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# Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import collections
import traceback

from . import base
from ..local import pool

# Global function for multiprocessing, because pickling a static method doesn't
# work on Windows.
def run_job(job, process_context):
  return job.run(process_context)

def create_process_context(result_reduction):
  return ProcessContext(result_reduction)

JobResult = collections.namedtuple('JobResult', ['id', 'result'])
ProcessContext = collections.namedtuple('ProcessContext', ['result_reduction'])

class Job(object):
  def __init__(self, test_id, cmd, outproc, keep_output):
    self.test_id = test_id
    self.cmd = cmd
    self.outproc = outproc
    self.keep_output = keep_output

  def run(self, process_ctx):
    output = self.cmd.execute()
    reduction = process_ctx.result_reduction if not self.keep_output else None
    result = self.outproc.process(output, reduction)
    return JobResult(self.test_id, result)

class ExecutionProc(base.TestProc):
  """Last processor in the chain. Instead of passing tests further it creates
  commands and output processors, executes them in multiple worker processes and
  sends results to the previous processor.

  def __init__(self, jobs, outproc_factory=None):
    super(ExecutionProc, self).__init__()
    self._pool = pool.Pool(jobs)
    self._outproc_factory = outproc_factory or (lambda t: t.output_proc)
    self._tests = {}

  def connect_to(self, next_proc):
    assert False, 'ExecutionProc cannot be connected to anything'

  def run(self):
    it = self._pool.imap_unordered(
    for pool_result in it:

  def next_test(self, test):
    if self.is_stopped:

    test_id = test.procid
    cmd = test.get_command()
    self._tests[test_id] = test, cmd

    outproc = self._outproc_factory(test)
    self._pool.add([Job(test_id, cmd, outproc, test.keep_output)])

  def result_for(self, test, result):
    assert False, 'ExecutionProc cannot receive results'

  def stop(self):
    super(ExecutionProc, self).stop()

  def _unpack_result(self, pool_result):
    if pool_result.heartbeat:

    job_result = pool_result.value
    test_id, result = job_result

    test, result.cmd = self._tests[test_id]
    del self._tests[test_id]
    self._send_result(test, result)