::DMTC1 + Latency::MOV_D +
SltuLatency() + 4;
int PushLatency() { return DadduLatency() + AlignedMemoryLatency(); }
int ByteSwapSignedLatency() { return 2; }
int LlLatency(int offset) {
bool is_one_instruction =
(kArchVariant == kMips64r6) ? is_int9(offset) : is_int16(offset);
if (is_one_instruction) {
return 1;
} else {
return 3;
int ExtractBitsLatency(bool sign_extend, int size) {
int latency = 2;
if (sign_extend) {
switch (size) {
case 8:
case 16:
case 32:
latency += 1;
return latency;
int InsertBitsLatency() { return 2 + DsubuLatency(false) + 2; }
int ScLatency(int offset) {
bool is_one_instruction =
(kArchVariant == kMips64r6) ? is_int9(offset) : is_int16(offset);
if (is_one_instruction) {
return 1;
} else {
return 3;
int Word32AtomicExchangeLatency(bool sign_extend, int size) {
return DadduLatency(false) + 1 + DsubuLatency() + 2 + LlLatency(0) +
ExtractBitsLatency(sign_extend, size) + InsertBitsLatency() +
ScLatency(0) + BranchShortLatency() + 1;
int Word32AtomicCompareExchangeLatency(bool sign_extend, int size) {
return 2 + DsubuLatency() + 2 + LlLatency(0) +
ExtractBitsLatency(sign_extend, size) + InsertBitsLatency() +
ScLatency(0) + BranchShortLatency() + 1;
int InstructionScheduler::GetInstructionLatency(const Instruction* instr) {
// Basic latency modeling for MIPS64 instructions. They have been determined
// in empirical way.
switch (instr->arch_opcode()) {
case kArchCallCodeObject:
case kArchCallWasmFunction:
return CallLatency();
case kArchTailCallCodeObjectFromJSFunction:
case kArchTailCallCodeObject: {
int latency = 0;
if (instr->arch_opcode() == kArchTailCallCodeObjectFromJSFunction) {
latency = AssemblePopArgumentsAdoptFrameLatency();
return latency + JumpLatency();
case kArchTailCallWasm:
case kArchTailCallAddress:
return JumpLatency();
case kArchCallJSFunction: {
int latency = 0;
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
latency = 1 + AssertLatency();
return latency + 1 + DadduLatency(false) + CallLatency();
case kArchPrepareCallCFunction:
return PrepareCallCFunctionLatency();
case kArchSaveCallerRegisters: {
auto fp_mode =
return PushCallerSavedLatency(fp_mode);
case kArchRestoreCallerRegisters: {
auto fp_mode =
return PopCallerSavedLatency(fp_mode);
case kArchPrepareTailCall:
return 2;
case kArchCallCFunction:
return CallCFunctionLatency();
case kArchJmp:
return AssembleArchJumpLatency();
case kArchLookupSwitch:
return AssembleArchLookupSwitchLatency(instr);
case kArchTableSwitch:
return AssembleArchTableSwitchLatency();
case kArchDebugAbort:
return CallLatency() + 1;
case kArchDebugBreak:
return 1;
case kArchComment:
case kArchNop:
case kArchThrowTerminator:
case kArchDeoptimize:
return 0;
case kArchRet:
return AssemblerReturnLatency();
case kArchStackPointer:
case kArchFramePointer:
return 1;
case kArchParentFramePointer:
// Estimated max.
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
case kArchTruncateDoubleToI:
return TruncateDoubleToIDelayedLatency();
case kArchStoreWithWriteBarrier:
return DadduLatency() + 1 + CheckPageFlagLatency();
case kArchStackSlot:
// Estimated max.
return DadduLatency(false) + AndLatency(false) + AssertLatency() +
DadduLatency(false) + AndLatency(false) + BranchShortLatency() +
1 + DsubuLatency() + DadduLatency();
case kArchWordPoisonOnSpeculation:
return AndLatency();
case kIeee754Float64Acos:
case kIeee754Float64Acosh:
case kIeee754Float64Asin:
case kIeee754Float64Asinh:
case kIeee754Float64Atan:
case kIeee754Float64Atanh:
case kIeee754Float64Atan2:
case kIeee754Float64Cos:
case kIeee754Float64Cosh:
case kIeee754Float64Cbrt:
case kIeee754Float64Exp:
case kIeee754Float64Expm1:
case kIeee754Float64Log:
case kIeee754Float64Log1p:
case kIeee754Float64Log10:
case kIeee754Float64Log2:
case kIeee754Float64Pow:
case kIeee754Float64Sin:
case kIeee754Float64Sinh:
case kIeee754Float64Tan:
case kIeee754Float64Tanh:
return PrepareCallCFunctionLatency() + MovToFloatParametersLatency() +
CallCFunctionLatency() + MovFromFloatResultLatency();
case kMips64Add:
case kMips64Dadd:
return DadduLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
case kMips64DaddOvf:
return DaddOverflowLatency();
case kMips64Sub:
case kMips64Dsub:
return DsubuLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
case kMips64DsubOvf:
return DsubOverflowLatency();
case kMips64Mul:
return MulLatency();
case kMips64MulOvf:
return MulOverflowLatency();
case kMips64MulHigh:
return MulhLatency();
case kMips64MulHighU:
return MulhuLatency();
case kMips64DMulHigh:
return DMulhLatency();
case kMips64Div: {
int latency = DivLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency++;
} else {
return latency + MovzLatency();
case kMips64DivU: {
int latency = DivuLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency++;
} else {
return latency + MovzLatency();
case kMips64Mod:
return ModLatency();
case kMips64ModU:
return ModuLatency();
case kMips64Dmul:
return DmulLatency();
case kMips64Ddiv: {
int latency = DdivLatency();
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency++;
} else {
return latency + MovzLatency();
case kMips64DdivU: {
int latency = DdivuLatency();
if (kArchVariant >= kMips64r6) {
return latency++;
} else {
return latency + MovzLatency();
case kMips64Dmod:
return DmodLatency();
case kMips64DmodU:
return DmoduLatency();
case kMips64Dlsa:
case kMips64Lsa:
return DlsaLatency();
case kMips64And:
return AndLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
case kMips64And32: {
bool is_operand_register = instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister();
int latency = AndLatency(is_operand_register);
if (is_operand_register) {
return latency + 2;
} else {
return latency + 1;
case kMips64Or:
return OrLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
case kMips64Or32: {
bool is_operand_register = instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister();
int latency = OrLatency(is_operand_register);
if (is_operand_register) {
return latency + 2;
} else {
return latency + 1;
case kMips64Nor:
return NorLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
case kMips64Nor32: {
bool is_operand_register = instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister();
int latency = NorLatency(is_operand_register);
if (is_operand_register) {
return latency + 2;
} else {
return latency + 1;
case kMips64Xor:
return XorLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
case kMips64Xor32: {
bool is_operand_register = instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister();
int latency = XorLatency(is_operand_register);
if (is_operand_register) {
return latency + 2;
} else {
return latency + 1;
case kMips64Clz:
case kMips64Dclz:
return DclzLatency();
case kMips64Ctz:
return CtzLatency();
case kMips64Dctz:
return DctzLatency();
case kMips64Popcnt:
return PopcntLatency();
case kMips64Dpopcnt:
return DpopcntLatency();
case kMips64Shl:
return 1;
case kMips64Shr:
case kMips64Sar:
return 2;
case kMips64Ext:
case kMips64Ins:
case kMips64Dext:
case kMips64Dins:
case kMips64Dshl:
case kMips64Dshr:
case kMips64Dsar:
case kMips64Ror:
case kMips64Dror:
return 1;
case kMips64Tst:
return AndLatency(instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister());
case kMips64Mov:
return 1;
case kMips64CmpS:
return MoveLatency() + CompareF32Latency();
case kMips64AddS:
return Latency::ADD_S;
case kMips64SubS:
return Latency::SUB_S;
case kMips64MulS:
return Latency::MUL_S;
case kMips64DivS:
return Latency::DIV_S;
case kMips64ModS:
return PrepareCallCFunctionLatency() + MovToFloatParametersLatency() +
CallCFunctionLatency() + MovFromFloatResultLatency();
case kMips64AbsS:
return Latency::ABS_S;
case kMips64NegS:
return NegdLatency();
case kMips64SqrtS:
return Latency::SQRT_S;
case kMips64MaxS:
return Latency::MAX_S;
case kMips64MinS:
return Latency::MIN_S;
case kMips64CmpD:
return MoveLatency() + CompareF64Latency();
case kMips64AddD:
return Latency::ADD_D;
case kMips64SubD:
return Latency::SUB_D;
case kMips64MulD:
return Latency::MUL_D;
case kMips64DivD:
return Latency::DIV_D;
case kMips64ModD:
return PrepareCallCFunctionLatency() + MovToFloatParametersLatency() +
CallCFunctionLatency() + MovFromFloatResultLatency();
case kMips64AbsD:
return Latency::ABS_D;
case kMips64NegD:
return NegdLatency();
case kMips64SqrtD:
return Latency::SQRT_D;
case kMips64MaxD:
return Latency::MAX_D;
case kMips64MinD:
return Latency::MIN_D;
case kMips64Float64RoundDown:
case kMips64Float64RoundTruncate:
case kMips64Float64RoundUp:
case kMips64Float64RoundTiesEven:
return Float64RoundLatency();
case kMips64Float32RoundDown:
case kMips64Float32RoundTruncate:
case kMips64Float32RoundUp:
case kMips64Float32RoundTiesEven:
return Float32RoundLatency();
case kMips64Float32Max:
return Float32MaxLatency();
case kMips64Float64Max:
return Float64MaxLatency();
case kMips64Float32Min:
return Float32MinLatency();
case kMips64Float64Min:
return Float64MinLatency();
case kMips64Float64SilenceNaN:
return Latency::SUB_D;
case kMips64CvtSD:
return Latency::CVT_S_D;
case kMips64CvtDS:
return Latency::CVT_D_S;
case kMips64CvtDW:
return Latency::MTC1 + Latency::CVT_D_W;
case kMips64CvtSW:
return Latency::MTC1 + Latency::CVT_S_W;
case kMips64CvtSUw:
return 1 + Latency::DMTC1 + Latency::CVT_S_L;
case kMips64CvtSL:
return Latency::DMTC1 + Latency::CVT_S_L;
case kMips64CvtDL:
return Latency::DMTC1 + Latency::CVT_D_L;
case kMips64CvtDUw:
return 1 + Latency::DMTC1 + Latency::CVT_D_L;
case kMips64CvtDUl:
return 2 * Latency::BRANCH + 3 + 2 * Latency::DMTC1 +
2 * Latency::CVT_D_L + Latency::ADD_D;
case kMips64CvtSUl:
return 2 * Latency::BRANCH + 3 + 2 * Latency::DMTC1 +
2 * Latency::CVT_S_L + Latency::ADD_S;
case kMips64FloorWD:
return Latency::FLOOR_W_D + Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64CeilWD:
return Latency::CEIL_W_D + Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64RoundWD:
return Latency::ROUND_W_D + Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64TruncWD:
return Latency::TRUNC_W_D + Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64FloorWS:
return Latency::FLOOR_W_S + Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64CeilWS:
return Latency::CEIL_W_S + Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64RoundWS:
return Latency::ROUND_W_S + Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64TruncWS:
return Latency::TRUNC_W_S + Latency::MFC1 + 2 + MovnLatency();
case kMips64TruncLS:
return TruncLSLatency(instr->OutputCount() > 1);
case kMips64TruncLD:
return TruncLDLatency(instr->OutputCount() > 1);
case kMips64TruncUwD:
// Estimated max.
return CompareF64Latency() + 2 * Latency::BRANCH +
2 * Latency::TRUNC_W_D + Latency::SUB_D + OrLatency() +
Latency::MTC1 + Latency::MFC1 + Latency::MTHC1 + 1;
case kMips64TruncUwS:
// Estimated max.
return CompareF32Latency() + 2 * Latency::BRANCH +
2 * Latency::TRUNC_W_S + Latency::SUB_S + OrLatency() +
Latency::MTC1 + 2 * Latency::MFC1 + 2 + MovzLatency();
case kMips64TruncUlS:
return TruncUlSLatency();
case kMips64TruncUlD:
return TruncUlDLatency();
case kMips64BitcastDL:
return Latency::DMFC1;
case kMips64BitcastLD:
return Latency::DMTC1;
case kMips64Float64ExtractLowWord32:
return Latency::MFC1;
case kMips64Float64InsertLowWord32:
return Latency::MFHC1 + Latency::MTC1 + Latency::MTHC1;
case kMips64Float64ExtractHighWord32:
return Latency::MFHC1;
case kMips64Float64InsertHighWord32:
return Latency::MTHC1;
case kMips64Seb:
case kMips64Seh:
return 1;
case kMips64Lbu:
case kMips64Lb:
case kMips64Lhu:
case kMips64Lh:
case kMips64Lwu:
case kMips64Lw:
case kMips64Ld:
case kMips64Sb:
case kMips64Sh:
case kMips64Sw:
case kMips64Sd:
return AlignedMemoryLatency();
case kMips64Lwc1:
return Lwc1Latency();
case kMips64Ldc1:
return Ldc1Latency();
case kMips64Swc1:
return Swc1Latency();
case kMips64Sdc1:
return Sdc1Latency();
case kMips64Ulhu:
case kMips64Ulh:
return UlhuLatency();
case kMips64Ulwu:
return UlwuLatency();
case kMips64Ulw:
return UlwLatency();
case kMips64Uld:
return UldLatency();
case kMips64Ulwc1:
return Ulwc1Latency();
case kMips64Uldc1:
return Uldc1Latency();
case kMips64Ush:
return UshLatency();
case kMips64Usw:
return UswLatency();
case kMips64Usd:
return UsdLatency();
case kMips64Uswc1:
return Uswc1Latency();
case kMips64Usdc1:
return Usdc1Latency();
case kMips64Push: {
int latency = 0;
if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsFPRegister()) {
latency = Sdc1Latency() + DsubuLatency(false);
} else {
latency = PushLatency();
return latency;
case kMips64Peek: {
int latency = 0;
if (instr->OutputAt(0)->IsFPRegister()) {
auto op = LocationOperand::cast(instr->OutputAt(0));
switch (op->representation()) {
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
latency = Ldc1Latency();
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
latency = Latency::LWC1;
} else {
latency = AlignedMemoryLatency();
return latency;
case kMips64StackClaim:
return DsubuLatency(false);
case kMips64StoreToStackSlot: {
int latency = 0;
if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsFPRegister()) {
if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsSimd128Register()) {
latency = 1; // Estimated value.
} else {
latency = Sdc1Latency();
} else {
latency = AlignedMemoryLatency();
return latency;
case kMips64ByteSwap64:
return ByteSwapSignedLatency();
case kMips64ByteSwap32:
return ByteSwapSignedLatency();
case kWord32AtomicLoadInt8:
case kWord32AtomicLoadUint8:
case kWord32AtomicLoadInt16:
case kWord32AtomicLoadUint16:
case kWord32AtomicLoadWord32:
return 2;
case kWord32AtomicStoreWord8:
case kWord32AtomicStoreWord16:
case kWord32AtomicStoreWord32:
return 3;
case kWord32AtomicExchangeInt8:
return Word32AtomicExchangeLatency(true, 8);
case kWord32AtomicExchangeUint8:
return Word32AtomicExchangeLatency(false, 8);
case kWord32AtomicExchangeInt16:
return Word32AtomicExchangeLatency(true, 16);
case kWord32AtomicExchangeUint16:
return Word32AtomicExchangeLatency(false, 16);
case kWord32AtomicExchangeWord32:
return 2 + LlLatency(0) + 1 + ScLatency(0) + BranchShortLatency() + 1;
case kWord32AtomicCompareExchangeInt8:
return Word32AtomicCompareExchangeLatency(true, 8);
case kWord32AtomicCompareExchangeUint8:
return Word32AtomicCompareExchangeLatency(false, 8);
case kWord32AtomicCompareExchangeInt16:
return Word32AtomicCompareExchangeLatency(true, 16);
case kWord32AtomicCompareExchangeUint16:
return Word32AtomicCompareExchangeLatency(false, 16);
case kWord32AtomicCompareExchangeWord32:
return 3 + LlLatency(0) + BranchShortLatency() + 1 + ScLatency(0) +
BranchShortLatency() + 1;
case kMips64AssertEqual:
return AssertLatency();
return 1;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8