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 * Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <utils/String16.h>

#include <utils/Log.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#include "SharedBuffer.h"

namespace android {

static inline char16_t* getEmptyString() {
    static SharedBuffer* gEmptyStringBuf = [] {
        SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::alloc(sizeof(char16_t));
        char16_t* str = static_cast<char16_t*>(buf->data());
        *str = 0;
        return buf;

    return static_cast<char16_t*>(gEmptyStringBuf->data());

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

static char16_t* allocFromUTF8(const char* u8str, size_t u8len)
    if (u8len == 0) return getEmptyString();

    const uint8_t* u8cur = (const uint8_t*) u8str;

    const ssize_t u16len = utf8_to_utf16_length(u8cur, u8len);
    if (u16len < 0) {
        return getEmptyString();

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::alloc(sizeof(char16_t)*(u16len+1));
    if (buf) {
        u8cur = (const uint8_t*) u8str;
        char16_t* u16str = (char16_t*)buf->data();

        utf8_to_utf16(u8cur, u8len, u16str, ((size_t) u16len) + 1);

        //printf("Created UTF-16 string from UTF-8 \"%s\":", in);
        //printHexData(1, str, buf->size(), 16, 1);

        return u16str;

    return getEmptyString();

static char16_t* allocFromUTF16(const char16_t* u16str, size_t u16len) {
    if (u16len >= SIZE_MAX / sizeof(char16_t)) {
        android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "73826242");

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::alloc((u16len + 1) * sizeof(char16_t));
    ALOG_ASSERT(buf, "Unable to allocate shared buffer");
    if (buf) {
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        memcpy(str, u16str, u16len * sizeof(char16_t));
        str[u16len] = 0;
        return str;
    return getEmptyString();

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    : mString(getEmptyString())

    : mString(nullptr)
    // this constructor is used when we can't rely on the static-initializers
    // having run. In this case we always allocate an empty string. It's less
    // efficient than using getEmptyString(), but we assume it's uncommon.

    char16_t* data = static_cast<char16_t*>(
    data[0] = 0;
    mString = data;

String16::String16(const String16& o)
    : mString(o.mString)

String16::String16(const String16& o, size_t len, size_t begin)
    : mString(getEmptyString())
    setTo(o, len, begin);

String16::String16(const char16_t* o) : mString(allocFromUTF16(o, strlen16(o))) {}

String16::String16(const char16_t* o, size_t len) : mString(allocFromUTF16(o, len)) {}

String16::String16(const String8& o)
    : mString(allocFromUTF8(o.string(), o.size()))

String16::String16(const char* o)
    : mString(allocFromUTF8(o, strlen(o)))

String16::String16(const char* o, size_t len)
    : mString(allocFromUTF8(o, len))


size_t String16::size() const
    return SharedBuffer::sizeFromData(mString)/sizeof(char16_t)-1;

void String16::setTo(const String16& other)
    mString = other.mString;

status_t String16::setTo(const String16& other, size_t len, size_t begin)
    const size_t N = other.size();
    if (begin >= N) {
        mString = getEmptyString();
        return OK;
    if ((begin+len) > N) len = N-begin;
    if (begin == 0 && len == N) {
        return OK;

    if (&other == this) {
        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Not implemented");

    return setTo(other.string()+begin, len);

status_t String16::setTo(const char16_t* other)
    return setTo(other, strlen16(other));

status_t String16::setTo(const char16_t* other, size_t len)
    if (len >= SIZE_MAX / sizeof(char16_t)) {
        android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "73826242");

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)
    if (buf) {
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        memmove(str, other, len*sizeof(char16_t));
        str[len] = 0;
        mString = str;
        return OK;
    return NO_MEMORY;

status_t String16::append(const String16& other)
    const size_t myLen = size();
    const size_t otherLen = other.size();
    if (myLen == 0) {
        return OK;
    } else if (otherLen == 0) {
        return OK;

    if (myLen >= SIZE_MAX / sizeof(char16_t) - otherLen) {
        android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "73826242");

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)
    if (buf) {
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        memcpy(str+myLen, other, (otherLen+1)*sizeof(char16_t));
        mString = str;
        return OK;
    return NO_MEMORY;

status_t String16::append(const char16_t* chrs, size_t otherLen)
    const size_t myLen = size();
    if (myLen == 0) {
        setTo(chrs, otherLen);
        return OK;
    } else if (otherLen == 0) {
        return OK;

    if (myLen >= SIZE_MAX / sizeof(char16_t) - otherLen) {
        android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "73826242");

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)
    if (buf) {
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        memcpy(str+myLen, chrs, otherLen*sizeof(char16_t));
        str[myLen+otherLen] = 0;
        mString = str;
        return OK;
    return NO_MEMORY;

status_t String16::insert(size_t pos, const char16_t* chrs)
    return insert(pos, chrs, strlen16(chrs));

status_t String16::insert(size_t pos, const char16_t* chrs, size_t len)
    const size_t myLen = size();
    if (myLen == 0) {
        return setTo(chrs, len);
        return OK;
    } else if (len == 0) {
        return OK;

    if (pos > myLen) pos = myLen;

    #if 0
    printf("Insert in to %s: pos=%d, len=%d, myLen=%d, chrs=%s\n",
           String8(*this).string(), pos,
           len, myLen, String8(chrs, len).string());

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)
    if (buf) {
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        if (pos < myLen) {
            memmove(str+pos+len, str+pos, (myLen-pos)*sizeof(char16_t));
        memcpy(str+pos, chrs, len*sizeof(char16_t));
        str[myLen+len] = 0;
        mString = str;
        #if 0
        printf("Result (%d chrs): %s\n", size(), String8(*this).string());
        return OK;
    return NO_MEMORY;

ssize_t String16::findFirst(char16_t c) const
    const char16_t* str = string();
    const char16_t* p = str;
    const char16_t* e = p + size();
    while (p < e) {
        if (*p == c) {
            return p-str;
    return -1;

ssize_t String16::findLast(char16_t c) const
    const char16_t* str = string();
    const char16_t* p = str;
    const char16_t* e = p + size();
    while (p < e) {
        if (*e == c) {
            return e-str;
    return -1;

bool String16::startsWith(const String16& prefix) const
    const size_t ps = prefix.size();
    if (ps > size()) return false;
    return strzcmp16(mString, ps, prefix.string(), ps) == 0;

bool String16::startsWith(const char16_t* prefix) const
    const size_t ps = strlen16(prefix);
    if (ps > size()) return false;
    return strncmp16(mString, prefix, ps) == 0;

bool String16::contains(const char16_t* chrs) const
    return strstr16(mString, chrs) != nullptr;

status_t String16::makeLower()
    const size_t N = size();
    const char16_t* str = string();
    char16_t* edit = nullptr;
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        const char16_t v = str[i];
        if (v >= 'A' && v <= 'Z') {
            if (!edit) {
                SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)->edit();
                if (!buf) {
                    return NO_MEMORY;
                edit = (char16_t*)buf->data();
                mString = str = edit;
            edit[i] = tolower((char)v);
    return OK;

status_t String16::replaceAll(char16_t replaceThis, char16_t withThis)
    const size_t N = size();
    const char16_t* str = string();
    char16_t* edit = nullptr;
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        if (str[i] == replaceThis) {
            if (!edit) {
                SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)->edit();
                if (!buf) {
                    return NO_MEMORY;
                edit = (char16_t*)buf->data();
                mString = str = edit;
            edit[i] = withThis;
    return OK;

status_t String16::remove(size_t len, size_t begin)
    const size_t N = size();
    if (begin >= N) {
        mString = getEmptyString();
        return OK;
    if ((begin+len) > N) len = N-begin;
    if (begin == 0 && len == N) {
        return OK;

    if (begin > 0) {
        SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)
        if (!buf) {
            return NO_MEMORY;
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        memmove(str, str+begin, (N-begin+1)*sizeof(char16_t));
        mString = str;
    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)
    if (buf) {
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        str[len] = 0;
        mString = str;
        return OK;
    return NO_MEMORY;

}; // namespace android