// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/unicode-inl.h"
#include "src/unicode-decoder.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace unibrow {
uint16_t Utf8Iterator::operator*() {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(char_ > Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)) {
return trailing_ ? Utf16::TrailSurrogate(char_)
: Utf16::LeadSurrogate(char_);
DCHECK_EQ(trailing_, false);
return char_;
Utf8Iterator& Utf8Iterator::operator++() {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(this->Done())) {
char_ = Utf8::kBufferEmpty;
return *this;
if (V8_UNLIKELY(char_ > Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode && !trailing_)) {
trailing_ = true;
return *this;
trailing_ = false;
offset_ = cursor_;
char_ =
Utf8::ValueOf(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(stream_.begin()) + cursor_,
stream_.length() - cursor_, &cursor_);
return *this;
Utf8Iterator Utf8Iterator::operator++(int) {
Utf8Iterator old(*this);
return old;
bool Utf8Iterator::Done() {
return offset_ == static_cast<size_t>(stream_.length());
void Utf8DecoderBase::Reset(uint16_t* buffer, size_t buffer_length,
const v8::internal::Vector<const char>& stream) {
size_t utf16_length = 0;
Utf8Iterator it = Utf8Iterator(stream);
// Loop until stream is read, writing to buffer as long as buffer has space.
while (utf16_length < buffer_length && !it.Done()) {
*buffer++ = *it;
bytes_read_ = it.Offset();
trailing_ = it.Trailing();
chars_written_ = utf16_length;
// Now that writing to buffer is done, we just need to calculate utf16_length
while (!it.Done()) {
utf16_length_ = utf16_length;
void Utf8DecoderBase::WriteUtf16Slow(
uint16_t* data, size_t length,
const v8::internal::Vector<const char>& stream, size_t offset,
bool trailing) {
Utf8Iterator it = Utf8Iterator(stream, offset, trailing);
while (!it.Done()) {
DCHECK_GT(length--, 0);
*data++ = *it;
} // namespace unibrow