<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- All the device getvar variables should be listed here -->
<var key="product" assert="superphone2000"/>
<var key="secure" assert="no|yes"/>
<!-- All the device partitions should be listed here -->
<part value="boot" slots="yes" test="yes" hashable="yes" parsed="yes"/>
<part value="modem" slots="yes" test="yes" hashable="yes"/>
<part value="userdata" slots="no" test="yes" hashable="no"/>
<!-- Bootloader partitions -->
<part value="foo1" slots="yes" test="no" hashable="yes"/>
<part value="foo2" slots="yes" test="no" hashable="yes"/>
<part value="bar3" slots="yes" test="no" hashable="yes"/>
<!-- All the device packed partitions should be listed here -->
<part value="bootloader" slots="yes">
<!-- We list the real partitions it is composed of -->
<!-- We list tests, expect defaults to 'okay' -->
<test packed="bootloader.img" unpacked="unpacked"/>
<test packed="bootloader_garbage.img" expect="fail"/>
<!-- All the oem commands should be listed here -->
<!-- The 'oem self_destruct' command requires an unlocked bootloader -->
<command value="self_destruct" permissions="unlocked">
<!-- This will test that "oem self_destruct now" returns 'okay' -->
<test value="now" expect="okay"/>
<test value="yesterday" expect="fail" />
<!-- Test a fictional 'oem get' command -->
<command value="get" permissions="none">
<test value="batch_id" expect="okay" assert="[[:digit:]]+"/>
<test value="device_color" expect="okay" assert="green|blue"/>
<test value="build_num" expect="okay" assert="[\w\-.]+"/>
<test value="garbage" expect="fail" assert="Invalid var '[\w ]+'"/>
<!-- Some oem commands might require staging or downloading data, or both -->
<command value="foobar" permissions="unlocked">
<!-- FF will first stage test_image.img before running 'oem foobar use_staged' -->
<test value="use_staged" expect="okay" input="test_image.img" />
<!-- FF will run 'oem foobar send_response', upload data from device, then run the validator script -->
<test value="send_response" expect="fail" validate="python validator.py"/>
<!-- If there is a custom oem checksum command to hash partitions, add it here -->
<checksum value="oem sha1sum"/>