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<article id="index">
    <title>D-Bus Test Plan</title>
    <date>14 February 2003</date>
	  <orgname>CodeFactory AB</orgname>
  <sect1 id="introduction">
      This document tries to explain the details of the test plan for D-Bus
    <sect2 id="importance-of-testing">
      <title>The importance of testing</title>
        As with any big library or program, testing is important. It
        can help find bugs and regressions and make the code better
        D-Bus is a large and complex piece of software (about 25,000
        lines of code for the client library, and 2,500 lines of code
        for the bus daemon) and it's therefore important to try to make sure
        that all parts of the software is functioning correctly.
        D-Bus can be built with support for testing by passing
        <literal>--enable-tests</literal>. to the configure script. It
        is recommended that production systems build without testing
        since that reduces the D-Bus client library size.
  <sect1 id="client-library">
    <title>Testing the D-Bus client library</title>
      The tests for the client library consist of the dbus-test
      program which is a unit test for all aspects of the client
      library. Whenever a bug in the client library is found and
      fixed, a test is added to make sure that the bug won't occur again.
    <sect2 id="data-structures">
      <title>Data Structures</title>
      The D-Bus client library consists of some data structures that
      are used internally; a linked list class, a hashtable class and
      a string class. All aspects of those are tested by dbus-test.
    <sect2 id="message-loader">
      <title>Message loader</title>
        The message loader is the part of D-Bus that takes messages in
        raw character form and parses them, turning them into DBusMessages.
        This is one of the parts of D-Bus that
        <emphasis>must</emphasis> be absolutely bug-free and
        robust. The message loader should be able to handle invalid
        and incomplete messages without crashing. Not doing so is a
        serious issue and can easily result in D-Bus being exploitable
        to DoS attacks.
        To solve these problems, there is a testing feature called the
        Message Builder. The message builder can take a serialized
        message in string-form and convert it into a raw character
        string which can then be loaded by the message loader. 
	<title>Example of a message in string form</title>
          # Standard org.freedesktop.DBus.Hello message

          FIELD_NAME name
          TYPE STRING
          STRING 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Hello'
          FIELD_NAME srvc
          TYPE STRING
          STRING 'org.freedesktop.DBus'
          ALIGN 8
          END_LENGTH Header
          START_LENGTH Body
          END_LENGTH Body
        The file format of messages in string form is documented in
        the D-Bus Reference Manual.
        The message test part of dbus-test is using the message
        builder to build different kinds of messages, both valid,
        invalid, and invalid ones, to make sure that the loader won't
        crash or leak memory of any of those, and that the loader
        knows if a message is valid or not.
        There is also a test program called
        <literal>break-loader</literal> that loads a message in
        string-form into raw character form using the message
        builder. It then randomly changes the message, it can for
        example replace single bytes of data or modify the length of
        the message. This is to simulate network errors. The
        break-loader program saves all the messages leading to errors
        so it can easily be run for a long period of time.
    <sect2 id="authentication">
        For testing authentication, there is a testing feature that
        can read authentication sequences from a file and play them
        back to a dummy server and client to make sure that
        authentication is working according to the specification.
	<title>Example of an authentication script</title>
          ## this tests a successful auth of type EXTERNAL
          SEND 'BEGIN'
  <sect1 id="daemon">
    <title>Testing the D-Bus bus daemon</title>
      Since the D-Bus bus daemon is using the D-Bus client library it
      will benefit from all tests done on the client library, but
      there is still the issue of testing client-server communication.
      This is more complicated since it it may require another process
    <sect2 id="debug-transport">
      <title>The debug transport</title>
        In D-Bus, a <emphasis>transport</emphasis> is a class that
        handles sending and receiving raw data over a certain
        medium. The transport that is used most in D-Bus is the UNIX
        transport with sends and recevies data over a UNIX socket. A
        transport that tunnels data through X11 client messages is
        also under development.
        The D-Bus debug transport is a specialized transport that
        works in-process. This means that a client and server that
        exists in the same process can talk to eachother without using
        a socket.
    <sect2 id="bus-test">
      <title>The bus-test program</title>
        The bus-test program is a program that is used to test various
        parts of the D-Bus bus daemon; robustness and that it conforms
        to the specifications.
        The test program has the necessary code from the bus daemon
        linked in, and it uses the debug transport for
        communication. This means that the bus daemon code can be
        tested without the real bus actually running, which makes
        testing easier.
        The bus-test program should test all major features of the
        bus, such as service registration, notification when things
        occurs and message matching.
  <sect1 id="other-tests">
    <title>Other tests</title>

    <sect2 id="oom-robustness">
      <title>Out-Of-Memory robustness</title>
        Since D-Bus should be able to be used in embedded devices, and
        also as a system service, it should be able to cope with
        low-memory situations without exiting or crashing.
        In practice, this means that both the client and server code
        must be able to handle dbus_malloc returning NULL. 
        To test this, two environment variables
        exist. <literal>DBUS_MALLOC_FAIL_NTH</literal> will make every
        nth call to dbus_malloc return NULL, and
        <literal>DBUS_MALLOC_FAIL_GREATER_THAN</literal> will make any
        dbus_malloc call with a request for more than the specified
        number of bytes fail.

    <sect2 id="leaks-and-other-stuff">
      <title>Memory leaks and code robustness</title> 
        Naturally there are some things that tests can't be written
        for, for example things like memory leaks and out-of-bounds
        memory reading or writing.
        Luckily there exists good tools for catching such errors. One
        free good tool is <ulink url="http://devel-home.kde.org/~sewardj/">Valgrind</ulink>, which runs the program in a
        virtual CPU which makes catching errors easy. All test programs can be run under Valgrind, 