* Copyright 2018 NXP
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _PHNXPESEPROTO7816_3_H_
#define _PHNXPESEPROTO7816_3_H_
#include <ese_config.h>
#include <phNxpEseDataMgr.h>
#include <phNxpEseFeatures.h>
#include <phNxpEse_Internal.h>
* \addtogroup ISO7816-3_protocol_lib
* \brief 7816-3 PROTOCOL STACK
* @{ */
/********************* Definitions and structures *****************************/
* \brief S-Frame types used in 7816-3 protocol stack
typedef enum sFrameTypes {
RESYNCH_REQ = 0x00, /*!< Re-synchronisation request between host and ESE */
RESYNCH_RSP = 0x20, /*!< Re-synchronisation response between host and ESE */
IFSC_REQ = 0x01, /*!< IFSC size request */
IFSC_RES = 0x21, /*!< IFSC size response */
ABORT_REQ = 0x02, /*!< Abort request */
ABORT_RES = 0x22, /*!< Abort response */
WTX_REQ = 0x03, /*!< WTX request */
WTX_RSP = 0x23, /*!< WTX response */
INTF_RESET_REQ = 0x04, /*!< Interface reset request */
INTF_RESET_RSP = 0x24, /*!< Interface reset response */
PROP_END_APDU_REQ = 0x05, /*!< Proprietary Enf of APDU request */
PROP_END_APDU_RSP = 0x25, /*!< Proprietary Enf of APDU response */
INVALID_REQ_RES /*!< Invalid request */
} sFrameTypes_t;
* \brief R-Frame types used in 7816-3 protocol stack
typedef enum rFrameTypes {
RACK = 0x01, /*!< R-frame Acknowledgement frame indicator */
RNACK = 0x02 /*!< R-frame Negative-Acknowledgement frame indicator */
} rFrameTypes_t;
* \brief R-Frame error types used 7816-3 protocol stack
typedef enum rFrameErrorTypes {
NO_ERROR, /*!< R-frame received with success */
PARITY_ERROR, /*!< R-frame received with parity error */
OTHER_ERROR, /*!< R-frame received with Other error */
SOF_MISSED_ERROR, /*!< R-frame received with frame missing error */
UNDEFINED_ERROR /*!< R-frame received with some undefined error */
} rFrameErrorTypes_t;
* \brief Frame types used in 7816-3 protocol stack
typedef enum phNxpEseProto7816_FrameTypes {
IFRAME, /*!< Frame type: I-frame */
SFRAME, /*!< Frame type: S-frame */
RFRAME, /*!< Frame type: R-frame */
INVALID, /*!< Frame type: Invalid */
UNKNOWN /*!< Frame type: Unknown */
} phNxpEseProto7816_FrameTypes_t;
* \brief 7816-3 protocol stack states
typedef enum phNxpEseProto7816_State {
PH_NXP_ESE_PROTO_7816_IDLE, /*!< 7816-3 protocol state: IDLE */
PH_NXP_ESE_PROTO_7816_TRANSCEIVE, /*!< 7816-3 protocol state: TRANSCEIVE going
on */
PH_NXP_ESE_PROTO_7816_DEINIT /*!< 7816-3 protocol state: DeInit going on */
} phNxpEseProto7816_State_t;
* \brief 7816-3 protocol transceive states
typedef enum phNxpEseProto7816_TransceiveStates {
IDLE_STATE, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: IDLE */
SEND_IFRAME, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: I-frame to be sent */
SEND_R_NACK, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: R-NACK frame to be sent */
SEND_R_ACK, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: R-ACK frame to be sent */
SEND_S_RSYNC, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: S-frame
re-synchronisation command to be sent */
SEND_S_INTF_RST, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: S-frame interface
reset command to be sent */
SEND_S_EOS, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: S-frame end of session
command to be sent */
SEND_S_WTX_REQ, /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: S-frame WTX command to
be sent */
SEND_S_WTX_RSP /*!< 7816-3 protocol transceive state: S-frame WTX response to
be sent */
} phNxpEseProto7816_TransceiveStates_t;
* \brief I-frame information structure for ISO 7816-3
* This structure holds the information of I-frame used for sending
* and receiving the frame packet.
typedef struct iFrameInfo {
bool isChained; /*!< I-frame: Indicates if more frames to follow in the same
data packet or not */
uint8_t* p_data; /*!< I-frame: Actual data (Information field (INF)) */
uint8_t seqNo; /*!< I-frame: Sequence number of the I-frame */
uint32_t maxDataLen; /*!< I-frame: Maximum data length to be allowed in a
single I-frame */
uint32_t dataOffset; /*!< I-frame: Offset to the actual data(INF) for the
current frame of the packet */
uint32_t totalDataLen; /*!< I-frame: Total data left in the packet, used to
set the chained flag/calculating offset */
uint32_t sendDataLen; /*!< I-frame: the length of the I-frame actual data */
} iFrameInfo_t;
* \brief S-frame information structure for ISO 7816-3
* This structure holds the information of S-frame used for sending
* and receiving the frame packet.
typedef struct sFrameInfo {
sFrameTypes_t sFrameType; /*!< S-frame: Type of S-frame cmd/rsp */
} sFrameInfo_t;
* \brief R-frame information structure for ISO 7816-3
* This structure holds the information of R-frame used for sending
* and receiving the frame packet.
typedef struct rFrameInfo {
uint8_t seqNo; /*!< R-frame: Sequence number of the expected I-frame */
rFrameErrorTypes_t errCode; /*!< R-frame: Error type */
} rFrameInfo_t;
* \brief Next/Last Tx information structure holding transceive data
* This structure holds the information of the next/last sent
* I-frame/R-frame/S-frame depending on the frame type
typedef struct phNxpEseProto7816_NextTx_Info {
IframeInfo; /*!< Information of the I-frame to be send next or the last
sent I-frame depending on the frame type */
RframeInfo; /*!< Information of the R-frame to be send next or the last
sent R-frame depending on the frame type */
SframeInfo; /*!< Information of the S-frame to be send next or the last
sent S-frame depending on the frame type */
FrameType; /*!< Frame (I/R/S frames) type to be sent next */
} phNxpEseProto7816_NextTx_Info_t;
* \brief Last sent Tx ransceive data
* This structure holds the information of the last sent
* I-frame/R-frame/S-frame
typedef phNxpEseProto7816_NextTx_Info_t phNxpEseProto7816_LastTx_Info_t;
* \brief Last Rx information structure holding transceive data
* This structure holds the information of the next/last sent
* I-frame/R-frame/S-frame
typedef struct phNxpEseRx_Cntx {
iFrameInfo_t lastRcvdIframeInfo; /*!< I-frame: Last received frame */
rFrameInfo_t lastRcvdRframeInfo; /*!< R-frame: Last received frame */
sFrameInfo_t lastRcvdSframeInfo; /*!< S-frame: Last received frame */
lastRcvdFrameType; /*!< Last received frame type */
} phNxpEseRx_Cntx_t;
* \brief Proprietery: Secure timer value updates
* This structure holds the secure timer value
typedef struct phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer {
unsigned int secureTimer1;
unsigned int secureTimer2;
unsigned int secureTimer3;
} phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t;
* \brief 7816-3 protocol stack context structure
* This structure holds the complete information of the
* 7816-3 protocol stack context
typedef struct phNxpEseProto7816 {
phNxpEseLastTx_Cntx; /*!< Last transmitted frame information */
phNxpEseNextTx_Cntx; /*!< Next frame to be transmitted */
phNxpEseRx_Cntx_t phNxpEseRx_Cntx; /*!< Last received frame information */
phNxpEseProto7816_nextTransceiveState; /*!< Next Transceive state. It
determines the next
action to be done from host */
phNxpEseProto7816_CurrentState; /*!< Current protocol stack state */
uint8_t recoveryCounter; /*!< Keeps track of number of error recovery done.
Stack exits after it reaches max. count */
unsigned long int wtx_counter_limit; /*!< Max. WTX counter limit */
unsigned long int wtx_counter; /*!< WTX count tracker */
uint8_t timeoutCounter; /*!< Keeps track of number of timeout happened. Stack
exits after it reaches max. count */
lastSentNonErrorframeType; /*!< Copy of the last sent non-error frame
type: R-ACK, S-frame, I-frame */
unsigned long int rnack_retry_limit;
unsigned long int rnack_retry_counter;
phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t secureTimerParams;
} phNxpEseProto7816_t;
* \brief 7816-3 protocol stack init params
* This structure holds the parameters to be passed to open 7816-3 protocl stack
typedef struct phNxpEseProto7816InitParam {
unsigned long int wtx_counter_limit; /*!< WTX count limit */
bool interfaceReset; /*!< INTF reset required or not>*/
unsigned long int rnack_retry_limit;
pSecureTimerParams; /*!< Secure timer value updated here >*/
} phNxpEseProto7816InitParam_t;
* \brief 7816-3 protocol PCB bit level structure
* This structure holds the bit level information of PCB byte
* as per 7816-3 protocol
typedef struct phNxpEseProto7816_PCB_bits {
uint8_t lsb : 1; /*!< PCB: lsb */
uint8_t bit2 : 1; /*!< PCB: bit2 */
uint8_t bit3 : 1; /*!< PCB: bit3 */
uint8_t bit4 : 1; /*!< PCB: bit4 */
uint8_t bit5 : 1; /*!< PCB: bit5 */
uint8_t bit6 : 1; /*!< PCB: bit6 */
uint8_t bit7 : 1; /*!< PCB: bit7 */
uint8_t msb : 1; /*!< PCB: msb */
} phNxpEseProto7816_PCB_bits_t;
* \brief 7816_3 protocol stack instance
static phNxpEseProto7816_t phNxpEseProto7816_3_Var;
* \brief Max. size of the frame that can be sent
#define IFSC_SIZE_SEND 254
* \brief Delay to be used before sending the next frame, after error reported
* by ESE
* \brief 7816-3 protocol frame header length
#define PH_PROTO_7816_HEADER_LEN 0x03
* \brief 7816-3 protocol frame CRC length
#define PH_PROTO_7816_CRC_LEN 0x01
* \brief 7816-3 Chaining flag bit for masking
#define PH_PROTO_7816_CHAINING 0x20
* \brief 7816-3 PCB byte offset
#define PH_PROPTO_7816_PCB_OFFSET 0x01
* \brief 7816-3 frame length offset
* \brief 7816-3 S-frame timer 1
#define PH_PROPTO_7816_SFRAME_TIMER1 0xF1
* \brief 7816-3 S-frame timer 2
#define PH_PROPTO_7816_SFRAME_TIMER2 0xF2
* \brief 7816-3 S-frame timer 3
#define PH_PROPTO_7816_SFRAME_TIMER3 0xF3
* \brief 7816-3 S-block request command mask
#define PH_PROTO_7816_S_BLOCK_REQ 0xC0
* \brief 7816-3 S-block response mask
#define PH_PROTO_7816_S_BLOCK_RSP 0xE0
* \brief 7816-3 S-block reset command mask
#define PH_PROTO_7816_S_RESET 0x04
* \brief 7816-3 S-block End of APDU cmd mask
#define PH_PROTO_7816_S_END_OF_APDU 0x05
* \brief 7816-3 S-block WTX mask
#define PH_PROTO_7816_S_WTX 0x03
* \brief 7816-3 S-block re-sync mask
#define PH_PROTO_7816_S_RESYNCH 0x00
* \brief 7816-3 protocol max. error retry counter
* \brief 7816-3 protocol max. WTX default count
* \brief 7816-3 protocol max. timeout retry count
* \brief 7816-3 to represent magic number zero
#define PH_PROTO_7816_VALUE_ZERO 0x00
* \brief 7816-3 to represent magic number one
#define PH_PROTO_7816_VALUE_ONE 0x01
* \brief 7816-3 for max retry for CRC error
* APIs exposed from the 7816-3 protocol layer
* \ingroup ISO7816-3_protocol_lib
* \brief This function is used to reset just the current interface
* \retval On success return true or else false.
ESESTATUS phNxpEseProto7816_IntfReset(
phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t* secureTimerParams);
* \ingroup ISO7816-3_protocol_lib
* \brief This function is used to close the 7816 protocol stack instance
* \retval On success return true or else false.
ESESTATUS phNxpEseProto7816_Close(
phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t* secureTimerParams);
* \ingroup ISO7816-3_protocol_lib
* \brief This function is used to open the 7816 protocol stack instance
* \param[in] phNxpEseProto7816InitParam_t: Initialization params
* \retval On success return true or else false.
ESESTATUS phNxpEseProto7816_Open(phNxpEseProto7816InitParam_t initParam);
* \ingroup ISO7816-3_protocol_lib
* \brief This function is used to
* 1. Send the raw data received from application after
*computing LRC
* 2. Receive the the response data from ESE, decode, process
* store the data.
* 3. Get the final complete data and sent back to application
* \param[in] phNxpEse_data: Command to ESE
* \param[out] phNxpEse_data: Response from ESE
* \retval On success return true or else false.
ESESTATUS phNxpEseProto7816_Transceive(phNxpEse_data* pCmd,
phNxpEse_data* pRsp);
* \ingroup ISO7816-3_protocol_lib
* \brief This function is used to reset the 7816 protocol stack instance
* \retval On success return true or else false.
ESESTATUS phNxpEseProto7816_Reset(void);
* \ingroup ISO7816-3_protocol_lib
* \brief This function is used to set the max T=1 data send size
* \param[in] uint16_t IFSC_Size: Max. size of the I-frame
* \retval On success return true or else false.
ESESTATUS phNxpEseProto7816_SetIfscSize(uint16_t IFSC_Size);
/** @} */
#endif /* _PHNXPESEPROTO7816_3_H_ */