/* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "arc/cached_frame.h"
#include <cerrno>
#include <libyuv.h>
#include "arc/common.h"
namespace arc {
using android::CameraMetadata;
: source_frame_(nullptr),
yu12_frame_(new AllocatedFrameBuffer(0)),
scaled_frame_(new AllocatedFrameBuffer(0)) {}
CachedFrame::~CachedFrame() { UnsetSource(); }
int CachedFrame::SetSource(const FrameBuffer* frame, int rotate_degree) {
source_frame_ = frame;
int res = ConvertToYU12();
if (res != 0) {
return res;
if (rotate_degree > 0) {
res = CropRotateScale(rotate_degree);
return res;
void CachedFrame::UnsetSource() { source_frame_ = nullptr; }
uint8_t* CachedFrame::GetSourceBuffer() const {
return source_frame_->GetData();
size_t CachedFrame::GetSourceDataSize() const {
return source_frame_->GetDataSize();
uint32_t CachedFrame::GetSourceFourCC() const {
return source_frame_->GetFourcc();
uint8_t* CachedFrame::GetCachedBuffer() const { return yu12_frame_->GetData(); }
uint32_t CachedFrame::GetCachedFourCC() const {
return yu12_frame_->GetFourcc();
uint32_t CachedFrame::GetWidth() const { return yu12_frame_->GetWidth(); }
uint32_t CachedFrame::GetHeight() const { return yu12_frame_->GetHeight(); }
size_t CachedFrame::GetConvertedSize(int fourcc) const {
return ImageProcessor::GetConvertedSize(fourcc, yu12_frame_->GetWidth(),
int CachedFrame::Convert(const CameraMetadata& metadata, FrameBuffer* out_frame,
bool video_hack) {
if (video_hack && out_frame->GetFourcc() == V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420) {
FrameBuffer* source_frame = yu12_frame_.get();
if (GetWidth() != out_frame->GetWidth() ||
GetHeight() != out_frame->GetHeight()) {
size_t cache_size = ImageProcessor::GetConvertedSize(
yu12_frame_->GetFourcc(), out_frame->GetWidth(),
if (cache_size == 0) {
return -EINVAL;
} else if (cache_size > scaled_frame_->GetBufferSize()) {
scaled_frame_.reset(new AllocatedFrameBuffer(cache_size));
ImageProcessor::Scale(*yu12_frame_.get(), scaled_frame_.get());
source_frame = scaled_frame_.get();
return ImageProcessor::ConvertFormat(metadata, *source_frame, out_frame);
int CachedFrame::ConvertToYU12() {
size_t cache_size = ImageProcessor::GetConvertedSize(
V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420, source_frame_->GetWidth(),
if (cache_size == 0) {
return -EINVAL;
int res = ImageProcessor::ConvertFormat(CameraMetadata(), *source_frame_,
if (res) {
LOGF(ERROR) << "Convert from " << FormatToString(source_frame_->GetFourcc())
<< " to YU12 fails.";
return res;
return 0;
int CachedFrame::CropRotateScale(int rotate_degree) {
// TODO(henryhsu): Move libyuv part to ImageProcessor.
if (yu12_frame_->GetHeight() % 2 != 0 || yu12_frame_->GetWidth() % 2 != 0) {
LOGF(ERROR) << "yu12_frame_ has odd dimension: " << yu12_frame_->GetWidth()
<< "x" << yu12_frame_->GetHeight();
return -EINVAL;
if (yu12_frame_->GetHeight() > yu12_frame_->GetWidth()) {
LOGF(ERROR) << "yu12_frame_ is tall frame already: "
<< yu12_frame_->GetWidth() << "x" << yu12_frame_->GetHeight();
return -EINVAL;
// Step 1: Crop and rotate
// Original frame Cropped frame Rotated frame
// -------------------- --------
// | | | | | | ---------------
// | | | | | | | |
// | | | | =======>> | | =======>> | |
// | | | | | | ---------------
// | | | | | |
// -------------------- --------
int cropped_width = yu12_frame_->GetHeight() * yu12_frame_->GetHeight() /
if (cropped_width % 2 == 1) {
// Make cropped_width to the closest even number.
int cropped_height = yu12_frame_->GetHeight();
int margin = (yu12_frame_->GetWidth() - cropped_width) / 2;
int rotated_height = cropped_width;
int rotated_width = cropped_height;
int rotated_y_stride = rotated_width;
int rotated_uv_stride = rotated_width / 2;
size_t rotated_size =
rotated_y_stride * rotated_height + rotated_uv_stride * rotated_height;
if (rotated_size > cropped_buffer_capacity_) {
cropped_buffer_.reset(new uint8_t[rotated_size]);
cropped_buffer_capacity_ = rotated_size;
uint8_t* rotated_y_plane = cropped_buffer_.get();
uint8_t* rotated_u_plane =
rotated_y_plane + rotated_y_stride * rotated_height;
uint8_t* rotated_v_plane =
rotated_u_plane + rotated_uv_stride * rotated_height / 2;
libyuv::RotationMode rotation_mode = libyuv::RotationMode::kRotate90;
switch (rotate_degree) {
case 90:
rotation_mode = libyuv::RotationMode::kRotate90;
case 270:
rotation_mode = libyuv::RotationMode::kRotate270;
LOGF(ERROR) << "Invalid rotation degree: " << rotate_degree;
return -EINVAL;
// This libyuv method first crops the frame and then rotates it 90 degrees
// clockwise.
int res = libyuv::ConvertToI420(
yu12_frame_->GetData(), yu12_frame_->GetDataSize(), rotated_y_plane,
rotated_y_stride, rotated_u_plane, rotated_uv_stride, rotated_v_plane,
rotated_uv_stride, margin, 0, yu12_frame_->GetWidth(),
yu12_frame_->GetHeight(), cropped_width, cropped_height, rotation_mode,
if (res) {
LOGF(ERROR) << "ConvertToI420 failed: " << res;
return res;
// Step 2: Scale
// Final frame
// Rotated frame ---------------------
// -------------- | |
// | | =====>> | |
// | | | |
// -------------- | |
// | |
// ---------------------
res = libyuv::I420Scale(
rotated_y_plane, rotated_y_stride, rotated_u_plane, rotated_uv_stride,
rotated_v_plane, rotated_uv_stride, rotated_width, rotated_height,
yu12_frame_->GetData(), yu12_frame_->GetWidth(),
yu12_frame_->GetData() +
yu12_frame_->GetWidth() * yu12_frame_->GetHeight(),
yu12_frame_->GetWidth() / 2,
yu12_frame_->GetData() +
yu12_frame_->GetWidth() * yu12_frame_->GetHeight() * 5 / 4,
yu12_frame_->GetWidth() / 2, yu12_frame_->GetWidth(),
yu12_frame_->GetHeight(), libyuv::FilterMode::kFilterNone);
LOGF_IF(ERROR, res) << "I420Scale failed: " << res;
return res;
} // namespace arc