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 * Copyright 2007 VMware, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
 * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
 * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
 * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
 * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
 * the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
 * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
 * of the Software.

 * @file
 * Abstract graphics pipe state objects.
 * Basic notes:
 *   1. Want compact representations, so we use bitfields.
 *   2. Put bitfields before other (GLfloat) fields.

#ifndef PIPE_STATE_H
#define PIPE_STATE_H

#include "p_compiler.h"
#include "p_defines.h"
#include "p_format.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Implementation limits
#define PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS          32
#define PIPE_MAX_CLIP_PLANES       8
#define PIPE_MAX_COLOR_BUFS        8
#define PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS         16
#define PIPE_MAX_SHADER_OUTPUTS   48 /* 32 GENERICs + POS, PSIZE, FOG, etc. */
#define PIPE_MAX_SO_BUFFERS        4
#define PIPE_MAX_SO_OUTPUTS       64
#define PIPE_MAX_VIEWPORTS        16

struct pipe_reference
   int32_t count; /* atomic */

 * Primitive (point/line/tri) rasterization info
struct pipe_rasterizer_state
   unsigned flatshade:1;
   unsigned light_twoside:1;
   unsigned clamp_vertex_color:1;
   unsigned clamp_fragment_color:1;
   unsigned front_ccw:1;
   unsigned cull_face:2;      /**< PIPE_FACE_x */
   unsigned fill_front:2;     /**< PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_x */
   unsigned fill_back:2;      /**< PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_x */
   unsigned offset_point:1;
   unsigned offset_line:1;
   unsigned offset_tri:1;
   unsigned scissor:1;
   unsigned poly_smooth:1;
   unsigned poly_stipple_enable:1;
   unsigned point_smooth:1;
   unsigned sprite_coord_mode:1;     /**< PIPE_SPRITE_COORD_ */
   unsigned point_quad_rasterization:1; /** points rasterized as quads or points */
   unsigned point_tri_clip:1; /** large points clipped as tris or points */
   unsigned point_size_per_vertex:1; /**< size computed in vertex shader */
   unsigned multisample:1;         /* XXX maybe more ms state in future */
   unsigned force_persample_interp:1;
   unsigned line_smooth:1;
   unsigned line_stipple_enable:1;
   unsigned line_last_pixel:1;

    * Use the first vertex of a primitive as the provoking vertex for
    * flat shading.
   unsigned flatshade_first:1;

   unsigned half_pixel_center:1;
   unsigned bottom_edge_rule:1;

    * When true, rasterization is disabled and no pixels are written.
    * This only makes sense with the Stream Out functionality.
   unsigned rasterizer_discard:1;

    * When false, depth clipping is disabled and the depth value will be
    * clamped later at the per-pixel level before depth testing.
    * This depends on PIPE_CAP_DEPTH_CLIP_DISABLE.
   unsigned depth_clip:1;

    * When true clip space in the z axis goes from [0..1] (D3D).  When false
    * [-1, 1] (GL).
    * NOTE: D3D will always use depth clamping.
   unsigned clip_halfz:1;

    * Enable bits for clipping half-spaces.
    * This applies to both user clip planes and shader clip distances.
    * Note that if the bound shader exports any clip distances, these
    * replace all user clip planes, and clip half-spaces enabled here
    * but not written by the shader count as disabled.
   unsigned clip_plane_enable:PIPE_MAX_CLIP_PLANES;

   unsigned line_stipple_factor:8;  /**< [1..256] actually */
   unsigned line_stipple_pattern:16;

   uint32_t sprite_coord_enable; /* referring to 32 TEXCOORD/GENERIC inputs */

   float line_width;
   float point_size;           /**< used when no per-vertex size */
   float offset_units;
   float offset_scale;
   float offset_clamp;

struct pipe_poly_stipple
   unsigned stipple[32];

struct pipe_viewport_state
   float scale[3];
   float translate[3];

struct pipe_scissor_state
   unsigned minx:16;
   unsigned miny:16;
   unsigned maxx:16;
   unsigned maxy:16;

struct pipe_clip_state
   float ucp[PIPE_MAX_CLIP_PLANES][4];

 * Stream output for vertex transform feedback.
struct pipe_stream_output_info
   unsigned num_outputs;
   /** stride for an entire vertex for each buffer in dwords */
   unsigned stride[PIPE_MAX_SO_BUFFERS];

    * Array of stream outputs, in the order they are to be written in.
    * Selected components are tightly packed into the output buffer.
   struct {
      unsigned register_index:8;  /**< 0 to PIPE_MAX_SHADER_OUTPUTS */
      unsigned start_component:2; /** 0 to 3 */
      unsigned num_components:3;  /** 1 to 4 */
      unsigned output_buffer:3;   /**< 0 to PIPE_MAX_SO_BUFFERS */
      unsigned dst_offset:16;     /**< offset into the buffer in dwords */
      unsigned stream:2;
   } output[PIPE_MAX_SO_OUTPUTS];

struct pipe_shader_state
   const struct tgsi_token *tokens;
   struct pipe_stream_output_info stream_output;

struct pipe_depth_state 
   unsigned enabled:1;         /**< depth test enabled? */
   unsigned writemask:1;       /**< allow depth buffer writes? */
   unsigned func:3;            /**< depth test func (PIPE_FUNC_x) */

struct pipe_stencil_state
   unsigned enabled:1;  /**< stencil[0]: stencil enabled, stencil[1]: two-side enabled */
   unsigned func:3;     /**< PIPE_FUNC_x */
   unsigned fail_op:3;  /**< PIPE_STENCIL_OP_x */
   unsigned zpass_op:3; /**< PIPE_STENCIL_OP_x */
   unsigned zfail_op:3; /**< PIPE_STENCIL_OP_x */
   unsigned valuemask:8;
   unsigned writemask:8;

struct pipe_alpha_state
   unsigned enabled:1;
   unsigned func:3;     /**< PIPE_FUNC_x */
   float ref_value;     /**< reference value */

struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state
   struct pipe_depth_state depth;
   struct pipe_stencil_state stencil[2]; /**< [0] = front, [1] = back */
   struct pipe_alpha_state alpha;

struct pipe_rt_blend_state
   unsigned blend_enable:1;

   unsigned rgb_func:3;          /**< PIPE_BLEND_x */
   unsigned rgb_src_factor:5;    /**< PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_x */
   unsigned rgb_dst_factor:5;    /**< PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_x */

   unsigned alpha_func:3;        /**< PIPE_BLEND_x */
   unsigned alpha_src_factor:5;  /**< PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_x */
   unsigned alpha_dst_factor:5;  /**< PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_x */

   unsigned colormask:4;         /**< bitmask of PIPE_MASK_R/G/B/A */

struct pipe_blend_state
   unsigned independent_blend_enable:1;
   unsigned logicop_enable:1;
   unsigned logicop_func:4;      /**< PIPE_LOGICOP_x */
   unsigned dither:1;
   unsigned alpha_to_coverage:1;
   unsigned alpha_to_one:1;
   struct pipe_rt_blend_state rt[PIPE_MAX_COLOR_BUFS];

struct pipe_blend_color
   float color[4];

struct pipe_stencil_ref
   ubyte ref_value[2];

struct pipe_framebuffer_state
   unsigned width, height;

   /** multiple color buffers for multiple render targets */
   unsigned nr_cbufs;
   struct pipe_surface *cbufs[PIPE_MAX_COLOR_BUFS];

   struct pipe_surface *zsbuf;      /**< Z/stencil buffer */

 * Texture sampler state.
struct pipe_sampler_state
   unsigned wrap_s:3;            /**< PIPE_TEX_WRAP_x */
   unsigned wrap_t:3;            /**< PIPE_TEX_WRAP_x */
   unsigned wrap_r:3;            /**< PIPE_TEX_WRAP_x */
   unsigned min_img_filter:2;    /**< PIPE_TEX_FILTER_x */
   unsigned min_mip_filter:2;    /**< PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_x */
   unsigned mag_img_filter:2;    /**< PIPE_TEX_FILTER_x */
   unsigned compare_mode:1;      /**< PIPE_TEX_COMPARE_x */
   unsigned compare_func:3;      /**< PIPE_FUNC_x */
   unsigned normalized_coords:1; /**< Are coords normalized to [0,1]? */
   unsigned max_anisotropy:6;
   unsigned seamless_cube_map:1;
   float lod_bias;               /**< LOD/lambda bias */
   float min_lod, max_lod;       /**< LOD clamp range, after bias */
   union pipe_color_union border_color;

 * A view into a texture that can be bound to a color render target /
 * depth stencil attachment point.
struct pipe_surface
   struct pipe_reference reference;
   struct pipe_resource *texture; /**< resource into which this is a view  */
   struct pipe_context *context; /**< context this surface belongs to */
   enum pipe_format format;

   /* XXX width/height should be removed */
   unsigned width;               /**< logical width in pixels */
   unsigned height;              /**< logical height in pixels */

   unsigned writable:1;          /**< writable shader resource */

   union {
      struct {
         unsigned level;
         unsigned first_layer:16;
         unsigned last_layer:16;
      } tex;
      struct {
         unsigned first_element;
         unsigned last_element;
      } buf;
   } u;

 * A view into a texture that can be bound to a shader stage.
struct pipe_sampler_view
   struct pipe_reference reference;
   enum pipe_format format;      /**< typed PIPE_FORMAT_x */
   struct pipe_resource *texture; /**< texture into which this is a view  */
   struct pipe_context *context; /**< context this view belongs to */
   union {
      struct {
         unsigned first_layer:16;     /**< first layer to use for array textures */
         unsigned last_layer:16;      /**< last layer to use for array textures */
         unsigned first_level:8;      /**< first mipmap level to use */
         unsigned last_level:8;       /**< last mipmap level to use */
      } tex;
      struct {
         unsigned first_element;
         unsigned last_element;
      } buf;
   } u;
   unsigned swizzle_r:3;         /**< PIPE_SWIZZLE_x for red component */
   unsigned swizzle_g:3;         /**< PIPE_SWIZZLE_x for green component */
   unsigned swizzle_b:3;         /**< PIPE_SWIZZLE_x for blue component */
   unsigned swizzle_a:3;         /**< PIPE_SWIZZLE_x for alpha component */

 * Subregion of 1D/2D/3D image resource.
struct pipe_box
   int x;
   int y;
   int z;
   int width;
   int height;
   int depth;

 * A memory object/resource such as a vertex buffer or texture.
struct pipe_resource
   struct pipe_reference reference;
   struct pipe_screen *screen; /**< screen that this texture belongs to */
   enum pipe_texture_target target; /**< PIPE_TEXTURE_x */
   enum pipe_format format;         /**< PIPE_FORMAT_x */

   unsigned width0;
   unsigned height0;
   unsigned depth0;
   unsigned array_size;

   unsigned last_level:8;    /**< Index of last mipmap level present/defined */
   unsigned nr_samples:8;    /**< for multisampled surfaces, nr of samples */
   unsigned usage:8;         /**< PIPE_USAGE_x (not a bitmask) */

   unsigned bind;            /**< bitmask of PIPE_BIND_x */
   unsigned flags;           /**< bitmask of PIPE_RESOURCE_FLAG_x */

 * Transfer object.  For data transfer to/from a resource.
struct pipe_transfer
   struct pipe_resource *resource; /**< resource to transfer to/from  */
   unsigned level;                 /**< texture mipmap level */
   enum pipe_transfer_usage usage;
   struct pipe_box box;            /**< region of the resource to access */
   unsigned stride;                /**< row stride in bytes */
   unsigned layer_stride;          /**< image/layer stride in bytes */

 * A vertex buffer.  Typically, all the vertex data/attributes for
 * drawing something will be in one buffer.  But it's also possible, for
 * example, to put colors in one buffer and texcoords in another.
struct pipe_vertex_buffer
   unsigned stride;    /**< stride to same attrib in next vertex, in bytes */
   unsigned buffer_offset;  /**< offset to start of data in buffer, in bytes */
   struct pipe_resource *buffer;  /**< the actual buffer */
   const void *user_buffer;  /**< pointer to a user buffer if buffer == NULL */

 * A constant buffer.  A subrange of an existing buffer can be set
 * as a constant buffer.
struct pipe_constant_buffer {
   struct pipe_resource *buffer; /**< the actual buffer */
   unsigned buffer_offset; /**< offset to start of data in buffer, in bytes */
   unsigned buffer_size;   /**< how much data can be read in shader */
   const void *user_buffer;  /**< pointer to a user buffer if buffer == NULL */

 * A stream output target. The structure specifies the range vertices can
 * be written to.
 * In addition to that, the structure should internally maintain the offset
 * into the buffer, which should be incremented everytime something is written
 * (appended) to it. The internal offset is buffer_offset + how many bytes
 * have been written. The internal offset can be stored on the device
 * and the CPU actually doesn't have to query it.
 * Note that the buffer_size variable is actually specifying the available
 * space in the buffer, not the size of the attached buffer. 
 * In other words in majority of cases buffer_size would simply be 
 * 'buffer->width0 - buffer_offset', so buffer_size refers to the size
 * of the buffer left, after accounting for buffer offset, for stream output
 * to write to.
 * Use PIPE_QUERY_SO_STATISTICS to know how many primitives have
 * actually been written.
struct pipe_stream_output_target
   struct pipe_reference reference;
   struct pipe_resource *buffer; /**< the output buffer */
   struct pipe_context *context; /**< context this SO target belongs to */

   unsigned buffer_offset;  /**< offset where data should be written, in bytes */
   unsigned buffer_size;    /**< how much data is allowed to be written */

 * Information to describe a vertex attribute (position, color, etc)
struct pipe_vertex_element
   /** Offset of this attribute, in bytes, from the start of the vertex */
   unsigned src_offset;

   /** Instance data rate divisor. 0 means this is per-vertex data,
    *  n means per-instance data used for n consecutive instances (n > 0).
   unsigned instance_divisor;

   /** Which vertex_buffer (as given to pipe->set_vertex_buffer()) does
    * this attribute live in?
   unsigned vertex_buffer_index;
   enum pipe_format src_format;

 * An index buffer.  When an index buffer is bound, all indices to vertices
 * will be looked up in the buffer.
struct pipe_index_buffer
   unsigned index_size;  /**< size of an index, in bytes */
   unsigned offset;  /**< offset to start of data in buffer, in bytes */
   struct pipe_resource *buffer; /**< the actual buffer */
   const void *user_buffer;  /**< pointer to a user buffer if buffer == NULL */

struct pipe_draw_indirect_info
   unsigned offset; /**< must be 4 byte aligned */
   unsigned stride; /**< must be 4 byte aligned */
   unsigned draw_count; /**< number of indirect draws */
   unsigned indirect_draw_count_offset; /**< must be 4 byte aligned */

   /* Indirect draw parameters resource is laid out as follows:
    * if using indexed drawing:
    *  struct {
    *     uint32_t count;
    *     uint32_t instance_count;
    *     uint32_t start;
    *     int32_t index_bias;
    *     uint32_t start_instance;
    *  };
    * otherwise:
    *  struct {
    *     uint32_t count;
    *     uint32_t instance_count;
    *     uint32_t start;
    *     uint32_t start_instance;
    *  };
   struct pipe_resource *buffer;

   /* Indirect draw count resource: If not NULL, contains a 32-bit value which
    * is to be used as the real draw_count.
   struct pipe_resource *indirect_draw_count;

 * Information to describe a draw_vbo call.
struct pipe_draw_info
   boolean indexed;  /**< use index buffer */
   ubyte vertices_per_patch; /**< the number of vertices per patch */

   unsigned mode;  /**< the mode of the primitive */
   unsigned start;  /**< the index of the first vertex */
   unsigned count;  /**< number of vertices */

   unsigned start_instance; /**< first instance id */
   unsigned instance_count; /**< number of instances */

   unsigned drawid; /**< id of this draw in a multidraw */
    * For indexed drawing, these fields apply after index lookup.
   int index_bias; /**< a bias to be added to each index */
   unsigned min_index; /**< the min index */
   unsigned max_index; /**< the max index */

    * Primitive restart enable/index (only applies to indexed drawing)
   boolean primitive_restart;
   unsigned restart_index;

   struct pipe_draw_indirect_info indirect;
    * Stream output target. If not NULL, it's used to provide the 'count'
    * parameter based on the number vertices captured by the stream output
    * stage. (or generally, based on the number of bytes captured)
    * Only 'mode', 'start_instance', and 'instance_count' are taken into
    * account, all the other variables from pipe_draw_info are ignored.
    * 'start' is implicitly 0 and 'count' is set as discussed above.
    * The draw command is non-indexed.
    * Note that this only provides the count. The vertex buffers must
    * be set via set_vertex_buffers manually.
   struct pipe_stream_output_target *count_from_stream_output;

 * Information to describe a blit call.
struct pipe_blit_info
   struct {
      struct pipe_resource *resource;
      unsigned level;
      struct pipe_box box; /**< negative width, height only legal for src */
      /* For pipe_surface-like format casting: */
      enum pipe_format format; /**< must be supported for sampling (src)
                               or rendering (dst), ZS is always supported */
   } dst, src;

   unsigned mask; /**< bitmask of PIPE_MASK_R/G/B/A/Z/S */
   unsigned filter; /**< PIPE_TEX_FILTER_* */

   boolean scissor_enable;
   struct pipe_scissor_state scissor;

   boolean render_condition_enable; /**< whether the blit should honor the
                                       current render condition */
   boolean alpha_blend; /* dst.rgb = src.rgb * src.a + dst.rgb * (1 - src.a) */

 * Structure used as a header for serialized LLVM programs.
struct pipe_llvm_program_header
   uint32_t num_bytes; /**< Number of bytes in the LLVM bytecode program. */

struct pipe_compute_state
   const void *prog; /**< Compute program to be executed. */
   unsigned req_local_mem; /**< Required size of the LOCAL resource. */
   unsigned req_private_mem; /**< Required size of the PRIVATE resource. */
   unsigned req_input_mem; /**< Required size of the INPUT resource. */

#ifdef __cplusplus