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// Script used to build ADT plugins, IDE and monitor
// There are 2 major tasks done by this plugin:
//    copydeps: copies tools/base, tools/swt and prebuilt jars into plugins' libs folder
//    buildEclipse: builds Eclipse by running Tycho from the commandline
// Usage: $ ANDROID_SRC/tools/gradlew -i -b /path/to/this/build.gradle copydeps|buildEclipse

// get tools/base version
apply from: "../../tools/buildSrc/base/version.gradle"

ext.outPath = System.env.OUT_DIR
if (outPath != null) {
    ext.outFile = new File(outPath)
} else {
    outPath = '../../out'
    ext.outFile = new File(projectDir, outPath)

repositories {
    maven { url '../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository' }
    maven { url outPath + '/repo' }

ext {
    // list of plugins whose manifest should be examined to identify dependencies
    adtPlugins = new File(projectDir, 'plugins').listFiles().findAll { it.name.startsWith("com.android") }

    def eclipseBuildDeps = new File(projectDir, "../../prebuilts/eclipse-build-deps").getCanonicalFile()
    targetComponents = [
            "platform": new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "platform/org.eclipse.platform-4.2.2.zip"),
            "cdt"     : new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "cdt/cdt-master-8.0.2.zip"),
            "emf"     : new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "emf/emf-xsd-Update-2.9.1.zip"),
            "jdt"     : new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "jdt/org.eclipse.jdt.source-4.2.2.zip"),
            "wtp"     : new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "wtp/wtp-repo-R-3.3.2-20120210195245.zip"),
            "gef"     : new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "gef/GEF-Update-3.9.1.zip"),
            "pde"     : new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "pde/org.eclipse.pde-3.8.zip"),
            "egit"    : new File(eclipseBuildDeps, "egit/org.eclipse.egit.repository-"),

    buildNumber = System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER")
    if (buildNumber == null) {
        buildNumber = "SNAPSHOT"

// a mapping from the library names as used inside the plugin's MANIFEST.MF to the Maven artifact id
def artifacts = [
        // tools/base and tools/swt dependencies
        'manifest-merger'     : "com.android.tools.build:manifest-merger:$ext.baseVersion",
        'ddmlib'              : "com.android.tools.ddms:ddmlib:$ext.baseVersion",
        'ddmuilib'            : "com.android.tools.ddms:ddmuilib:$ext.baseVersion",
        'layoutlib-api'       : "com.android.tools.layoutlib:layoutlib-api:$ext.baseVersion",
        'lint-api'            : "com.android.tools.lint:lint-api:$ext.baseVersion",
        'lint-checks'         : "com.android.tools.lint:lint-checks:$ext.baseVersion",
        'asset-studio'        : "com.android.tools:asset-studio:$ext.baseVersion",
        'annotations'         : "com.android.tools:annotations:$ext.baseVersion",
        'common'              : "com.android.tools:common:$ext.baseVersion",
        'dvlib'               : "com.android.tools:dvlib:$ext.baseVersion",
        'hierarchyviewer2lib' : "com.android.tools:hierarchyviewer2lib:$ext.baseVersion",
        'ninepatch'           : "com.android.tools:ninepatch:$ext.baseVersion",
        'rule-api'            : "com.android.tools:rule-api:$ext.baseVersion",
        'sdk-common'          : "com.android.tools:sdk-common:$ext.baseVersion",
        'sdklib'              : "com.android.tools:sdklib:$ext.baseVersion",
        'sdkstats'            : "com.android.tools:sdkstats:$ext.baseVersion",
        'sdkuilib'            : "com.android.tools:sdkuilib:$ext.baseVersion",
        'swtmenubar'          : "com.android.tools:swtmenubar:$ext.baseVersion",
        'testutils'           : "com.android.tools:testutils:$ext.baseVersion",
        'traceview'           : "com.android.tools:traceview:$ext.baseVersion",
        'uiautomatorviewer'   : "com.android.tools:uiautomatorviewer:$ext.baseVersion",

        // prebuilts
        'ant-glob'                         : 'com.android.tools.external:ant-glob:1.0',
        'asm-5.0.3'                        : 'org.ow2.asm:asm:5.0.3',
        'asm-analysis-5.0.3'               : 'org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:5.0.3',
        'asm-tree-5.0.3'                   : 'org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:5.0.3',
        'commons-codec-1.4'                : 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.4',
        'commons-compress-1.0'             : 'org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.8.1',
        'commons-logging-1.1.1'            : 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1',
        'easymock'                         : 'org.easymock:easymock:3.3',
        'freemarker-2.3.20'                : 'org.freemarker:freemarker:2.3.20',
        'guava-17.0'                       : 'com.google.guava:guava:17.0',
        'host-libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-lite' : 'com.android.tools.external:libprotobuf-java-lite:2.3.0',
        'httpclient-4.1.1'                 : 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.1.1',
        'httpcore-4.1'                     : 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.1',
        'httpmime-4.1'                     : 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.1',
        'jcommon-1.0.12'                   : 'jfree:jcommon:1.0.12',
        'jfreechart-1.0.9'                 : 'jfree:jfreechart:1.0.9',
        'jfreechart-swt-1.0.9'             : 'jfree:jfreechart-swt:1.0.9',
        'kxml2-2.3.0'                      : 'net.sf.kxml:kxml2:2.3.0',
        'liblzf-1.0'                       : 'com.android.tools.external:liblzf:1.0',
        'lombok-ast-0.2.3'                 : 'com.android.tools.external.lombok:lombok-ast:0.2.3',
        'propertysheet'                    : 'com.android.tools.external:propertysheet:1.0',

configurations {

dependencies {
    compile artifacts.values()

task copydeps << {
    // get the resolved dependencies from the compile configuration
    def resolvedDependencies = configurations.compile.resolvedConfiguration.firstLevelModuleDependencies

    // generate a map from "xy.jar" -> "/path/to/xy-1.0.jar"
    def artifactMap = [:]
    resolvedDependencies.each { dependency ->
        def dependencyId = dependency.getName()
        def artifactName = artifacts.find{ it.value == dependencyId}?.key

        // get the jar file corresponding to the dependency
        def artifact = getArtifact(dependency)
        artifactMap.put(artifactName + ".jar", artifact)

    project.adtPlugins.each { File pluginFile ->
        def manifestDeps = getManifestDependencies(new File(pluginFile, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"))
        logger.info("Dependencies for " + pluginFile.toString() + ": " + manifestDeps.join(","))

        File dest = new File(pluginFile, "libs")
        if (!manifestDeps.isEmpty() && !dest.isDirectory()) {

        manifestDeps.each {
            if (!artifactMap.containsKey(it)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No resolved artifact for: " + it + ", required for: "
                        + pluginFile.getPath())

            String destName = artifactMap.get(it)
            logger.info("\tCopying " + destName + " to " + dest)
            ant.copy(file: destName, tofile: new File(dest, it))

// unzip eclipse prebuilts into the out folder to create a target platform for the build
task unzipTargetPlatform << {
    File targetDir = new File(outFile, "/host/maven/target").getCanonicalFile()

    project.targetComponents.each { String k, File v ->
        File d = new File(targetDir, k)
        logger.info("Unzipping " + v.getPath() + " into: " + d.getPath())
        ant.unzip(src: v, dest: d)

task buildEclipse(type: Exec, dependsOn: unzipTargetPlatform) {
    def maven = new File(projectDir, "../../prebuilts/eclipse/maven/apache-maven-3.2.1/bin/mvn").getCanonicalFile()
    def androidOut = outFile.getCanonicalPath()
    environment("M2_HOME", maven.getParentFile().getParentFile().getCanonicalPath())
    workingDir projectDir
    commandLine maven.getCanonicalPath(), "-s", "settings.xml", "-DforceContextQualifier=$project.buildNumber", "-DANDROID_OUT=$androidOut", "package"

private File getArtifact(ResolvedDependency dependency) {
    if (dependency.moduleArtifacts.size() != 1) {
        String msg = String.format("Each dependency is expected to map to a single jar file, " +
                "but %s maps to the following artifacts: %s",
                dependency.moduleArtifacts.collect { it.file })
        throw new RuntimeException(msg);

    return dependency.moduleArtifacts.iterator().next().file

// parse a plugin's manifest file and return the list of jar dependencies expected to be
// bundled inside
private List<String> getManifestDependencies(File manifest) {
    if (manifest == null || !manifest.exists()) {
        return []

    def entries = []

    def fis = new FileInputStream(manifest)
    try {
        java.util.jar.Manifest m = new java.util.jar.Manifest(fis)
        def classPath = m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-ClassPath")
        if (classPath == null) {
            return []

        classPath.split(',').each {
            if (!it.equals(".")) {
                if (!it.startsWith("libs/") || !it.endsWith(".jar")) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Unexpected classpath entry: " + it + " in file: " + manifest)

    } finally {

    return entries