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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">

    <!-- The assistant action label to read aloud a message notification and optionally prompt user to respond [CHAR_LIMIT=20]-->
    <string name="assist_action_play_label">Play</string>

    <!-- The Action label displayed to mute a message notification [CHAR_LIMIT=20]-->
    <string name="action_mute_short">Mute</string>

    <!-- The Action label displayed to mute a message notification with more context [CHAR_LIMIT=35]-->
    <string name="action_mute_long">Mute conversation</string>

    <!-- The Action label displayed to unmute a message notification [CHAR_LIMIT=23]-->
    <string name="action_unmute_short">Unmute</string>

    <!-- The Action label displayed to unmute a message notification with more context [CHAR_LIMIT=35]-->
    <string name="action_unmute_long">Unmute conversation</string>

    <!-- The Action label displayed to reply with a canned response to a SMS message [CHAR_LIMIT=35]-->
    <string name="action_canned_reply">\"I\'m driving right now.\"</string>

    <!-- The canned reply SMS message, meant to be sent as a response to an incoming SMS. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="canned_reply_message">I\'m driving right now.</string>

    <!-- The toast that is shown when a canned reply message is sent successfully [CHAR_LIMIT=50]-->
    <string name="toast_message_sent_success">Message sent successfully.</string>

    <!-- The label for the NotificationListenerService [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="notification_service_label">Car Notification Listener Service</string>

    <!-- The title displayed in notification center activity [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
    <string name="notifications">Notification center</string>

    <!-- The button text for clearing all notifications in notification center [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
    <string name="clear_all">Clear all</string>

    <!-- The string displayed at the end of a shortened text, e.g. "..." [CHAR_LIMIT=10] -->
    <string name="ellipsized_string">&#8230;</string>

    <!-- The separator for notification header text fields. -->
    <string name="header_text_separator" translatable="false">&#160;&#8226;&#160;</string>

    <!-- The label for the button that expands a grouped notification [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="show_more">Show more</string>

    <!-- Notification header text displayed on top of the notification center shade [CHAR_LIMIT=25] -->
    <string name="notification_header">Notifications</string>

    <!-- Notification header text displayed on top of the notification center shade when there are no notification to display [CHAR_LIMIT=25] -->
    <string name="empty_notification_header">No notifications</string>

    <!-- The label for the button that collapses a grouped notification [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="show_less">Show less</string>

    <!-- The label for the button that expands a grouped notification with an unread count [CHAR_LIMIT=25] -->
    <string name="show_count_more">Show&#160;<xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g>&#160;more</string>

    <!-- Text indicating the number of the unshown messages in a messaging style notification [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
    <string name="message_unshown_count">&#160;+<xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g>&#160;more</string>

    <!-- Text indicating the number of messages a user has received when driving [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
    <plurals name="restricted_message_text">
        <item quantity="one">1 new message</item>
        <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count" example="3">%d</xliff:g> new messages</item>
