// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/checks.h"
#include "src/elements-kind.h"
#include "src/objects.h"
#include "src/objects/descriptor-array.h"
#include "src/objects/map.h"
#include "src/objects/name.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// TransitionsAccessor is a helper class to encapsulate access to the various
// ways a Map can store transitions to other maps in its respective field at
// Map::kTransitionsOrPrototypeInfo.
// It caches state information internally, which becomes stale when a Map's
// transitions storage changes or when a GC cycle clears dead transitions;
// so while a TransitionsAccessor instance can be used for several read-only
// operations in a row (provided no GC happens between them), it must be
// discarded and recreated after "Insert" and "UpdateHandler" operations.
// Internal details: a Map's field either holds an in-place weak reference to a
// transition target, or a StoreIC handler for a transitioning store (which in
// turn points to its target map), or a TransitionArray for several target maps
// and/or handlers as well as prototype and ElementsKind transitions. Property
// details (and in case of inline target storage, the key) are retrieved from
// the target map's descriptor array. Stored transitions are weak in the GC
// sense: both single transitions stored inline and TransitionArray fields are
// cleared when the map they refer to is not otherwise reachable.
class TransitionsAccessor {
TransitionsAccessor(Isolate* isolate, Map* map, DisallowHeapAllocation* no_gc)
: isolate_(isolate), map_(map) {
TransitionsAccessor(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map)
: isolate_(isolate), map_handle_(map), map_(*map) {
// Insert a new transition into |map|'s transition array, extending it
// as necessary.
// Requires the constructor that takes a Handle<Map> to have been used.
// This TransitionsAccessor instance is unusable after this operation.
void Insert(Handle<Name> name, Handle<Map> target, SimpleTransitionFlag flag);
Map* SearchTransition(Name* name, PropertyKind kind,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
Map* SearchSpecial(Symbol* name);
// Returns true for non-property transitions like elements kind, or
// or frozen/sealed transitions.
static bool IsSpecialTransition(ReadOnlyRoots roots, Name* name);
enum RequestedLocation { kAnyLocation, kFieldOnly };
MaybeHandle<Map> FindTransitionToDataProperty(
Handle<Name> name, RequestedLocation requested_location = kAnyLocation);
MaybeHandle<Map> FindTransitionToField(Handle<Name> name) {
return FindTransitionToDataProperty(name, kFieldOnly);
Handle<String> ExpectedTransitionKey();
Handle<Map> ExpectedTransitionTarget();
int NumberOfTransitions();
// The size of transition arrays are limited so they do not end up in large
// object space. Otherwise ClearNonLiveReferences would leak memory while
// applying in-place right trimming.
static const int kMaxNumberOfTransitions = 1024 + 512;
bool CanHaveMoreTransitions();
inline Name* GetKey(int transition_number);
inline Map* GetTarget(int transition_number);
static inline PropertyDetails GetTargetDetails(Name* name, Map* target);
static bool IsMatchingMap(Map* target, Name* name, PropertyKind kind,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
// ===== ITERATION =====
typedef void (*TraverseCallback)(Map* map, void* data);
// Traverse the transition tree in postorder.
void TraverseTransitionTree(TraverseCallback callback, void* data) {
// Make sure that we do not allocate in the callback.
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
TraverseTransitionTreeInternal(callback, data, &no_allocation);
// When you set the prototype of an object using the __proto__ accessor you
// need a new map for the object (the prototype is stored in the map). In
// order not to multiply maps unnecessarily we store these as transitions in
// the original map. That way we can transition to the same map if the same
// prototype is set, rather than creating a new map every time. The
// transitions are in the form of a map where the keys are prototype objects
// and the values are the maps they transition to.
void PutPrototypeTransition(Handle<Object> prototype, Handle<Map> target_map);
Handle<Map> GetPrototypeTransition(Handle<Object> prototype);
void PrintTransitions(std::ostream& os);
static void PrintOneTransition(std::ostream& os, Name* key, Map* target);
void PrintTransitionTree();
void PrintTransitionTree(std::ostream& os, int level,
DisallowHeapAllocation* no_gc);
void CheckNewTransitionsAreConsistent(TransitionArray* old_transitions,
Object* transitions);
bool IsConsistentWithBackPointers();
bool IsSortedNoDuplicates();
// Allow tests to use inheritance to access internals.
enum Encoding {
void Reload() {
map_ = *map_handle_;
inline Encoding encoding() {
return encoding_;
friend class MarkCompactCollector; // For HasSimpleTransitionTo.
friend class TransitionArray;
static inline PropertyDetails GetSimpleTargetDetails(Map* transition) {
return transition->GetLastDescriptorDetails();
static inline Name* GetSimpleTransitionKey(Map* transition) {
int descriptor = transition->LastAdded();
return transition->instance_descriptors()->GetKey(descriptor);
static inline Map* GetTargetFromRaw(MaybeObject* raw);
void MarkNeedsReload() {
needs_reload_ = true;
void Initialize();
inline Map* GetSimpleTransition();
bool HasSimpleTransitionTo(Map* map);
void ReplaceTransitions(MaybeObject* new_transitions);
inline Map* GetTargetMapFromWeakRef();
void EnsureHasFullTransitionArray();
void SetPrototypeTransitions(Handle<WeakFixedArray> proto_transitions);
WeakFixedArray* GetPrototypeTransitions();
void TraverseTransitionTreeInternal(TraverseCallback callback, void* data,
DisallowHeapAllocation* no_gc);
inline TransitionArray* transitions();
Isolate* isolate_;
Handle<Map> map_handle_;
Map* map_;
MaybeObject* raw_transitions_;
Encoding encoding_;
bool needs_reload_;
// TransitionArrays are fixed arrays used to hold map transitions for property,
// constant, and element changes.
// The TransitionArray class exposes a very low-level interface. Most clients
// should use TransitionsAccessors.
// TransitionArrays have the following format:
// [0] Link to next TransitionArray (for weak handling support) (strong ref)
// [1] Smi(0) or WeakFixedArray of prototype transitions (strong ref)
// [2] Number of transitions (can be zero after trimming)
// [3] First transition key (strong ref)
// [4] First transition target (weak ref)
// ...
// [3 + number of transitions * kTransitionSize]: start of slack
class TransitionArray : public WeakFixedArray {
inline WeakFixedArray* GetPrototypeTransitions();
inline bool HasPrototypeTransitions();
// Accessors for fetching instance transition at transition number.
inline void SetKey(int transition_number, Name* value);
inline Name* GetKey(int transition_number);
inline HeapObjectReference** GetKeySlot(int transition_number);
inline Map* GetTarget(int transition_number);
inline void SetRawTarget(int transition_number, MaybeObject* target);
inline MaybeObject* GetRawTarget(int transition_number);
inline HeapObjectReference** GetTargetSlot(int transition_number);
inline bool GetTargetIfExists(int transition_number, Isolate* isolate,
Map** target);
// Required for templatized Search interface.
static const int kNotFound = -1;
Name* GetSortedKey(int transition_number) {
return GetKey(transition_number);
int GetSortedKeyIndex(int transition_number) { return transition_number; }
inline int number_of_entries() const { return number_of_transitions(); }
#ifdef DEBUG
bool IsSortedNoDuplicates(int valid_entries = -1);
void Sort();
void PrintInternal(std::ostream& os);
// Layout for full transition arrays.
static const int kPrototypeTransitionsIndex = 0;
static const int kTransitionLengthIndex = 1;
static const int kFirstIndex = 2;
// Layout of map transition entries in full transition arrays.
static const int kEntryKeyIndex = 0;
static const int kEntryTargetIndex = 1;
static const int kEntrySize = 2;
// Conversion from transition number to array indices.
static int ToKeyIndex(int transition_number) {
return kFirstIndex + (transition_number * kEntrySize) + kEntryKeyIndex;
static int ToTargetIndex(int transition_number) {
return kFirstIndex + (transition_number * kEntrySize) + kEntryTargetIndex;
inline int SearchNameForTesting(Name* name,
int* out_insertion_index = nullptr) {
return SearchName(name, out_insertion_index);
friend class Factory;
friend class MarkCompactCollector;
friend class TransitionsAccessor;
inline void SetNumberOfTransitions(int number_of_transitions);
inline int Capacity();
// Cache format:
// 0: finger - index of the first free cell in the cache
// 1 + i: target map
static const int kProtoTransitionHeaderSize = 1;
static const int kMaxCachedPrototypeTransitions = 256;
inline void SetPrototypeTransitions(WeakFixedArray* prototype_transitions);
static inline int NumberOfPrototypeTransitions(
WeakFixedArray* proto_transitions);
static void SetNumberOfPrototypeTransitions(WeakFixedArray* proto_transitions,
int value);
static const int kProtoTransitionNumberOfEntriesOffset = 0;
STATIC_ASSERT(kProtoTransitionHeaderSize == 1);
// Returns the fixed array length required to hold number_of_transitions
// transitions.
static int LengthFor(int number_of_transitions) {
return ToKeyIndex(number_of_transitions);
// Search a transition for a given kind, property name and attributes.
int Search(PropertyKind kind, Name* name, PropertyAttributes attributes,
int* out_insertion_index = nullptr);
// Search a non-property transition (like elements kind, observe or frozen
// transitions).
inline int SearchSpecial(Symbol* symbol, int* out_insertion_index = nullptr) {
return SearchName(symbol, out_insertion_index);
// Search a first transition for a given property name.
inline int SearchName(Name* name, int* out_insertion_index = nullptr);
int SearchDetails(int transition, PropertyKind kind,
PropertyAttributes attributes, int* out_insertion_index);
inline int number_of_transitions() const;
static bool CompactPrototypeTransitionArray(Isolate* isolate,
WeakFixedArray* array);
static Handle<WeakFixedArray> GrowPrototypeTransitionArray(
Handle<WeakFixedArray> array, int new_capacity, Isolate* isolate);
// Compares two tuples <key, kind, attributes>, returns -1 if
// tuple1 is "less" than tuple2, 0 if tuple1 equal to tuple2 and 1 otherwise.
static inline int CompareKeys(Name* key1, uint32_t hash1, PropertyKind kind1,
PropertyAttributes attributes1, Name* key2,
uint32_t hash2, PropertyKind kind2,
PropertyAttributes attributes2);
// Compares keys, returns -1 if key1 is "less" than key2,
// 0 if key1 equal to key2 and 1 otherwise.
static inline int CompareNames(Name* key1, uint32_t hash1, Name* key2,
uint32_t hash2);
// Compares two details, returns -1 if details1 is "less" than details2,
// 0 if details1 equal to details2 and 1 otherwise.
static inline int CompareDetails(PropertyKind kind1,
PropertyAttributes attributes1,
PropertyKind kind2,
PropertyAttributes attributes2);
inline void Set(int transition_number, Name* key, MaybeObject* target);
void Zap(Isolate* isolate);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"
#endif // V8_TRANSITIONS_H_