// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/signature.h"
#include "src/base/platform/elapsed-timer.h"
#include "src/compiler/wasm-compiler.h"
#include "src/flags.h"
#include "src/handles.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/ostreams.h"
#include "src/wasm/decoder.h"
#include "src/wasm/function-body-decoder-impl.h"
#include "src/wasm/function-body-decoder.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-limits.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-linkage.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
namespace {
// An SsaEnv environment carries the current local variable renaming
// as well as the current effect and control dependency in the TF graph.
// It maintains a control state that tracks whether the environment
// is reachable, has reached a control end, or has been merged.
struct SsaEnv {
enum State { kControlEnd, kUnreachable, kReached, kMerged };
State state;
TFNode* control;
TFNode* effect;
compiler::WasmInstanceCacheNodes instance_cache;
TFNode** locals;
bool go() { return state >= kReached; }
void Kill(State new_state = kControlEnd) {
state = new_state;
locals = nullptr;
control = nullptr;
effect = nullptr;
instance_cache = {};
void SetNotMerged() {
if (state == kMerged) state = kReached;
#define BUILD(func, ...) \
([&] { \
DCHECK(ssa_env_->go()); \
DCHECK(decoder->ok()); \
return CheckForException(decoder, builder_->func(__VA_ARGS__)); \
constexpr uint32_t kNullCatch = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
class WasmGraphBuildingInterface {
static constexpr Decoder::ValidateFlag validate = Decoder::kValidate;
using FullDecoder = WasmFullDecoder<validate, WasmGraphBuildingInterface>;
struct Value : public ValueWithNamedConstructors<Value> {
TFNode* node;
struct TryInfo : public ZoneObject {
SsaEnv* catch_env;
TFNode* exception = nullptr;
explicit TryInfo(SsaEnv* c) : catch_env(c) {}
struct Control : public ControlWithNamedConstructors<Control, Value> {
SsaEnv* end_env; // end environment for the construct.
SsaEnv* false_env; // false environment (only for if).
TryInfo* try_info; // information used for compiling try statements.
int32_t previous_catch; // previous Control (on the stack) with a catch.
explicit WasmGraphBuildingInterface(TFBuilder* builder) : builder_(builder) {}
void StartFunction(FullDecoder* decoder) {
SsaEnv* ssa_env =
uint32_t num_locals = decoder->NumLocals();
uint32_t env_count = num_locals;
size_t size = sizeof(TFNode*) * env_count;
ssa_env->state = SsaEnv::kReached;
ssa_env->locals =
size > 0 ? reinterpret_cast<TFNode**>(decoder->zone()->New(size))
: nullptr;
// The first '+ 1' is needed by TF Start node, the second '+ 1' is for the
// instance parameter.
TFNode* start = builder_->Start(
static_cast<int>(decoder->sig_->parameter_count() + 1 + 1));
// Initialize the instance parameter (index 0).
// Initialize local variables. Parameters are shifted by 1 because of the
// the instance parameter.
uint32_t index = 0;
for (; index < decoder->sig_->parameter_count(); ++index) {
ssa_env->locals[index] = builder_->Param(index + 1);
while (index < num_locals) {
ValueType type = decoder->GetLocalType(index);
TFNode* node = DefaultValue(type);
while (index < num_locals && decoder->GetLocalType(index) == type) {
// Do a whole run of like-typed locals at a time.
ssa_env->locals[index++] = node;
ssa_env->effect = start;
ssa_env->control = start;
// Initialize effect and control before loading the context.
// Reload the instance cache entries into the Ssa Environment.
void LoadContextIntoSsa(SsaEnv* ssa_env) {
if (!ssa_env || !ssa_env->go()) return;
void StartFunctionBody(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
SsaEnv* break_env = ssa_env_;
SetEnv(Steal(decoder->zone(), break_env));
block->end_env = break_env;
void FinishFunction(FullDecoder*) { builder_->PatchInStackCheckIfNeeded(); }
void OnFirstError(FullDecoder*) {}
void NextInstruction(FullDecoder*, WasmOpcode) {}
void Block(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
// The break environment is the outer environment.
block->end_env = ssa_env_;
SetEnv(Steal(decoder->zone(), ssa_env_));
void Loop(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
SsaEnv* finish_try_env = Steal(decoder->zone(), ssa_env_);
block->end_env = finish_try_env;
// The continue environment is the inner environment.
SetEnv(PrepareForLoop(decoder, finish_try_env));
if (!decoder->ok()) return;
// Wrap input merge into phis.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < block->start_merge.arity; ++i) {
Value& val = block->start_merge[i];
val.node = builder_->Phi(val.type, 1, &val.node, block->end_env->control);
void Try(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
SsaEnv* outer_env = ssa_env_;
SsaEnv* catch_env = Split(decoder, outer_env);
// Mark catch environment as unreachable, since only accessable
// through catch unwinding (i.e. landing pads).
catch_env->state = SsaEnv::kUnreachable;
SsaEnv* try_env = Steal(decoder->zone(), outer_env);
TryInfo* try_info = new (decoder->zone()) TryInfo(catch_env);
block->end_env = outer_env;
block->try_info = try_info;
block->previous_catch = current_catch_;
current_catch_ = static_cast<int32_t>(decoder->control_depth() - 1);
void If(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& cond, Control* if_block) {
TFNode* if_true = nullptr;
TFNode* if_false = nullptr;
if (ssa_env_->go()) BUILD(BranchNoHint, cond.node, &if_true, &if_false);
SsaEnv* end_env = ssa_env_;
SsaEnv* false_env = Split(decoder, ssa_env_);
false_env->control = if_false;
SsaEnv* true_env = Steal(decoder->zone(), ssa_env_);
true_env->control = if_true;
if_block->end_env = end_env;
if_block->false_env = false_env;
void FallThruTo(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
MergeValuesInto(decoder, c, &c->end_merge);
void PopControl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
if (!block->is_loop()) SetEnv(block->end_env);
void EndControl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) { ssa_env_->Kill(); }
void UnOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode, FunctionSig* sig,
const Value& value, Value* result) {
result->node = BUILD(Unop, opcode, value.node, decoder->position());
void BinOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode, FunctionSig* sig,
const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs, Value* result) {
auto node = BUILD(Binop, opcode, lhs.node, rhs.node, decoder->position());
if (result) result->node = node;
void I32Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, int32_t value) {
result->node = builder_->Int32Constant(value);
void I64Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, int64_t value) {
result->node = builder_->Int64Constant(value);
void F32Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, float value) {
result->node = builder_->Float32Constant(value);
void F64Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, double value) {
result->node = builder_->Float64Constant(value);
void RefNull(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result) {
result->node = builder_->RefNull();
void Drop(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value) {}
void DoReturn(FullDecoder* decoder, Vector<Value> values, bool implicit) {
if (implicit) {
DCHECK_EQ(1, decoder->control_depth());
size_t num_values = values.size();
TFNode** buffer = GetNodes(values);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
buffer[i] = values[i].node;
BUILD(Return, static_cast<unsigned>(values.size()), buffer);
void GetLocal(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result,
const LocalIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
if (!ssa_env_->locals) return; // unreachable
result->node = ssa_env_->locals[imm.index];
void SetLocal(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value,
const LocalIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
if (!ssa_env_->locals) return; // unreachable
ssa_env_->locals[imm.index] = value.node;
void TeeLocal(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value, Value* result,
const LocalIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
result->node = value.node;
if (!ssa_env_->locals) return; // unreachable
ssa_env_->locals[imm.index] = value.node;
void GetGlobal(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result,
const GlobalIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
result->node = BUILD(GetGlobal, imm.index);
void SetGlobal(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value,
const GlobalIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
BUILD(SetGlobal, imm.index, value.node);
void Unreachable(FullDecoder* decoder) {
BUILD(Unreachable, decoder->position());
void Select(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& cond, const Value& fval,
const Value& tval, Value* result) {
TFNode* controls[2];
BUILD(BranchNoHint, cond.node, &controls[0], &controls[1]);
TFNode* merge = BUILD(Merge, 2, controls);
TFNode* vals[2] = {tval.node, fval.node};
TFNode* phi = BUILD(Phi, tval.type, 2, vals, merge);
result->node = phi;
ssa_env_->control = merge;
void Br(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* target) {
MergeValuesInto(decoder, target, target->br_merge());
void BrIf(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& cond, Control* target) {
SsaEnv* fenv = ssa_env_;
SsaEnv* tenv = Split(decoder, fenv);
BUILD(BranchNoHint, cond.node, &tenv->control, &fenv->control);
ssa_env_ = tenv;
Br(decoder, target);
ssa_env_ = fenv;
void BrTable(FullDecoder* decoder, const BranchTableImmediate<validate>& imm,
const Value& key) {
if (imm.table_count == 0) {
// Only a default target. Do the equivalent of br.
uint32_t target = BranchTableIterator<validate>(decoder, imm).next();
Br(decoder, decoder->control_at(target));
SsaEnv* break_env = ssa_env_;
// Build branches to the various blocks based on the table.
TFNode* sw = BUILD(Switch, imm.table_count + 1, key.node);
SsaEnv* copy = Steal(decoder->zone(), break_env);
ssa_env_ = copy;
BranchTableIterator<validate> iterator(decoder, imm);
while (iterator.has_next()) {
uint32_t i = iterator.cur_index();
uint32_t target = iterator.next();
ssa_env_ = Split(decoder, copy);
ssa_env_->control =
(i == imm.table_count) ? BUILD(IfDefault, sw) : BUILD(IfValue, i, sw);
Br(decoder, decoder->control_at(target));
ssa_env_ = break_env;
void Else(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* if_block) {
void LoadMem(FullDecoder* decoder, LoadType type,
const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm, const Value& index,
Value* result) {
result->node =
BUILD(LoadMem, type.value_type(), type.mem_type(), index.node,
imm.offset, imm.alignment, decoder->position());
void StoreMem(FullDecoder* decoder, StoreType type,
const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm, const Value& index,
const Value& value) {
BUILD(StoreMem, type.mem_rep(), index.node, imm.offset, imm.alignment,
value.node, decoder->position(), type.value_type());
void CurrentMemoryPages(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result) {
result->node = BUILD(CurrentMemoryPages);
void GrowMemory(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value, Value* result) {
result->node = BUILD(GrowMemory, value.node);
// Always reload the instance cache after growing memory.
void CallDirect(FullDecoder* decoder,
const CallFunctionImmediate<validate>& imm,
const Value args[], Value returns[]) {
DoCall(decoder, nullptr, imm.sig, imm.index, args, returns);
void CallIndirect(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& index,
const CallIndirectImmediate<validate>& imm,
const Value args[], Value returns[]) {
DoCall(decoder, index.node, imm.sig, imm.sig_index, args, returns);
void SimdOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode, Vector<Value> args,
Value* result) {
TFNode** inputs = GetNodes(args);
TFNode* node = BUILD(SimdOp, opcode, inputs);
if (result) result->node = node;
void SimdLaneOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode,
const SimdLaneImmediate<validate> imm, Vector<Value> inputs,
Value* result) {
TFNode** nodes = GetNodes(inputs);
result->node = BUILD(SimdLaneOp, opcode, imm.lane, nodes);
void SimdShiftOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode,
const SimdShiftImmediate<validate> imm, const Value& input,
Value* result) {
TFNode* inputs[] = {input.node};
result->node = BUILD(SimdShiftOp, opcode, imm.shift, inputs);
void Simd8x16ShuffleOp(FullDecoder* decoder,
const Simd8x16ShuffleImmediate<validate>& imm,
const Value& input0, const Value& input1,
Value* result) {
TFNode* input_nodes[] = {input0.node, input1.node};
result->node = BUILD(Simd8x16ShuffleOp, imm.shuffle, input_nodes);
TFNode* GetExceptionTag(FullDecoder* decoder,
const ExceptionIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
// TODO(kschimpf): Need to get runtime exception tag values. This
// code only handles non-imported/exported exceptions.
return BUILD(Int32Constant, imm.index);
void Throw(FullDecoder* decoder, const ExceptionIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
Control* block, const Vector<Value>& value_args) {
int count = value_args.length();
ZoneVector<TFNode*> args(count, decoder->zone());
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
args[i] = value_args[i].node;
BUILD(Throw, imm.index, imm.exception, vec2vec(args));
EndControl(decoder, block);
void CatchException(FullDecoder* decoder,
const ExceptionIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
Control* block, Vector<Value> values) {
current_catch_ = block->previous_catch;
SsaEnv* catch_env = block->try_info->catch_env;
TFNode* compare_i32 = nullptr;
if (block->try_info->exception == nullptr) {
// Catch not applicable, no possible throws in the try
// block. Create dummy code so that body of catch still
// compiles. Note: This only happens because the current
// implementation only builds a landing pad if some node in the
// try block can (possibly) throw.
// TODO(kschimpf): Always generate a landing pad for a try block.
compare_i32 = BUILD(Int32Constant, 0);
} else {
// Get the exception and see if wanted exception.
TFNode* caught_tag = BUILD(GetExceptionRuntimeId);
TFNode* exception_tag = BUILD(ConvertExceptionTagToRuntimeId, imm.index);
compare_i32 = BUILD(Binop, kExprI32Eq, caught_tag, exception_tag);
TFNode* if_catch = nullptr;
TFNode* if_no_catch = nullptr;
BUILD(BranchNoHint, compare_i32, &if_catch, &if_no_catch);
SsaEnv* if_no_catch_env = Split(decoder, ssa_env_);
if_no_catch_env->control = if_no_catch;
SsaEnv* if_catch_env = Steal(decoder->zone(), ssa_env_);
if_catch_env->control = if_catch;
// TODO(kschimpf): Generalize to allow more catches. Will force
// moving no_catch code to END opcode.
EndControl(decoder, block);
if (block->try_info->exception == nullptr) {
// No caught value, make up filler nodes so that catch block still
// compiles.
for (Value& value : values) {
value.node = DefaultValue(value.type);
} else {
// TODO(kschimpf): Can't use BUILD() here, GetExceptionValues() returns
// TFNode** rather than TFNode*. Fix to add landing pads.
TFNode** caught_values = builder_->GetExceptionValues(imm.exception);
for (size_t i = 0, e = values.size(); i < e; ++i) {
values[i].node = caught_values[i];
void AtomicOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode, Vector<Value> args,
const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm, Value* result) {
TFNode** inputs = GetNodes(args);
TFNode* node = BUILD(AtomicOp, opcode, inputs, imm.alignment, imm.offset,
if (result) result->node = node;
SsaEnv* ssa_env_;
TFBuilder* builder_;
uint32_t current_catch_ = kNullCatch;
TryInfo* current_try_info(FullDecoder* decoder) {
return decoder->control_at(decoder->control_depth() - 1 - current_catch_)
TFNode** GetNodes(Value* values, size_t count) {
TFNode** nodes = builder_->Buffer(count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
nodes[i] = values[i].node;
return nodes;
TFNode** GetNodes(Vector<Value> values) {
return GetNodes(values.start(), values.size());
void SetEnv(SsaEnv* env) {
if (FLAG_trace_wasm_decoder) {
char state = 'X';
if (env) {
switch (env->state) {
case SsaEnv::kReached:
state = 'R';
case SsaEnv::kUnreachable:
state = 'U';
case SsaEnv::kMerged:
state = 'M';
case SsaEnv::kControlEnd:
state = 'E';
PrintF("{set_env = %p, state = %c", static_cast<void*>(env), state);
if (env && env->control) {
PrintF(", control = ");
ssa_env_ = env;
// TODO(wasm): combine the control and effect pointers with instance cache.
TFNode* CheckForException(FullDecoder* decoder, TFNode* node) {
if (node == nullptr) return nullptr;
const bool inside_try_scope = current_catch_ != kNullCatch;
if (!inside_try_scope) return node;
TFNode* if_success = nullptr;
TFNode* if_exception = nullptr;
if (!builder_->ThrowsException(node, &if_success, &if_exception)) {
return node;
SsaEnv* success_env = Steal(decoder->zone(), ssa_env_);
success_env->control = if_success;
SsaEnv* exception_env = Split(decoder, success_env);
exception_env->control = if_exception;
TryInfo* try_info = current_try_info(decoder);
Goto(decoder, exception_env, try_info->catch_env);
TFNode* exception = try_info->exception;
if (exception == nullptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(SsaEnv::kReached, try_info->catch_env->state);
try_info->exception = if_exception;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(SsaEnv::kMerged, try_info->catch_env->state);
try_info->exception = builder_->CreateOrMergeIntoPhi(
MachineRepresentation::kWord32, try_info->catch_env->control,
try_info->exception, if_exception);
return node;
TFNode* DefaultValue(ValueType type) {
switch (type) {
case kWasmI32:
return builder_->Int32Constant(0);
case kWasmI64:
return builder_->Int64Constant(0);
case kWasmF32:
return builder_->Float32Constant(0);
case kWasmF64:
return builder_->Float64Constant(0);
case kWasmS128:
return builder_->S128Zero();
void MergeValuesInto(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c, Merge<Value>* merge) {
DCHECK(merge == &c->start_merge || merge == &c->end_merge);
if (!ssa_env_->go()) return;
SsaEnv* target = c->end_env;
const bool first = target->state == SsaEnv::kUnreachable;
Goto(decoder, ssa_env_, target);
uint32_t avail =
decoder->stack_size() - decoder->control_at(0)->stack_depth;
uint32_t start = avail >= merge->arity ? 0 : merge->arity - avail;
for (uint32_t i = start; i < merge->arity; ++i) {
auto& val = decoder->GetMergeValueFromStack(c, merge, i);
auto& old = (*merge)[i];
DCHECK(val.type == old.type || val.type == kWasmVar);
old.node = first ? val.node
: builder_->CreateOrMergeIntoPhi(
target->control, old.node, val.node);
void Goto(FullDecoder* decoder, SsaEnv* from, SsaEnv* to) {
if (!from->go()) return;
switch (to->state) {
case SsaEnv::kUnreachable: { // Overwrite destination.
to->state = SsaEnv::kReached;
to->locals = from->locals;
to->control = from->control;
to->effect = from->effect;
to->instance_cache = from->instance_cache;
case SsaEnv::kReached: { // Create a new merge.
to->state = SsaEnv::kMerged;
// Merge control.
TFNode* controls[] = {to->control, from->control};
TFNode* merge = builder_->Merge(2, controls);
to->control = merge;
// Merge effects.
if (from->effect != to->effect) {
TFNode* effects[] = {to->effect, from->effect, merge};
to->effect = builder_->EffectPhi(2, effects, merge);
// Merge SSA values.
for (int i = decoder->NumLocals() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
TFNode* a = to->locals[i];
TFNode* b = from->locals[i];
if (a != b) {
TFNode* vals[] = {a, b};
to->locals[i] =
builder_->Phi(decoder->GetLocalType(i), 2, vals, merge);
// Start a new merge from the instance cache.
&from->instance_cache, merge);
case SsaEnv::kMerged: {
TFNode* merge = to->control;
// Extend the existing merge control node.
builder_->AppendToMerge(merge, from->control);
// Merge effects.
to->effect = builder_->CreateOrMergeIntoEffectPhi(merge, to->effect,
// Merge locals.
for (int i = decoder->NumLocals() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
to->locals[i] = builder_->CreateOrMergeIntoPhi(
merge, to->locals[i], from->locals[i]);
// Merge the instance caches.
&from->instance_cache, merge);
return from->Kill();
SsaEnv* PrepareForLoop(FullDecoder* decoder, SsaEnv* env) {
if (!env->go()) return Split(decoder, env);
env->state = SsaEnv::kMerged;
env->control = builder_->Loop(env->control);
env->effect = builder_->EffectPhi(1, &env->effect, env->control);
builder_->Terminate(env->effect, env->control);
// The '+ 1' here is to be able to set the instance cache as assigned.
BitVector* assigned = WasmDecoder<validate>::AnalyzeLoopAssignment(
decoder, decoder->pc(), decoder->total_locals() + 1, decoder->zone());
if (decoder->failed()) return env;
if (assigned != nullptr) {
// Only introduce phis for variables assigned in this loop.
int instance_cache_index = decoder->total_locals();
for (int i = decoder->NumLocals() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!assigned->Contains(i)) continue;
env->locals[i] = builder_->Phi(decoder->GetLocalType(i), 1,
&env->locals[i], env->control);
// Introduce phis for instance cache pointers if necessary.
if (assigned->Contains(instance_cache_index)) {
SsaEnv* loop_body_env = Split(decoder, env);
builder_->StackCheck(decoder->position(), &(loop_body_env->effect),
return loop_body_env;
// Conservatively introduce phis for all local variables.
for (int i = decoder->NumLocals() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
env->locals[i] = builder_->Phi(decoder->GetLocalType(i), 1,
&env->locals[i], env->control);
// Conservatively introduce phis for instance cache.
builder_->PrepareInstanceCacheForLoop(&env->instance_cache, env->control);
SsaEnv* loop_body_env = Split(decoder, env);
builder_->StackCheck(decoder->position(), &loop_body_env->effect,
return loop_body_env;
// Create a complete copy of {from}.
SsaEnv* Split(FullDecoder* decoder, SsaEnv* from) {
SsaEnv* result =
size_t size = sizeof(TFNode*) * decoder->NumLocals();
result->control = from->control;
result->effect = from->effect;
if (from->go()) {
result->state = SsaEnv::kReached;
result->locals =
size > 0 ? reinterpret_cast<TFNode**>(decoder->zone()->New(size))
: nullptr;
memcpy(result->locals, from->locals, size);
result->instance_cache = from->instance_cache;
} else {
result->state = SsaEnv::kUnreachable;
result->locals = nullptr;
result->instance_cache = {};
return result;
// Create a copy of {from} that steals its state and leaves {from}
// unreachable.
SsaEnv* Steal(Zone* zone, SsaEnv* from) {
if (!from->go()) return UnreachableEnv(zone);
SsaEnv* result = reinterpret_cast<SsaEnv*>(zone->New(sizeof(SsaEnv)));
result->state = SsaEnv::kReached;
result->locals = from->locals;
result->control = from->control;
result->effect = from->effect;
result->instance_cache = from->instance_cache;
return result;
// Create an unreachable environment.
SsaEnv* UnreachableEnv(Zone* zone) {
SsaEnv* result = reinterpret_cast<SsaEnv*>(zone->New(sizeof(SsaEnv)));
result->state = SsaEnv::kUnreachable;
result->control = nullptr;
result->effect = nullptr;
result->locals = nullptr;
result->instance_cache = {};
return result;
void DoCall(FullDecoder* decoder, TFNode* index_node, FunctionSig* sig,
uint32_t index, const Value args[], Value returns[]) {
int param_count = static_cast<int>(sig->parameter_count());
TFNode** arg_nodes = builder_->Buffer(param_count + 1);
TFNode** return_nodes = nullptr;
arg_nodes[0] = index_node;
for (int i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) {
arg_nodes[i + 1] = args[i].node;
if (index_node) {
builder_->CallIndirect(index, arg_nodes, &return_nodes,
} else {
builder_->CallDirect(index, arg_nodes, &return_nodes,
int return_count = static_cast<int>(sig->return_count());
for (int i = 0; i < return_count; ++i) {
returns[i].node = return_nodes[i];
// The invoked function could have used grow_memory, so we need to
// reload mem_size and mem_start.
} // namespace
bool DecodeLocalDecls(const WasmFeatures& enabled, BodyLocalDecls* decls,
const byte* start, const byte* end) {
Decoder decoder(start, end);
if (WasmDecoder<Decoder::kValidate>::DecodeLocals(enabled, &decoder, nullptr,
&decls->type_list)) {
decls->encoded_size = decoder.pc_offset();
return true;
return false;
BytecodeIterator::BytecodeIterator(const byte* start, const byte* end,
BodyLocalDecls* decls)
: Decoder(start, end) {
if (decls != nullptr) {
if (DecodeLocalDecls(kAllWasmFeatures, decls, start, end)) {
pc_ += decls->encoded_size;
if (pc_ > end_) pc_ = end_;
DecodeResult VerifyWasmCode(AccountingAllocator* allocator,
const WasmFeatures& enabled,
const WasmModule* module, WasmFeatures* detected,
FunctionBody& body) {
Zone zone(allocator, ZONE_NAME);
WasmFullDecoder<Decoder::kValidate, EmptyInterface> decoder(
&zone, module, enabled, detected, body);
return decoder.toResult(nullptr);
DecodeResult BuildTFGraph(AccountingAllocator* allocator,
const WasmFeatures& enabled,
const wasm::WasmModule* module, TFBuilder* builder,
WasmFeatures* detected, FunctionBody& body,
compiler::NodeOriginTable* node_origins) {
Zone zone(allocator, ZONE_NAME);
WasmFullDecoder<Decoder::kValidate, WasmGraphBuildingInterface> decoder(
&zone, module, enabled, detected, body, builder);
if (node_origins) {
builder->AddBytecodePositionDecorator(node_origins, &decoder);
if (node_origins) {
return decoder.toResult(nullptr);
unsigned OpcodeLength(const byte* pc, const byte* end) {
Decoder decoder(pc, end);
return WasmDecoder<Decoder::kNoValidate>::OpcodeLength(&decoder, pc);
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> StackEffect(const WasmModule* module,
FunctionSig* sig, const byte* pc,
const byte* end) {
WasmFeatures unused_detected_features;
WasmDecoder<Decoder::kNoValidate> decoder(
module, kAllWasmFeatures, &unused_detected_features, sig, pc, end);
return decoder.StackEffect(pc);
void PrintRawWasmCode(const byte* start, const byte* end) {
AccountingAllocator allocator;
PrintRawWasmCode(&allocator, FunctionBody{nullptr, 0, start, end}, nullptr,
namespace {
const char* RawOpcodeName(WasmOpcode opcode) {
switch (opcode) {
#define DECLARE_NAME_CASE(name, opcode, sig) \
case kExpr##name: \
return "kExpr" #name;
return "Unknown";
} // namespace
bool PrintRawWasmCode(AccountingAllocator* allocator, const FunctionBody& body,
const WasmModule* module, PrintLocals print_locals) {
StdoutStream os;
return PrintRawWasmCode(allocator, body, module, print_locals, os);
bool PrintRawWasmCode(AccountingAllocator* allocator, const FunctionBody& body,
const WasmModule* module, PrintLocals print_locals,
std::ostream& os, std::vector<int>* line_numbers) {
Zone zone(allocator, ZONE_NAME);
WasmFeatures unused_detected_features;
WasmDecoder<Decoder::kNoValidate> decoder(module, kAllWasmFeatures,
&unused_detected_features, body.sig,
body.start, body.end);
int line_nr = 0;
constexpr int kNoByteCode = -1;
// Print the function signature.
if (body.sig) {
os << "// signature: " << *body.sig << std::endl;
if (line_numbers) line_numbers->push_back(kNoByteCode);
// Print the local declarations.
BodyLocalDecls decls(&zone);
BytecodeIterator i(body.start, body.end, &decls);
if (body.start != i.pc() && print_locals == kPrintLocals) {
os << "// locals: ";
if (!decls.type_list.empty()) {
ValueType type = decls.type_list[0];
uint32_t count = 0;
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < decls.type_list.size(); ++pos) {
if (decls.type_list[pos] == type) {
} else {
os << " " << count << " " << ValueTypes::TypeName(type);
type = decls.type_list[pos];
count = 1;
os << std::endl;
if (line_numbers) line_numbers->push_back(kNoByteCode);
for (const byte* locals = body.start; locals < i.pc(); locals++) {
os << (locals == body.start ? "0x" : " 0x") << AsHex(*locals, 2) << ",";
os << std::endl;
if (line_numbers) line_numbers->push_back(kNoByteCode);
os << "// body: " << std::endl;
if (line_numbers) line_numbers->push_back(kNoByteCode);
unsigned control_depth = 0;
for (; i.has_next(); i.next()) {
unsigned length =
WasmDecoder<Decoder::kNoValidate>::OpcodeLength(&decoder, i.pc());
WasmOpcode opcode = i.current();
if (line_numbers) line_numbers->push_back(i.position());
if (opcode == kExprElse) control_depth--;
int num_whitespaces = control_depth < 32 ? 2 * control_depth : 64;
// 64 whitespaces
const char* padding =
" ";
os.write(padding, num_whitespaces);
os << RawOpcodeName(opcode) << ",";
if (opcode == kExprLoop || opcode == kExprIf || opcode == kExprBlock ||
opcode == kExprTry) {
DCHECK_EQ(2, length);
switch (i.pc()[1]) {
#define CASE_LOCAL_TYPE(local_name, type_name) \
case kLocal##local_name: \
os << " kWasm" #type_name ","; \
os << " 0x" << AsHex(i.pc()[1], 2) << ",";
} else {
for (unsigned j = 1; j < length; ++j) {
os << " 0x" << AsHex(i.pc()[j], 2) << ",";
switch (opcode) {
case kExprElse:
os << " // @" << i.pc_offset();
case kExprLoop:
case kExprIf:
case kExprBlock:
case kExprTry: {
BlockTypeImmediate<Decoder::kNoValidate> imm(kAllWasmFeatures, &i,
os << " // @" << i.pc_offset();
if (decoder.Complete(imm)) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < imm.out_arity(); i++) {
os << " " << ValueTypes::TypeName(imm.out_type(i));
case kExprEnd:
os << " // @" << i.pc_offset();
case kExprBr: {
BreakDepthImmediate<Decoder::kNoValidate> imm(&i, i.pc());
os << " // depth=" << imm.depth;
case kExprBrIf: {
BreakDepthImmediate<Decoder::kNoValidate> imm(&i, i.pc());
os << " // depth=" << imm.depth;
case kExprBrTable: {
BranchTableImmediate<Decoder::kNoValidate> imm(&i, i.pc());
os << " // entries=" << imm.table_count;
case kExprCallIndirect: {
CallIndirectImmediate<Decoder::kNoValidate> imm(&i, i.pc());
os << " // sig #" << imm.sig_index;
if (decoder.Complete(i.pc(), imm)) {
os << ": " << *imm.sig;
case kExprCallFunction: {
CallFunctionImmediate<Decoder::kNoValidate> imm(&i, i.pc());
os << " // function #" << imm.index;
if (decoder.Complete(i.pc(), imm)) {
os << ": " << *imm.sig;
os << std::endl;
DCHECK(!line_numbers || line_numbers->size() == static_cast<size_t>(line_nr));
return decoder.ok();
BitVector* AnalyzeLoopAssignmentForTesting(Zone* zone, size_t num_locals,
const byte* start, const byte* end) {
Decoder decoder(start, end);
return WasmDecoder<Decoder::kValidate>::AnalyzeLoopAssignment(
&decoder, start, static_cast<uint32_t>(num_locals), zone);
#undef BUILD
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8