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// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef V8_SIMULATOR_H_
#define V8_SIMULATOR_H_

#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/code.h"

#include "src/ia32/simulator-ia32.h"
#elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64
#include "src/x64/simulator-x64.h"
#include "src/arm64/simulator-arm64.h"
#include "src/arm/simulator-arm.h"
#include "src/ppc/simulator-ppc.h"
#include "src/mips/simulator-mips.h"
#include "src/mips64/simulator-mips64.h"
#elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390
#include "src/s390/simulator-s390.h"
#error Unsupported target architecture.

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

#if defined(USE_SIMULATOR)
// Running with a simulator.

// The simulator has its own stack. Thus it has a different stack limit from
// the C-based native code.  The JS-based limit normally points near the end of
// the simulator stack.  When the C-based limit is exhausted we reflect that by
// lowering the JS-based limit as well, to make stack checks trigger.
class SimulatorStack : public v8::internal::AllStatic {
  static inline uintptr_t JsLimitFromCLimit(v8::internal::Isolate* isolate,
                                            uintptr_t c_limit) {
    return Simulator::current(isolate)->StackLimit(c_limit);

  static inline uintptr_t RegisterCTryCatch(v8::internal::Isolate* isolate,
                                            uintptr_t try_catch_address) {
    return Simulator::current(isolate)->PushAddress(try_catch_address);

  static inline void UnregisterCTryCatch(v8::internal::Isolate* isolate) {

#else  // defined(USE_SIMULATOR)
// Running without a simulator on a native platform.

// The stack limit beyond which we will throw stack overflow errors in
// generated code. Because generated code uses the C stack, we just use
// the C stack limit.
class SimulatorStack : public v8::internal::AllStatic {
  static inline uintptr_t JsLimitFromCLimit(v8::internal::Isolate* isolate,
                                            uintptr_t c_limit) {
    return c_limit;

  static inline uintptr_t RegisterCTryCatch(v8::internal::Isolate* isolate,
                                            uintptr_t try_catch_address) {
    return try_catch_address;

  static inline void UnregisterCTryCatch(v8::internal::Isolate* isolate) {

#endif  // defined(USE_SIMULATOR)

// Use this class either as {GeneratedCode<ret, arg1, arg2>} or
// {GeneratedCode<ret(arg1, arg2)>} (see specialization below).
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
class GeneratedCode {
  using Signature = Return(Args...);

  static GeneratedCode FromAddress(Isolate* isolate, Address addr) {
    return GeneratedCode(isolate, reinterpret_cast<Signature*>(addr));

  static GeneratedCode FromBuffer(Isolate* isolate, byte* buffer) {
    return GeneratedCode(isolate, reinterpret_cast<Signature*>(buffer));

  static GeneratedCode FromCode(Code* code) {
    return FromAddress(code->GetIsolate(), code->entry());

  // Defined in simulator-base.h.
  Return Call(Args... args) {
    return Simulator::current(isolate_)->template Call<Return>(
        reinterpret_cast<Address>(fn_ptr_), args...);
  DISABLE_CFI_ICALL Return Call(Args... args) {
    // When running without a simulator we call the entry directly.
    return fn_ptr_(args...);

  friend class GeneratedCode<Return(Args...)>;
  Isolate* isolate_;
  Signature* fn_ptr_;
  GeneratedCode(Isolate* isolate, Signature* fn_ptr)
      : isolate_(isolate), fn_ptr_(fn_ptr) {}

// Allow to use {GeneratedCode<ret(arg1, arg2)>} instead of
// {GeneratedCode<ret, arg1, arg2>}.
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
class GeneratedCode<Return(Args...)> : public GeneratedCode<Return, Args...> {
  // Automatically convert from {GeneratedCode<ret, arg1, arg2>} to
  // {GeneratedCode<ret(arg1, arg2)>}.
  GeneratedCode(GeneratedCode<Return, Args...> other)
      : GeneratedCode<Return, Args...>(other.isolate_, other.fn_ptr_) {}

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#endif  // V8_SIMULATOR_H_