# This requires read permission on /data/dalvik-cache.  On an eng build this
# works, on userdebug you will need to "adb root", or "su" followed by
# "chmod 777 /data/dalvik-cache".

# Get the list of files.  Use "sed" to drop the trailing carriage return.
files=`adb shell "cd /data/dalvik-cache; echo *" | sed -e s/.$//`
if [ "$files" = "*" ]; then
    echo 'ERROR: commands must run as root on device (try "adb root" first?)'
    exit 1


# Check each file in turn.  This is much faster with "dexdump -c", but that
# was added post-cupcake.
# The dexdump found in older builds does not stop on checksum failures and
# will likely crash.
for file in $files; do
    echo $file
    errout=`adb shell "dexdump /data/dalvik-cache/$file > dev/null"`
    errcount=`echo $errout | wc -w` > /dev/null
    if [ $errcount != "0" ]; then
        echo "  Failure in $file: $errout"

exit $failure