// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/field-type.h"
#include "src/handles-inl.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/ostreams.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// static
FieldType* FieldType::None() {
// Do not Smi::kZero here or for Any(), as that may translate
// as `nullptr` which is not a valid value for `this`.
return reinterpret_cast<FieldType*>(Smi::FromInt(2));
// static
FieldType* FieldType::Any() {
return reinterpret_cast<FieldType*>(Smi::FromInt(1));
// static
Handle<FieldType> FieldType::None(Isolate* isolate) {
return handle(None(), isolate);
// static
Handle<FieldType> FieldType::Any(Isolate* isolate) {
return handle(Any(), isolate);
// static
FieldType* FieldType::Class(i::Map* map) { return FieldType::cast(map); }
// static
Handle<FieldType> FieldType::Class(i::Handle<i::Map> map, Isolate* isolate) {
return handle(Class(*map), isolate);
// static
FieldType* FieldType::cast(Object* object) {
DCHECK(object == None() || object == Any() || object->IsMap());
return reinterpret_cast<FieldType*>(object);
bool FieldType::IsClass() { return this->IsMap(); }
Map* FieldType::AsClass() {
return Map::cast(this);
bool FieldType::NowStable() {
return !this->IsClass() || AsClass()->is_stable();
bool FieldType::NowIs(FieldType* other) {
if (other->IsAny()) return true;
if (IsNone()) return true;
if (other->IsNone()) return false;
if (IsAny()) return false;
return this == other;
bool FieldType::NowIs(Handle<FieldType> other) { return NowIs(*other); }
void FieldType::PrintTo(std::ostream& os) {
if (IsAny()) {
os << "Any";
} else if (IsNone()) {
os << "None";
} else {
os << "Class(" << static_cast<void*>(AsClass()) << ")";
bool FieldType::NowContains(Object* value) {
if (this == Any()) return true;
if (this == None()) return false;
if (!value->IsHeapObject()) return false;
return HeapObject::cast(value)->map() == Map::cast(this);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8